Chapter 7: The Aftermath!
After what happened at the Pro Bending arena, both Korra and Goku felt bad for the bending brothers in which both of them had to clear out their former home and move somewhere else until Korra came up with the idea to ask Tenzin to allow them to stay on the island and they already have arrangements set up for Mako and Bolin. So Korra and Goku headed over to the arena to tell the boys the good news. Meanwhile in the room that both Mako and Bolin are staying at and now being forced out due to the fact that the place is being shut down after Amon and his Equalist attacked. Right now Mako and Bolin are packing up their stuff so that they can get ready to leave.
Mako: Still can't believe they're shutting this place down.
Bolin: Yea, we had some good memories here didn't we?
When they were talking to themselves Korra and Goku came into the room to greet the two and tell them about the exciting news they have for them.
Korra: Guys, great news. You don't have to back on the streets.
Goku: Yea get this we both talked to Tenzin and made all the arrangements.
Korra: Meaning that you guys get to come and live on air temple island with us isn't that great!
Mako: Oh...well, we'd love to, but...
Bolin: Asami already invited us to live in her dad's giant mansion!
Korra was shocked of what she just heard from Bolin while Goku was on the other hand thought it was nice of Asami to do something for the brothers since they lost their only home after Amon attacked though to the look on Korra's face she was kind of let down.
Bolin: From here on out, it's gonna be the lap of luxury for us.
Goku: Well thats great for you guys I think?
Asami: Oh hey Korra, and Goku. I was hoping that you two would stop by.
Korra: Actually we were just leaving. So I guess we will see you guys around sometime.
Goku: And do tell us about how you like your new home.
Asami: Why not tomorrow? I'd love to have you guys visit the estate.
Korra: I don't know..I have some Avatar stuff to do and Goku is still training me so I am pretty much booked.
Bolin(High Pitched): Come on, Korra. We all deserve a little rest and relaxation after all this craziness. We can swim in Asami's pool, it'll be fun.(Bolin saids while holding Pabu that made both Goku and Korra giggle)
Goku: It wouldn't hurt to visit wouldn't you agree Korra.
Korra: Hehehe all right Pabu.
Asami: Great, we'll see you tomorrow.
Goku: Later guys.
Meanwhile Lin and her officers raided a factory that contain weapons and posters for the Equalists in which they believe that Cabbage Corp is behind it all. The officers a lot of evidence in the factory that could put Cabbage Corp out of business.
Lin: Looks our intel was good.'
Officer: There's enough evidence here to bury Cabbage Corp for an eternity.
Lin and police force then headed over to Cabbage Corp to arrest the man known as Mr.Gan Lan who they believe is working for the Equalists while he on the other hand was yelling that he is innocent and had nothing to do with the Equalists but no one believed him.
Gan Lan: This is an outrage, I'm innocent!
Officer: Yea yea thats what they all say.
Reporter: Chief Beifong, is it true that Cabbage Corp is conspiring with the Equalists?
Lin: The evidence points in that direction, but the investigation is ongoing. For the time being, we have frozen Mr.Gan Lan's assets and are closing Cabbage Corp.
At the police station both Goku and Korra were called upon Tenzin to assist him to see if there is anything going on with the Equalists as well as Amon and while they were sitting and waiting both of them were met with a totally broken own Tahno who lost his bending thanks to Amon.
Tahno: Hey, Korra.
Korra: Tahno?
Goku: I saw what Amon did to you and your friends how you feeling?
Tahno: Not so good...I am afraid.
Korra: Listen, I know we're not exactly best friends, but I am sorry as well that Amon took your bending.
Tahno: I've been to the best healers in the city. Whatever Amon did to me, it's permanent.
Goku: Don't worry as soon as we figure out how he did this to you, we will try to find a way to restore your bending I am sure of it.
Tahno: Thanks...I saw what you did to Amon back at the arena, got to say you have some serious strength and guts to go up against a guy like that. You two gotta get him for me and make sure to make him pay for what he did.
Goku and Korra: We will.
Lin: Mr.Sato, if you remember anything else about what you saw during Amon's attack, be sure to let us know.
Hiroshi: I am happy to help any way I can. I want these Equalists to pay for what they've done.(Hiroshi saids to both Lin and Tenzin then gives Korra a nod then leaves to the station)
Tenzin: We're ready for you now Tahno.
Tahno: See you around. Uh-vatar.
Goku: You know for being a jerk to you Korra, I kind of feel bad for the guy.
Korra: I'll say I have never seen someone look so much broken makes me wonder how the others are when Amon took away their bending.
Goku: Come on, hows about we head back to air temple island and do some training together.
Korra: Sure I could use something to take my mind off things.
Both headed back to the island and continued on with their training as well as mastering their Ki energy in which Korra was getting the hang of it more and more after the lessons that her boyfriend gave to her and soon starting very soon Korra will be able to start her flying lessons after learning to control her Ki energy. The next day both Korra and Goku remembered that they were invited to Asami's mansion where the bending brothers are staying at so after they their breakfast and lunch both of them teleported to the mansion where Goku focused on the brothers energies and teleported right in front of the giant mansion.
Goku: I can see why Bolin meant by luxury this place is huge!
Korra: Yea...
Goku and Korra walked up the steps and near the front door of the mansion where they were greeted by the Sato's butler who greeted the two and allowed them inside and took them to where Asami along with Mako and Bolin were. The butler took the couple towards the room where everyone was enjoying relaxation in the pool in which Goku looked to see Bolin about to do a dive into the water.
Bolin: Earth Bending Bomb!
Butler: Avatar Korra and her friend have arrived.
Goku: Hey guys.
Mako: Hey Korra hey Goku.
Asami: Glad you two made it.
Bolin: Welcome to Paradise.
Korra: Looks like you guys settled right in.
Mako: Pretty much, except someone forgot to ash her father if we could stay here.
Asami: Yea, but I smoothed it over with him. It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.
Bolin: Guys this is the greatest place in the world. Watch this, fletch me my towel good sir.
Butler: Yes Master Bolin.
Goku: Pff..Master Bolin.(Goku whispers to Korra who also earned herself a giggle)
Bolin: Master Bolin! Heh I love this guy, now pat me dry.
Butler: As you wish.
Bolin: Don't forget Master Pabu.
Butler: Wouldn't dream of it sir.(Butler saids after drying off Bolin and then went to dry off Pabu)
After the Butler finished drying off Bolin, the earth bender jumped into the pool again while it left the butler annoyed and left the pool leaving the others alone.
Bolin: Hey Goku why not come in the water is great!
Goku: know what I was actually thinking about going for a swim sure why not and it's a good thing I am wearing my swim trunks under my material arts gear.
Admittedly Goku took off his gear that caught the attention of both Korra and Asami in which after they both looked at Goku who was now in his swim trunks that matched his martial arts gear both of them blushed at the pure site they were seeing that made their faces completely red because due to the fact that Goku had so much muscles and such well toned abs.
Korra: Spirits thank you for this wonderful site.(Korra saids in thought while admiring the view of her boyfriends amazing body)
Asami: well toned muscles and wow those abs....I wonder...NO! NO BAD ASAMI YOU ALREADY HAVE MAKO!!!(Asami saids in thought while trying to come out of her trance that causes her to blush more)
Bolin: Whoah dude your so ripped!
Goku: Years of training Bolin.
Mako: Is it wrong to say I am quite jealous? Because it feels like you can crush a human spine with those guns of yours Goku.
Goku: Hehehe...
Goku jumped into the pool and came back up that made Korra's heart thump like crazy at seeing how hot and attractive her man looks and even Asami looked but turned away to speak with Korra while trying not look at Goku and his muscle body.
Korra: So, what do you have planned for us today? Let me guess, shopping, makeovers...
Goku: Makeovers not my thing trust me I know.
Bolin: Oh come on I wanted to vote on makeovers.(Bolin saids while being dunked into the water by Mako)
Asami: I have something a little more exciting in mind.
After the little pool party Asami took everyone outside to a race track where everyone looked to see some people on cars racing each other to see who would win and see who was the fastest.
Goku: Awesome.
Asami: Pretty cool, huh?
Korra: Way cooler than a makeover.
Asami: This is where Future Industries test drives their Sato mobiles. Ever been behind the wheel?
Korra: The only thing I know how to drive is a polar bear dog.
Asami: You want me to take you for a spin?
Goku: Go on Korra it could be fun.
Korra: Let's do it.
Both girls got into one car while the other drivers got into the other one so that they can start the race and once the man with flag gave them the signal both cars drove onto the track and raced while Goku along with Mako and Bolin cheered the girls on.
Goku/Mako/Bolin: Yea!..WOOHOO!..GO KORRA! GO ASAMI!
Asami was catching up to the other driver but the driver who was in front was trying to make sure that the girls didn't catch up until Asami pulled off a trick and got a head of the driver and was now in front in which caused the other racer to crash into the wall leaving Asami and Korra the win.
Korra: That was amazing! I didn't think we'd make it.
Asami: Well, you can't be afraid to mix it up sometimes.
Korra: I got to admit, I had you pegged wrong. I thought you were kinda prissy..uh no offense.
Asami:'s all right. People usually assume that I'm daddy's helpless little girl, but I can handle myself, I mean I've been in self defense classes since I was this high. My dad made sure I would always be able to protect myself.
Korra: Smart guy.
Asami: Say can I ask you something.
Korra: Sure what is it?
Asami: Back at the arena when those Equalists attacked and Amon was with them, I was just wondering how was Goku able to do those things to them I mean I didn't know someone like him could move so fast as well as be able to take down a mad man like Amon with just one single punch is he a bender?
Korra: Hehehe no Goku is not a bender though he can use abilities that is not related to the elements.
Asami: Really what does he use?
Korra: He uses an ability made from the spiritual energy inside of him, he calls it Ki.
Asami: Ki you say.
Korra: Yea at first I didn't know what it was until he showed me that it is the energy within all living beings and it can give a person skills and powers beyond anyone on this world. He told me that he spent years mastering Ki and now he teaching me how to master it as well.
Asami: Wow that is something new to me and I would like to know more about it especially see him in fights since Mako told me that Goku is a master in martial arts.
Korra: I am sure Goku would like to show you sometime since myself along with Mako and Bolin already know about what he can do.
Asami: Well I look forward to learning from a true master.
Korra along with Goku and the others headed back the mansion where Bolin was rushing back to because he had to use the bathroom like now.
Bolin: Emergency! Coming through! Beep! Beep!
Mako: Oh geez....
Goku: Does he always have to go?
Mako: Not unless he drinks too much, you'll get use to it.
Korra: Uh, is there another bathroom I can use?
Asami: We have a ladies powder room upstairs. First door on your right, you can freshen up in there.
Korra: Thanks, Goku mind waiting here for me until I get back.
Goku: Not at all Korra take your time.
Korra: I won't be long.(Korra saids and heads up to use the other bathroom)
Asami: Say Goku, Korra told me that you can use an ability that isn't related to bending is that true.
Goku: Yea I use the energy known as Ki, why you ask?
Asami: Well after what Korra told me, I was wondering if you can show me what this Ki looks like if you don't mind of course.
Goku: Sure not at all if it all right with Mako.
Mako: Not at all since Bolin and I already seen it first hand. Showing it to Asami wouldn't hurt.
Asami: So what is Ki really Goku?
Goku: Well Asami you see Ki is known as latent energy or fighting power which directly translate as life force, basically this force is a tangible energy inside every living being. With its major focus being in the center of the body and by drawing it out an individual is able to manipulate it and use it outside the body.
Asami: Wow..that sounds amazing who told you about this?
Goku: My grandpa Gohan, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be able to master Ki while growing up.
Asami: He seems like a very wise man.
Goku: That he was.
Asami: Can you possibly show me a demonstration of how you bring out your Ki.
Goku: Sure and I will do it slowly that way you can watch me better. You see the first you want to do is make yourself completely calm then you listen, listen to the center of your body until you start to feel a pull and then...
When Asami looked at the center of Goku's hands all of sudden she didn't see anything but then a small glow was starting to appear in the center of Goku that made Asami in awe of what she was seeing in person and never knew something like this even existed until she started to see the full Ki energy itself.
Asami: Unbelievable...(Asami saids in awe while Mako even though he saw it at first hand he too was still in awe that Goku can use something like this)
Goku: And you just bring it out. You see Asami this is what Ki looks like in person, this is the energy within all living beings.
Asami: This explains how you were able to fly and move so fast at the arena last night. In all my life I have never seen anything this amazing.
Goku: Korra had the same reaction when I first showed her as well as Mako and Bolin.
Mako: I am still getting used to it.
Asami: Say Goku you think I have Ki inside of me?
Goku: Well sure everyone has Ki inside of them. I can sense it inside your bodies.
Asami: Wait really?
Goku: Yea though with the right training I am sure you will be able to control your Ki energy and be able a lot of interesting things with it.
Asami: If you say what is true, is all right if you could teach me how to master it.
Goku: Sure I already teaching Korra as well as Tenzin's kids, I wouldn't mind adding another member to teach.
Asami: Thats great, Mako wanna join in.
Mako: Nah I think I would have to pass, this spiritual energy stuff is not really in my offense Goku.
Goku: That's ok Mako I can accept your decision though if you change your mind you know where to find me.
Mako: Thanks.
Bolin: Hey guys I'm back! What going on?
Mako: Goku was just showing Asami his Ki energy and offered to teach her how to master it.
Bolin: Whoah thats awesome.
When Goku was about to say something all of sudden he sensed Korra's energy towards everyone and looked to see her rushing down the steps meaning something is wrong until she took Goku's hand and was about to leave when Asami spoke.
Asami: You're leaving but I thought..
Korra: Sorry, I forgot that me and Goku are suppose to airsit..I mean baby bend, I mean babysit the air bender kids see you guys later, come on Goku.
Goku: Uh ok? Catch you guys later I think?
Once outside Goku catched up to Korra and stopped her from running more and asked what was wrong and why she rushed out of the mansion in a hurry and why she looked like she was panicking.
Goku: Korra slow down, now tell me what has gotten into you?
Korra: Goku...I.. I don't how to tell you this but while I was finishing up in the bathroom I heard Mr.Sato voice next door and I think I heard something very troubling.
Goku: What did you hear?
Korra: I heard him say something about Cabbage Corp as well as getting ready to strike but I don't what it was and I think I believe that he's...
Goku: He's what Korra?
Korra: You may think I will sound crazy but I think Mr.Sato has something to do with the Equalists and I think maybe he somehow connected to those gloves that the Equalists used during the fight where Amon showed up at the arena.
Goku: Hmm...Korra are sure you heard what you heard from Mr.Sato because he sounds like a sweet man but to work for the Equalists is another story.
Korra: I know what I heard back there.
Goku: If you say what your saying is true we better inform Tenzin about this as well Beifong they need to know about this as well.
Korra: You're right let's go.
Night came to Republic City, Korra along with Goku called up Tenzin and Beifong to meet them on the top of the police station to discuss Mr.Sato about being an Equalist as well as the one who created those gloves during the arena attack.
Tenzin: So you think Mr.Sato manufactured those gloves for the Equalists, then framed Cabbage Corp?
Lin: That's a bold accusation. But what proof do you have?
Korra: Well, I don't exactly have proof, but I know what I heard. Sato's up to something.
Lin: He does have the means and he has a motive.
Tenzin: Thats right.
Goku: What do you mean by that Tenzin?
Korra: I agree a motive? What is it?
Tenzin: Twelve years ago the Agni Kai Triad robbed the Sato's mansion. A fire bender killed Sato's wife during the break in.
Goku: Poor guy..and I probably know how Asami feels about her mother being gone.(Goku saids in thought while feeling bad for the Sato family)
Korra: That's terrible.
Tenzin: It was tragic. It's possible he's been harboring anti bending sentiment all this time.
Lin: Maybe we should look at Mr.Sato a little more closely.
Goku: But we could at least give him a chance to explain himself otherwise things wont turn out so well.
Tenzin: I agree with Goku, it would be best to approach this in more calmly way.
Lin: Very well, I will contact Mr.Sato and we will schedule a meeting with him in the morning.
The following day Mr.Sato got the call from Beifong in which he would allow for the meeting to start in which Korra along with Teznin, Beifong and Goku arrived at the mansion where the same butler opened the door and allowed the four to come inside mansion and looked to see both Mako and Asami near the stairs with questionable looks.
Mako: What's going on? Why are they asking Hiroshi more questions?
Korra: I over heard him on the phone yesterday. Asami, I don't know how to tell you this but I think your father might be involved with the Equalists.
Asami: What?! I don't believe this.
Mako: You spied on Hiroshi? What's your problem?
Korra: Sigh....
Goku: It's all right Korra.
Korra: I hope so Goku, I hope.
Inside Mr.Sato office both Tenzin and Lin began to ask the questions to Hiroshi if there is anything leading the the Equalists or about the gloves.
Lin: Mr.Sato, we just have a few follow up questions for you.
Asami: My father is innocent. Just because we're not benders doesn't mean we support those awful Equalists.(Asami saids while coming into the room to prove her father innocents)
Hiroshi: Equalists? Is that what this about? I can assure you, I have nothing to do with those radicals.
Mako: Yea, you don't know what you're talking about Korra.
Korra: I overheard you on the phone. You said the Cabbage Corp investigation bought you time, and you're getting ready to strike. Explain that.
Hiroshi: Hehehe, this is all just a misunderstanding, resulting from a young Avatar's over active imagination. My number one competitor was knocked out of the game and it's providing me an opportunity to strike the market with a new line of Sato mobiles.
Goku: So basically you were making a deal with someone who would take the opportunity to sale more of your Sato mobiles to keep your company in business?(Goku saids that made Asami smile that she believes Goku thinks that her father is innocent while he on the hand was still keeping an eye on the man just in case)
Hiroshi: Exactly Goku, it's just business nothing nefarious.
Tenzin: In order to put all suspicions to rest, might we have a look into your factories and warehouses?
Hiroshi: If you feel it's necessary, you're welcome to search all of Future Industries.
Soon everyone even the police force began to search every factory of Future Industries and so far they couldn't find anything related to the Equalists meaning that they couldn't find any evidence and when they came to the last factory they found absolutely nothing at all.
Korra: I can't believe we didn't find anything.
Lin: It would appear Hiroshi is innocent.
Goku: I met the guy and he sounded like a well cared man who likes his company as well as looking after his daughter. There is no possible way he would do such terrible things.
Asami: Exactly at least Goku seems to know that my father is innocent and it looks like you did your search. Now you can all leave.
Goku: Even though I think he is innocent I still should keep an eye on him.(Goku saids in thought)
Mako: Korra can we talk.
Korra: Ok.
Mako: So? I hope you are convinced now.
Korra: No, I'm not. I don't care cooperative Hiroshi is being. I know he is lying.
Mako: Why are you doing this? If you drop what you are doing Korra then consider our friendship over.
Korra: I'm sorry, Hiroshi is not the man you think he is.
Mako: Hmph..
Mako leaves with Asami right after she thanked Goku for supporting her fathers innocent then took off with Mako while leaving Korra with Goku, Tenzin and Beifong. When the man near the factory was closing the door he looked at Korra and headed towards her direction and gave her a piece of paper before taking off without her knowing who gave her the paper.
Goku: Whats that you got there Korra?
Korra: I think you guys should hear this.
Tenzin: What is it Korra?
Korra: A note, it saids if you want to find the truth meet me under the north end of the silk road bridge at midnight.
All four of them headed towards the bridge to meet up with who ever gave the note to Korra and when they arrived they heard a whisper near the bridge where they saw a man in a hat and coat that was the man who worked at the factory.
Industries Worker: Psst..over here. Listen, I joined the Equalists because I believe in what Amon said. I thought he could make life better for us non benders but I didn't sign up for this..this war.
Lin: What do you have on Hiroshi Sato?
Industries Worker: He manufactured those gloves for the Equalists.
Korra: I knew it!
Goku: So Hiroshi is an Equalist after all, I mean the guy was so nice and carrying I would have never imagined he would be working for something like Amon.
Industries Worker: And there are rumors he's working on something even bigger, some new kind of weapon.
Tenzin: We searched all of Future Industries and found absolutely nothing.
Industries Worker: That's because he has a secret factory.
Korra: Where?
Industries Worker: It's right underneath the Sato mansion.
Everyone gasped in shock of what they all just heard in which they couldn't believe that there was an entire factory below the mansion that Asami and her father lived meaning that Goku thinks that Asami doesn't know about what her father is really doing behind her back. Beifong called in for an air ship as well as some of fellow officers and all of them as well as Korra and Goku got on board and flew towards the Sato mansion and plan to find this underground factory as well as what kind of new weapon Mr.Sato has created.
Goku: You all right Korra?
Korra: I'm fine just in shock that Mr.Sato is working for the Equalists and for Amon.
Goku: We will get to the bottom of this Korra don't worry.
Tenzin: Raiding the Sato mansion is a risky move with Tarrlock breathing down your neck. If we are wrong..
Lin: I know, I can kiss my job goodbye. But protecting Republic City is all I care about, we can't let Amon get his hands on this new weapon.
Once they arrived at the mansion, all of them dropped down from the air ship and headed inside the place where Bolin along with Mako and Asami were enjoying some nice music and fruits until the doors busted open and came in the police force.
Asami: What are you doing here?!
Lin: We have reason believed there's a factory hidden below the mansion.
Asami: I think I would have noticed if there was a factory underneath my house. The lies you people come up with just to persecute my father....
Tenzin: Where is your father?
Asami: In his workshop, behind the house.
Beifong had her officers guard the perimeter outside of the mansion as well as the workshop that Asami showed them where her father is working on ideas but what they didn't know that her father wasn't there and the place is completely emptied and no sign of Mr.Sato.
Asami: Dad? Hello?
Officer: Chief, the estate's been secured. No one has left the workshop since we arrived.
Lin: Perhaps we just couldn't see him leaving.
Using her metal bending skills, Beifong stumped her foot to the ground and feels the vibration of the entire workshop until she found something that could lead towards the factory below.
Lin: There's a tunnel beneath the workshop running deep into the mountainside.
Asami: What? There's no tunnel.
Lin then used her metal bending to rip open the floor in which revealed the hidden tunnel that left everyone shocked even Asami herself who couldn't believe what she was seeing.
Bolin: Gasp!...Do you think your dad knows about this tunnel?
Asami: I..I don't understand. There's must be an explanation.
Korra: Maybe you don't know everything about your father.
Goku: I am so sorry Asami.
Lin: Officers into the tunnel and be cautious.
Mako along with Bolin and Asami were about to enter as well when Beifong told them not to because it could get dangerous down there.
Lin: Uh uh you three stay up here. Officer Song, keep an eye on them.
Everyone headed into the tunnel while Goku and Korra looked to see their friends faces in worry especially Asami who still is having trouble knowing that her own father is an Equalist. They soon take the elevator down to the hidden factory and once everyone was near the entrance they all looked to the factory with the posters of Amon as well as signs for the Equalists.
Lin: Not your average backyard workshop.
Goku: Check out those things?(Goku saids while looking that the new weapon on both sides of the factory)
Korra: And I'm guessing those are the new weapons.
Tenzin: Hiroshi was lying all right, but where is he?
All of sudden a huge wall was cut off between Goku and the others in which they were separated from each other meaning that they walked into a trap.
Korra: Goku?!
Goku: Well this can't be good?(Goku saids from the other side of the wall)
Lin went to bend the wall with her metal bending when all of sudden she couldn't because the wall was made of a different mineral and that is when Mr.Sato spoke out of nowhere.
Hiroshi: I'm afraid you won't be able to metal bend that wall, Chief Beifong. It's solid platinum.
Then all of the weapons lights came on meaning the Equalist as well as Mr.Sato were inside them and weapon to attack the benders while closing in on them from both sides.
Hiroshi: My mecha tanks are platinum as well. Not even your renowned mother could bend a metal so pure.
Korra: Hiroshi, I knew you were a lying, no good Equalist. Come out here and...
Hiroshi: And do what, young Avatar? Face the wrath of your bending? No, I think I'll fight from inside here where my odds are a little more...equal.
Lin: That source was a setup. You lured us down here.
Hiroshi: Guilty as charge.
The battle started in which everyone began to attack the mecha tanks one by one by their bending wasn't doing anything to them besides pushing them back and when the metal benders caught them in their cables the mecha tanks shocked them all with electricity and they all fell unconscious. Beifong saw her troops down and went to help when a mecha tank arm grabbed her and slammed her into the ground. Tenzin and Korra were facing Hiroshi together and when he went to attack Korra, she dodged the attacks but was later hit with a mecha arm and fell unconscious leaving Tenzin only standing. Then soon or later Tenzin fell when he got hit with an electric cable that came out of the mecha tank and was soon unconscious along with the others. Hiroshi soon came out of the mecha tank and walked over to see their targets unconscious and beaten with the Lieutenant at his side.
Hiroshi: Well, I'd say that was near flawless test run. Load everyone into the transports and deliver them to Amon.
Lieutenant: Did that other guy came with them?
Hiroshi: You mean Mr.Son, yes but he's trapped between the solid platinum there is no way he can break through something so pure even if he is as strong as Amon said.
Lieutenant: I hope you're right, that guy did a number on us including me and I refuse to end up in the same situation all over again. I am still feeling that same attack that he did back in the rally.
Behind the mecha tanks as well as the Equalists, both Mako and Bolin came out under the floor and looked to see everyone was down and unconscious but no sign of Goku anywhere.
Mako: Korra was right, we gotta do something quick.
Bolin: Let's grab Korra, Tenzin and Beifong before any one sees us.
Mako: Sounds like a plan to me but where's Goku?
Bolin: I am not sure but let's get our friends away first.
Mako and Bolin went over and grabbed hold of Korra, Tenzin and Beifong and were about to leave when all of sudden both Mr.Sato and the Lieutenant were in front of them armed with electric gloves and rods.
Hiroshi: Not so fast boys.
Bolin: Uh...hello a really swell scary factory you have here under your giant mansion.
Mako: Sponsoring our team, supporting the Avatar. It was all just a big cover.
Hiroshi: Yes, and the most difficult part was watching my daughter traipse around with a fire bending street rat like you!
When both Hiroshi and the Lieutenant were about to attack the boys all of sudden Asami voice was heard that got Mr.Sato's attention.
Asami: Dad stop! Why?
Hiroshi: Sweetie...I wanted to keep you out of this for as long as I could, but now you know the truth, please forgive me. These people...these benders, they took away your mother, the love of my life. They've ruined the world but with Amon we can fix it and build a perfect world together. We can help people like us everywhere. Join me Asami.(Hiroshi saids to Asami and offers her the glove while she was in horror and shock of what her father said to her)
When Asami walked over and took the glove and put it on her meaning that everyone thought she was going to become an Equalists as well but deep down she wasn't and was about to do something that she will regret for the rest of her life until a huge banging sound was heard.
Lieutenant: What was that?
Hiroshi: Not sure?
Everyone looked to see where the banging was coming from until they looked towards the platinum wall itself and looked to see bents coming from it meaning that the Lieutenant knows whose coming through the wall.
Hiroshi: There's no way...he can bust through solid platinum there's no way...
Then soon after another bang a huge hole was formed and the piece of the platinum went flying towards one of the mecha tanks and it knocked it over leaving everyone confused until they looked to see who came out of the hole and it was known other than Goku himself.
Goku: I thought you were a good person Hiroshi Sato but it looks like I was wrong.(Goku saids while glaring at Hiroshi while the other Equalists backed away in fear because they know who this man is)
Hiroshi: How did you penetrate through solid platinum?!!
Korra: G..Goku....(Korra saids while looking at Goku in front of her)
Goku: Now let my friends go or things wont turn out so well.
Hiroshi: You really think your a match for my mecha tanks even if you are stronger like Amon said there is no way someone like you Son Goku can defeat something so powerful. I've already taken down these benders as well as the Avatar and I will do the same to you. Attack him!
Mako/Bolin/Korra: Goku!!
Asami: No.....
The mecha tanks charge at Goku in which they don't realize that they all just dug their own grave meaning Goku is going to teach them a lesson they will soon regret.
Goku: Then you leave me with no choice. KAIOKEN!!!
Hiroshi and Lieutenant: WHAT?!!!!(Both said in pure shock of what they just seen)
Everyone in the factory looked towards Goku in pure shock of what they just seen him do in which he was engulfed in red aura as well as his body turning into a completely solid crimson color that made the Equalists back away in fear while Korra and her friends were in awe of what they seen Goku just do in front of them.
Mako: Uh.......
Bolin: Whoah.......
Asami: G..Goku?.....(Asami saids in shock and awe of what she just seen)
Korra: that...ww...what I think it is...
Goku charges at the first mecha suit and threw a really hard punch that made the tank go flying into the wall while also breaking apart that left Mr.Sato and the Lieutenant gaping like fish while the others were just staring at the strength that Goku unleashed. Then soon Goku attacked the others and kicked the two next to him into the air and the both went so high up they both ended crashing down and destroyed. Lastly Goku attacked the remaining mecha tank with quick speed and power and they all ended up destroyed while the pilots got out in time before the suits exploded meaning that the saiyan destroyed all of Sato's weapons.
Hiroshi: could this be.....he...he...destroyed my creations.....what....what is he?
Asami: I love you dad..
Hiroshi: ARGH!!!
Asami used the shock glove on her father then soon the Lieutenant as well in which both of them fell unconscious that left everyone in shock and soon when Goku who came out of his Kaioken form looked to see the weapons destroyed he gave all the Equalists a mean glare meaning try something and you wont come out of this alive. Admittedly the Equalist ran away in fear for not wanting to end up like the mecha tanks or fill the wrath of the saiyan.
Mako: Come on let's get out of here!
Goku: Everyone grab hold of me and I will get us all out of here.
Everyone did what Goku said and hanged onto him tight and when Goku looked to see everyone was near he used his instant transmission to teleport out of the factory and back on board the police air ship and once on board, Beifong gave the order to leave the estate to make sure no one follows them. Asami looked over the air ship and saw her home in sadness meaning that she can no longer return to there after what she found out about her father being an Equalist all this time and it left her broken and Mako went over to comfort the poor girl after finding out the truth.
Lin: My metal benders are on their way to Amon and it's all my fault. Tarrlock's right I failed as Chief, first thing in the morning I'm handing in my resignation.
Tenzin: No, you can't give up like this.
Lin: I am not giving up. I'm gonna find my officers and take Amon down. But I am going to do it my way, outside the law.
Tenzin: What ever works best for you Lin I will support it.
Goku: Hey how you holding up Korra?
Korra: Sigh...I'm all right Goku and thanks for saving us down there.(Korra saids and hugs Goku)
Mako: Korra, I'm sorry I didn't believe you, but Asami's dad being an Equalist is not an easy thing to believe, even now.
Korra: I know..I'm sorry this whole thing happened.
Mako: Does your offer still stand? About us staying on air temple island with you and Goku.
Korra: Of course it does and Asami is welcome too.
Mako: Thank you so much. And Goku thanks for what you did back there really appreciated.
Goku: My pleasure Mako.
Bolin: Speaking of which what was that you did? I mean you busted through solid platinum and then the next thing you were engulfed in some kind of crimson red glowing stuff that turned your whole body bright red and you destroyed all of the tanks like they were nothing.
Asami: I am wondering about that as well. Was that some kind of Ki power?
Goku: What you all saw was the Kaioken technique.
Korra: You mean that was the technique you told me about, the one that increases your strength and gets a temporary power boost.
Goku: Yea thats right.
Bolin: How many times can you use that technique?
Goku: I only use it if needed and if I use too much of it, it will put too much pressure on my body meaning it could slow me down.
Mako: So thats a weakness to it, if used too much it slows your body down meaning you cannot fight.
Goku: Correct.
Asami: An ability to increase someone strength, makes me wonder what else Goku can do with this Ki of his.(Asami saids in thought)
Bolin: Is there anything else you can't do Goku!
Goku: I will tell you guys another time. In the mean time we would be honor to have you three on air temple island with me and Korra it the least we can do.
Mako: Thank you Goku and you too Korra.
Korra: You're welcome.
Mako and Asami went back to look out the window of the air ship while Bolin relaxed for a while and Tenzin who heard everything was pleased to have the three of them on the island as well as thankful for what Goku did in the factory but soon attended to Beifong who was still injured form the fight. Then Korra took Goku to a room so that she can talk with him in private.
Goku: What did you want to talk about Korra?
Korra: What you did in the factory was by far the most amazing and incredible performance I have ever seen in my life Goku, I never would have imagined that the Kaioken was able to do so much even to a mecha tank. I have to admit you amaze me even more Goku. Thank you for what you did and thanks for coming to help.
Goku: You're welcome though sorry I couldn't save the officers since they were already taken away.
Korra: Don't worry we will find them and bring them back safely. But for now I need you to hold me close and never let go.
Goku: I promise Korra and I always will.
Korra: I love you.
Goku: So do I do I.
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