Chapter 11: Skeletons in the Closet!

Republic City has been taken over by the Equalist and every non-bender came out to here the news from Mr.Sato about how Amon and his men took over the city and has the Avatar on the run. The city is filled with hundreds of equalists and war machines and if any bender would dare try to fight back they will be taken to Amon himself and stripped of their bending forever. 

Hiroshi(Mic): It is a glorious day, my equalist brothers and sisters. Amon has torn down the tyrannical bending government! He has declared bending illegal and he has the Avatar on the run. Our great leader has a vision for the future. One day soon, bending will no longer exist and we will live in a world where everyone is finally equal! The United Forces are on their way right now to try and stop that dream.  But we will prevail! 

The crowd of non-benders cheered except for two people dressed as equalists who heard enough and left. They head into the trees and soon the girl earth bended the stone away that revealed a secret tunnel. Once below the two took off their mask and revealed to be both Korra and Mako who were tasked to see what the equalists are planing. 

Korra: Can you believe Hiroshi?"The Avatar's on the run." I'm not running from anyone. Let's go back up there and knock some heads. They'll never know what hit them. 

Mako: Relax. Genereal Iroh's coming with an entire fleet of battleships then Amon will be the one who's running. 

Korra: I hate this being patient stuff. 

Mako: At least Goku knows the word being patient.(Mako saids in thought)

After leaving air temple island Team Avatar decided to lay low and by that they hid below the city where benders and non benders live together and do not fight. They met the same homeless guy Gommu who offered the team to stay with his friends down below and to figure out a way to take down Amon. Inside the area below, Bolin and Asami were waiting until Mako and Korra got back as well as Goku who went out to see what goes on in the city. As soon as the two saw their friends back they went to see whats up.

Asami: Any new happening? 

Mako: Just your father giving out his speech to the non-benders. The whole stage is swarming with equalist so attacking is out of the question.

Asami: As usual...

Korra: Has Goku come back yet? 

Bolin: Hmm..he should be in about 3...2...1..and...

Soon as second later Goku appeared next to Bolin which the saiyan used his instant transmission to teleport back to the hideout and give out the news he made while in the city.

Goku: I'm back from the city and it's not looking too good. 

Korra: What's you find out sweetie? 

Goku: The whole city is overrun with equalist as well as more of those war machines that Hiroshi created. Getting inside is not going to be easy. 

Mako: Thanks for telling us this, Goku. Now we know to avoid the streets. 

Asami: Don't forget Amon's air ships are surrounding in the sky so top buildings is out of question, his men would spot our location and capture us. 

Gommu: Welcome back! Hope you worked up an appetite cause dinner is served. 

Everyone sat down in a circle while Gommu got out the food for everyone though Goku didn't really trust the grub that much and couldn't really figure out where Gommu got the food from but will know soon enough. 

Korra: Thanks so much for letting us hide out with you the past few days. 

Gommu: Honored to oblige. My associates and I hardly oppose Amon's so-called Equalist Policies. We got benders and non-benders living together down here. But do you see us fighting? No, sir-ree. We've figured out how to harmoniously co-exist. 

Bolin: You are a wise and noble hobo. Mmm~..this is best tasting street gruel I've ever had. Seriously. 

Gommu: I culled it from the finest dumpsters this city has to offer. 

Goku and Asami: HE GOT IT FROM THE DUMPSTERS?!!!!🤢 I'm gonna be sick....(Both said in thought while close to throwing up but Goku tried to hold back the barfing as well as Asami and gave their food to Pabu who ate it anyway)

As soon as everyone went to sleep only two people were awake in which both Korra and Goku. Goku looked over and saw that Korra wasn't sleeping and decided to see whats wrong and he already knows the idea. 

Goku: Hey, can't sleep can you?

Korra: No, I have this awful pit in my stomach. 

Goku: Is it the dumpster food because I think I just emptied my out already. 

Korra: Hehehe, not thats not it. It's just that its so crazy, a few months ago I was in the south pole, practicing for my fire bending test. And now I'm in the middle of an all-out war. 

Goku: I know what your getting at, for me I was on the brink on death due to my old age and the next thing I know I woke up in heaven and later was tasked to go to a new world to start a new life and I have to say this new life is very interesting and the people are can uses the elements I want to know more about this world but with this war happening its taking things into a new level. But on the bright side I did get to meet new friends and fall in love with someone who enjoyed my history of who am I and where I came from. I am very happy to be with you Korra, you are someone truly special to me. 

Korra: Your very special to me as well Goku. After you told me so much about you and your world as well as what you accomplished it gave me hope that someone like you would do anything to help become of what I am meant to be. I have never fell for someone so kind, compassionate and not to mention so strong like really strong. I am just afraid of what Amon is going to do.

Goku: We will find a way to stop him, together. 

Korra: Together. Yawn!

Goku: Come on an Avatar such of yourself needs her beauty sleep.

Korra: Mind if you sleep here with me tonight. 

Goku: Hehehe, I knew you were going to say that. Sure. 

Korra cuddled up to Goku and laid on his chest and heard his strong heart beat. Soon Korra eyes shut and drifted to slumber with Goku hugging her and keeping her warm. 

Goku: I promise I will keep you and those close to me safe. That is a promise I tend to keep.(Goku saids in thought before going to sleep)

The next day Team Avatar came out of the hide out to see if General Iroh and his fleet of battleships have arrived yet but due to the fog that appeared it made things impossible to see. 

Mako: Coast is clear. 

Asami: Any sign of the fleet?

Mako: Nothing yet. 

Korra: Once the United Forces arrive we need to be ready to help in any way we can. 

Mako: Wait I see them, they're here.(Mako saids as the fleet of ships arrived to the city)

Goku: Wait, something doesn't feel right. 

Korra: I got the feeling as well, where are the equalist air ships?

Mako: Yea, and I don't see any mecha-tanks either. Whats going on?

Goku: Guys I sense something its getting close. 

Asami: Where's it coming from?

Goku: We will know once it shows up. Be ready for anything. 

Below the battleships something started to float to the surface in which were hundreds of bombs that were set by the equalists. When Iroh was thinking something was wrong all of sudden he heard an explosion coming from his ships. Team Avatar saw the fleet being attacked and Korra along with Goku took action. Korra jumped into the water while Goku took to the skies to help out the fleet. 

Before the two could get to the fleet everyone heard a strange sound coming from somewhere however Goku knows of the sound and it sounded like air crafts. Using his Ki his senses some energy signatures approaching from the city and looked to see a group of equalists driving what appears to be airplanes and they were heading towards the fleet of ships.

Mako: You got to be kidding me. 

Bolin: Where does Hiroshi find the time to keep inventing new evil machines?

In the sky Goku took action and looked to see the plans attacking the fleet with people on board and using his instant transmission and quick thinking he helped out the crew on the ships and teleported them onto the land back with Mako, Bolin, and Asami.

Goku: Guys I got everyone off their ships before the planes could attack but I need to make sure I didn't forget anybody else. Bolin take the crew back to the hide out and keep low and we don't get spotted. 

Bolin: You got it Goku, gentlemen follow me to the hide out!

Bolin took the men to the hide out while Mako and Asami stayed to make sure that Korra comes back and Goku arrives back with more people who are still on the ships. Korra was underwater trying to find a way to get to the ships and help out but keep on getting blasted away by torpedos and bombs and when she resurfaced she looked to see half of the fleet being sunk. 

However Iroh along with his men were able to fend off the planes coming towards them and Korra found her chance to help. She shot out of the water and used her water bending to hit one of the planes that crashed into the water and when she entered below the water she bended a torpedo and shot it up towards another plane destroying it. Iroh was on top of his ship shooting fire blast at the planes surrounding his fleet but each plane were dodging the shots but then when Iron was about to shoot another flame, a bomb was dropped down by an equalist pilot and it was heading for Iroh. When Iroh shot the bomb with his fire, the top of his deck of the ship exploded with him getting hurt in the process and fell into the water. Before sinking to the bottom of the water, he gets saved by Korra who saw the general hurt and brought him to the surface. 

Iroh: Cough!....

Korra: It's all right I've got you. 

Iroh: Cough!...Avatar saved my life, thank you. 

Goku: Korra!

Korra: Goku, I need a hand. 

Goku: Sure thing.

Iroh: Wait is that man floating in the air? 

Goku: No time to explain, hang on I will get us back to shore. Also your men sir they are all right. I got them off their ships before they were attacked. 

Iroh: How did he?

Korra: Explanations later general. Right now we need to get you and your men some help. 

Iroh: Right of course. 

Now back in the hide out, Gommu had some of his friends tend to the soldiers who were hurt while the others who could still stand helped out. Iroh was sitting down being tended by Korra who was using her healing to help Iroh from the injury he sustained. 

Iroh: I was prepared to deal with Sato's mech-tanks, But not these new high-speed aircrafts. 

Korra: I know. Every time we think we have an advantage, Amon outsmarts us. 

Bolin: No matter what our plan is, he always has a better one. 

Iroh: Amon is waiting so far, but we're not out of the fight yet. 

Bolin: I like this man's confidence. So how are we not out of the fight?

Iroh: A second wave of reinforcements is on the way. But I need to warm them. Do you still have a way to get a message out? 

Korra: I know just the man for the job. 

They all went to Gommu who set up a communication system to give out a message for Iroh to warn his fleet about Amon's plan. 

Gommu: And who is the reception of this top-secret message? 

Iroh: Commander Bumi. Second division of the United Forces. 

Korra: Tenzin's brother? 

Goku: Tenzin's has a brother, huh never knew that?

Iroh: Yes. A bit of a wild man. But the bravest commander you'll ever meet. 

Gommu: Ready, sir. 

Iroh: Fleet ambushed and destroyed by equalist aircraft. Retreat to red sand island until my signal. Do not approach city until you receive the all-clear. 


Goku: Now that the signal is sent out to the other forces, whats next?

Iroh: Now comes the hard part. We need to ground those aircraft, otherwise Bumi's fleet will never be able to retake the city.(Iroh saids while looking at a map of the city)

Mako: They flew in from this direction. The airfield must be somewhere over this mountain range. 

Iroh: Everyone get ready. We leave at dawn. 

Asami: It's time to take down my father. 

Korra: Wait. I'm sorry but I'm not going with you tomorrow. 

Mako: What?

Asami: Why not? 

Korra: I'm sick and tired of hiding from Amon. It's time I face him. 

Iroh: That's not a good plan. We need to stick together. 

Korra: I'm not waiting for him to hunt me down. My gut is telling me it's time to end this. On my terms. 

Iroh: Korra this not a mission you should be handling alone. 

Goku: She won't be because I am going with her. 

Korra: You don't have to do this Goku. 

Goku: I do I made a promise to myself that I would keep those close to met safe. We are in this together like or not. Besides you think you can stop me from going with you. 

Korra: Goku..(Korra saids and hugs her boyfriend)

Iroh: grandfather would respect the Avatar's instinct. So will I. 

Korra and Goku got ready to move out along with the others but before leaving they wanted to wish each other good luck and stay safe. 

Goku: Mako, Bolin you two watch out for each other. 

Bolin: Sure thing Goku and you do the same. 

Goku: Set some mecha-tanks on fire for me. 

Mako: With pleasure. 

Asami: Good luck to you and Korra. 

Goku: Thanks Asami, also don't be afraid to face your father. A true warriors compassion comes from his or hers strength and their heart. I know you will found that courage inside of you and know this when this is all over I will teach you all about to master Ki. 

Asami: Thank you, Goku. You really are a good friend.(Asami saids and hugs Goku)

Goku: So are you. 

Bolin: Korra, Amon is a nasty dude. Be careful. 

Korra: I will. Good luck. If you are going into the mountains, you should bring Naga. Take good care of Bolin. 

Gommu: Good fortune and success to you, valiant heroes. 

As soon as everyone said their goodbyes and farewell's it was time to end Amon and his plans once and for all. While half of Team Avatar goes after the plaines located in the mountains both Goku and Korra disguised as equalists headed to air temple island to meet Amon. To make sure they cannot be spotted Goku used his instant transmission to teleport him and Korra close to the shore line and once on land they put on their masks to avoid being detected. 

Korra: You all right Goku?

Goku: Ugh..this thing is so tight and I can hardly see anything out of this mask. How could these guys wear this garbage?

Korra: Look, there's Amon. He's getting on board the airship. 

Goku: We got to get inside the temple. Then when he returns. 

Korra: We ambush him.

Goku: That is if he comes back at all. 

Lieutenant: What are you two doing here? 

Korra: Uh, we were just transferred. 

Lieutenant: Well, you're getting transferred again. Amon wants extra security at the arena today. 

Goku: The arena sir? For what exactly we never got word. 

Lieutenant: The rally. I guess you two came in late and miss the whole thing. There was a briefing about it. 

Korra: We will make sure to be there sir. 

Lieutenant: See to then, carry on.(Lieutenant saids and leaves)

Korra(Whisper): I know another way in. 

Goku(Whisper): Then lets go before we are spotted and questioned again. 

Korra lead Goku to a secret passage near the temple and once they were inside they made sure that nobody was around but thanks to Goku and his Ki senses he figured that nobody was around until his senses picked up a small signature coming from above. 

Korra: Lets hide in the attic. 

Goku: Korra, we are not the only ones here. 

Korra: What makes you say that?

Goku: Because it looks likes someone is here and it appears that we may know him.(Goku saids then looks at the man in the cell in which was known other than Tarrlok)

Korra: Tarrlok? 

Tarrlok: I don't suppose you're here to rescue me? 

Korra: We had no idea you were here. Are there other prisoners on the island? 

Tarrlok: No, I'm the only one. 

Korra: And what makes you so special?

Tarrlok: I'm Amon's brother. 

Korra: GASP!

Goku: He's your brother? But hows is that possible?

Tarrlok: Amon is from the northern water tribe. He is a water bender and a blood bender, just like I was. 

Goku: That would explain the strange vibes I been sensing coming from him.(Goku saids in thought)

Korra: What?!

Goku: Did you know about this or just found out after he captured you?

Tarrlok: It was after he captured me. 

Goku: How did this start in the first place?

Korra: How did your brother end of becoming the man known as Amon?

Tarrlok: It all began with my father, Yakone..after Avatar Aang took away his bending for his crimes and was sent off to prison he escaped with the help of his former gang and underwent surgery to change his appearance. 


Tarrlok: He assumed a new identity and settled down in the northern water tribe. That's where he met my mother. A warm, caring woman. Before long, they started a family together. 

Tarrlok: Amon was the first born, under the name Noatak. I was born three years later...Noatak was a good natured kid, always looking out for me. Those were the good years, before my brother and I discovered we were water benders. At first we were excited by our new abilities. But our training brought out a different side of my father. 

Yakone: Tarrlok!, you better shape up or you'll be out here in the cold all night until you get it right. 

Tarrlok(Younger): I'm trying, but...

Yakone: Try harder!

Yakone: Your brother was never this sloppy. 

Noatak: Dad, he'll get it. He just needs time. 

Yakone: Don't talk back to me, son. Ever!

Tarrlok: Even back then, my brother wanted everyone to be treated fairly and equally. When I was seven, my father took me and Noatak on a hunting trip, far away from our home. He told us his true identity was Yakone, Republic city's most notorious crime boss. And that he was once a blood bender of rare skill. 

Tarrlok(Younger): What's blood bending? 

Yakone: The most powerful and feared form of bending in the world. It was declared illegal thanks to that coward Katara. Our family has the strongest line of blood benders in history. You boy's have this power inside of you. And I will teach you to master it. 

Noatak: What happened to your bending, dad? 

Yakone: The Avatar stole it from me. That's why I brought you out learn your destiny. You two will become blood benders of the highest order. When the time is right, you will claim Republic city..and you will destroy the Avatar. You must avenge me. That is your purpose in life. 

Tarrlok: The good days were behind us. Every full moon, our father took us on another supposed hunting trip, where he secretly trained us in blood bending. We kept the truth from our mother. 

Yakone told his older son Noatak to blood bend the cow and he did but Tarrlok however wasn't liking what he was seeing his brother do to the poor animal. 

Tarrlok(Younger): Stop!, You're hurting it!

Yakone: Toughen up, Tarrlok. You'll need a thicker skin for this. Very good Noatak, very good. 

Tarrlok: A few years later, my father taught us to blood bend anytime, without the need of the full moon. We practiced constantly, and I hated every minute of it. 

Younger Tarrlok was tasked to blood bend a pack of wolves and he did and yet he was not too proud of what he was doing to the creatures who have no control over their bodies. Tarrlok saw the frighten looks on the poor animals and decided to let them go. 

Tarrlok: I had no stomach for manipulating helpless animals. My brother however, seemed to revel in his newfound power. He was a prodigy, mastering my father's psychic blood bending technique by the time he was 14. 

Noatak blood bends the wolfs himself and lets just say Tarrlok saw fear from his brother in watching him harm those helpless wolves who fall before Noatak. 

Tarrlok(Younger): GASP!

Yakone: That's the way it's done. That's what you need to strive for. 

Tarrlok: Even though Noatak was my father's favorite, it wasn't any easier for him. He carried the burden of all Yakone's expectations and demands. Something changed in Noatak over the years. The loving brother I once knew became cold and detached. 

Tarrlok: Finally our father pushed us to the extreme. And one day, he made us blood bend each other. 

Yakone: Noatak, go. 

Tarrlok(Younger): Arghhhh.....aaaahhhhh!!!!

Yakone: Excellent. 

Noatak: Sigh...

Tarrlok(Younger): Path...path...path...

Yakone: Tarrlok! Your turn. 

Tarrlok(Younger): No, I won't do it. 

Yakone: Blood bend your brother, Tarrlok!

Tarrlok(Younger): That felt awful! I don't want to do that to anyone! I never want to blood bend again!

Yakone: You're a disgrace, a weakling. I'll teach you a lesson you insubordinate....arghhh?!!!(Yakone saids but then gets blood bended)

Noatak: Leave him alone. 

Yakone: How dare you blood bend me!

Noatak: What are you going to do about it? You're the weak one. 

Yakone: UNH! AAHHH!

Noatak: You always say blood bending is the most powerful thing in the world, but it isn't..the Avatar is. He took your bending away. What could be more powerful than that? 

Yakone: I made you what you are! You're mine!

Noatak: We're your sons, not your tools of revenge! Let's go. We can run away from him, forever. 

Tarrlok(Younger): Run away? But what about mom? We can't just leave her. 

Noatak: He was right about you. You are a weakling. 

Noatak pushes Yakone away using his blood bending then takes off into the blizzard which Tarrlok screams out to his brother to come back but he didn't listen and just vanished. 

Tarrlok(Younger): Noatak! Don't leave, please! Noatak!

Tarrlok: My father and I searched for days, but we never found a sign of Noatak. We thought he perished in that storm. My mother was never the same after the loss of my brother. My father stopped training me. With Noatak gone, his hopes for revenge withered, and he passed away a few years later. 

End of Flashback

Korra: That's one of the most saddest stories I've ever heard. 

Goku: I agree. Your father twisted your minds and turned you both into something else. However you never wanted that did you. 

Tarrlok: No I never did, Avatar Korra and Goku I am truly sorry for all that I did to you. I thought I was better than my father, but his ghost still shaped me. I became a soldier of revenge, just like he wanted me to be. And so did my brother. The revolution may be built on a lie, but I think Amon truly believes bending is the source of all evil in the world. 

Goku: How did you figure out he was your brother? Did he blood bend you?

Tarrlok: For once he did, when he took my bending, the sensation was somehow familiar. I later recognized it as my brother's blood bending grip. 

Korra: So he somehow uses blood bending to take peoples bending?

Goku: That is a rare ability and it explains the victims that he captured and why nobody can bend their elements. 

Tarrlok: I don't know how he does it, but then again, I've never encountered a bender as strong as Noatak.  

Korra: How in the world do we beat him? Any attack we through at him he'll redirect with his mind. That would explain how he is able to challenge any bender. So much for our ambush. 

Goku: Hmm, I have this idea but I don't know if it would work or not.

Korra: What is it?

Goku: Since we know the truth about who he really is, if we exposed him as a bender in front of all his supporters...

Korra: At the rally, we could take away his true power. 

Goku: And undermine this whole revolution. But like I said before this could work or back fire meaning we need to try a different way to show everyone who Amon really is. 

Korra: We will keep that in mind. Tarrlok, thank you for your help. 

Goku: Let's go. 

Korra: Wait, we can't just leave him here. 

Tarrlok: Go. Amon can't know anyone spoke with me. Defeat him. Put an end to this sad story. 

Korra: We will. 

Tarrlok: Mr.Goku I know about what you did to Amon and his men, I know for a fact that you are stronger than him. Bring him down, make him pay for what he has done. 

Goku: I will do what I must. 

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