Chapter 8: When Extreme Meets!
After what happened at the Sato mansion last night, both Goku and Korra felt bad for Asami after finding out that her father was working with Amon and the Equalists in which her along with Mako and Bolin were invited to stay on Air Temple island to avoid that night. Goku along with Korra and the air bender kids were at the docks waiting for their guests to arrive to their new home.
Goku: Hey guys I see the boat.
Korra: I see them.
Jinora: You're finally here! Welcome to air temple island.
Ikki: Your new home.
Meelo: Yes, welcome to my domain.
Bolin: Well aren't you sweet, little monk child.(Bolin saids to Meelo while Pabu runs around the air child)
Meelo: Whats that fuzzy creature?
Jinora: That is a fire ferret. An arboreal mammal common to the bamboo forests of the central earth kingdom.
Goku: You learning quite well for young air bender Jinora.
Jinora: Thank you I like to study what I know.
Ikki: He's cute!!!!
Ikki and Meelo went to play with the Pabu and Naga while Goku and Korra attend to their friends.
Mako: Thanks for sending the air acolytes to help us with the move.
Asami: Yes, they've been amazing. Such tireless workers.
Goku: Wow and I thought Chi Chi had a lot of stuff, no wonder she asks me to carry that much stuff.(Goku saids in thought while looking at the air acolytes carry Asami's stuff)
Korra: Oh, I thought you were only bringing a few things.
Mako: Trust me, it could have been worse.
Korra: No problem, everyone here wants you guys to feel welcome.
Goku: Come on we'll show you guys around.
Everyone headed towards the air temple so everyone can get settled in and while walking Meelo was smiling at Asami while she was looking at the air bender is confusion until he spoke.
Meelo: You're pretty, can I have some of your hair?
Mako: Looks like I got some competition.
Goku: Hehehe classic Meelo.
Ikki: Now for the grand tour. The flying bison sleep in those caves down there. And that's the temple grandpa Aang built. And that's the greenhouse where we grow the vegetables we eat.
Goku: Any questions guys?
Bolin: I have a couple questions. Is this an all vegetarian island? Is that where you train air bending? Do we have to wear air acolyte clothes? Do we each get our own sky bison? And finale question how many trees are on this island?
Ikki: Yes..Yes..No..No..10,552.
Goku: That was fast?
Mako: So where are we gonna be staying?
Meelo: You're a boy. Boys have to stay on the boy's side.
Jinora: I'd be happy to show you to the men's dormitory.
Bolin: I'm a boy.
Korra: Meelo, why don't you go with the boys too?
Meelo: We shall meet again soon beautiful woman.(Meelo saids to Asami then leaves)
Korra: What about you Goku?
Goku: I think I will do some meditation and a little training for the time being. Why don't you show Asami to her room I will join you in a while.
Korra: All right try not to destroy the island sweetie 💋.(Korra saids and kisses Goku on the cheek)
Goku: Don't worry I wont do no such thing I promise. Asami really glad you took the offer to stay here I am sure you would like here.
Asami: Thank you Goku I am sure I will.
Goku: Great see you girls later bye.(Goku saids then teleports away)
Asami: I still can't get over how he can do those things.
Korra: Neither can I but thats what I like about him. Come on Ikki and I will take you to your room, this way.
Korra and Ikki took Asami to the girls room on the other side of the island where the three of them were in the hallway walking towards to the room that Asami will be staying until Ikki decided to speak.
Ikki: Asami what do you think of Goku?
Asami: Hm? What do you mean?
Ikki: You know do you like him or something because I see how you were staring at him.
When those words came out all of sudden Korra got a tick mark on her forehead and glaring at Ikki while Asami was blushing at the question.
Asami: Oh I mean he's a good friend and very kind person and he saved my life and my friends from those Equalists and my father..I just....
Korra: Look here's your room come on in and see for yourself.
Asami: Oh thanks Korra.
Korra opens the door for Asami who later goes into the room with Korra behind her then shuts the door in Ikki's face because of that question she told Asami about Goku.
Ikki: Hey?!
Korra: Run along Ikki!
Ikki: Hmph!
Inside the bedroom Korra and Asami were alone while trying to forget that question from before until things got awkward until Korra decided to change subjects.
Korra:'s your room. I know this is a little rustic compared to what you're used to.
Asami: I think it's really charming. And the best part about it? Nothing here reminds me of my father. Thank you for your hospitality.
Knock! Knock!
Korra: Ikki I swear if you don't leave us alone I'm gonna......
The door opens and reveals not Ikki but Tenzin in which causes Korra stop talking and looked upon the air master in pity.
Korra: Uh..Tenzin come right in.
Tenzin: Good day, ladies. Asami welcome to the island.
Asami: Thank you for having me.
Tenzin: Beifong's replacement Saikhan is going to be inducted as the new chief of police later. I think we should both be there.
Korra: All right.
Tenzin: Goku mind taking me and Korra to the station.
Goku: Sure thing Tenzin.
Asami and Korra: DAH?!!!(Both got spooked and hugged each other while seeing Goku behind them)
Goku: Oops..
Korra: Goku are you trying to kill me?! How many times do I have to tell you don't do that without any of us knowing.
Goku: Hehehe sorry but I thought you would know I mean Tenzin figured it out easily. I didn't mean to scare you girls.
Korra: Cough anyway mind taking us to the station.
Goku: Sure no problem you both know what to do.
Both Korra and Tenzin grabbed hold of Goku while he focuses his energy and when he got a lock on an energy signature both him and Korra along with Tenzin teleported away leaving Asami alone in her room.
Asami: That is such an amazing technique, just makes me wonder what other abilities Goku can do. I might have to watch him train and see for myself.
At the police station, a crowd of people and news reporters along with camera men were gathered to hear the news of what the new chief of police is saying with Tarrlok behind the new chief while Goku, Tenzin, and Korra were on the side listening to the announcement.
Saikhan: It was an honor serving under Chief Beifong for so many years. And I wish her a speedy recovery. It is with great humility that I take her place as the new chief of police. Republic city is facing a threat like none the world has ever seen. But there is one man who has been effective against Amon's revolution Councilman Tarrlok. That is why for all matters involving the Equalists, I will report directly to him. The police department will end any and all available resources to the councilman and his task force until we quell this insurgency.
Goku: Something tells me this would not go well.
Korra: I agree, what is that weasel snake Tarrlock up to now?
Tenzin: I am not sure but we will soon find out.
After the speech was over and everyone was leaving Korra, Tenzin and Goku go up to Tarrlok and question his roll in all of this.
Tenzin: Tarrlok, I don't know what you did to get Chief Saikhan in your pocket, but I highly doubt it was legal.
Tarrlok: Oh, Tenzin, always the conspiracy theorist. Did you ever consider Saikhan simply recognizes my talents and wants what is best for this city? Well, Avatar Korra long time no see.
Korra: Tarrlok.
Tarrlok: Now that your little probending distractions are over, I look forward to your return to my task force.
Korra: Forget it. There's no way I'm rejoining your vanity project.
Tarrlok: That is unfortunate to hear. But I am sure you'll come to your senses as you have in the past.
Korra: Don't hold your breath, bub. You know Tenzin's been right about you all along. You played me, you played Beifong, and now you're playing the new chief too. Well I got news for you, you need me but I don't need you. I'm the Avatar.
Tarrlok: You're not in fact, the Avatar. You are merely a half baked Avatar in training. Which reminds me he, how is your air bending training going? Made any significant progress with that? I didn't think so.
The minute Tarrlok said those words it made Korra upset in which angered Goku for what that man said to Korra in which he step forward to meet Tarrlok face to face.
Tarrlok: Oh Mr.Goku was it surely someone of your talent would like to join my...ARGH?!!!(Tarrlok saids to Goku while the saiyan took the mans hand and crushed it)
Goku: Listen to me and listen good Tarrlock, I don't care what you do and I don't care about your task force but let me warn you say anything about Korra or even try to hurt her in anyway I will show you no mercy.(Goku saids in anger while his eyes changed color that sent a chill down Tarrlok's spine)
Tenzin: Goku that is enough.
Goku: Heed my warning and trust me you better.(Goku saids then lets go of Tarrlok who took his hand back while feeling like his bones have shattered)
Tarrlok: As I was saying if you will not be part of my task force, then you had best stay out of my way.
As soon as Tarrlok leaves Goku calmed down and looked towards Korra who looked upset but then hugged her boyfriend for what he did for her in which was staying up to Tarrlok and defending her.
Korra: Goku...thank you.
Goku: I don't like people who cause you harm or make fun about your life. I seen people like that and I get the feeling that Tarrlok is up to something and its not good.
Tenzin: I agree it would be best to keep a close eye on him. For now let's head back to the island.
Korra: Give me and Goku a minute, I need to speak with him.
Tenzin: Take all the time you need.
Goku: What is that you wanna say...mph?(Goku saids then stops when Korra kisses him on the lips)
Korra: Did you mean those things you said to Tarrlok?
Goku: Of course I did, I care about you Korra and don't listen to what that guy saids I think you are a remarkable Avatar and I know you will master air bending and do the greatest things. I believe in you.
Korra: did I fall for someone like you. I wish all the boys can be like you Goku.
Goku: No mater what happens I will always be by your side Korra.
Korra: Thats what I like to hear, thanks for cheering me up and did you almost broke Tarrlok's hand because I heard a cracking sound.
Goku: Nah it wasn't worth it besides if I used my full strength I would have broken an arm or possibly something more.
Korra: Hehehe, I would like to see that happen.
Goku: You and your imaginations. Come on let's head back to air temple island and we can continue training in Ki.
Korra: Sure.
Once back on the island Korra along with Goku and Tenzin took a walk together to discuss the issue with how Korra can't air bend.
Korra: I don't understand what is wrong with me. I've memorized nearly all of the practice forms, but I still can't produce a single measly puff of air. I feel like a failure.
Goku: Korra don't say that.
Tenzin: Goku's right, you're not a failure. You just need to work through this air bending block.
Korra: Amazing advice. I'll get right on that.
Tenzin: I wasn't finish yet. You see, Aang not only had his bending teachers, but also his past lives to call upon for guidance. Have you ever made contact with your past lives?
Korra: No, of course I haven't. Didn't you get the memo from the white lotus? I'm spiritual failure too.
Goku: Korra stop saying you're a failure, things like this take time to master. I mean took me a while to master the abilities I can do even though I failed some times I still get back up and keep on training until I master something extraordinary.
Tenzin: Korra, you may have made a connection without realizing it. Perhaps something you mistook as a dream.
Korra: Well after Goku saved me from Amon, I had a few weird hallucinations. But I hardly even remember them.
Goku: Was it like some sort of vision?
Tenzin: And did you see any of the previous Avatars in these visions?
Korra: In my dreams I saw Aang. It seemed like he was in trouble. What do you think it means?
Tenzin: Hm, I don't know. But I urge you to meditate on these visions. I believe Aang's spirit must be trying to tell you something.
Later in the night after their talk and Goku teaching her Korra more lessons on Ki, the young Avatar and the saiyan were sitting on a ledge while looking towards to the city as well as the statue of Avatar Aang.
Korra: Sigh...
Goku: Korra?
Korra: It's nothing Goku..
Goku: Korra I can sense something is bothering you, whatever it is you can tell me.
Korra: Goku its just...I you think......just forget about it.
Mako: Korra? You out here?(Mako voice was heard)
Bolin: Korra!
Out of the bushes came Pabu who goes up to Goku and Korra in which the fire ferret went towards the Avatar herself and licked the girls face then out came Asami, Mako and Bolin.
Mako: There you are.
Bolin: You ok?
Korra: I'm fine.
Mako: Come on whats wrong? You can tell us.
Korra: I am suppose to save the city when I can't even learn air bending? I'm the worst Avatar ever. I just feel alone.
Goku: You're not alone Korra.
Asami: Korra you are amazing.
Mako: Yea, and remember Aang hadn't mastered all the elements when he was battling the fire nation. He was a little kid.
Bolin: And he wasn't alone. He had his friends to help him. Look, the arena might be shut down, but we're still a team. The New Team Avatar
Goku: It's true I wouldn't be who I am if wasn't for those who stood by me. Me, Mako, Asami, and Bolin are here for you Korra and don't say you alone in this because you're not. We're in this together no matter what.
Mako: We've got your back Korra and we can save the city together like Goku said.
Korra: Yea let's do it.
Goku: That's the spirit now I believe you guys should let go of your hands now.
Bolin: Why
Meelo: Farts!......Yea let's do it!....farts!..what are we doing?(Meelo saids and comes down and farts on the teams hands)
Goku: Hehehe thats why.
Korra/Mako/Asami/Bolin: Hahahahaha!
The team was ready to head to Republic City and do some good in which everyone was prepared for action.
Bolin: Get ready Republic City, you are about to be patrolled by Team Avatar.
Mako: Asami, you always know hot to accessorize your outfits.(Mako saids while looking at Asami in her new outfit while also wearing the electric glove)
Asami: I figured one way to fight Equalists is to use an Equalist's weapon.
Goku: True but don't forget they have those chi blockers so be prepared for them and watch your backs at all coast.
Mako: He's right don't want to end up the last time we encountered chi blockers.
Korra: All right lets ride.
Goku: Uh Korra I don't think?
Bolin: Naga away!
Everyone except Goku got on board Naga and very soon she dropped everyone off her back and they slide down the polar bear dog's back.
Goku: Sigh..never mind. I think you guys got the idea.
Korra: All right, scratch that. Any other ideas?
Asami: Hmm, I think I have the answer.
Everyone went to a garage and opened to reveal a car that was black with white tires and red letter seats while Asami was in front driving it out in which made everyone impressed.
Asami: You think this'll do?
Mako: I like the new Team Avatar style.
Goku: Even though this car isn't advanced like the ones in my world but it does have character and looks I like it.(Goku saids in thought while in the back with Bolin and Korra)
Admittedly Team Avatar took off into the city and were driving around to see if they can spot signs of Equalists showing up. Asami turned out the radio so everyone can hear what is happening in the city.
Radio: Unit 216? Cancel that 1058 at Harmony Tower. Come back to the station over.
Asami: My dad had police scanners installed in all of his cars. I guess I know why.
Radio: Calling all units. Level four alert jail break at headquarters. Officers down. Electrocuted. Chi blockers and Equalist convicts are still at large, armed and dangerous last seen heading eat. I repeat, level four alert. Equalist jail break.
When the team heard the news they stopped the car and looked to see the Equalist driving away in a truck with motorcycles in front and back.
Mako: Chi blockers! That's them!
Korra: Let's get 'em.
They chased after the Equalist and were almost caught up until a truck turned in which Asami had an idea.
Asami: Korra, Bolin give me a ramp now!
Bolin and Korra made the ramp in which everyone hanged on tight while they went flying in the air then dropped down safely.
Goku: Whoah that was something.
Mako shot one of the Equalist's on the motorcycle with lightning that made it crash while Bolin shot earth bending at the other and the guy on the bike crashed as well. Asami crashed into the other two Equalist but they jumped and landed onto front hood of the car where Mako tried to shoot them with fire but got tangled in their wires while Bolin got chi blocked.
Goku: Parden me but I appreciate if you let go of my friend.
Goku got up from his seat then later freed Mako from the wire and then grabbed both Equalists and bang their heads together that knocked both of them out followed both Asami electrocuting them to make sure they stay unconscious.
Asami pulled up closer to the side of the truck and when she was close Mako unleashed a bolt of lightning and aimed it as the driver who screamed in pain and lost control of the truck and crashed into a light pole.
Team Avatar rounded up the Equalists and tied them up so they wouldn't escape and then soon camera men and the police arrive on the scene along with Tarrlok who was in the car.
Tarrlok: Avatar Korra, what do you think you are doing?
Korra: Oh hey Tarrlok. Nice of you to show up finally. Here, we captured the escape convicts for you.
Tarrlok: What you did was tear up the city and impede the real authorities in their pursuit of these criminals.
Korra: Hmm, that's funny. I didn't see your little task force or the cops the whole time. If it wasn't for Team Avatar, they would have gotten away.
Tarrlok: This is your last warning. Stay out of my way.
Goku: I don't like that guy.
Korra: Neither do I.
The next day Tarrlok held a meeting with the founding members of the council in which he wants all non benders in their homes by nightfall while thinking some of them are working or socializing with the Equalists. All the council members agreed to Tarrlok's plan except for Tenzin who doesn't.
When night came, Team Avatar were chilling by the car having some food while also listening to the radio to hear anything about the Equalists. The radio went on and the team heard what the man was saying.
Radio: All available units, please respond to the 5600 block of Dragon Flats Borough. Equalists have taken to the streets. Consider them armed and dangerous. Proceed with caution.
Goku: You guys ready for some action.
Bolin: I am so ready. I call front!
Goku: After you Korra.
Korra: What a gentleman thanks.
Mako: You know what to do Asami.
Asami: Way ahead of you, everyone hangout tight and buckle-up.
Team Avatar drove to the location where six police ships were hovering over some city blocks where the Equalists might be hiding. But as soon as Team Avatar arrived they discovered that the power was out in which was pitch black.
Korra: Why is the power out?
Goku: Yea and why is there a crowd of people being blocked off by the police?
Mako: They look like non benders, what do you think is going on here?
Korra: I don't know but I am going to find out.
Asami: Wait a second, these people aren't armed or dangerous.
Korra: Sure doesn't look that way.
Saikhan: All known benders, return to your homes immediately.
Civilian Man: Yea, as soon as you turn our power back on.
Everyone: Yea!
Saikhan: Disperse or you will all be arrested.
Civilian Woman: You benders can't treat us this way.
Child of Woman: Mommy look it's the Avatar.
Civilian Woman: Please, you're our Avatar too.
Korra: Everyone remain calm, I'm gonna put a stop to this.
Goku: Korra Tarrlok is here as well. Something tells me he has something to do with this.(Goku saids to his girlfriend while he glares at Tarrlok talking to police officer)
Korra: Tarrlok. You need to turn the power back on and leave these people alone.
Tarrlok: Avatar Korra, you and your playmates have no business here.
Korra: We're not going anywhere. You don't have the right to treat these innocent people like criminals.
Tarrlok: This is an Equalist rally. There's nothing innocent about it.
Asami: They're not Equalists. They're just normal people who want their rights back.
Tarrlok: They are the enemy. Round up all these Equalists.
The police took action and started to round up the people and were about to through them into the police trucks in which Goku wasn't like where things are going but he knew that if he did something it could cause a problem but instead of him Korra went ahead and save the people. Tarrlok saw what Korra was doing and got mad until he spotted Asami and used waterbending to grab her.
Asami: Hey let me go!
Tarrlok: You are under arrest.
Mako: What? You can't do that.
Tarrlok: Actually I can. She's a non bender out past curfew and her father is a known Equalists conspirator.
Mako: Let her go.
Tarrlok: Arrest him and brother.
Admittedly both Bolin and Mako were tied up by the police and taken along with Asami.
Tarrlok: And arrest the other one too.
When one of the police officers went behind Goku to apprehend him all of sudden the officer didn't get that close enough when sudden Goku hits the officer with a back fist and the officer went flying into the cop car.
The police saw what happened and just decided to back away from Goku because they don't want to end up like the their fellow officer who unconscious at the moment. Tarrlok saw this and it made his eyes go wide and has decided to with draw his forces upon Goku.
Goku: Don't even think about it.
Korra: Tarrlok!(Korra using her earth bending lifted two boulders over her head and was about to through them at Tarrlok)
Tarrlok: Unless you want to join your friends in prison, I suggest you put those down while you and Mr.Goku go back to the air temple.
Mako: Korra, Goku listen to him. It's not worth it.
Bolin: We'll be all right.
Korra: Don't worry, we'll call Tenzin. He can get you all out.
Tarrlok: So sad to see your little Team Avatar broken up. You had a good run.
Korra: This isn't over, Tarrlok.
Tarrlok: Oh I believe it is. Take them away.
The police drove away with Korra and Goku's friends, Korra looked down in shame where Goku comfort her showing her that they will get their friends out while Goku was glaring at Tarrlok who was leaving the area.
Goku: We will get them out Korra promise.
Korra: I hate Tarrlok so much.
Goku: So do I, come on we need to tell Tenzin about all of this I am sure he can find a way to free our friends out of prison.
Both of them gave a call to air temple island they informed Tenzin about what Tarrlok did and how he got both Asami, Mako and Bolin arrested and surely with the air masters help he would be able to get Goku and Korra's friends out of prison. Tenzin arrived at the station where he spotted Korra talking to a police officer for the release of her friends but it wasn't working.
Tenzin: I came as soon as I got your call, are your friends all right?
Korra: I don't know. These knuckleheads won't tell me anything.
Tenzin: I'll take care of this. Saikhan, a word please.
Saikhan: Councilman Tenzin, I'm pretty swamped at the moment. Can this wait?
Tenzin: No, it cannot. Three of Avatar Korra's friends were wrongly arrested tonight. I'd like you to release them immediately.
Saikhan: They're not going anywhere. They were interfering with police business.
Korra: Your so called police business was rounding up innocent people and claiming they were Equalists. They should be released too.
Saikhan: All Equalists suspects are being detained indefinitely. They'll be free if and when the task force deems them no longer a threat.
Tenzin: Those people are entitled to due process under the law.
Saikhan: You'll have to take up with Councilman Tarrlok.
Tenzin: Oh I plan to. At the council meeting first thing in the morning.
Korra: You're officially the worst Chief of Police ever!
Goku: Second it.
Tenzin: Calm down, Korra. I'll get this sorted out. We just need to be patient. But you really are the worst! Ever!(Tenzin saids to Korra then blows up at Saikhan)
Goku: I strongly agree with you Tenzin.
When they arrived back on air temple island Goku and Korra were in bed sleeping together but Korra on the other hand couldn't get what happened to her friends and for what Tarrlok did and that is when she decided to do something about it. She got up from her nap with Goku who was still sleeping and didn't want to wake him.
Korra: Tarrlok needs some talking because this has got out of hand.(Korra saids in thought and was about to leave but not before kissing Goku on the cheek because she doesn't want him to know what she is planning)
Korra: I will get our friends out sweetie I promise, but it's best I go alone. Naga come on I need you for this.(Korra whispers to Goku then tells Naga to follow her outside without waking everyone up)
Korra and Naga headed off towards the city and in front of city hall where Korra believes that Tarrlok is still there and once she arrived she got off Naga and told her to wait for her outside.
Korra: Wait for me here, girl. Don't worry I'll be all right. If anything happens find Goku and he will know what to do.(Korra saids to Naga then heads inside city hall to meet with Tarrlok)
Inside his office Tarrlok was going over some papers with his assistant when all of sudden the cold snowy wind blew on him and looked to see Korra outside the window looking directly at Tarrlok.
Korra: You and I need to talk.
Tarrlok: Are any of the other council members here?
Assistant: I believe everyone has gone home for the night.
Tarrlok: Then you should do the same.
Assistant: Are you sure sir?
Tarrlok: Leave us.
As soon as Tarrlok's assistant left, both Korra and him were alone in which things were about to get intense between the two of them.
Tarrlok: You obviously have something on your mind. Spit it out.
Korra: Don't you see? You're doing exactly what Amon say is wrong with benders. You're using your power to oppress and intimidate people.
Tarrlok: And you don't?
Korra: Of...of course not.
Tarrlok: Isn't that what you came here to do? Intimidate me into releasing your friends? See, that's what I admire about you, Korra. Your willingness to go to extremes in order to get what you want. It is a quality we both share.
Korra: You and I are nothing alike.
Tarrlok: Look, I'll make you a deal. You fall in line and do what I say and I'll release your friends.
Korra: That's why you arrested them? To get to me?
Tarrlok: I need your answer.
Korra: No. You might be able to manipulate Chief Saikhan into following you, but it won't work on me.
Tarrlok: You will regret that decision.
Korra: You need to be stopped. You're just as bad as Amon.
Tarrlok: I've tried to work with you, Korra. But you made it impossible.(Tarrlok saids then unleashes a water bending attack at Korra who dodges it)
Korra dodges Tarrlok's attack then shot him with some earth bending that pushed him towards the wall then shot fire at him but he blocked it with his water bending and shot ice spears at Korra who flipped and dodged the hits but got cuts from the sharp ice. Korra blocked the firing with earth bending then bended the wall behind Tarrlok and pushed him outside of the room and into the council's table area.
Korra: Still think I'm a half baked Avatar?
Korra used earth bending again and had Tarrlok fall to the ground while he was hanging from the side of the wailing. Korra then jumped down to the ground and unleashed a powerful earth impact that made everything around her fly away then glared at Tarrlok who was on the ground.
Korra: What are you gonna to do now? You're all out of water, pal.
Tarrlok backed away from Korra when she healed fire flames of fire in her hands and was about to unleash it upon Tarrlok when all of sudden the attack didn't come and for some reason Korra couldn't move her body or attack Tarrlok because he was doing something that Korra never knew about until now.
Korra: Arghh.....arghh........(Korra was feeling pain as her body has a mind of its own but it is really Tarrlok doing this in which he is a different kind of water bender)
Tarrlok: You're in my way, Avatar. And you need to be removed.
Korra can feel the pain in her body while also trying to get control of herself but it wasn't working until she figured out why her body wasn't working her way and that is when she knows what Tarrlok really is a bender who can control the blood in a human body. A bending element that has been illegal for decades.
Korra:''re a blood bender?
Tarrlok: Very observant.
Korra:'s not a full moon. are you doing this?
Tarrlok: There are a lot of things you don't know about me.
Tarrlok using his blood bending lifted Korra up and threw her into the wall where she started to fall unconscious when she sees Tarrlok approaching her but then started to see some visions of a man controlling others as well as a person with air bending tattoos like Tenzin which was Avatar Aang himself and he was in trouble until the vision that Korra was having faded and her eyes began to open to see Tarrlok putting her inside a car while tied up.
Korra: Where are you taking me?
Tarrlok: Somewhere no one will find you. Say goodbye to Republic City Avatar Korra. You'll never see it again. Once your out of the way I will deal with that Goku friend of yours, he's going to ruin what I have plan.
Korra: You stay away from him!(Korra saids in anger and breaths fire at Tarrlok but he blocks the attack with the car door)
Tarrlok: Stupid girl.
Korra: You can't do this! Let me out! Goku will find me and he will show you what he can really do! You never fought anything like him! Tarrlok!!
Tarrlok got into the car and drove away, far away from the city and into the mountains where he will be keeping Korra far away for anyone to look for her. Korra knows that someone will look for her and that someone is Goku since he told her that he can sense energies and she will know the love of her life we help her.
Korra: Goku please help me...I need you.(Korra saids then passes out)
Back on air temple island, the saiyan himself was resting in his bed when all of sudden he felt something and it was familiar to him until he knows what it was. His eyes shot up open with and felt the energy of the who he knows and is in danger.
Goku: Korra.
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