Chapter 9: Out of The Past!

After Korra discovered that Tarrlok is a blood bender, the Avatar herself was being taken away to a far away location outside of the city where no one can find her. Tarrlok took her to an abandoned house where he blood bend her again so she wouldn't escape and brought her downstairs and down there was a cage. 

Korra: Arghh...what are you doing? Tarrlok!

Tarrlok: This will keep you here until I return and don't even bother trying to bend because the cage is made of solid platinum. Now you if you would excuse me I have matters to attend too.(Tarrlok saids then leaves to go back to the car) 

Korra: You can't keep me in here forever! You hear me! Goku will find me and you'll be sorry! Tarrlok!!!

Morning came the next day on air temple island in which Tenzin and his wife were sleeping until the phone started to ring and Meelo who was sleeping in the middle of his parents answered the phone but later Tenznin woke up and took the call and when he heard the news his eyes widen in shock of what he had just learned. He heard there was an attack at city hall and the Avatar was there but there was no sign of her. Tenzin got dressed and headed to city hall and when he arrived he saw the damages as well as an equalist glove but then turned his attention Tarrlok who is being healed by a water bender doctor. 

Tenzin: What happened?  What was Korra doing at city hall? 

Tarrlok: As I told Chief Saikan, Korra to my office late last night. She was upset that I arrested her friends. She asked me to release them, and that's when the equalists attacked. Tried to protect Korra, but we outnumbered. Then I was electrocuted. When I came to, the police had arrived, but Korra gone. Sigh...I'm so sorry. Chief Saikan, mobilize the entire police force. We have to find the Avatar. 

At her home Lin was recovering after the incident that took place at Mr.Sato's factory until she started to hear the radio go off about an equalists attack that took place at city hall where Tarrlok was subdued and as well as hearing the capture of Avatar Korra. Lin got out of bed even thought still a little banged up but it didn't matter because the Avatar was in danger. Lin walked towards the closet and put on her police armor and headed out. Lin soon left and headed to the police station where she went to break out Asami, Mako, and Bolin. Asami was resting in her cell when she looks to see Lin ripping the door open.

Asami: Chief Beifong?

Lin: Hope you got enough beauty rest. Come on. I'm busting you out. 

Asami: Thanks. I owe you. 

Meanwhile with the brothers, Mako was looking the other way while his brother was trying to use the bathroom but he was getting uncomfortable at the moment. 

Mako: Are you done yet? 

Bolin: Cover your ears. I can't go with you listening. 

Mako: Argh...Hm? Asami? 

Bolin: Aah! A little privacy, please? 

Mako: Are you all right? 

Asami: I'm fine. It's so good to see you. 

Lin: Hate to break up your lovers' reunion, but Korra's in trouble. Amon captured her. 

Mako/Asami/Bolin: What.....? 

Mako: She can't be gone. 

Lin: Come on. We have an Avatar to rescue. 


Bolin: HMMMM?!

Lin: Your fly was down. 

Bolin: Thanks for catching that. 

With Korra who was at the abandoned house inside the platinum cage was banging on the door so many times trying break out as well as yelling for help but no one was around nor can hear her. 

Korra: Somebody! Help! Please! Path...path....Goku....please help me...........please..

Korra are you here!(A voice was heard from the upstairs) 

Korra: Gasp! G..Goku.....

Goku: Korra it's me! I sensed something was wrong and I went out to find you but your energy was low but I was able to track you down. Where are you?

Korra: Goku I'm down in the basement! 

Admittedly the saiyan ran down the stairs and looked to see the platinum cage and when he was close to the door he ripped open and out came Korra who smiled and hugged her boyfriend with joy. 

Korra: Goku! I knew you would come.

Goku: Hey I am glad that you all right that's all that matters. What happened? 

Korra: Sigh..I went to see Tarrlok and asked him to release our friends but he refused and after words we fought and I discovered a hidden secret about him. 

Goku: What did you find out? 

Korra: Tarrlok's a blood bender. 

Goku: Blood bender? 

Korra: Similar to a water bender but a bender who control the blood within a body making it do what it wants, he used it on me and brought me here and locked me up. I never been so scared in my life. 

Goku: Hey it's all right, I'm here now. Oh and it looks like your strength could use some energy so I brought a little something something to help fix it.(Goku said and holds up the bag of senzu beans)

Korra: What are those?

Goku: They are the senzu beans I told you about, here eat one and it will restore your full strength. Trust me, you will be good as new. 

Korra: After what you told me about them, what do I got to loose.(Korra saids and taken a bean and eats it)

As soon as Korra chews and swallows the bean all of sudden her eyes widen and her muscles and strength were returning to normal and it felt like she just got a whole mass of incredible power with just eating a single bean. 

Korra: Whoah! I'm all better now! If I ever get injured or worse I got to take one of those. Thank you Goku, this really helps 💋.(Korra saids then kisses Goku on the cheek)

Goku: I'm glad you are back to your full strength now. 

Korra:  Before we leave there is something I must do. 

Goku: You want to figure out how Tarrlock can do that blood bending that you spoke about right. 

Korra: I need to know how he gained that ability. Tenzin told me that maybe Aang's spirit was trying to tell me something, maybe if I meditate I can see what Aang is trying to show me.

Goku: Then get to it, I will look after you while you meditate. 

Korra: Thank you Goku. 

Korra begins to mediate on the visions she's been having and after a moment later the memory began that was taking place around 40 years ago when the time Aang was the Avatar. 

Memory 4O years ago:

A man wearing air bender clothes as well as having arrow tattoos was in a street area with a police woman wearing the same identical armor as Lin Beifong in which was known other than Toph Beifong and the air bender was Aang, The Avatar before Korra. 

Toph: What are you doing here, Aang? I told you I have this under control. 

Aang: Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't get involved. But if what those victims said is true, we're not dealing with a normal criminal. 

Toph: Fine. Follow me twinkle toes. 

Aang: Toph, I'm 40 years old. You think you could stop with the nicknames? 

Toph: Afraid not. 

Aang: Sigh..some things never change. 

Aang followed Toph and her men into a restaurant where they both confront the man responsible for the victims that were attacked and injured. 

Toph: It's over. You're under arrest, Yakone. 

Yakone: What is Republic City coming to? Used to be a man could enjoy his lunch in peace. 

Toph using her metal wire cable lashed onto Yakone and pulled him out of his seat and into police custody. 

Yakone: What's the big idea? 

Aang: We have dozens of witnesses, Yakone. We know what you are. 

Toph: Take him away. 

Yakone: I've beaten every trumped-up charge you yahoos have brought against me. And I'll beat this one too. 

Out of Memory. 

Korra: Whoah...I finally connected with you, Aang. But what are you trying to tell me? 

Goku: Maybe he's trying to show you a clue and it could help solve who Tarrlock really is. Best to keep on mediating until you find the answer. 

Korra: You're right I should. 

On air temple island Tenzin was in his office trying to call any news on Korra's disappearance but there was nothing until Lin along with Mako, Bolin, and Asami came into the office that left Tenzin speechless. 

Tenzin: I have to go. Call me back the minute you hear anything. Lin, what...what are...what are should be in the hospital. And you three, you should be in prison!

Lin: I figured you could use our help finding Korra. 

Asami: Have you found any leads to know where she might be Tenzin? 

Tenzin: I have been on the phone all morning, but nothing yet. 

Mako: What about Naga? She can help track her down. 

Tenzin: I afraid her polar bear dog is missing as well. 

Asami: Wait what about Goku. He can track Korra since he can sense energies he can find out where Korra is located. 

Tenzin: I'm afraid I have no idea where Goku is. I went to his room and he was gone but if I know anything he is probably out searching for Korra since he knows that she would be in danger. 

Lin: And after what we see him can do against the equalist, I can tell he will have no trouble looking for Korra but maybe we should also look for her as well just in case Goku cannot find her. 

Bolin: Then where do we start? 

Lin: My guess is the equalists are hiding underground, in the maze of tunnels beneath the city. 

Asami: Underground. Just like my father's secret factory. Figures. 

Bolin: Yea, yea, that makes sense. When those chi blockers had me in their truck, it sounded like we drove into a tunnel. 

Mako: I think I know where to start looking. Come on. 

Lin: Wherever Amon is keeping Korra, I vet that's where my officers are too. But if Korra isn't there then we need to search somewhere else. 

Tenzin: Let's bring them all home, Lin. Though for Korra, I know she will be all right I hope. I think Goku probably found her by now. 

Lin: I give the kid credit he knows how to fight though that stuff he did is something I never seen before. 

Tenzin: He's a very gifted young man and there is still I want to know more about him. For now let's focus finding Korra and your men. 

The team flew on the air bison and headed into the city and towards the location of where Mako told them to go. Mako told them that the truck that took his brother went down the alley and when they went down Lin uses her earth bending and pin pointed where the tunnel is located which was under a bridge. There, everyone spotted tire tracks leading into the tunnel. Once inside the tunnel everyone looked to see four tunnels leading to who knows where. 

Asami: Any ideas?

Mako: Should we just pick a tunnel? 

Asami: If we can't find Korra then I guess we try another one. 

Bolin: You think we should split up and search. 

Lin: Bad idea, this place is probably crawling with equalists. 

They picked a tunnel and headed inside while keeping their guard up to make sure not to bump into any equalists. While then were walking they all heard motorcycles heading their way in which they hid behind the pillars but then looked to see two equalists going into what looks like a secret hidden door. Lin uses her metal bending and picks the lock on the door that causes it to open. When they got inside they looked to see a group equalists as well as two trucks and two motorcycles and a platform that goes who knows where into another tunnel. 

Equalist: That tram goes to the training camp. 

Equalist(Fem): Everything was delivered to the prison, sir. 

Tenzin: That's where they might keeping Korra or so I think. 

Lin: We need to get down that tunnel. 

When the close was clear, the team got onto the tram and headed down into the tunnel that leads to the prison. But waiting on the other side of the tunnel were two equalist who heard the tram coming and went to check it out. 

Equalist: It's empty. 

Equalist 2: Yea, I can see that. 

The next thing that the two know is that both of them were wired up by Lin and knocked out. Lin ask Mako and Asami to watch them while she checks to see if Korra or her men were in the prison. Lin uses her metal bending and feels the vibration to sense that her men were inside. 

Lin: My men are inside. 

Mako: What about Korra? 

Lin: I don't see her yet. 

Lin along with Mako and Tenzin headed into the prison halls until they spotted two equalists ready to attack them but were air bended by Tenzin who slammed the two into the metal wall and fell unconscious. 

Mako: We are looking for Avatar Korra. Where are you keeping her?

Equalist: The Avatar? I don't know what you are talking about?

Mako: I ask you one last time. Where is she? 

Equalist: We don't have the Avatar. And the equalists didn't attack city hall. Tarrlok's lying. 

Mako: What? 

Lin: I found my men and I scanned the entire prison. Korra's not here. 

Mako: Why would Tarrlok make up a story about getting attacked? 

Tenzin: Because he's the one who has Korra. He fooled us all. 


As soon as they all heard the alarm went off, they headed back to the tram to get out before more equalists show up and take them. They got back on the tram but were being followed by a group of equalists in which Bolin stepped in and blocked the men off using his earth bending to close off half of the tunnel. Lin then looked ahead and saw more company and it doesn't look good. 

Lin: We got more company. Everyone hang on to something!

Lin metal bends a poll from up top to use as a ramp and the next thing the tram went up into the air and towards the sealing but thanks to Lin who earth bended it out of the way, the tram landed on the next floor. Everyone was all right and well and decided to leave before things get out of hand and also find Tarrlok because he's in for a rude awakening. Back with Korra, she is mediating on what Aang is trying to show her and it has something to do with the man known as Yakone. 

Memory 40 years ago: 

The vision now takes place at city hall where Yakone is being questioned about the crime he has committed and sitting down were Aang along with Councilman Sokka who were eying the criminal while a woman was talking about who Yakone is. 

Woman: Yakone has ruled Republic City's criminal empire for years. Yet he has always managed to stay out of the law's reach until now. You will hear testimony from dozens of his victims. And they will tell you Yakone has maintained his grip on the underworld by using an ability that has been illegal for decades...blood bending. 

Yakone Lawyer: The prosecution's entire case is built upon the make-believe notion that my client is able to blood bend at will, at any time on any day. I remind the council that blood bending is an incredibly rare skill, and it can only be performed during a full moon. Yet the witnesses will claim that my client used blood bending at every other time except during a full moon. It would be a mockery of justice to convict a man of a crime that is impossible to commit.

The council left to discuss the terms on Yakone and after then have finished it was time for Sokka to speak in which he knows what he must do to make sure Yakone doesn't try to leave.  

Announcer: Councilman Sokka will now deliver the verdict. 

Sokka: In my years, I have encountered people born with rare and unique bending abilities. I once bested a man with my trusty boomerang who was able to fire bend with his mind. Why, even metal bending was considered impossible for all of history, until our esteemed chief of police, Toph Beifong single handedly developed the skill. The overwhelming amount of testimony and evidence has convinced this council that Yakone is one of these unique benders. And he exploited his ability to commit these heinous crimes. We find Yakone guilty of all charges and sentence him to lift in prison. 

Yakone smirked and stood up from his seat and when he did he used his blood bending on Sokka followed by the other councils and then everyone else included even Aang himself. Yakone laughed at seeing the Avatar helpless while being under the control of a blood bender.

Yakone: Hahahahahahahaha! 

Out of memory

Goku looked at Korra who was looking nervous meaning something she saw was scaring her but was trying her best to push through and meditate some more so that she can figure out everything about the visions she saw and the connection it had with Tarrlok. 

Goku: I know you can handle whatever you are seeing Korra, I believe in you. 

At city hall Tenzin has called up the council as well as the new chief for a meeting which involves Tarrlock taking Korra who needs to be found and to make sure she is safe. 

Tenzin: Thank you all for meeting us on such short notice. 

Lin: Chief. 

Saikhan: Lin. 

Tarrlock: Any news on Avatar Korra? 

Tenzin: We do. You kidnapped her, Tarrlok!

Tarrlok: I am shocked you would accuse me of such an evil act. I already explained. Equalists attacked us and took her. 

Tenzin: But there were no chi-blockers here last night. You planted the evidence didn't you? 

Tarrlok: That is a ridiculous accusation! 

Assistant: It's true! He took her! I was here when Avatar Korra arrived last night, but councilman Tarrlok ordered me to leave. I was on my way out when I saw Tarrlok bring her down to the garage. 

Tarrlok: That is nonsense! Everyone knows you're nothing but a squeaky voiced liar. 

Lin: Why did you wait until now too 'fess up?

Assistant: I was terrified to tell because...because Tarrlok is a blood bender! He blood bent Avatar Korra!(Assistant saids in which everyone gasped in shock of the news)

Tenzin: Don't make this worse for yourself. Tell us where you have Korra.(Tenzin saids on guard as well as Lin)

Tarrlok glared at them and then when Tenzin and Lin were about to attack they were blood bended and not just them but also Mako, Bolin, Asami as well as the council. Tarrlok uses his ability to put everyone out until he runs aways before anyone can stop him.

After a while Lin was able to get up and looked to see the others getting up from their first experience with a blood bender. 

Lin: Wake up. 

Slap!(Lin Slaps Tenzin)

Tenzin: Oh!

Bolin: Oh, man. I had this awful dream that Korra was taken by this evil blood bender. So weird. 

Asami: Bolin, that really happened. He knocked us out. 

Bolin: Are you serious! Where is he? Is he right now? 

Saikhan: Tarrlok is long gone. I'll alert the whole force. 

Lin: We've only been out for a little while. Maybe we can still pick up Tarrlock's trail. 

Tenzin: It could lead us to Korra. 

Asami: What about Goku? Surely he would have found her by now. 

Tenzin: That maybe true but we cannot let Tarrlok escape. Let's go. 

Now with Korra she was still meditating on the visions she was seeing with Aang as well as the evil blood bender known as Yakone who was taking control of everyone in the city hall 40 years ago. 

Memory 40 years ago:

Yakone has everyone in his grasp until he spotted Toph who had the keys to the chains in which Yakone had Toph move towards him while being blood bended to unlock the chains. Now that the chains were off him, Yakone knocked everyone out unconscious except for Aang. 

Aang: Argh....Yakone, you won't get away with this.

Yakone: Hahaha! Republic City is mine, Avatar. I will be back one day to claim it.(Yakone saids and threw Aang to knock him out then ran out the door and into a carriage to escape)

Aang who was knocked out came out with the help of the Avatar State and chased after Yakone in which he air bended the carriage that Yakone was on and the whole thing tipped over and crashed. Aang hovered over the carriage to find Yakone until he popped out and started to yet again blood bend Aang. 

Yakone: This time I'm gonna put you to sleep for good!

Yakone blood bends Aang who was in pain but the next thing that happened is that Aang came out of the blood bending and went into the Avatar state that got Yakone to stop his attack on the avatar. Aang then found the moment and earth bended Yakone to keep him still. Aang then placed his hands on top of Yakone. 

Aang: I'm taking away your bending for good.

Yakone: NOOOOOOO!...........

Aang takes away Yakone's bending permanently meaning that the nightmare was finally over and Yakone will later be sent off to prison for life for his crimes against Republic city. 

Aang:'s over.

Out of Memory

Korra: Aang, this whole time, you were trying to warn me about Tarrlok. 

Goku: You got what you wanted?

Korra: I did and I know the truth about who Tarrlok really is. 


Both Korra and Goku looked to see Tarrlok standing before them in shock and anger but when he looked to see Goku with Korra he started panic. 

Tarrlok: did you find her?

Goku: Wouldn't you like to know Tarrlok. 

Tarrlok: My life is a disaster now, thanks to you. 

Korra: So your little blood bending secret's out? And I know how you blood bent me without a full moon. You're Yakone's son. 

Tarrlok: I was his son. But in order to win Republic city, I had to become someone else. My father failed because he tried to rule the city from its rotten underbelly. My plan was perfect. I was to be the city's savior. But ruined everything! 

Korra: Tarrlok, the jig is up, and you have nowhere to go.(Korra saids while getting to fighting stance while Goku was sensing something nearby and it close)

Tarrlok: Like that's going to happen, I will escape and start a new life where no one can find me not even you.(Tarrlok saids then runs back up the steps)

Korra: Tarrlok!

Goku: Korra wait, don't follow him. He's here too.

Korra: Who?

Goku: You know who. 

Korra: Amon.....

Goku: I sense his presence. 

Tarrlok runs up the steps but stops when he looks to see who was waiting for him in which was known other than Amon himself along with some equalists as well as the lieutenant. 

Tarrlok: Amon. 

Amon: It is time for you to be equalized. 

Tarrlok: You fool. You've never faced bending like mine. 

Tarrlok blood bends the equalists who go done in seconds but Amon was still moving and walking towards Tarrlok. Tarrlok pushes the ability to blood bend Amon who stops a little but kept on moving towards Tarrlok who looks upon the man with the mask in shock. 

Tarrlok: What...what are you?

Amon: I am the solution. 

Amon got the upper hand and put his fingers onto Tarrlok's head and then the next thing that was heard were screams and then silence. Amon took away Tarrlok's bending for good. Goku and Korra nod and teleported out of the basement so that the equalists wouldn't get them. 

Amon: I'll take care of him. You four retrieve the Avatar. Do not underestimate her. Electrocute the box to knock her out. 

The Lieutenant along with the three equalists headed downstairs to see the platinum cage box and when close the the lieutenant uses his shock sticks to electrocute the box but there were no screams nor nothing. 

Lieutenant: Open the box. 

Equalist: Sir there is no one inside the box. It's empty. 

Lieutenant: That's impossible...then where is....he was here. 

Equalist: Sir?

Lieutenant: We need to leave now. 

Outside Amon was putting an unconscious Tarrlok onto the truck until he looks to see his men as well as the lieutenant walking to him with no Avatar with them. 

Amon: Where's the Avatar?

Lieutenant: Sir, she's gone and I think I know who got her out. 

Amon: I see, the Avatar is not the only one we have to underestimate. Whoever this Goku person is and what he is, best to be on our best guard. There is something about him that clearly shows he is not just any ordinary fighter. 

Lieutenant: What do you want to do sir?

Amon: For the time being let the Avatar and her friend rest but soon Republic city will be ours for the taking. They will need their strength to face me. Let's head back to the bass and regroup and get ready for the next stage of my plan. 

Lieutenant: Yes sir. 

Behind the bushes were both Korra and Goku who were hiding and saw as well as heard everything that Amon was talking to his men about before leaving. 

Goku: That doesn't sound good.

Korra: I know what you mean sweetie. Let's get out of here. 

Goku: Hang on I sensing something approaching us. 

Korra: What is it, more equalists?

Goku: Nope I think I know who it is. 


Korra smiled and knows the bark anywhere in which she whistles and out came Naga who runs to her owner and licks her face for seeing Korra again. 

Korra: Naga, I missed you girl. 

Goku: Your timing couldn't be more perfect girl. 


Goku: All right now we can leave. I'll use my instant transmission to beam us back to the city. 

Korra: Good cause after I need some sleep and possibly some food. 

Goku: You and me both Korra. 

Korra and Naga hanged onto Goku and he uses his instant transmission to teleport out of the forest and back to the city where Tenzin along with the others are looking for Korra until they heard a loud howling that belonged to Naga. They looked down and saw Korra who was fine and well as well as seeing both Goku and Naga with her.

Mako/Asami/Bolin: Korra!

Korra: Guys! 

Tenzin: Korra, thank goodness you are all right. 

Korra: I wouldn't be if Goku haven't found me, he saved my life. 

Tenzin: Goku, I thank you for finding Korra and bringing her back home.

Goku: It was no trouble at all Tenzin. 

Lin: Where's Tarrlok? 

Goku: I think it would be best to discuss all of this in the morning. Korra's been through enough for a while and she needs some rest. 

Tenzin: Very well. 

Asami: We were so worried about you Korra, how you feeling?

Korra: Tired, could use a good night sleep and possibly some food. Other than that I am feeling fine. 

Mako: We're just glad that you are safe, thanks Goku for finding her.

Bolin: We knew you would find her before us man. 

Goku: I am just happy that Korra is unharmed. 

Tenzin: We might as well head back to air temple island. Everyone get on board the air bison. 

Once on board the bison Korra cuddled up to Goku who smiled and wrapped his arm around Korra to keep her warm. Korra smiled that her boyfriend came to her rescue and glad to see her friends again but she and Goku would need to be prepared for what Amon has plan for the city. Republic city will soon be at war and the Avatar and the saiyan need to be prepared for the worse to come. 

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