A new change and Getting ready for the party!

After Leonardo said his finale goodbyes to his grandmother, him along with Korra were driving back to the house so that they can get ready for the party at Leonardo's summer home because their anniversary is tonight in which Korra is between excited and nervous to meet her boyfriends parents and hope that they will like her along with her friends. But for now Korra and Leonardo are in the car and heading back home in which Korra is still looking to see how Leonardo is doing after he said his finale goodbyes to his grandmother.

Leonardo: Sigh...

Korra: You ok sweetie?

Leonardo: Hmm...oh yea I am fine Korra and I think what you said back there was really beautiful and I needed that a lot.

Korra: Its what I do Leo, and I know that Kiara would want you to move on with your life and keep moving forward just like how I am doing after everything that happened to me during my time as the Avatar.

Leonardo: Yea your right I have to let go of the past and just keep on moving forward.

Korra: I am happy that you are doing that, but I would like to change the subject on the matter is are you sure your parents would like me and be honest with me.

Leonardo: Korra I already told you my parents will love you no matter what, just be prepared for how my mother is going to react when she sees you.

Korra: Why?

Leonardo: Just trust me and you will know.

Korra: If you say so? Say are the others back home yet?

Leonardo: Yea I just got a text from Richard they dropped them off hours ago so I think they are just waiting for us to get back.

Korra: What do you think I should wear for the party?

Leonardo: You can wear whatever you want Korra, I mean I am just going to wearing a black shirt with gray pants honestly it doesn't matter what you wear Korra you look beautiful how ever you dress.(Leo saids in which causes Korra to blush and smile)

Korra: Hehehe, well when you put it that way I guess I will take your advice.

Leonardo: Good hows about we listen to some music on the way back to help sooth our day.

Korra: Hmmm...feeling a little romantic are we my warrior.(Korra saids with a smirk in which Leo smirked as well)

Leonardo: Hehehe, I guess you can you say that Korra....lets see here ah!....I got the perfect song its called If You Don't Mind by ILYAA AND Aili; Lucy my little cousin was a fan of this song and it makes her feel special.

Korra: Aww, that is so sweet what is she like?

Leonardo: Oh Korra she is the most adorable bundle of joy you have ever seen and she is going to fill your heart with so much love.

Korra: Hehehe, well I might have to meet her and see what is she is like.

Leonardo: Oh you will....so shale we listen to the music.

Korra: Absolutely!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Soon both Korra and Leonardo were enjoying the music together in car while heading back to the house to meet up with the others. Then after driving for a couple of hours later both Korra and Leonardo pulled up to the house and walked together to see what the ours were doing while they were gone in which once they were near the steps of the house they heard laughter coming from inside.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!(The laughter from inside the house)

Leonardo: You hear that Korra?

Korra: I hear it? But whats going on in there while we were gone?

Leonardo: I don't know lets go see.(Leo saids as he unlocks the door and heads in with Korra behind)

As soon as both Korra and Leonardo head inside what they find is Mako, Bolin, Asami, Opal, and Wu laughing and having some snacks in which confused both Leonardo and Korra.

Bolin: Ok....ok I have to admit this is probably the most funniest thing I have ever watched!

Mako: I with you bro I have never laugh this hard in my life.

Leonardo: Um whats going on here?(Leo saids in which got everyones attention)

Asami: Oh!, Leo, Korra you guys are back your just in time to watch this show that Richard and Dana told us about its called Friends and it is absolutely herlarious!

Leonardo: Your watching Friends!, oh that is my absolute favorite show to watch when I was kid.

Korra: Friends?

Leonardo: Its a comedy show about a group of people who knew each other for years and do all sort of things together in which are weird and funny at the same time you will love it Korra.

Korra: Really well might as well see for myself.

Leonardo: Which one are you guys watching?

Wu: Were watching when this guy name is Ross is having problems with his black leather pants while being on date with his girlfriend.

Leonardo: Oh I remember that episode!, make some room I am totally seeing this again.(Leo saids as he sits by Mako and Bolin while Korra sits right next to Opal and Asami)

Soon everyone in the room looked towards the television to see what happens next in which Ross looks like he is about to explode from the heat coming from his pants.

Ross: My god these pants are burning up...oh come on now she wants to snuggle up now what is trying to kill me it is like a volcano in here...

Leonardo: Hehehe.......

Korra: Is something wrong with him?

Bolin: Its those pants of his Korra, its making him hard to stay focus.

Mako: And I believe its killing him...

Ross: You hot?

Elizabeth: No

Ross: Ok I guess it is just me then...

(SQUISH!) (The sound of Ross's pants moving)

Asami: Oh my spirits tell me you guys heard that.(Asami saids with some giggles in which everyone nods in agreement)

Ross: That was just the pants and the couch.....um hey do you mind if I use your bathroom.

Elizabeth: Oh good-ahead..

Ross: Thanks!....(SQUISH!)...

Korra: Pffff..........

Wu: Hehehe........

Then soon Ross went into the bathroom and started to panic because of what was happening with his leather pants and decided to take them off in which caused Leonardo as well Korra and her friends to laugh of what is doing in the bathroom and acting how much his pants were burning him.

Leonardo and Korra: Pffff....hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!(Both Korra and Leo were laughing at seeing Ross acting up in the bathroom)

Mako: Oh my gosh!, I never knew he was burning up so much in those pants of his.

Asami: And he is using both his hands and a magazine to cool off his legs oh my gosh this is funny!

Opal: I feel bad for him that he has to wear those things to impress his date that is just sad.

Bolin: I agree but its funny at the same time!

Wu: Oh I love this show already.

When Ross was trying to cool off his legs with some water it helped cooled down the burning from his legs in which felt good on him then soon after his date called him about the show they were watching together.

Ross: Sighhhhhh.......

Leonardo: Sighhhhhhh.......(Leo acts like Ross in which made Korra laugh even more)

Korra: Pffff.........

Elizabeth: Hey my favorite part is coming up!

Ross: K!....

When Ross heard his date call, he stop what he was doing and decided to get his pants up but there was a problem he couldn't get them back on because well lets just say they shrunk due to the sweat in which Ross started to panic again.

Ross: Oh my god!.....

Korra: Hehehe let me guess Leo he can't get them back on.

Leonardo: Yup!

Then soon after the episodes went by with Monica, Phoebe, and Rachel then back to the the seen with Ross along with the character named Joey in which Leonardo told Korra about and continued to watch the show.

Ring! Ring!(Phone Ringing in which Joey picks up)

Joey: Hello?

Ross: Joey its Ross I need some help!

Joey: Um Chandler's not here?

Ross: Well you can help me....

Korra: Whats he going to help him with?

Leonardo: Oh you will see including everyone else here.

Joey: Ok?

Ross: Im in Elizabeth's bathroom...

Joey: Nice!

Asami: He is definitely a ladies man.(Asami saids in thought while watching the show)

Ross: No I got really hot in my leather pants so I took them off...but they have shrunk from the sweat or something or or my legs expanded from the heat....and and I can't get them back on Joey...I can't!

Leonardo: Boys take note don't buy leather pants otherwise you will end like poor Ross here.

Mako/Bolin/Wu: Dudley noted!

Joey: Whoah...that is quite a situation.

Korra: Hehehe no duh captain officious.

Joey: Um do you see anything like powder?

Ross: Powder...yea yea I have powder!

Joey: Good good..ok sprinkle some of that on your legs it will absorb some of the moisture and then you can get your pants back on.

Opal: Would that work?

Leonardo: You will see and find out.

Soon Ross took the powder and started to put it all over his legs as well as getting his pants covered in powder along with it in which Joey was waiting to hear from Ross what is going on. Then when Ross was trying to get his pants back on all of sudden they weren't coming back on.

Ross: Their not coming on man........

Opal: Wow I feel bad for him now.

Leonardo: Whats worse he made his pants look more bad then ever.

Korra and Asami: Pfff.....hehehe

Joey: You see any oh! Vaseline!

Ross: I see lotion...I have lotion will that work?

Joey: Yea sure throw some of that on you.

Bolin: Hahaha! did he literally just say that to him.

Mako: Hehehe he did bro.

Ross: Ok hold on!

Ross then began to add the lotion in which caused everyone in the room to gasp of what Ross was doing in which the girls were trying to hold in their laughter of what Ross was doing in which he applied the lotion all over his legs in which was messing up with his clothes is more and they think that the lotion isn't really helping at all in which when Ross was finished he tried to get the pants back on until his hands slip and hit himself in the head from what happen when you mix both powder and lotion together.

SLAP!(Ross slaps himself in the head)

Joey: Ross you ok?

Ross: Their...their still not coming on man and the lotion and the powder have made a paste!

Mako/Bolin/Wu: I am never wearing those kinds of pants.(Both said in thought while watching the show)

Joey: Really, uh what color is it?

Korra: Hahahahahahaha!!!!!.....did...he....hahahaha....just say....hahaha....what....what color it is!

Ross: What....what difference does that make?!

Joey: Well I'll just if the paste matches the pants you can make yourself a pair of paste pants and she wont know the difference!

Leonardo along with Korra and her friends: Pfff.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!

Rachel: Joey you have a minute?

Ross: Dude what am I gonna.....

Joey: Uh oh Rachel's here so good luck man let me know how it works out!

Call Ended

Korra: Leo its official I love this show, are there any more episodes.

Leonardo: Of course there are theres lots of them.

Korra: Awesome, maybe we can watch them together just you and me.

Leonardo: Sure why not, I will be right back I am gonna grab a shower and get ready and you guys should do the same as well and don't worry I seen this episode of friends hundreds of times I know what happens.

Bolin: Well alright then.(Bolin saids and goes back to watch the show along with everyone else even Korra)

Soon Leonardo went upstairs to take a shower to get ready for his parents anniversary, until he was thinking of something in which he was getting an idea in his head about some change in which he looked himself in the mirror after he finished taking a shower and saw that his hair was growing too long in which was making him hard to see in which he decided to the one thing that he needs to do in which he took some hair cutters and started to cut his hair to make it short. Then after a while of coaming and fixing up his hair and putting on some clean clothes, he checked himself out one last time and looked to see that his new style haircut looks great and went out to see his girlfriend and her friends still downstairs watching television.

Leonardo: Hey guys I finished up getting ready for tonight.

Korra: Oh thats great Leo because we were...just...just....just.......just....(BA DUMP!)❤️(Korra saids then stops when her heart starts thumping like crazy and was blushing at the site she was seeing in front of her in which was Leo with his new haircut and clothes in which everyone looked to see Leo's new look as well)

Leonardo: Judging by Korra's face she likes the new look can't say I blame her.(Leonardo saids in thought)

(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm)

Leonardo: Hey guys whats up.

Mako: Leo is that you?

Leonardo: Heheh of course its me Mako who do you think it is.

Bolin: Whoah dude your like a totally different person!

Asami: I'll say you look so different without your long hair, I think the short hair looks great on you.

Opal: Did you cut it yourself because if you did, you did an amazing job.

Leonardo: Thanks Opal and Asami and yes I did cut it myself; my hair was growing to long anyway so I thought it was time for a change in which I decided to trim my hair short so that it wont get in my way while I am walking around.

Wu: Hmm..if my hair grows longer give me a haircut.

Leonardo: Uh sure I will keep that in mind what do you think Korra.

Korra: OH SPIRITS HE LOOKS SO HOT NOW!!!!!!(Korra saids in thought while still looking at Leo as well as blushing at the site)

Leonardo: Hello...snap!..snap!...earth to Avatar Korra you there?

Korra: Huh? Oh sorry I was lost in thought, you look absolutely amazing babe and I think its a good look for you and it feels so soft.(Korra saids while feeling Leo's hair in which caused him to blush a little while the others giggle at the site)

Then soon after a while now everyone else went upstairs to grab a shower and put on something to wear for the party tonight in which after some hours later they all came down wearing nice clothes in which Leonardo found them to be quite amazing but for Korra she looked absolutely gorgeous.

Leonardo: Wow you guys dress good especially you M'lady.(Leo saids to everyone who smiles while Korra blushes for what her boyfriend said to her)

Korra: Thanks...Leo

Mako: Your cousin and Chris helped us pick out what should be great to wear for a party have to admit they has good taste.

Wu: Dudes know how to pick out the right outfits for a party.

Bolin: I'll say I look dashing!

Opal: You sure do Bolin 💋(Opal saids and kisses Bolin on the cheek)

Asami: Dana and Jennifer helped me and Opal pick out the dresses and have to say I love this one and these shoes look beautiful.

Leonardo: Well now that we are all dressed up and cleaned ready to head to my parents place to get ready for the party of life time.(Leo saids in which everyone smiles and nods in agreement)

Korra: We sure are babe but how are we gettin there we can't all fit in your car?

Leonardo: Korra teleportation obviously?

Korra: I keep on forgetting why do I always do that!

Leonardo: Hey don't worry about it sweetie for now lets all go to the party and you all know what to do when I teleport right.(Leo saids in which everyone nods and grab his shoulders to hang on tight when he uses his powers to teleport to his families summer home)

Leonardo: Hang on tight everyone next stop my parents summer home!

With that said everyone held onto Leonardo and soon left in a flash and were heading to the party to meet the parents of Leonardo Morgan.

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