Chapter 13: My Name is Son Goku and I'm from another world!

In the compound everyone was absolutely silent and lost because during the past four hours Goku explained to everyone his origin of who he is and where he came from as well as how he came to be in Korra's world. No one couldn't usher in a word of what they truly found out about their friend and the only ones who knew the truth was Korra and Jinora.

Lin: I..I think I need some air to ponder of what I heard just now.(Lin saids and leaves to get some air)

Goku(Whisper): Maybe this was a bad idea from the start.

Korra(Whisper): Hey it's ok, it was a lot to take in for them but I am sure they will come around soon. We just have to wait and see.

Tenzin: This is a lot to take in. From the way you spoke to all of us and how you were speaking of your origin Goku, I just don't have the words to describe of what to believe I mean I want to but I just don't understand how all this is possible.

Goku: I know but what I told you all is the truth.

Bolin: Ok ok time out lets take a moment for a second. So your a some kind of alien from another planet where your people have the ability to change into giant ape like creatures and your world got destroyed by some tyrant who whipped out your kind and you crashed landed on earth as a baby and was raised by an old man who took you in and raised you himself and taught you all about Ki and martial arts.

Goku: Yea and all the battles I told you that I fought to keep my world safe all true.

Mako: And you fought beings that are so strong that they can destroy an entire world?

Goku: Yea.

Mako: And for how you got here is that you died from old age and was given another chance to start a new life here in our world.

Goku: That's right Mako.

Mako: Honestly I want to believe you but I am completely lost.

Korra: Guys I know it's a lot to take in but I believe Goku, he told me all about his world as well as who he is and the people he protected. I mean come on have any of you seen or met someone like Goku before and has abilities no bender or no bender has.

Asami: She does make a good point. Goku is different from a lot of us even in battle he fights like no other. He can do things we can't even do or could.

Jinora: I believe him.

Tenzin: Jinora?

Jinora: While Goku was staying on the island with us I over heard his and Korra's conversation where Goku was telling Korra all about his life and his world. I always had a strong feeling that Goku came from a place very far away and yet here he is making a life in our world as well as keeping those around him safe.

Pema: If Jinora and Korra believe then I will as well. Goku has been great to us from the time he first move to the island. And after everything he's been through I can tell that his story is quite real as well as the people he loved back home.

Goku: Thanks, Pema.

Asami: Well if you say what is true Goku is there possibly some proof that you came from a different world and you said you came from a world where you tech is highly more advanced then ours which I would like to believe with my own eyes.

Goku: Hmmm..proof huh. Oh I know I can show you guys the capsules that were created by my friend Bulma. I can tell that you and her would have got along well Asami. Her and family created the greatest company known to man.

Asami: Really?

Goku: Yup and it's a good thing I brought them with me just in case. Now where did I..oh here there are, these are the capsules that Bulma and her family created.(Goku saids and takes out the capsules)

Mako and Bolin: Uhhhhh.....

Asami: Wow thats um intersting Goku?

Korra: Um babe I think you should show them what you did back on air temple island when you brought out that stuff you made for the ramen.

Goku: Hm? Oh oh! Of course but I think it would be best to do it outside.

Everyone headed outside and waited for Goku to show them proof that he really is from another world and that these capsules could be something to show that he isn't making this up nor lying to them but Korra who knew about them first believes in her boyfriend.

Lin: What's going on?

Tenzin: Goku is going to show us some proof, so it would be wise to watch. I'm still pondering on what he said to us. It's a little hard to believe.

Lin: Join the club.

Goku: All right everyone prepared to be amazed. Now all you have to do is select the capsule you want to use in which I will use number one. When you want the thing that you chosen to appear before you, all you have to do is press the top switch on the capsule like so and then toss it and once it hits the ground you may wanna stand back because there might be a little explosion that would appear.

Korra: I have seen it and it's you all do what he saids. However I never seen the other capsules yet and whats inside of them.

Everyone did what they were told and soon Goku pressed the switch on the number one capsule and then tossed it to the ground and soon everyone shielded themselves from the small blast that appeared in front of them.

As soon as the smoke cleared everyone's even Korra's jaw hit the ground of what they were seeing with their own eyes. The small little capsule that Goku threw to the ground suddenly turned into a small white house.

Mako and Bolin: No way......

Jinora/Ikki/Meelo: WOW!!!!!


Tenzin: Pinch me if I am dreaming....(Pinch)...OW?!(Tenzin saids as Lin pinches him)

Lin: Your not dreaming this is all real and I for one think what Goku said to all us just a while ago is true. I also can sense that he wasn't lying but I didn't want to bring up until he showed us some evidence.

Goku: What you guys think?

Korra: Goku this is amazing!!!! And you don't even have to leave the conference of home, you can just carry it around in your pocket.

Goku: Hehehehe. I sometimes do that whenever me or my sons go out for camping.

Asami along with Mako and Bolin and the kids wondered around the house and saw it was real and now a fake. Asami was absolutely amazed of such technology and if Goku said what was true about his friend Bulma and her company, Asami would have loved to study such tech under an incredible genius.

Bolin: Whoah...Mako forget an apartment or the attic we need one of these. And if we ever go camping we can just carry the house with us in our pockets.

Mako: It is is a nice looking house though oddly shaped.

Ikki: Goku Goku! Can we go inside please please!!!

Goku: Of course you can.

Jinora/Ikki?Meelo: YAAAAAAA!!!!

Goku allowed his new friends and Korra to go into the house and when they entered they were amazed of how the entire house looked from the inside then the outside.

Pema: Amazing, this house looks beautiful on the inside.

Bolin: Sigh...even the beds are a lot more comfortable.

Mako: I'll say this is a bed I can get used to.(Mako saids and he and his brother relax on the beds)

Lin: Not half bad, I think this could be my personalize retirement home one day.(Lin saids in thought)

Asami: The bathroom looks even way better than the ones back home. Hmm..Capsule Corp, is that the name of your friends company, Goku?

Goku: Yea! Bulma's family own the biggest capsule corp and both her and her father are outstanding genius's. They even made a space ship.

Asami: Wait a space ship? You mean a ship that can fly where the stars are?!!

Goku: That's right, I did mentioned that in my story when I had to go to another planet to help my friends against Frieza.

Korra: Those guys he mentioned to me still give me the creeps.(Korra saids in thought while feeling a shiver down her spine of knowing Goku's enemies from his past)

Korra shrugged off Goku's enemy names and looked to see something on the counter and it was photograph of him with all of his friends and family. His family back in his world. Korra smiled at seeing such a big family Goku had and she could probably tell that they all are wishing Goku luck in his new home.

Korra: Is this your family, Goku.

Goku: Yea, that's everyone. All my friends including Chi-Chi, Gohan, and Goten.

Everyone gathered around and went to look at the picture and they can see that Goku was telling the truth, he was indeed from another world and had a family of his own but they are no longer with him since he died and got sent to this world to start his life all over again.

Pema: Seems like you had a great life back home. I can see that the woman standing next to you in your wife and the two boys wearing the same uniform as you are your sons.

Goku: Chi-Chi was my former wife though I will always cherish the memories I had with her and the little guy that looks like me is my younger son Goten and the older son is Gohan.

Pema: Gohan just like your grandfather's name and my son's name. I can tell they were both such good people.

Goku: They always were Pema.

Jinora and her siblings liked the photo but when she and Ikki saw Trunks in the picture they blushed on how cute he looked as well as Goten. Meelo wanted to see if those two are strong and would win in a fight.

Lin: Whose the brute in the armor?

Goku: Oh that's Vegeta. Our friendship came out a little rocky but we grew to become good friends sometimes. He and I came from the same world before it's destruction and all he ever wanted to do is get stronger so he can try to surpass me.

Mako: Did he ever did?

Goku: A couple times he tried.

Korra looked at Goku and smiled at seeing him thinking of the good times he had with his friends and family back home though she can also tell that he will miss them. Now that Goku was in her world it would be great to make new memories with her and her friends and possibly something even greater. Soon everyone left the house and Goku pushed a switch and the house changed back into the capsule and was placed with the others.

Tenzin: It would seem your story and what you told us is true Goku, please forgive me for not seeing.

Goku: Hey it's quite all right Tenzin, I think it would have been better to show you all proof then listen to my long story.

Tenzin: Still even though what you said was true, I wouldn't mind still having you live on air temple island with me and my family. You have been so kind to us and we would appreciated if you would stay and continue to teach my children the ways of Ki as well as Korra.

Pema: And besides Gohan has already taken a liking to you and is already seeing you as a big brother.

Gohan: ~Giggle~

Goku: Sure, I don't mind and I do like living on your island and it has places where I can train and meditate in peace.

Bolin: And hey it doesn't matter what you are, your still our friend ain't that right Mako.

Mako: That's right, your a good person Goku and a great friend. No matter where you came from or what you did, we won't treat you any different.

Lin: You not only defended Republic City and exposed Amon about what he really is but you also show that you can hold out your own. I'm impressed, though do still keep Korra out of trouble or I might actually throw her in the brig.

Korra: She's not serious is she?(Korra saids in thought)

Asami: I think you being here in our world would make a difference and I still thank you for saving my life from my father and those Equalists. Though I want to know more about your friend Bulma and her technology, it could give me ideas to help Future Industries.

Goku: Sure, I will give you as much information I know.

Ikki: GASP! Wait Goku you forgot to tell us how you did that thing you did when you were fighting Amon!

Tenzin: I would like to know about that as well.

Asami: What are you talking about?

Jinora: That's right, you, Bolin, Mako, and Beifong weren't there. Well when Goku and Korra were going to try and save us from Amon as well as try to take away Gohan's bending even though he didn't have bending, Goku appeared before Amon and his men and when he saw how Gohan was in trouble something in Goku changed or more like he changed.

Ikki: Yea the whole arena was shaking and the next thing we saw was a golden light appear around Goku. His whole appearance changed and he looked completely different. His eyes were green and his black hair turn golden.

Meelo: And he kicked Amon's butt it was so awesome!!!

Korra: What was that Goku?

Goku: What you saw was my Super Saiyan form.

Everyone: Super Saiyan?

Goku: Like me, my sons along with Vegeta and his son Trunks, a super saiyan is a powerful transformation that goes back to the saiyans of legend, from what Vegeta told was that a super saiyan is a warrior that gives a saiyan incredible power along with strength, speed, combat abilities and is usually triggered by intense emotions like anger or desperation. Once transformed your hair turns gold and your eyes show a green color.

Tenzin: If it is all right with you can you show us your transformation since the rest has never seen it before and I cannot forget what you did during the arena.

Korra: You don't mind Goku?

Goku: All right, but you all have to stand back, I don't want any of you getting blown away.

Tenzin: Korra, create some ice barriers around us so we can stand clear of Goku's transformations.

Korra: Gotcha.(Korra saids and bends some ice barriers around everyone)

Mako: We're good Goku, do your thing.

Goku nods and focuses on his energy and once everything around him was calm and silent he began to power up that made everything now shake.

Goku: Argh.....arghhhhhhhh...

Everyone looked to see Goku's power rising where they all start to see a small golden light appear around him while the whole area was shaking under their very feet. The next thing they see is Goku's hair sticking up high like spiky as well as his eyes changing to a greenish color and then it happened.


The aura blast caused everyone to shield themselves and hid behind the ice barriers but they hear and feel that Goku has finally transformed into his super saiyan form and when everyone even Korra got up they looked and were in awe and shock of what they were seeing.

Korra: Oh wow........

Ikki: That's it! Thats the change Goku did when he was facing Amon at the arena!

Mako: Whoah..

Bolin: So that's what he looks like in that form.

Bolin and Meelo: AWESOME!!!

Asami was in awe in seeing Goku's transformation and she had to admit he looked amazing especially with the golden hair and serious expression on his face.

Tenzin: So this is what he meant by a super saiyan. He's just like how I remembered back when he was saving us from Amon.

Lin: If the criminals in the city saw him this way they would run for their lives.

Goku(SSJ): This is the power of a super saiyan, it's the same form I used to battle against my enemies back home and like me, my sons along with Vegeta and Trunks can also transform into super saiyans.

Korra: This is so incredible Goku.

Goku(SSJ): You think this is incredible you should see my other super saiyan transformations.

Everyone: SAY WHAT?!!!!

Goku(SSJ): You all really thought this was the only transformation I had, well it's not. You see I have other stages of super saiyan forms and each one is even more powerful then the first one. This one I call super saiyan level 2.....HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Goku powers up again and changed into his second transformation that made everyone even Korra's jaw drop again and they looked upon the new form in which electrical sparks were surrounding Goku and a much golden aura then the first transformation.

Goku(SSJ2): In this form, a saiyans power increases beyond the standard of the super saiyan state, my son Gohan used this form defeat Cell long ago and later myself and Vegeta were able to gain the form during our battle with Majin Buu.

Meelo and Ikki: Ooohhhh!!!

Korra: The more he shows the more amazing he is getting.(Korra saids in thought with a big smile on her face at seeing her lovers second transformation)

Bolin(Whisper): Hey Mako what do you think would happen if Goku went up against the triads in either form?

Mako: Something tells me bro, the triads better have good doctors because they wouldn't last more than a second against Goku.

Jinora: This is so worth learning more about. How many other transformations are there Goku?

Goku(SSJ2): Well you just seen one and two, there is also a level three and a level four as well as a god form and a blue form. But I think I will got right a head and show you all my third which I had to go beyond...HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now the ground was shaking even more and the ice began to crack but not just that but possibly the whole world was vibrating. Everyone saw the golden light around Goku get even brighter and more electrical sparks came appearing before him and then looked to see his golden spiky hair growing long.


As soon as the light dyed down and everyone has uncovered their eyes, they all looked upon Goku's third form and when they saw it they were left for words while Korra was in awe and blushed at the site of what her boyfriend transformed into.

Everyone: GASP!!!!

Goku(SSJ3): This, this is what you call a super saiyan level 3.(Goku saids in a deep voice that made Korra along with Asami, Ikki, and Jinora blush)

Jinora and Ikki: HE LOOKS SO COOL!!!!(Both said in thought)

Meelo: Look at all that hair he has!

Bolin: Wow he looks even serious than before.

Mako: I'll say.

Pema: Goku really knows how to give us a great show.(Pema saids while Gohan smiles at seeing Goku in his form)

Lin: In that form of his, he can take out an entire army.

Goku(SSJ3): Now that you all seen my third form, allow me to show you my god form, the form that I used to fight Lord Berrus.

Goku then took to the skies and started to unleash more of his power that made everyone more shaky then before until they looked to see Goku being engulfed in a huge blue light that surrounded him and not just him but everyone else in the compound. The very sky started to change into many climate seasons from rain, to snow, to heat, to thunder, night time, light time, and then after words everything became bright.

Bolin: What the heck was that?!!!

Tenzin: It is as the world changed into many seasons as well as time passing by.

Jinora: Guys look at Goku!

They all looked up and saw Goku being engulfed in some reddish aura that was so bright it actually looked quite beautiful.

Asami: Is that....

Mako: I know what you are going to say Asami, we are all thinking it.

Goku descended to the ground and the red aura covering his body began to show a beam of light and then started to disappear and reveal Goku in a totally new form where his whole body changed as well as his hair turning crimson red along with his eyes.

Tenzin: In all my years I have never seen such a form like this.

Lin: Unbelievable.....

Bolin: What he said in his stories were true as well, he did fight a god while turning into a god himself.

Mako: So that's what he looks like in god form?

Asami: He looks the same from his normal state, it's just his hair is different color and his eyes are red.

Korra: G...Goku.

Goku(SSJ God): This Korra is my super saiyan god form. A legendary saiyan form that grants the user godly Ki as well as boosting their power beyond any previous super saiyan form. When I did this for the first time, in order to complete the transformation we needed six saiyans with righteous hearts that considered to be divine state.

Korra: God like abilities, ooh that would definitely come in handy some day. Though who won during your fight with this Lord Beerus guy?

Goku(SSJ God): Uhh...I think it came out to a draw, honestly it happened a long time ago.

Asami: I think I like this form a lot better than the others though I haven't seen this blue nor this level four yet.(Asami saids in thought while admiring Goku's god form)

Korra: So are you going to show us your blue form?

Goku(SSJ God): Was already going to get started though this one might be a little more rough than the other transformations I did. Grrrrrraaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Like before everyone took covered in which Bolin and Korra bended more ice barriers to avoid everyone getting blown away or get caught in Goku's sudden transformation that was making the whole shake around them. Korra took a peak and saw Goku's god form changing into something esle in which the crimson hair was taking on a new appearance as well as the red aura. A bluish aura color was emerging from Goku and it could mean only one thing, the super saiyan blue form has just appeared.

Everyone: Oh my spirits....

Goku(SSJ Blue): Say hello to my super saiyan blue form. To achieve this form a saiyan must attain the power of a super saiyan god state in which results in this blue like form that enhanced my power compared to a regular super saiyan form.

Tenzin: Absolutely marvelous. By your aura I can already feel such power surging through you Goku.

Jinora: So this your blue form, it looks spectacular!

Ikki: I wanna try that!

Meelo: I need to let my hair grow back so I can be like Goku!

Korra was in awe more because now she is seeing her boyfriends newest form and she had to admit Goku looked great in blue and has decided that out of the other transformations this super saiyan blue is Korra's favorite.

Korra: Whoah Goku looks so hot in that form.~(Korra saids in thought while liking Goku's blue form)

Goku then changes back into his normal state that left everyone confused onto why he changed back to the way he was.

Asami: Something wrong Goku?

Goku: Oh no nothing is wrong, it's just it's been a while since I used this final form, my super saiyan level 4 state.

Mako: What are we expected to see?

Goku: You will all soon find out after I transform. Ok here we go....Grrrrr....grrrrr.....GRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now Goku changes into his final form and like the others his friends and Korra shielded their eyes from the light until the transformation is completed. Goku's whole form changed completely different, he now has red like ape fur all over his body, his black hair grew longer, his eyes turned into a golden color but that's not all he also had a saiyan like tail growing from his back. As soon as the light dyed down everyone open their eyes but then their eyes widen like dinner plates of seeing Goku's final form.

Pema: that Goku?

Tenzin: He looks completely different from the other transformations.

Bolin: Is that a tail?!!

Mako: Yea that's what I am seeing too bro, but damn he looks way more serious in this form he took on. It's actually giving me the chills.

Lin: This would give criminals nightmares.

Korra walks up to Goku in his super saiyan four state and went to ask him something.

Korra: that really you?

Goku(SSJ4): Hehehehe. What do you think of this form Korra?

The minute Goku spoke in that attractive voice it made Korra along with Asami, Ikki, and Jinora gushed over how Goku looks so amazing and yet handsome but also hot in this form that caused the girls to have huge hearts in their eyes.

Jinora and Ikki: KYYYAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!❤️

Asami: I CHANGE MY MIND, I LIKE THIS FORM A WHOLE BETTER!!!❤️(Asami saids in thought with a huge blush on her face and hearts in her eyes)

Korra: HELLO SEXY!~❤️ (Korra saids in thought and has the same reaction to the girls but with a small drool coming down her lips)

Bolin: Whoah Goku I thought you other forms were awesome but this form looks every way more awesoem and is that tail real?

Goku(SSJ4): Yes it is Bolin, like I said before saiyans are born with tails.

Mako: But we never see you with a tail?

Goku(SSJ4): That's because I keep it hidden to avoid unwanted attention.

Lin: It's best you keep it that way, I don't want the people of Republic City to go into a panic.

Goku(SSJ4): Don't worry I won't cause a panic.


Goku(SSJ4): Hm?

Goku looks to see Jinora and Ikki touching Goku's fur on his body that left him confused while Korra looked jealous of seeing her man being touched by the two air bender kids.

Jinora: Goku your fur is so warm.

Ikki: It's like a big soft pillow, ooh can I touch your tail!

Goku(SSJ4): Uhhhh....

Korra: All right you two that's enough, your making Goku feel uncomfortable.(Korra saids and grabs both Jinora and Ikki off of Goku)

Jinora and Ikki: HEY!

Korra: And besides I think he prefers me rubbing his soft fur, isn't that right Goku.(Korra saids and gives Goku a grin)

Goku(SSJ4): Oh would you at that, I think it's that time already. It's getting late and I think everyone should probably get some dinner and possibly head to bed. Don't you all agree.

Tenzin: Ah yes it is that time. Come along children, time for dinner.

Jinora/Ikki/Meelo: Awwwwwww.

Bolin: You know I am getting kind of hungry, I think dinner sounds good.

Mako: Same, shall we Asami. Asami?

Asami: Um what? Oh sure Mako sorry I was lost in my thoughts. Yea dinner sounds nice.(Asami saids while coming out of her trance)

Mako: Are you ok?

Asami: I'm fine Mako, don't worry about it.

Lin: Well I'm going back to Republic City, I will see you all back later.(Lin saids and goes to take a boat home)

Goku then changes back to normal much too Korra's disappointment but she knows she still loves her Goku no matter what he changes into. But she also knows that Goku probably needs to change back to let his energy return to him since using turning into those forms of his could put Goku in a tired spot from using all that energy he had.

Korra: Looks like a new life is starting for the both of us.

Goku: Seems that way. Once we return to Republic City I will continue to train you in Ki as well as learning how to fly.

Korra: Sounds good to me. But for now lets head inside because I am starving.

Goku: Me too.

Korra: Don't hog all the food though.

Goku: Hey I can't help it I just like to eat a lot.

Korra: Hehehe whatever you say. Hey for what its worth I am actually happy that I met someone like you. I also wanted to say thank you for saving my life all the time.

Goku: I feel the same Korra. And your welcome, it's what I do.

Korra: Promise to stick by me during my training as the Avatar.

Goku: Be proud too.

Korra: I love you so much Son Goku.

Goku: And I love you Avatar Korra.


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