Prologue: A heroes time has come or so they thought?

Goku the savior of the world and the hero of all the people has been through so much in his saiyan life time in which he fought many battles of his carrier as a fighter as well as a warrior of his race just like the mighty prince of all saiyans Vegeta. Goku was an incredible person as well as a dear friend to all those around him including his family and his beloved wife Chi Chi who she fell in love with Goku for his kind heart as well as his skills as an excellent fighter who has spent years of his life training to become what he is. Goku was always friendly to others and a loving father to his two sons Gohan and Goten as well as an amazing grandfather to his little grandchild Pan the daughter of Gohan and Videl. Goku has spent years training and getting stronger while also dealing with people who want to threaten the world as well as destroy it like the his foes Frieza, Cell, Buu, Androids, Dr.Gero, Black Goku, Nappa, Raditz, Ginyu Force, King Piccolo, and many others but thanks to his incredible strength and with the help of his friends they have defeated so many enemies and over come many oppisclies. Goku has achieved many wonders while living on Earth which was his home after his former home planet Vegeta was destroyed by Frieza, in which the proud warrior unlocked many new abilities as well as learning about Ki from his grandfather Gohan who took him in when he was a baby and showed him such honor as well as kindness towards others. He did so much of when he started to protect those around him as well as unlocking the legendary super saiyan form along with many other transformations that made him a marvelous hero as well as a strong man that likes to challenge people who have strong power levels so that Goku can become stronger so that he can protect those he cares about in his life and so he has for many years to come. But sadly his time on earth was coming to an end in which age was starting to catch up to the saiyan because after so many years of protecting the earth with his friends who have now past on and went to a better place, Goku who was growing older each day and he knew one day his time was going to come soon but he will always remember the good times and bad times he spent on earth with his family and those he have met. One day he was just finishing up with duties on a farm and decided to rest near by a tree when all of sudden he felt that his life in the world he came to know as home was slowly fading away but Goku knew his time was coming and decided to just let nature take it course and just let him past on so that he can rejoin his family and friends in the heavens. Goku was going to miss everything that he did while on earth as well as the great battles he fought to keep the world from falling into darkness and chaos, he will even miss the good times when he messed with Lord Beerus and Whis as well as being good friends with Zeno the supreme ruler of all twelve universes. But now Goku the savor of the planet and all the free people takes his leave and awaits to be reunited with his friends and family up there in the heavens but what doesn't realize something was about to happen that will change his life forever. 


Old Goku: Whew well I am have finished everything, not too bad if I do say so myself.(Old Goku saids while he was finishing up the crops on the farm area while siting near a tree)

While Goku was resting near by the tree and taking in such an amazing view of the area, right next to him was a picture of his late wife Chi Chi and a grave stone meaning that Chi Chi has past on many years ago along with Gohan, Goten as well Videl and the others. Ever since Chi Chi past away Goku always thinks about her and her kindness as well as the most wonderful person of his life and he will always treasure the fond memories he had with his wife along with his children and daughter in law while Pan on the other hand still lives in a different part of the world with her family. 

Old Goku: I have really have a good feeling about this year crop Chi Chi, your old Goku has finally got it right well better late than never. And it amazing after years of training as well as fighting those who dare threaten the earth and its people who would of thought something that isn't training can be so satisfying. Well I guess you have always know that Chi Chi.

Goku saids these words to his late wife Chi Chi but sometimes he misses her as well as the times when Chi Chi always makes him nervous as well as scared due to her rage and strong attitude but Goku loved her as well as his sons and granddaughter Pan, and he knows that Gohan would be proud of Pan and what she is doing right now. While Goku was resting near the tree next to his wife's grave all of sudden he started to feel something and it was feeling that his life and time in this world was starting to come to an end.

Old Goku: Sigh.....well I have done everything there is to this world as well as help defend those in need, including all the battles as well as people who I fought to become stronger but most importantly having the life of being a father and grandfather to everyone I cared about and I know grandpa Gohan is very proud of me as well as Chi Chi and the rest of my family and friends. Because I am already sense that my time is coming soon so might as well sit back and just let nature takes it course. Also I will never forget the great times and amazing fights we have together Vegeta thanks for everything my old friend hope to see you as well up there. 

Goku then began to close his eyes and rest now because now that he has completed his time on earth as well as a proud hero and fighter on this planet it is time to move on and let a new generation of heroes take on the task of protecting the world if more people try to threaten earth and its people. Goku is going to miss everything that he did as well as the battles but that old training will never go away even for a man of his age. Then soon Goku started to feel the life of his body slowly slipping away but also having a smile on his face so that he remembers the good times he had on earth.

Old Goku: Looks my time has come now......goodbye earth I will miss you and the people as well but also I will miss the battles and friends I have made here on this planet. Now that my time has come, it is time to move on and Pan my granddaughter I wish you good luck and I know everyone even your parents are up there watching over you and so will I.(Old Goku saids in thought while his body started to disappear leaving nothing behind except for a smile from a fellow hero of earth as well as a dear friend)

Then Goku body started to fad away leaving the smile of the saiyan as well as little golden sparkles that were surrounding his body while he passes on and heads back to the heavens like he did many years ago.

Meanwhile in heaven as well in a palace a giant named King Yemma was looking over the list of people who will be sent to heaven and the others who are evil and bad to the bottom where there is no escape or return. 

King Yemma: far mostly half of these souls a good people while the others are worse than those I have sent to the bottom, geez I need a vacation after this I been doing this job of mine for centuries and I could use a break right about now.(King Yemma saids while getting bored and looking over the list of people who are good and bad)

While King Yemma was looking over the list of people who have died from earth as well from other planets, a familiar person appear in front of him that he wasn't paying attention to until the person spoke who was known other than Goku himself.

Old Goku: Hey King Yemma hows it going!

King Yemma: Hm? Oh hello again Goku or should I say old Goku and what brings you here today?(King Yemma saids while smiling at Goku standing below him while still in his old age)

Old Goku: Well my time on earth came to an end and my life force started to fade away so I guess I am dead now again...hehehe.

King Yemma: would appear so and it saids you have died of old age is that correct.

Old Goku: Yup thats right.

King Yemma: Hmmm...well this is very bizarre to me.

Old Goku: What do you mean King Yemma?

King Yemma: Well while looking over your files here, it would seem that you have been chosen to for something of grate in which I got the same files for many others that came here for what they did on their worlds and they have excepted to take it.

Old Goku: Really and what would that be sir?

King Yemma: Well once every hundred years a person who is worthy of what they did on their world who have achieved so much of their towards their dying year they have been chosen to start a brand new life in completely new world and it looks like you Goku have been chosen to start a brand new life somewhere else.

Old Goku: Whoah really but wait what about my family and friends?

King Yemma: Ah yes about them as well it would seem they also have be chosen to start a new life as well but they said that they will always remember you for all times, I guess you came to heaven a little late I am sorry Goku.

Goku couldn't believe it, his family and friends have decided to live brand new lives in other worlds but it brought a smile on Goku's face that they will still remember him and the good that his down for the earth as well as for them.

Old Goku: It would seem that they have moved on.

King Yemma: Yes indeed but I can tell that they are doing quite well and I know that they will always think of you Son Goku.

Old Goku: I know they will they are my friends and family that I knew for years now.

King Yemma: So how about it Goku would you like to take this opportunity to start a fresh new life in a whole new world.

Old Goku: Hmm...well I do miss the old times when I was still young and I guess since everyone have chosen to start new lives somewhere else I guess I wouldn't mind giving it a shot but what kind of world where I be sent to?

King Yemma: My employee's will inform you about where you be sent Goku but also you will be able to keep your abilities that you have achieved on your time on earth.

Old Goku: Wow really! You mean I get to keep my Ki as well as my super saiyan forms that is awesome!

King Yemma: Yes indeed, oh one more thing a woman named Bulma told me to give you these to remember her after all the things you and her did together when you two first met.(King Yemma saids and hands Goku a brief case)

Old Goku: What is it?(Old Goku saids then takes the case then opens it up to reveal the capsules from Capsule Corp that Bulma and her family have created)

Old Goku: No way I was hoping I never get to see these again, thank you Bulma your a real life saver.(Old Goku saids in thought while thinking about his friend from his past)

King Yemma: Oh yes there is two more things and this one is special in which it is a gift form a certain someone but they didn't leave a name or anything.

Old Goku: Another gift really what could this one be?

King Yemma: Well this one is those beans that give you back your strength and the other I have no idea?(King Yemma saids and hands Goku the bags of beans that he used to heal himself with and there was a lot of them inside the bag)

Goku took the two other gifts out of King Yemma's giant hands and was pleased to see the beans again that will come in handy but then he looked at the thing in his hands it was covered in a cloak until Goku unwrapped it and it reveled the dragon balls themselves in which Goku was shocked and yet amazed to see all seven dragon balls together.

Old Goku: NO WAY THE DRAGON BALLS?!!!(Old Goku saids in thought in shock)

Old Goku: But did....huh there is letter maybe that would give me an idea.(Old Goku saids then looks to find a letter next to the dragon balls)

Dear Goku, 

I figure that you have died in your world and was thinking about starting a new life in a whole new world so I thought that you needed these more than anything but there is a difference, you see Goku what you are looking at are a fresh batch of dragon balls that will alllow you to summon Shenron and they will only listen to the one who calls him which is you Goku because you are the most worthy person to earn these and use they wisely towards your new adventure and good luck and take care.

When Goku finished reading the letter he was amazed that these were new dragon balls that will allow him to summon Shenron but he still didn't know who gave him the dragon balls which still confused but shrugged it off because now he has something to remember his old world and will use the dragon balls wisely that is if he needs to use them or not.

Old Goku: Well it doesn't have a name of who gave me these but what I can tell that person is a good fellow.

King Yemma: Well then now that you have what you have would you like to take the offer Goku.

Old Goku: Yes I would be honored to take it King Yemma.

King Yemma: Excellent my employee here will fill you in of the world you will be sent to Son Goku. Orge Oni if you would please show Mr.Goku here where he will be sent to.(King Yemma saids to his empolyee who is an Orge that is dressed like a human being with glasses but with horns and blue skin)

Orge Oni: Right away King Yemma, now Mr.Goku if you would please follow me and I will inform you of the world you will be sent to.

Old Goku: Great, see you later King Yemma and take care.

King Yemma: Farewell for now Goku. 

Soon Goku left with the Orge to talk to him about the world he will be sent to live a brand new life as well as getting to keep his Ki along with his super saiyan transformations and the gifts that he received. 

Orge Oni: Now then sir do you have any question you would like to ask.

Old Goku: Uh yea what is the world that I am being sent to and what are the people like there?

Orge Oni: Well glad you ask sir, you will be sent to a world similar to earth itself but completely different and the people are quiet unique there as well.

Old Goku: Really?

Orge Oni: Oh yes indeed and you are the first one to be sent there.

Old Goku: I see and what is this earth like?

Orge Oni: Well this earth may look like earth but it completely different and the lands are split into four sections of the world.

Old Goku: Really.

Orge Oni: Yes indeed on this earth there are places called nations in which there is Fire Nation, Water Nation, Air Nation, and Earth Nation basically its the world of people with gifted ability called benders

Old Goku: Benders? What can they do?

Orge Oni: Oh they can bend one of the four elements of course fire, water, earth, and air of course.

Old Goku: Wow that sounds amazing.

Orge Oni: And of course they also have a guardian there as well called The Avatar master of the four elements.

Old Goku: Whoah this Avatar must be one incredible person.

Orge Oni: Oh yes indeed you see sir, there has been only one Avatar in generation because since we know so much about it we keep tabes of what this world has to offer.

Old Goku: Only one Avatar why is that?

Orge Oni: The Avatar is a very powerful being with the ability to control all the four elements as well as using an ability called the Avatar that is connection to the past Avatars that came before in which when an Avatar dies he or she is reincarnated into a new person so the cycle can repeat itself all over again.

Old Goku: Wow that is something to have the ability to control all the elements as well as this ability called the Avatar state sounds exciting.

Orge Oni: Yes indeed sir it is, but there is also their dangers in this world and its the Avatar's duty to bring balance to the world and restore peace, its been that way for at least ten thousand years.

Old Goku: I see kind of reminds me of myself when I am trying to protect the world so there could be peace.

Ogre Oni: Yes and we have done some time at looking at what is going on in the world today and it looks like the new Avatar has been shown as well while the one before her who was an air bender named Avatar Aang sadly past away years ago and now his reincarnation is training to become the next Avatar.

Old Goku: Wow I feel bad for the guy and who is the new Avatar now?

Orge Oni: Were not sure yet but I am sure you will find out sooner of later but first allow me to fill your head with the knowledge of this world so that you can get the idea of what happened on this world as well as the Avatars of the past.

Old Goku: Is it going to hurt?

Orge Oni: Oh no you will fill a slight tickle.

Soon after Goku got zapped with a beam in which his head was filled with knowledge of everything about the world he was about to go to and he saw a lot of things inside his head like the nations, the people, wars, Avatars that came before, the hundred year war between lords and the benders as well as the Avatar, and also the peoples culture included. After getting the knowledge that he received, Goku was holding his head because his eyes were dizzy from all the knowledge of this new world.

Old Goku: Oooooo....that was crazy..(Old Goku saids while rubbing his head)

Orge Oni: Don't worry sir you will be alright in a while. Now that you have the knowledge of this world is there anything else you wanna ask.

Old Goku: Uh yea well I was wondering if I could you know change my age because since I am going to a new world I would like to see myself in my prime.

Orge Oni: Oh why of course sir how much you want to take off your age?

Old Goku: Hmm well I was quite amazing and strong when I was younger in my young teenage or adult years so maybe somewhere around there.

Orge Oni: Hmm...hows about we age to nineteen would be a good start for you.

Old Goku: Nineteen years old yea I think that would be great at least I will look better and in my prime.

Orge Oni: Excellent sir and is there any part of the nations you want to be teleported to you can chose anyone on the map here.(Orge Oni saids and shows Goku the map of the world that he will be sent to)

Goku ponder on which part of this map he would wish to be teleported to so that he can start his new life in this version of earth. Goku checked the parts of the map to see which part will do him well and so far he thinks that Earth nation will due just find in which he found an area that has a small island that is surrounded by water and there is land near it so Goku thinks that would be a perfect place to be teleported.

Old Goku: I found where I want to be teleported to sir, its that land right there that has two islands and water that goes up like a stream.

Orge Oni: Oh that is the land where benders and non benders live in a place called Republic City and the two islands there are an air temple and the other a statue of Avatar Aang excellent choice sir though I think it would be best to send you in an area where you can adjust and get to know the city better.

Old Goku: Sure whatever works best for me I take it. 

Orge Oni: Excellent sir is there anything else you want to ask before I send you away.

Old Goku: Yea I was wondering if I could still have my original material arts gear because that is something I want to remember from my world as well.

Orge Oni: Oh course and we will give you extra's included. 

Old Goku: Thats is great I am ready now!

Orge Oni: Alright sir just stand still while we beam you to the world of the elements and have a nice life there.

Old Goku: New world here I come!

Then soon Orge Oni along with some other employee's hit Goku with a beam of light in which his entire body glowed and began to disappear where he was standing meaning that he will be gone and heads towards his new adventure and his new life. Who knows he might even become a hero again in this world just like he was in his old world. 

And thus Goku The Savor of The World takes his leave and stars a whole new adventure in a brand new earth and will meet new faces, new dangers, and battles but also become the hero he use to be in his prime years. 

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