Chapter 2: A leaf in the wind!
It was morning in Republic City in which everyone is getting ready for their day as well as Avatar Korra who is up and ready to start her air bending training with Tenzin but before that she decided to have some breakfast first before doing anything else.
Tenzin: Morning Korra.
Korra: Good morning Tenzin, I am ready to start my air bending training as soon as possible.
Tenzin: Thats good to know but first lets have some breakfast before we start anything and you mind waking up Goku I think he is still in his room asleep or not.
Korra: Sure no problem Tenzin.
Tenzin: I will see you both in the dinning room when you both show up.(Tenzin saids then takes his leave while Korra goes off to wake up Goku)
Korra went off to the boys side of the island to meet up with her friend and tell him it is time for breakfast, and as soon as she was walking towards the room that Goku was in she heard something going on in the bedroom and went to open the door and saw Goku up and doing what looks like push ups in the morning.
Goku: 290....291......292.....293.....294....295...296....297....298...299....300!(Goku saids while doing push ups while Korra was watching and couldn't believe Goku did 300 hundred push ups)
Korra: Uh...Goku what are you doing?
Goku: Hm? Oh hey Korra good morning sorry when ever I wake up early in the morning I use this time to do some work outs as well as push ups to keep my strength and energy flowing.
When Goku stood up all of sudden Korra's face went from her normal color skin to blazing crimson red of what she was looking at. It Goku completely shirtless while exposing his muscles and strong figure and perfect abs that Korra couldn't stop staring at.
Korra: Gulp!......Uh know.(Korra was struggling to say words but couldn't because of the muscled man in front of her)
Goku: Yea nothing like a good workout to start the day and hey are you alright you look a little red there do you a fever or something?
Korra: Oh! I am absolutely fine it must be the heat that is getting to anyway Tenzin saids breakfast is ready so he asked me to come and get you so that we can have something to eat before I start my air bending training.
Goku: Oh that is great! Just let me get ready first then I will join you.
Korra: Oh you will do that and I will wait outside for you....bye!(Korra saids and moves quickly out of the room trying to control herself)
Goku: Wonder what has gotten into her maybe it is the heat I think?
Outside the room Korra was breathing heavily as well as her heart beating like crazy because she has never seen such an amazing muscular man before and such perfect abs in which caused the Avatar to blush harder but took deep breaths to calm herself and try to forget about what she saw in the room.
Korra: Alright Korra just relax and breath....and try to forget about how handsome and muscular Goku and I will.....WAIT A MINUTE DID I JUST THINK HANDSOME?!!!!....spirits what is wrong with me...Goku is my friend....I got to get myself under control.(Korra saids in thought until she heard the door opened and see Goku in his orange and blue martial arts gear)
Goku: Ok I am ready, wanna walk together Korra.
Korra: Oh yea sure I would love to Goku...hehehe.(Korra saids while blushing a little and smiling)
Both Goku and Korra walked together and headed towards the dinning room where Tenzin and the people work on the island all met up to have breakfast and once the Avatar and Goku made their way and saw Tenzin they both greeted him good morning and then sat down to eat breakfast. While Korra and Tenzin were eating they looked to see Goku eating as well and what they saw was that he was eating a lot of food and the strangest thing is he isn't even gaining an weight at all.
Goku: Mmm...this good stuff even though its all vegetarian food it is still delicious thanks Tenzin.(Goku saids to Tenzin in which the air master was pleased that Goku enjoys the food of air benders since all air nomads are vegetarians)
Korra: Wow Goku you have some appetite and not even gaining any weight?
Goku: You know thats what my family and friends that I had used to tell me but what can I say I just love to eat.
When Goku saids that to Korra who still had food in his mouth it made Korra giggle that Goku enjoys eating lots of food and when she looked to see the newspaper to see what is going on all of sudden she spotted something that she liked when she was younger but never got to go to it since she was stuck in the south pole.
Korra: In the final round, the Buzzard Wasps won the decisive knockout. What do you say we got to the arena tonight and catch a few Pro Bending matches?
Goku: Pro Bending? Whats that?
Korra: Oh Goku its by far the most greatest sport in history and I have been dying to see a match since I was a kid and I can tell you like it as well.
Goku: Really.
Tenzin: That sport is a mockery of the noble tradition of bending.
Korra: Come out Tenzin I have dreamed about seeing a Pro Bending match since I was a kid and now I am just a ferry ride away from the arena.(Korra saids while pointing at the yellow arena near the city)
Tenzin: Korra you are not here to watch that drivel. You are here to finish your Avatar training. So for the time being I want you to remain on the island.
Korra: Is that why you are keeping the White Lotus sentries around to watch my every move?
Tenzin: Yes, in order to learn air bending I believe you require a calm and quiet environment. Free from any distractions.
Korra: Alright you are the master.
Goku: Cheer up Korra I think this could be my chance to see what you can do.
Korra: Thanks Goku.
Tenzin: Speaking of which I would like to know what you can do as well Goku that if you don't mind sharing your secrets with just myself and the Avatar.
Goku: Sure not at all that if you can handle what I will show you and tell you everything. As long as it stays between us then I am alright with it.
Tenzin: Understood, now Korra get into your air bending and meet me outside when you are ready.
Korra: My what now?
Then soon after Korra headed back to her room to put on the air like clothes that Tenzin children wear and well Korra didn't feel quite right wearing them but Tenzin is the master so she had to just go with the flow. After words Korra met up with Tenzin and Goku who were outside waiting for the Avatar and Goku can see that Korra wasn't liking the clothes that much.
Tenzin: So my mother informed me that you have never been able to air bend before.
Korra: Sigh...yea but I don't know why? The other elements came so easily to me. But every single time I have tried air bending...nothing.
Goku: Don't let it beat yourself up Korra a lot of people struggle with something that they couldn't mastered it just takes time.
Tenzin: He's right and it is perfectly all right we just need to be patient. Often the element that is the most difficult for the Avatar to master is the one most opposite to the Avatar's personality. For Aang it was earth bending.
Korra: Yea well I am about as opposite an air bender as you can get.
Tenzin: Let's begin your first lesson.
Tenzin along with Korra and Goku walked towards the other side of the island and came upon the kids standing in front of what looks like some kind of contraption that has to do with air bending.
Ikki: Korra's gonna air bend! Korra's gonna air bend!
Korra: What is that contraption?
Tenzin: A time honored tool that teaches the most fundamental aspect of air bending. Jinora, would you like to explain this excise?
Jinora: The goal is to weave your way through the gates and make it to the other side without touching them.
Korra: Seems easy enough.
Goku: You may think that Korra but to me it could be a challenge for you.
Ikki: Goku's is correct! Jinora forgot to say you have to make it through while the gates are spinning.
Tenzin then use air bending to blow on the gates in which all of them began to spin together while also informing Korra what she needs to do and Jinora will be the demonstration.
Tenzin: The key is to be the leaf. Flow with the movement of the gates, Jinora will demonstrate.
Jinora then went into the gates without touching them perfecting that made Goku impressed with the young girl and her skill of movement.
Tenzin: Air bending is all about spiral movements. When you meet resistance, you must be able to switch direction at a moments notice.(Tenzin saids as everyone watched Jinora make it through the gates without touching them)
Goku: Very impressive Jinora and such excellent movements.
Jinora: Thank you Goku.(Jinora saids with a smile then blows wind at the gates so they continue to spin)
Korra: Let's do this.(Korra saids as she runs into the gates)
Goku: Uh Korra I think maybe you should.....
Goku didn't get to finished when Korra gets hit with the gates and it looked like it was starting to hurt a lot in which everyone winced at Korra being hit with each gate.
Goku: Ooh...I can't watch this.(Goku saids while looking away of what he was seeing)
Korra got hit so many times on the gates and ended on the ground but then got back up again and ran towards the gate again but still continued to get hit every time.
Jinora: Don't force your way through.
Ikki: Dance, dance like the wind.
Meelo: Be the leaf.
Goku: Maybe I should of brought one of the senzu beans with me.(Goku saids in thought)
Then soon Korra got hit with so many gates until she then got knockout of the gates and landed on the ground.
Goku: Korra are you alright?
Korra: Oh just peachy Goku......
Goku: I take that as a no. Come on let me help you up.
Korra: Thanks....
Goku: Say Tenzin mind if I give it try.
Tenzin: Hmm I guess so why not let's see if you can make it through.
Korra: Goku are sure you can handle those things.
Goku: The key is move like the leaf so I will move like a leaf.
Korra: Alright all yours.
Everyone even Korra wait for Goku to make his move and then all of sudden while using some of his Ki he moved so fast into the gates themselves while using different styles of reflexes and making sure not to touch the gates and finally made it on the other side without a scratch.
Goku: Wow that was fun, I should try using this move often.(Goku saids with a smile but then looked to see everyones jaw hitting the ground even Korra herself couldn't believe what she just seen so fast)
Jinora: He moved through gates with such incredible movements and made it to the other side in a second.
Ikki: Wow that was amazing!!!
Meelo: Goku is so fast!
Tenzin: Unbelievable even on his first try he was able to make through the gates.
Korra: Goku! How did did you do that so fast?!!!
Goku: Years of training as well as mastering Ki of course.
Korra: Ki? What is Ki?
Goku: Well that is something I wanted to tell you and Tenzin about.
Tenzin: Ki...Ki...hmmm..I don't think I ever heard of something called Ki before what is it Goku?
Goku: Sit down and I will explain to you all what Ki is.
Everyone even the children sat down in front of Goku so that he can explain to them what Ki is.
Goku: Now you see Ki is known as latent energy or fighting power which directly translates as life force.
Korra: Life force you mean like spiritual energy?
Goku: Something like that, this force is a tangible energy inside every living being. With its major focus being in the center of the body and by drawing it out an individual is able to manipulate it and use it outside the body.
Tenzin: Interesting this is something very new to me.
Jinora: I want to know more about Ki is it possible you can show us a demonstration of it.
Goku: Sure I will do it slowly that way you all can watch me better. The first thing you have to do is make yourself completely calm then you listen, listen to the center of your body until you start to feel a pull and then.
Goku saids to everyone when all of sudden they looked to see something glowing from Goku's hands in the center in which was the first experience of what Ki looks like and once they saw it for the first time they were in awe and shocked of what they never knew existed before.
Korra: No way.......
Goku: And you just bring it out. There you see this is what Ki looks like within your body.
Ikki and Mello: Wow........
Jinora: This is amazing I never knew something like this existed and its in our bodies.
Tenzin: Magnificent so this is how you were able to move through the gates by using this Ki. Goku is it possible that everyone has this inside of them.
Goku: Of course everyone has Ki inside of them, it takes time and practice of how to master it and use it for their own doing like for me I can use a lot of things when using Ki even when I am in battles.
Korra: I want to learn how to use this Ki.(Korra saids in thought and in awe that she saw something new and wanted to learn how to use it)
Jinora: What kind of abilities can you use Ki for Goku?
Goku: Well there is a lot of abilities I can use with Ki in which I can increase my strength as well as able to fly and teleport.(Goku saids and it left everyones jaw dropping flat on the ground)
Goku: Hehehe yea wanna see a demonstration.
Ikki: I want to see you fly! I want to see you fly!
Tenzin: How do you fly Goku when using Ki?
Goku: Well all I do is push the energy within my power to my feet and it allows me to levitate off the ground and into the air and once I am up high enough I can then use my Ki to blast myself off and fly in such great speed up-serve.(Goku saids then uses his Ki to makes himself float into the air a little bit and float higher)
Admittedly Korra was looking at her friend in awe and in shock that Ki can be use for flying and other things in which she wants to know if Goku could teach her this and it could help improve her skills as an Avatar and well basically she wants to learn how to fly because it looks so cool.
Tenzin: By the spirits this is history.
Goku: Now watch as I use some of my Ki to move fast!(Goku saids then blasted away in such great speed into the air)
Everyone was in amazement that Goku could use something that they never thought it was real or not but now it is and they want to learn it as well. Then soon Goku landed back on the ground and saw the kids and even Korra along with Tenzin running to him with excitement on their faces.
Jinora: I want to learn how to use Ki as well.
Ikki: Me too! Me too!
Meelo: I want to fly like the wind!!
Tenzin: Very impressive Goku, very impressive is it possible that you willing to teach how master Ki since I know the kids and Korra would like to learn how to master it.
Goku: Sure whenever we have time for ourselves I will be happy to teach them.
Kids: YAY!!!!
Korra: Can you show how us your teleportation ability Goku if that is possible to use?
Goku: Sure but when I use this ability I don't focus on a place but on a person and once I lock onto that person's energy I simply teleport to that persons location.
Korra: Really is that how it works?
Goku: Yea say Tenzin you see on top of the temple there.
Tenzin: Yes do want me to fly up there and see if you can teleport to my location.
Goku: Yes so I can show the demonstration to the kids and Korra.
Tenzin: Not at all wait here everyone.
When everyone looked to see Tenzin on top of the air temple tip top, he gave Goku the sign to use his ability.
Goku: Alright now I just need to focus on Tenzin's energy and I will be right near him.
Ikki: I am so excited!
Jinora: How long did it take you to master this technique Goku?
Goku: Took me a year to master it.
Korra: Aw...I can't handle a year of mastering that ability that is if I can even use that ability.(Korra saids in thought)
Goku: Alright I got his energy locked on and 3...2...1 see ya!(Goku saids then teleports away leaving everyone stunned)
Kids: WOW!!!
Korra: He actually did it.
Tenzin looked to see Goku disappeared and was amazed of the ability until he felt a tap of his shoulder and looked to see Goku next to him.
Goku: Well here I am Tenzin.
Tenzin: Marvelous Goku and all you have to do is focus on a persons energy and you can simply teleport directly to them.
Goku: Thats right, want me to give you a lift down just grab my shoulder and we will teleport back down with the others.
Tenzin: Hmm never teleported before could be my first time.
Goku and Tenzin then were teleported back to the ground where everyone was waiting and excited to see that Goku can use abilities far more different from a benders and couldn't wait to learn from him so they too can master Ki as well.
Soon night came on air temple island and Korra who was outside with Naga and trying to process some air but was struggling to make it come out of her that was causing her to get frustrated.
Korra: Air bend. What is wrong with me? Air Bend!
Korra got mad and then fire bend the newspaper that had Lin Beifong on it and then out of nowhere Goku appeared next to Naga and looked to see Korra frustrated.
Goku: Korra?
Korra: Oh hey Goku...sorry I was just trying to air bend.
Goku: I can see any luck?
Korra: No maybe I am just not cut out to be an air bender.
Goku: Hey it ok and these things take time like I said, like for me it took me a while to master Ki as well as the abilities I can use so I know how you feel.
Korra: Thanks but it is still amazing you can use something that isn't bending who taught you have to use Ki.
Goku: My grandpa Gohan, he taught everything there is to know about Ki even taught me some fighting techniques as well.
Korra: He seems like a good man.
Goku: Yea he was and still is.
Korra: Say I have been meaning to ask you something for a while that is if you wouldn't telling me and I promise to keep a secret just between the two of us.
Goku: Sure what is it?
Korra: Goku where are you really from? Because you are definitely not from any of the nations and I never met anyone who can use abilities like your before so you mind telling me who you really are and where you truly came from.
Goku: Sigh...I knew you were going to say something like that and I guess it wouldn't hurt if I told you and promise to keep it a secret between you and me.
Korra: Of course your my the first friend I ever made.
Goku: Come I will tell you everything and its quite a long story and hard to believe.
Korra walked with Goku to sit near the edge of the island and he began to tell Korra about where he came from in which was another world that was similar to hers but completely different because in his world benders as well the Avatar do not exist and the world itself was bigger than what this world that Goku was in as well as the technology being more highly advanced but also having people who can use Ki to help people while others use their power for evil to destroy the world and harm others. Korra was listening to everything that Goku was saying and she was shocked of what she was listening and it was making sense because when she met Goku he looked so different from the people of Republic City and the ones from the other nations. Goku then told her that he is not human as well but from a warrior race called the Saiyans who were a mercenary group of warriors who have tails that aloud them to turn into giant ape like creatures but Goku told Korra that he and his friend Vegeta were not like the saiyans that harm others well Vegeta mostly but changed over the years and formed a rocky friendship with Goku and they all had families and children together. Korra was amazed that Goku came from a warrior race but wasn't like those who were using their power to destroy but to help people and when she heard about the enemies that Goku faced in his world she was shocked as well as in horror because the names of those villains that Goku faced back in his world sounded like horrible people especially one that can destroy planets but Goku told her that he defeated them with the help of his friends and loved ones and that made Korra relief because if those guys were in her world then there is no telling what they can do to the nations. Goku also told her about the gods of his world known as Lord Beerus God of Destruction and lets just say Korra doesn't want to know what a god of destruction would do if you pissed them off but also finding out that there is someone who is the supreme ruler of the universe who looks down on the others worlds and Korra really liked the name of the ruler named Grand Zeno and would like to meet him someday. Goku then told her about the Dragon Balls that allows a person to grant a person any wish they want by summoning a dragon named Shenron who will make the wish happened and he told Korra that he has the Dragon Balls with him but new ones since the original ones stayed back in his world. Korra couldn't believe that by using seven orbs with stars on them that summon a giant dragon that can grant wishes was the impossible and yet when Goku told her she had to believe it. Goku also did told Korra that after his years of fighting and protecting the world from evil forces, he spent the remaining of his years of earth until he hit old age and lost so many people of his life who have past on in the heavens and it brought Korra some tears that Goku lost everyone he cared about after he told her that he too past on as well but once he was in heaven again he was given a chance to start a brand new life in a whole new world just like his family did but will still remember their father and husband forever even if they are in different worlds just he is today. Goku showed Korra the gifts that were given to him before he was transported to the world of the elements, which were the senzu beans that gives a person their strength back and heals their injuries in which Korra could use something like that if she ever gets hurt, then Goku showed her the capsules that were created by his friend Bulma that contains everything that Goku needed food, drinks, clothes, everything and Korra was impressed though confused how something fits into a tiny capsule and Goku was confused as well in which they both giggled at the the idea but then he showed Korra the dragon balls and she was amazed by them but Goku told her only he and he only can used them so nobody else can then showed her the four star ball, the same ball that his grandpa Gohan gave to him before he died and Korra thinks that Gohan would be proud of his grandson and what he has accomplished.
Goku: And thats pretty much it Korra.
Korra: Wow thats amazing! Your from a warrior race, you can use abilities far beyond a benders, you are from another world, and you fought people who are very strong and powerful but was able to defeat them. Goku you are the coolest friend I ever made!!!
Goku: Hehehehe thanks Korra and your the greatest friend I could ever had and thanks for keeping this secret just between us.
Korra: I promise to keep it just between us.
Goku: Thanks Korra.
Korra: Though I am sorry for you loss of your family as well as for you.
Goku: Hey it is alright and I know that they are doing fine in the worlds that they have been sent to and I will always remember them even Chi Chi.
Korra: What was she like?
Goku: Smart, kind, excellent cook, beautiful and yet has a very strong temper when it comes to raising my sons and wants them to become scholars and when she gets mad she is very strong.
Korra: Um...remind me not to get on her bad side.
Goku: Just treat people with kindness and respect and they wont kill you in your sleep.
Korra: And what about your son Gohan and Goten?
Goku: They lived a good life together, Gohan grew up just like Chi Chi wanted and gotten a job and married Videl who is the daughter of martial champion named Mr.Satan and Goten lived the life how he wanted but their training never goes away not even mine and as for my grand daughter Pan.
Korra: Aw her name is Pan what was she like.
Goku: She is like somewhere between Jinora and Ikki but she had a large heart and enjoys fighting just like me and I am very proud of her.
Korra: Is she?
Goku: She's still around and helping train the next generation of heroes to protect the earth if evil forces every return.
Korra: Seems like you lived a good life in your world Goku and have such a lovely family.
Goku: Yea I did, now I get to live a new life here in this world and make new friends and experience new places maybe even fight some battles if they ever come up.
Korra: Say how old are you now since you got brought back to life?
Goku: Oh I am nineteen years old now Korra and I feel great to be young again.
Korra: Your like two years older than me.
Goku: I guess I am.
Korra: For what it is worth I am happy to have you as my friend and my first one that I ever made in a long time.
Goku: I am glad to be your friend Korra.
Korra: Will you still....teach me how to master Ki?
Goku: Of course I will, helping others is what I like to do and it could improve your skills as an Avatar, I will honored to teach you Korra.
Korra: Thank you so much Goku!(Korra saids and hugs Goku and he hugged her back)
While the two were hugging a certain someone heard everything in which was Jinora who looked at the two and smiled while also amazed that Goku is from another world and she couldn't be even more amazed by him.
Jinora: Oh spirits this was unexpected, Goku is from another world and got reborn here. Oh my gosh it is like those characters I read in my books..oh this is so incredible.(Jinora saids in thought then goes back into the house)
While Korra and Goku were still hugging each other all of sudden Korra started to hear something and it sounded like a radio in which both her and Goku broke off the hug and heard the noise.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am coming to you live from Republic City's Pro Bending Arena.
Goku: What was that?
Korra: It was coming from a radio.....oh my gosh the Pro Bending match is starting come on lets go listen to what is on the radio!(Korra saids and took Goku's hand and then both ran towards a small shack where the radio was being heard)
Where tonight, the best in the world continue their quest for a spot in the upcoming championship tournament.
In the shack three members of the White Lotus were listening to the radio about the Pro Bending match while Korra and Goku were on top of the rood to listen.
Korra: Oh spirits this is so exciting.
Goku: Hehehe.
Grab your snacks and grab your kids because this next match is gonna be a doozy.
Soon after words Goku and Korra were listening to the match being started in which the team known as the Fire Ferrets were getting the upper hand in the game.
This Mako's got moxie. He advances, fires two quick shots. Yomo is hammered back to zone three.
Korra: Thats it Fire Ferrets you can do it!
Goku: I wonder what the game would be like if I see it in person?(Goku saids in thought while listening to the game on the radio)
Clock is winding down, can Yomo hold on? He's teetering on the edge of the ring now. The Fire Ferrets line up to strike...........
All of sudden the radio turns off and it made Korra's eyes twitch that she has missed what was going to happened while Goku looked bummed out and wanted to hear more until both of them heard a voice from below in which was Tenzin who unplugged the radio.
Tenzin: Korra and Goku come down here please.
Admittedly both Korra and Goku made their appearance and showed themselves to the air master while Korra looked upset that she didn't get to finished listening to the match on the radio.
Korra: You shut it off at the best part. Goku and I were about to find out what happened next.
Tenzin: I thought I made myself clear. I don't want you two listening to this distracting nonsense.
Goku: Uh no you said that to Korra not me Tenzin.
Korra: He does have point Tenzin sure he can listening to the match but I can't, I mean it is their radio and technically you said I couldn't watch a match; you didn't say I could listen to one.
Goku: She's got you there and she is still on the island just like you said.
Korra: See Goku gets it.
Tenzin: know what I meant. Anyway shouldn't you two be in bed by now?
Tenzin then leaves Goku and Korra alone while the White Lotus turn back on the radio but the match was over already.
Goku: Wow he kind of reminds me of an angry and yet stubborn version of Piccolo without the green skin.
Korra: Pff...hehehe was he always stubborn.
Goku: Most of the time.
Korra: Well I guess we should be off to bed now, good night Goku see you tomorrow for some more boring air bending training.
Goku: Good night as well Korra.
The next day Korra and Goku were with the kids and Tenzin doing some meditation in which the kids were doing alright so far but for Jinora and Goku they were doing just fine and Korra not so much. Korra was having trouble keeping at peace and was scratching herself due to the air clothes that she is wearing while also trying to meditate like the others.
Korra: I think I am doing it wrong.
Tenzin: There is nothing to do. Let your mind and your spirit be free. For air is the element of freedom.
Korra: Pff...hehehehehe.
Tenzin: Is something funny?
Korra: Yea your telling me to embrace freedom, but you wont even let me listen to the radio and forget about leaving this island.
Tenzin: Please Korra, look at Meelo he is able to meditate peacefully.
Korra looked at Meelo who isn't meditating but sleeping soundly while drooling.
Korra: Actually I think he is asleep?
Tenzin: What? Well at least he has the relaxing part down but look at Goku he is mediating quite well and not moving an inch.
Korra looked to see Goku who was meditating peacefully in which made Korra smile that her friend looks so calm and kind of cute and that earned her a blush on the face but shrugged it off and went back to listen to Tenzin.
Korra: None of this air bending stuff makes any sense to me.
Tenzin: I know your frustrated but these teachings will sink in over time. Then one day they'll just click.
Korra: Sigh.....yea it is not sinking in yet. I am gonna go get a glass of Lychee juice.(Korra saids and gets up from meditation and leaves)
Tenzin: Korra, the meditation's not over yet.
Ikki: Daddy, can I have some Lychee juice too?
Tenzin: No.
Goku then opens his eyes and looked to see only Tenzin and his kids and no sign of Korra.
Goku: Hmm? Where did Korra go?
Jinora: You mean you didn't see or hear her leave?
Goku: No I kept all the sound out my mind and hearing and just focus on my medication.
Tenzin: Impressive Goku I can see that you are at peace as well as Jinora good work you two.
Jinora: Thanks dad.
Tenzin: Goku why don't you go find Korra since she enjoys your company more maybe she will be more calmer.
Goku: Alright see you guys later.(Goku saids and then teleports away)
Meanwhile with Korra who was in the house having some Lychee juice and getting over the training exercise from Tenzin, she can finally have some quiet time to herself until Goku appeared next to her.
Goku: Hey can I get some of that juice as well.
Korra: DAH?!!!(Korra yells and then falls back)
Goku: Oh sorry I didn't mean to scar you there Korra.
Korra: Warn me next time when you teleport near someone and sure you can have some Lychee juice.(Korra saids and pores Goku a glass of juice)
Goku: MMM!....this taste great.
Korra: Yea it does so how was mediation?
Goku: It was alright and I was using my Ki to block out the hearing around me so that I can be at peace without moving a muscle.
Korra: That would explain why you were so still.
Goku: Yea so what about you?
Korra: Sigh... I wasn't in the mood so I got bored and decided to have a glass of juice while having some time for myself.
Goku: I guess the training doesn't really suite your needs.
Korra: You don't know that half of it.
Goku felt sorry for Korra and the way she looks right now until something came to his mind and it could lighten up Korra's mood.
Goku: Say I have an idea hows about we have some fun.
Korra: What kind of fun Goku?
Goku: Well tonight when everyone is asleep hows about we go over to the Pro Bending arena and watch some benders go all out at each other would that be fun.
Goku: Well yea and you could use some fun in your life so what you say.
Korra: Yes! yes yes yes yes!!!(Korra saids and hugs Goku with joy and happiness)
When night came, everyone was asleep except for the White Lotus who were guarding the island and inside both Goku and Korra looked out to see the guards and when one of them left both the saiyan and the Avatar jumped down from the window and ran towards where the arena was that was located couple miles where the island was.
Korra: So how you wanna do this Goku?
Goku: Do you trust me.
Korra: What do you....hey what are you?(Korra saids then gets lifted into the arms by Goku who held her close to me)
Goku: I am going to fly us there just hang on tight alright and you will be fine.
Korra: Ok........
Soon Goku took off into the air with Korra hanging on and she had to admit it was absolutely incredible to be flying around in her friends arms but not only that but she can actually hear Goku's heart beat and it soundly warm and comfortable. When they were near the arena Goku landed inside the window area while Korra was let go and was in the arena and was filled with excitement.
Korra: I can't believe I am actually here, thank you so much for doing this for me Goku.
Goku: No problem come on lets go see if we can find the match area so we can watch the game.
Goku and Korra began to walk around the place and find where to watch the match and while they were walking they came upon the gym area where pro benders go to work out and train to improve their skills. Korra and Goku then walked into the gym and saw the place was quite interesting until an older guy dressed in gym clothes came in and saw both Goku and Korra.
Hey, what are you two doing in my gym?
Korra: Uh sorry we were just looking for the bathroom, and we got I lost.
Ah the old I had to pee excuse, you know I am sick and tired of you kids sneaking in without paying. I am taking you both to security.
Korra: Not wait....
Hey there you two are!(A voice saids in which both Goku and Korra as well as the old guy looked to see a boy around Korra and Goku's age while wearing a pro bending uniform on)
I have been looking for you guys everywhere. It is alright Toza, these guys are with me.
Korra: Yea we are with him.
Goku: Absolutely.
So you see we're together.
Korra: Well not together together more like friends.
Right no I didn't mean to imply.
Korra: Oh you implied it.
Tonza: I don't care what you are. I got work to do.
Well then right this way sir and miss.
Korra: Thank you sir...but seriously thanks.
Goku: Really appreciated.
The guy then took both Goku and Korra into a room but a room where the players go out to do some pro bending. Korra was amazed of what she was looking at with her own eyes even Goku was impressed.
What do you guys think? Best seats in the house, huh?
Korra: Whoah unbelievable.
Goku: I'll say.
Korra: This place is even more amazing than I imagined.
Names Bolin by the way.
Korra: Korra.
Goku: My name is Son Goku but you can just call me Goku.
Bolin: Nice to meet you Goku.
Psst!, Bolin(Another guy saids who had black hair and orange eyes and was speaking to Bolin)
Bolin: Yea?
I told you, you have to stop bringing your crazy fan girls in here before the matches. Get her and her boyfriend out of here.
Bolin: Aw come on Mako, alright look I kind of promised her and her friend here they could stay. But man I got a good feeling there is something special about these two I know it.
Bolin: Hey guys come here, I want you to meet my brother Mako.
Korra: Mako? Wow...I heard you play on the radio.
Mako: Come on Bolin, we're up.
Korra: Or I could meet him later.
Bolin: Yea sorry about that. My brother just gets real focused before a match.
Goku: He kind of reminds me of Vegeta a little bit.(Goku saids in thought)
Bolin: Ok, I gotta go. wish me luck you two not that I'll need it.
Korra: Hehehe..good luck and knock them out!
Goku: Go get them guys.
Speaker: Introducing The Fire Ferrets!(The speaker saids as both Mako, Bolin and their other teammate appeared int the ring)
Announcer: The rookie Ferrets came from out of nowhere and have made it further than anyone expecting this season. But tonight they face their toughest test yet, folks and they're off!
Goku and Korra were watching the two teams in action and they were cheering for the Fire Ferrets and they were absolutely incredible and way they move was impressive.
Then soon the matches were tied with both teams going all out with each other and the Fire Ferrets lost both of their two teammates leaving Mako the only one left in the ring and Korra was starting to loose it because she didn't want to see her favorite team loose their chance at winning a championship but however Mako was able to pull through the match and was able to knock out two of the opponents out of the ring leaving one left in the ring.
Announcer: Mako is now on the defensive! It's two on one. Scratch that it is one on one and it is an earth and fire slugfest. There is so much smoke and dust from the fire fight, I can't even see where the Fire Ferret is. Wait there he is and its a knockout! What a WingDinger of a hat trick, folks. Mako pulls off the upset of the season, winning the match for the Fire Ferrets.
People started to cheer for Mako who has won the match for his team while Korra and Goku looked and saw the match was awesome as well as the team who won the the match against the other team.
Bolin: Whoo Hoo! Yes!! One more win and we're in the Championship Tournament. So what did you guys think, Korra, Goku? Bolin's got some moves, huh?
Korra: What did I think? What did I think? That was amazing!
Goku: I'll say you guys were terrific out there and congratulations on winning the match.
Mako: You did more harm than good out there. You almost cost us the match.(Mako saids to the other teammate)
We won did we?
Mako: Barley.
Get off my case, pal..UGH!(The other teammate saids and throws his helmet on the ground and walks out of the room)
Mako: Useless.
Korra: You guys were incredible out there. Especially you Mr.Hat Trick.
Mako: Oh you are still here.
Korra: Oh, you are still a jerk?
Goku: Yea he definitely reminds me of Vegeta.(Goku saids in thought)
Bolin: Ooh!
Korra: Anyway, I have been immersed in bending my entire life, but I never learned how to move like that. It is like there is a whole new style here. Think you could show me a few tricks?
Bolin: Absolutely.
Mako: Right now? Come one Bolin.
Bolin: Just ignore him. Yea I could show you the basics. I am just not sure how my earth bending would translate to your water bending but we will figure it out.
Goku: That would be a problem because she actually an earth bender.
Korra: Yea thats right.
Bolin: I am sorry, I didn't mean to assume. Cause know I was just figuring with your water tribe getup, that you are a water tribe gal.
Korra: Nope your right I am a water bender.
Goku: As well as a fire bender.
Bolin: I am very confused right now?
Mako: Your the Avatar and I am an idiot.
Korra: Both are true.
Goku: Oh yea totally true she is the Avatar.
Bolin: No way....The Avatar!(Bolin saids in shock while pointing at Korra)
Bolin then took Korra to the gym with Mako and Goku watching form the side to see how Korra does while Bolin is giving her some lessons.
Bolin: Alright lets see what you got.
Korra started to bend the earth disk into the net in which Goku thought was good that Korra is trying something new.
Bolin: That was great, good power. But in a real match you'd be a sitting turtle duck. Not so upright and flat footed, stay light on your toes, right up until the moment when you need to dig in and strike. Then Pop! Pop!(Bolin saids and shoots the disk into the net)
Korra: Ok, let me try it again.
Korra did what Bolin did and shot the disk into the net and it was perfect.
Bolin: Wow! Nice adjustment, your a natural at this.
Goku: Nicely done Korra.
Mako: Not bad.
Korra: What does it take to impress this guy?
Mako: What I said not bad. So what about you Goku was it what can you do?
Goku: Well I am an master of martial arts, I can hold out my own in fight, and I use something different from bending called Ki.
Bolin: Ki? I never heard of it what is it?
Korra: It is something absolutely amazing and Goku is going to teach me how to master it.
Goku: Ki is the energy within all living beings that comes from the center of your body and everyone has inside of them let me show you.
Goku then shows both Mako and Bolin the Ki energy in which they were in awe at they never seen anything like it before.
Bolin: Whoah that is so cool what can you do with Ki?
Korra: He can use to fight as well as for flying and teleport.
Mako: Really and he has down this?
Goku: Yea just watch!
Goku showed Mako and Bolin of him flying around as well as teleporting that left both boys jaw hanging down from their faces while Korra was laughing at their expressions.
Mako: Ok I think I see enough for today, it is getting late. I think I am gonna turn in you kids have fun. Nice to meet you Avatar Korra as well as you Goku.
Goku: You too Mako.
Korra: Yea, been a real pleasure.
Mako: See you upstairs bro.
Korra: Upstairs? You guys live here?
Bolin: Yep, in the attic it is nothing fancy but we have some great views. So back to bending, why don't you throw that combo one more time?
Korra hit the net again with the same move again and she was thrilled while Goku smiled seeing Korra happy then when it was time to go Goku and Korra saids goodbye to Bolin and headed back to the island to get some sleep.
Korra: Thanks for taking me to see the match Goku, I had lots of fun.
Goku: Hey I am glad you enjoy yourself Korra, see you in the morning and pleasant dreams.
Korra: Yea you too Goku.
Korra went back to her room and wore a smile on her face from the fun she had but also was thinking about the saiyan Goku and she couldn't get him out of her head until she drifted off to sleep was having some pleasant dreams. But that all changed the next day when Korra wasn't in the mood and looked like a mess while Goku was doing his own thing on the other side of the island which was training his body off.
Goku was near the beach area of the island and was working his martial skills by doing some dodging and defending moves in which he was working fast like he did many years ago.
Many of the White Lotus guards were looking at Goku in awe at that they were amazed of how Goku was training himself and doing such marvelous moves that they couldn't even imagined how the saiyan was able to do these things. Goku spent his time on the beach training since early in the morning then took some time to rest before going back to training again because that is the way Goku likes to do things in his life.
Goku: Whoo....what I perfect day to do some training. Man how it good it is to feel strong again. I wonder how Korra is doing with air bending training? Hope she is doing alright.(Goku saids until he heard some screaming coming from the other side of the island)
Goku: I'm gonna take that as a no.....
Goku headed towards where the screaming was and looked to see the gates on fire and destroyed could mean only that Korra got into an argument with Tenzin and got angry.
Goku: What happened here?
Jinora: Korra got angry that she couldn't make it into the gates and went a little berserk and shot fire bending at the gates but luckily we have spares to replace the damage ones.
Goku: you know where she went after words?
Ikki: She was heading off in that direction Goku.(Ikki saids and points to the direction Korra went)
Goku: Thanks Ikki I will go check on her while the rest of you keep your father calm he needs it.(Goku saids to the two and went to be with their father while Goku went off to find Korra)
Goku was looking for Korra until he heard some sniftering and looked to see Korra on the edge of the cliff side and it looked like she was crying and Goku thought it would be a good idea to comfort the poor girl.
Korra: 😢sniff.......😢sniff.......
Goku: Korra?
Korra: Goku......ww...what are you doing here?
Goku: I heard what happened and I came to keep you company that is if you want some or not.
Korra: No...I don't mind you being here if it is just you.
Goku then sat down with Korra and the two looked at the view of the city together until Goku decided to break the silence.
Goku: Still having trouble with getting through the gates right.
Korra: Yea...
Goku: You know there could be other ways for you do get through them, you just have to follow your instincts Korra and sooner or later you will do great things.
Korra: But how Goku? I tried so many times and I can't even get through without getting each time I go into the gates. Tenzin lessons are not helping me become a better Avatar.
Goku: Well then don't do way Tenzin does it, do it your own way and see if that would help. Like how I did when I got through the gates maybe try something that is your own style and that will help you improve.
Korra: Your saying I should try to do my own techniques?
Goku: Yea exactly a lot of my friends and family did their own techniques to improve their skills if they can do it as well as me so can you Korra just put your heart into it.
Korra: You really know how to cheer me up Goku thanks for everything.(Korra saids and hugs Goku)
Goku smiles at Korra and places his arms around her and bringing her close and the both of them stood there for a while now before they both got up and headed back to their rooms to relax. Then the sun began to set at air temple island and Goku who was with Tenzin's himself along with his kids and his wife Pema who was pregnant with a child brought out the food for everyone to enjoy dinner together except for Korra who hasn't shown up.
Pema: Ok everyone here? Wait where is Korra?
Goku: She decided to rest in her room for a while Pema.
Tenzin: Honestly Pema, I am at my wits end with that girl. I...I don't know how to get through to her. The only one who can is Goku and maybe the kids but for me not so much.
Pema: Dear, the best thing you can do right now is to give Korra some space.
Goku: She's right Tenzin lots of people need time for themselves to get back into what they are doing just like me.
Tenzin: You must promise me that your teenage years wont be like this.
Jinora who was reading her book quietly until she looked up to see her father with I don't really care look.
Jinora: I will make no such promises.(Jinora saids then goes back to reading her book)
Night came and Goku was thinking of checking up on Korra to see how she was doing and wanted to know if he and her wanted to do something until he looked into her room and saw that she wasn't inside which was strange.
Goku: Thats weird? She was just inside her room hours ago maybe she could be around the island I have to go check.
Goku looked around the island so many times but couldn't find any sign of Korra until he spotted Tenzin walking around the island as well.
Tenzin: Goku have you seen Korra anywhere she is not in her room?
Goku: No I haven't I was just going to check up on her and she wasn't in the bedroom so I went out to see if she was around the island and so far no luck.
Tenzin: Maybe the White Lotus know where she could be.
Both Goku and Tenzin were walking around the island until they spotted a group of White Lotus guards listening to a radio until Tenzin decided to speak to them about where Korra was.
Announcer(Radio): Hold on folks, we're just waiting for the referees official call, but I think this replacement player could be...
Tenzin: Pardon me, everyone have you seen Korra this evening? She is not in her room in which both Goku and I checked.
Announcer(Radio): You've got to be kidding me. She's the Avatar folks! Playing in a Pro Bending match can you believe that!
The Announcer saids on the radio and then one of the White Lotus guards spits out their tea into the other guards face while the others were shocked to here about the Avatar playing Pro Bending and Goku couldn't believe what he just heard not even Tenzin who was growing red with anger and twitching.
Goku: Oh thats where she is been good for her.(Goku saids in thought)
Tenzin: I will get her myself!!!Goku locate her energy and teleport us to her right now!
Goku: Uh...sure thing Tenzin...Oh boy Korra is not going to like this.(Goku saids then whispers the last part to himself before he and Tenzin teleports off the island together)
Meanwhile with Korra who has joined both Mako and Bolin for the Fire Ferrets since their other player wouldn't show up so Korra was able to compete and is aloud to only use water bending while Mako uses fire and Bolin earth. Soon all three of them worked together to beat the other team out of the ring but so far Korra was getting mostly and then ended up into the water and went up to the surface to get some air and back into the ring until she saw who she didn't want to see which was Tenzin and behind him was Goku.
Korra: Oh hey Tenzin. I thought you didn't like coming to these matches.
Goku: Here give me your hand Korra I will get you up.
Korra: Thanks Goku wait what are you doing here?
Goku: I was going to check up on you to see if you wanted to have some fun but it looks like you already are and I like the uniform looks great.
Tenzin: Goku please, and as for you Korra. Once again you have flagrantly disobeyed my orders. You were to stay on the island, let's go.
Korra: No, I am kind of in the middle of something.
Tenzin: I have tried my very best to get through to you by being gentle and patient, but clearly the only thing you respond to is force. So I am ordering you to come back to the temple right now.
Korra: Why? So I can sit around and meditate about how bad I am at air bending? You know I am beginning to think there is a reason I haven't been able to learn it. Because maybe I don't even need it!
Tenzin: What? That is a ludicrous suggestion. The Avatar needs to learn air bending, it is not optional.
Korra: No, this is what I need to learn. Modern styles of fighting and thanks to Goku who has been taking me here I was able to learn a lot of things.
Goku: Yes I have been taking her here and what I have seen her do was incredible and if she needs this you should allow her to do this, he is her decision Tenzin nobody else's everyone has a choice.
Tenzin: You don't have a saying in this Goku!, Korra being the Avatar isn't all about fighting when will you learn.
Goku: Thats enough Tenzin.(Goku saids while stepping in front of Korra and giving Tenzin a mean glare in which his eyes changed color and it was starting to scare the air master)
Tenzin: G..Goku?
Goku: Just let her try this and you will see what she can do. Korra go back up there and show them what you can really do I will be watching you.(Goku saids then made his eyes normal then looked towards Korra for standing up for her)
Korra: Thank you Goku, and Tenzin I have a match to finish.
Korra then took the elevator up to get back into the ring while Goku who was near the crowd of fans was watching to see how Korra does with Tenzin at his side who was still thinking that this is a bunch on nonsense but after that glare he saw of Goku's he didn't want to upset Korra's friend even more.
Round Three came to the ring and Korra along with her team were facing off against their opponents and it looks like the team were targeting just both Mako and Bolin who were stuck in the corner while Korra was blocking each attack with water bending. But then all of sudden Korra who was almost about to be knocked out of the ring was doing some movements that Tenzin and Goku were seeing with their own eyes and it looked to be like air bending styles and Korra was using them to block and dodge the attacks from the other side of the team that were hitting her and her teammates.
Tenzin: How about that?
Goku: I told you that she can do something and this is something that she needed all along.
Then soon the other team was starting to tire out while Korra and the others were all fired up with energy and were attacking each of the players and moving them back into the corner and towards the edge of the ring. Mako started to hit the one player with many different fire blast, followed by Bolin hitting the other with earth then with water from Korra and soon all of them bended together and knocked out all of the team players off the ring.
Announcer: IT'S A KNOCKOUT!!
Goku: YES!!!
Tenzin: Whoo Hoo!(Tenzin saids with excitement but then stopped when everyone looked at him even Goku before fixing his robes and heading back to the island)
Tenzin: I will be back on the island, you and Korra will come back together when your done.
Goku: Alright see you later Tenzin.
Back with Korra, she along with Mako and Bolin were celebrating their victory in the locker room for a great win and Korra couldn't believe what she did helped her team win the tournament.
Mako: Korra what can I say? You really came alive in that last round. The way you dodge their attacks, you are a natural.
Korra: Thanks, but I can't take all the credit. Two very special people taught me those moves.
Goku: Hey Korra!(Goku saids while teleporting behind Korra and the others)
Mako/Bolin/Korra: DAH?!!!!
Goku: Oh sorry I did it again.
Bolin: Ok that is still getting used to.
Mako: I almost had a heart attack?
Goku: I said I was sorry but anyway I saw what you did Korra and I am proud of you, I have to say you have skills out there and very good ones.
Korra: Thanks Goku...really appreciated.(Korra saids while blushing a little for the compliment from Goku)
Goku: Your welcome and Tenzin was impressed as well that he even cheered for your victory win.
Korra: Wait Tenzin stayed and saw me?
Goku: Yea and he went back to the island where he is waiting for us. So wanna head back home and talk to him.
Korra: Yea and I am have things to say to him.
Korra and Goku saids goodbye to Mako and Bolin and was officially a member of the Fire Ferrets and once Goku located on Tenzin's energy both the Avatar and the saiyan teleported to the island and looked to find Tenzin standing in front of them while his kids were fixing the gates.
Goku: Go on and talk to him I will wait here for you.(Goku saids to Korra who nods and walks up to Tenzin)
Korra: Tenzin, I am really sorry...about everything I said. I was really frustrated with myself and I took it out on you.
Tenzin: I think I owe you an apology too. I was trying to teach you about patience, but I lost mine.
Korra: No hard feelings?
Tenzin: Of course not. By the way you were really good out there tonight. You move just like an air bender.
Korra: Yea Goku told me that you stayed and watched.
Tenzin: And I did, Pro Bending turned out to be the perfect teaching tool for you. And of course soon Goku will be teaching you about Ki which I would be interested of you learning how to use it.
Korra: And I can't wait for him to teach me, so I will see you tomorrow for air bending practice. Bright and early and by the way I kind of permanently joined the Fire Ferrets and we are playing in the tournament in a couple weeks and Goku is going to be our coach to help us get prepared.(Korra saids while running back to Goku and grabbing his hand while talking about having him as a coach to help the team get into shape)
Tenzin: Sigh...those two are truly something else.
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