Chapter 12: Amon's Endgame and The Return of the Super Saiyan!
Up in the mountain's Mako along with Bolin, Asami, and Iroh riding on Naga to the location of where the aircrafts are being built and taken off. They followed the aircrafts towards the location which was a landing strip.
Iroh: I think we found our secret airfield. Bolin, once we get down there, I need you to tear up those runways. We can't let those aircraft take off.
Bolin: Aye aye, captain..ooh, general. General.
Mako: Naga, you and Pabu wait here until we get back, okay?
Naga: Bark!
Mako: Good girl.
As soon as everyone came down the hill side they came upon what looks like fence but with no wires which was strange to them but they will soon know happens next.
Asami: Why would there be fence posts but no fence?
The thing they all get electrocuted by the fence and it turned out to be an electric fence. They felt the electric shock and fell to the ground unconscious. Soon a group of equalist came by and tied them up and had them taken to Hisrohsi Sato.
Meanwhile at the area where the place was being guarded by mecha-tanks and equalists from the outside but inside Amon himself was giving out his speech to his fellow supporters on a glorious day that he has taken over Republic city in the name of the revolution. As soon as Amon made his appearance on stage he was greeted by cheers of supporters and non-benders a like.
Amon: Thank you all for joining me on this historic occasion. When I was a boy, a fire bender struck down my entire family and left me scarred. That tragic event began my quest to equalize the world.
Amon and his supporters looked towards the voice of the speaker in which was known other than Korra who unmasked herself to reveal who she was as well as Goku who decided to rip off the entire suit because it was too tight on him.
Korra: Or should I call you Noatak?
Behind the mask, Amon glared that somehow Korra knows his true name but doesn't know who told her. Even so he wasn't going to allow her nor Goku fear in his plans.
Lieutenant: You want her taken out? Thought however that friend of hers Goku was is out of the question.
Amon: Indeed but no. Everyone calm down. We have nothing to fear from the Avatar. Let's hear what she has to say.
Korra: Listen to me everyone, Amon have been lying to you. The spirits didn't give him the power to take peoples bending away. He uses blood bending to do it. Amon is a water bender.
Lieutenant: What is this nonsense?
Amon: You're desperate, Avatar. Making up stories about me is a pathetic last resort.
Korra: Your family wasn't killed by a fire bender. His father was Yakone, and his brother is councilman Tarrlok.
Lieutenant: What?(Lieutenant gasped in shock and disbelief and not just him but the supporters as well)
Amon: Heh, an amusing tale. But I will show you the truth.(Amon saids and takes off his hood and plans to remove his mask)
As soon as he removed the mask everyone gasped in shock of what they saw and it was a huge scar upon Amon's face though Goku on the other hand can see that the scar was fake and Amon is using it to fool people.
Amon: This is what a fire bender did to me.
Korra: What?
Soon the supporters called Korra a liar and disbelief that Amon is a water bender. Korra tried to explain to them that Amon is a water bender but they wouldn't listen.
Goku: Looks like they don't believe us.
Korra: I'm, telling you all, he's a water bender. They don't believe me. It didn't work.
Amon: Avatar if you are thinking of leaving don't, I wouldn't leave just yet. You'll miss the main event.
On the signal the stage opened again and this time out came four air benders that Goku and Korra know who were chained to poles and mouths covered. Korra gasp in shock and horror of seeing Tenzin and his children captured while Goku looked at Amon in rage.
Korra: No..they got away. We saw them get away...
Goku: Amon.
Back at the secret aircraft base. The team were unconscious until Hiroshi came by to get Asami's attention.
Hiroshi: Asami. Asami, I know I have hurt you, and I am sorry. But I believe that one day you will come to your senses, and we can be a family again.
Asami: Are you insane? How can we be a family after everything you've done? Mom would hate you for what you've become.
Hiroshi: How dare you?! I am avenging her death!
Male Equalist: The airplanes are ready for takeoff, sir.
Hiroshi: Good. Annihilate the fleet.
Iroh/Mako/Bolin: GASP!
Hiroshi: That's right, general. I intercepted your message to commander Bumi. I know exactly where they're hiding.(Hiroshi saids with an evil smirk then leaves)
Asami: How are we going to get out of here?
Iroh: Mako, I don't suppose Bolin knows how to metal bend?
Mako: Sorry sir, he never learned it.
Bolin: Yea sorry sir that is a negative.
However their luck was about to change when Naga came bursting through the metal doors and it got everyones attention.
Bolin: Naga! Over here.
Naga: BARK!(Naga burst open the cage doors with her paws)
Bolin: Who needs a metal bender? We got Naga! Yea!
As soon as they got out they looked to see the planes taking off into the sky in which Iroh decided to go after them himself.
Iroh: I'm going after those airplanes.
Asami: Mako come with me, we need to make sure no other planes take off and I think I know how to do it.(Asami saids and saw the mecha-tanks)
Mako: I am with you all the way Asami.
Asami hops right inside the mecha-tank and began to turn it on while Mako was outside setting the remaining planes on fire causing them to explode.
Mako: Do you know how to drive that thing?
Asami: Sure, it just like a Future industries forklift. This can really do some damage.
Mako: After you Asami.
Asami: Thank you, Mako.
While Asami and Mako are dealing with the planes in the base, Iroh took control of one of the planes that he stole from the pilot he threw overboard and steered the plan towards the ones heading for Bumi's fleet on the red island. Now back to the arena Amon was giving out his speech to rid the world of air bender permanently.
Amon: Tonight my fellow supporters, I rid the world of air bending..forever.
Korra: Amon, let them go!
Amon: You're more than welcome to come down here and try to stop me.
Goku: He's gone to far.
Korra: We got to save them.
Amon: The Avatar needs to be reminded of the power I posses. However perhaps you all wish to see a demonstration of the power I have. Bring them forth.
The equalist brought out yet another person that Korra and Goku know in which they both hasped in horror of seeing it was Pema and her newborn baby Gohan who was being held by his mothers arms.
Korra: No...not them too..
Goku: Grrrr....
Amon: A lot of you may think that this woman before you is a bender like her husband and children but no she is not however her infant is no exception.
Pema: No, I won't let hurt my baby!
Lieutenant: Uh sir don't you think that is taking things too far, I mean its a baby. A baby that just been born, how do you know it is a bender or not?
Amon: Only one way to find out for sure.
Amon came close to Pema who held onto Gohan for dear life until he snatched the child out of his mothers grip and the baby started to cry in fright. Many are questioning that this isn't really a demonstration for like child abuse while some wanted to see if the baby was a bender. Pema cried out to give back her child but was being held by equalists. Tenzin tried to break free and save his baby but couldn't move not even his other children who looked scared for their baby brother.
Amon: Now I shall cleanse this child of his bending forever.
Korra: No......
Goku: AMON!!!!!!!!!!
Goku in anger teleported his way towards the stage and now appearing in front of him and his men that made the supporters gasp on how Goku just appeared before Amon. Goku looked upon Amon in anger and rage. He will do what he must to put an end to this mad man.
Amon: Seems like someone has decided to make an appearance. You will have to wait your turn until I am finished here.
Goku: I will not allow you to bring harm to Gohan, or his family. You have just brought your endgame and now I am going to finish you off for good.
Amon: Really. If you want this child back you will have to take it from me.
Goku: His name is Gohan and you asked for it Amon. You really think my Kaioken was the strongest your dead wrong.
Amon: Kaio..what?
All of sudden the floor beneath everyones feet started to rubble and shack in which they all looked upon Goku who is the one doing this and then saw pieces of the stage coming out of the ground it was like some kind of earthquake.
Goku: I will make you pay.
Lieutenant: What's going on?
A gust of wind blew at the equalist even Amon who held his ground but then saw something that shocked him for life even his supporters as well as Korra and the others. They looked to see Goku was changing like he was becoming something else.
Korra: G..Goku...
Everyone started to see a golden light appear around Goku whose body was getting stronger as well as his hair becoming gold like. They never seen anything like this before not even Amon who never knew someone like Goku had such power.
Amon: WHAT?!!!!
Korra: GASP!
Tenzin and his family gasped of the saiyan's transformation and they couldn't believe with their own eyes that this was the same Goku they knew but he looks completely different. Korra on the other hand was in pure shock and in awe of what her boyfriend has become and never felt such power surging through him.
Goku SSJ: It's time to end all of this. Once and for all.
Lieutenant: What the heck is this guy?
Amon: Such power....
Goku glared at Amon then looked at Gohan in his arms. Goku using his Ki appeared in front of Amon and snatched Gohan away from him that left everyone in the crowd in shock even Korra who never seen Goku that fast before.
Goku SSJ: He doesn't belong to you.
Amon: What? How did you? GAAAAAAHHH?!!!!
Goku punches Amon hard in the guy that left him off guard. After the hit, Amon fell to his knees and clutched his stomach holding the pain he had suffered. Goku then looked towards the equalists who were holding Pema down and when we walked towards her, the two men ran away and not want to go near the saiyan.
Goku SSJ: Don't worry Pema, Gohan is all right.
Pema: G..Goku? Is that really you?
Goku didn't answer and just went over to Tenzin and his kids and freed them form their chains. They all looked upon Goku in awe of this new form he took on while Tenzin was just lost for words of what had seen and yet was pleased to see his son Gohan safe.
Goku SSJ: Go take Pema and baby and leave, find Beifong and the others and go.
Tenzin: G..Goku...I...
Tenzin: Uh...ok! Kids, Pema come lets get of here.
As soon as Tenzin and his family are out of the clear, Goku turns his attention towards Amon again who was still holding his stomach in pain. The saiyan walked towards the man and looked down upon him in hatred. He then grabbed Amon but the shirt and lifted him up to meet the saiyans hard gaze.
Amon: Cough! What...what are you?
Goku SSJ: I'm a saiyan, Amon. A super saiyan.
Amon: What..the spirits is a saiy.......arghhh?!!!
Goku SSJ: Your the scum of this world and I am getting really sick of it. First you attacked Korra, threaten the city, and to make matters worse you try to harm an innocent baby, A BABY! Now it is about time for everyone to see you for what you really are.
Amon: They would....not listen to....
Goku SSJ: I know but they can see with their own eyes. Let's take things outside and maybe share some light on the subject.
Korra: Is that really Goku. I never seen this form before...why didn't he say anything about this?
Goku SSJ: You all want proof that this man here is a bender right. Well come outside the arena and you will all see for what your so called leader of this revolution is really.
Goku using his Ki teleported out of the area with Amon in his grasp and soon the supporters along with Korra headed out to see what Goku was planing. Korra was still shaking up about Goku's unknown transformation but will know about it later, right now she wants to know what Goku is doing. Now outside, everyone looked towards the sky and saw Goku holding Amon by the shirt in which many gasped of what the saiyan was going to do.
Goku SSJ: Time to show them for who you really are.
Amon: I will make you pay.
Goku SSJ: No because you will loose everything that you worked so hard for and your supporters will see for the fraud you are.
Korra: Goku what are you...?
Goku then punched Amon in the face that made his mask come off and the man himself splashed down into the water where everyone even the Lieutenant and the equalist saw what happened. They all looked to see the mask floating up top the water and many gasp that Amon was gone and an uproar was started but stopped when a burst of water came out and out came Amon and the scar on his face disappear.
Civilians: He's water bender!/ He is a bender!/ The scar is fake!/The Avatar was telling the truth!
Lieutenant: He's a bender...all this time we be following a bender.
Equalists: Traitor.
Lieutenant: Everything the Avatar said is true isn't it Amon! You are a bender! You traitor, we dedicated our lives to you!!!
Equalists: TRAITOR!!!!
Amon looked down at all of his supporters and all of them turned their back on him now that his secret has been revealed by Goku. Amon looked up towards the saiyan himself with a glare of hate and Amon decided to end things before he could make his escape.
Amon: You may have revealed my secret to everyone but at least I have one last advantage.
Amon looked at Korra, he uses his water bending to move fast towards the Avatar which got Goku's attention.
Goku SSJ: Korra get out of there he's coming for you!!!
Korra without thinking gets attacked by Amon who blood bended her in which the she more her body and Goku went to save her until her felt Korra's energy becoming low, he looked to see her unconscious on the ground while Amon smirked at what he did. He took away the Avatar's bending.
Amon: I told you I would destroy you. Finally you are powerless.
Goku SSJ: No...
Iroh who was on the plane was catching up to the fleet of aircrafts. Using lightening he shot down a plane that later crashed into another one taking them both out. One of the pilots still flying saw what happened and shot a cable line behind them that got caught in Iroh's engine. Iroh jumped off the plane and landed on one of the two remaining planes still flying. He later shot down the one in front of him with fire bending leaving only one remaining. When he was close he shot the pilot out of the last plane and took control.
However Iroh wasn't alone, a bomb was dropped from above and it hit the back wing on the plane. Iroh looked up and saw another plane that is still flying and was about to drop yet another bomb until the general using his fire bending shot a fire blast at the equalist pilot and the next thing the pilot jumped out while his plane crashed and exploded. Iroh then turns towards the front of him and saw he was going to crash at the head of Avatar Aang's statue with Amon's mask. Iroh jumped out and caught the flag that was being held by the statue. He looked to see the plane hit the statue but it knocked off the mask to reveal Aang's face.
Iroh: Thanks for looking after me, Aang.
With the team, Bolin was destroying the tracks so that no planes can not be take off. Unknown to him three mecha-tanks were coming towards him and shot their cables at the earth bender until they were grabbed by Naga who pulled all three of them and crashed in front of Bolin who was fine.
Bolin: Whoah! Thanks, Naga.
Naga: BARK!
Bolin: The tracks are destroyed might as well go help Mako and Asami. Let's go Naga.
Asami and Mako were destroying the planes inside the garage until Asami gets interrupted but her mad father Hiroshi who was also inside a mecha-tank.
Hiroshi: Asami. What do you think you're doing? You are aiding the very people who took your mother away!
Asami: You don't feel love for mom anymore. You're too full of hatred.
Hiroshi: You ungrateful, insolent child.
Hiroshi charged while Asami fired the cables at him but missed until Hiroshi slammed Asami backwards and into the planes. He then smashed the window and looked down at Asami with hatred and madness.
Asami: AAH!
Hiroshi: I now see there is no chance to save you! AAAH?!
Hiroshi then gets hit by both earth and fire delivered by both Mako and Bolin who charged together to stop Hiroshi.
Mako: Get away from her!
Bolin: Mr.Sato, you are a horrible father!
Asami found her chance and got back up and ripped off the arm from Hiroshi's mecha-tank. She then moves towards him and opened up the hatch to revel her father scared while she was glaring at him until she lost the glare and it gave Hiroshi a chance to escape and fired a cable that missed Asami and he ejected from the mecha-tank and made a run for it.
Asami: You really are a horrible father.
Asami shot an electric wire at Hiroshi who went down in a second. It left Asami in tears that her own father was driven made with hatred and she knows that her mother wouldn't like to see what Hiroshi had become. Amon who was looking down at the defenseless Avatar now that her bending gone for good.
Amon: Your bending is gone Avatar and there is nothing you could to stop.....ARRGH?!!!
Amon gets kicked in chest by Goku who was now ready to put down Amon for what he did to Korra. Amon got up from the attack and looked upon Goku who was ready to fight.
Goku SSJ: Let's end right here, right now.
Amon: I couldn't agree more.
Amon charged first and went to hit Goku but was grabbed by the hand and felt his hand being crushed by the saiyan until Amon felt a snap.
Amon: AAAAAAHHHHH?!!!!!!(Amon screamed in pain that his one hand was shattered)
Goku SSJ: You took away Korra's bending and now I am going to make you suffer!!!
Amon: Not if I have anything to say about it!
Amon used blood bending on Goku which Goku felt but was still holding his ground while Amon was trying so hard to bend Goku but he didn't know how strong will power the saiyan had on him.
Amon: Argh......I don't know what you are and what you did to gain such power but I am going to make sure to put you down for good. Even if I have to use all my strength to do so.
Goku SSJ: can try but I won't go down so easy.
Amon: We will see about that.
Amon tried again and Goku was feeling his knees falling down but still have enough strength in him. Korra opened her eyes and gasp of what Amon was doing to Goku and she needed to help her lover before Amon does the unthinkable.
Amon: You interfered with my plans long enough now I will make you suffer the way I suffered.
Korra: NO!
Everything stopped when Korra shot a blast of air from her fist and it aimed right at Amon who didn't see until he was shot with the air releasing Goku from his trap.
Goku SSJ: Korra? Did you just?
Amon: Impossible..
Korra: I can air bend? I can air bend!
Korra shot air bending at Amon and pushed him towards the edge of arena building. Amon got back up and blood bend her once more that stopped Korra's attack.
Amon: This time I am putting you down permanently.
Korra delivered the final blow of air bending when she kicked it out of her foot. Amon gets hit and lands back into the water. However he floats back up and glares at Goku and Korra before swimming off and escaping.
Goku: Sigh...he got away.(Goku saids and changes back to his normal state)
Korra: bending...its gone....
Goku: Don't worry we will figure out a way to get it back, I promise.
The couple hugged each other for comfort but Korra was the one who is trouble. Without her connection to the other elements she fears that she will no longer be the Avatar. Amon arrived back on air temple island and went into the attic and met up with his brother again.
Tarrlok: Noatak.
Amon: It's over brother, I am sorry for what I had to do to you.
Tarrlok: Sigh...our father set us on this path. Fate caused us to collide. I should have left with you when we were boys.
Amon: Leave with me now. We have a second chance. We can start over together. Please, you're all I have left in the world.(Amon saids while opening the cell doors for his brother to leave with him)
As soon as they left together and took a boat with what remaining equalist gear they had. The two brothers disappeared onto the seas and were never seen again. Everything back in Republic city changed, the equalists surrendered and Hiroshi was locked up in prison however some people still cannot bend their elements of what Amon did to them. Team Avatar gathered back at air temple island where they got the news of what happened.
Lin: Korra, I am so sorry for what has happened. I can't believe Amon got you too.
Bolin: Hey at least you unlocked your air bending.
Goku: Bolin, stop.
Mako: He's right it's not the time.
Bolin: Right, right. I'll just stand over here. Quietly. In silence.
As soon as the United Forces lead by commander Bumi arrived, Korra looked down in sadness that she lost her bending and Amon got escaped. Goku held her close to comfort the poor girl as well as Tenzin.
Tenzin: You both saved Republic city.
Korra: But Amon got away....
Goku: Don't worry about it, right now we need to focus on restoring your bending.
Tenzin: My mother might be able to help Korra.
Korra: I hope your right.
Bumi: WA-HOO!!!!
Tenzin: Sigh..great now I have to entertain my brother...
In the middle of the ocean aboard a small boat sailing to who knows where Amon now Noatak along with his brother reunited again sail off to stark a new life together.
Noatak: The two of us together again. There's nothing we can't do.
Tarrlok: Yes, Noatak.
Noatak: Noatak..heh..I'd almost forgotten the sound of my own name.
Tarrlok looked at the equalist electric gloves then back his brother and the former bender knew what he must do. Tarrlok put on the glove and undid the gas tank of the boat and places the electric glove on top of it.
Tarrlok: It would be just like the good old days.
Noatak shed a tear before him and his brother are killed in the boats explosion living nothing left of the two. This ends the sons of Yakone forever.
Goku arrived in the south pole with the others to await from Katara about Korra's condition. Goku decided to wait outside the cold while Korra was being treated but he felt bad that he couldn't get to Korra in time before Amon took away her bending. He felt like he failed her. Katara came out of the room with a depress look on her face.
Katara: I tried everything in my power, but I cannot restore Korra's bending.
Lin: But you are the best healer in the world. You have to keep trying!
Katara: I'm sorry. There's nothing else I can do. Korra can still air bend but her connection to the other elements has been severed.
Korra came out of the room looking down that her bending is never coming back to her. Everyone even her parents feel her pain and wanted to make her feel better but couldn't.
Tenzin: It's going to be all right, Korra.
Korra: No, it's not.(Korra grabs her coat and leaves)
Goku who was outside looked to see Korra coming towards him with tears in her eyes. Goku knows that her bending cannot come back.
Goku: Korra...
Korra: 😢sniff...Katara tried everything Goku. She can't restore my bending...I..I..don't know what else to do...
Goku: It's my fault...if I haven't gotten to you in time none of this would have happened. Korra, I am so sorry.
Korra: did what you could...I don't blame you...
Goku: What would you do now?
Korra: I..I don't know..I..I need some time alone...please don't follow me.(Korra saids and gets on Naga and leaves)
Goku: Oh Korra.
Tenzin: We need to be patient with her. It will take time for her to accept what has happened.
Goku: I know, that is why I am going after her even if she told me not to.(Goku saids and takes off into the sky)
Korra was away from everyone even Goku, she got off Naga and walked towards the edge. She burst into tears that she will never be the same again. She cried her eyes out and sat on the ground until a certain air bender appeared behind her.
Korra: 😢sniff..Not now Tenzin I just want to be alone.
Air Bender: But you called me here.
Korra: Huh......A....Aang.
Aang: Hello Korra, it is good to see. You have finally connected with your spiritual self.
Korra: How?
Aang: When we hit our lowest point we opened to the greatest change.(Aang saids as the past Avatars appeared behind him)
Aang places his fingers onto Korra's head and the next thing that happens is that all the past Avatars even Aang's eyes glowed white meaning he did something for Korra and when he and the past Avatars vanished Korra opened her eyes and was in the Avatar state.
Korra entered the Avatar state for the first time who later was able to bend all the elements again, fire, water, earth, and air. Her bending has returned to her and when she came out of the state she looked behind her and saw Goku who was smiling at seeing his Avatar back again.
Korra: Goku!
Goku: Korra!
Korra: My bending is back.
Goku: I know I saw the whole thing, let me guess you made a connection to Aang didn't you.
Korra: How know what don't answer.
Goku: Hehehe.
Korra: I love you so much.
Goku: I love you too, Korra.
The two shared a passionate kiss until they both returned to everyone and told them the news. Now that Korra has her bending restored she was given the ability to restore other peoples bending so she gave Lin her earth bending back. Lin used her bending and lifted the stones all around the others.
Lin: Thank you.
Tenzin: I am proud of you, Avatar Korra.
Korra: Thank you, Tenzin.
Tenzin: Now that Korra has her bending back she can help restore those who have lost their's but before that, Goku.
Goku: Yes.
Tenzin: It's about time you explain yourself and to tell us who you really are where you really came from.
Goku: Oh boy...
Korra: I think it would be best to tell them, Goku.
Goku: Sigh..very well. It's going to be long story.
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