Chapter 10: Turning The Tides!

After what happened with Tarrlok who has been captured by Amon and his Equalists, Korra was in her room with Goku sleeping until both of their stomachs began to growl meaning after what the two of them went through yesterday they could use some food in their bellies and thankfully Pema was up making food for the couple. Korra and Goku sat at the table with everyone while the two of them ate away leaving Bolin and Mako along with Asami jaw dropping when they look to see Goku eating so much.

Goku: MMM...this is good!

Bolin: Where does it all go?

Mako: Bro I have no idea....

Asami: He isn't even gaining any weight?(Asami saids in thought while looking at Goku eat)

Korra: MMM. The food is taste amazing, Pema. I'm finally starting to feel like myself again.

Goku: MMM..thank you Pema!

Pema: It was my pleasure you two, and we're so thankful that you both are home safe.(Pema saids to the two and gets up to clean the dishes)

Asami: Here let me help.

Tenzin: Korra, I realize you've been through a lot, but I need to know everything that happened.

Korra: Well, first off, Tarrlok isn't who he says he is. He's Yakone's son.

Lin: It all makes sense now. That's how Tarrlok was able to blood bend us without a full moon.

Korra: After Goku saved me, he was captured by Amon and he took his bending away.

Goku: And he has plans for Republic City and it's not good.

Tenzin: What?

Korra: Yea he showed up out of nowhere. He was unable to get me since Goku and I hid while he took Tarrlok away but the plans he has for the city is something we still don't know about.

Tenzin: This is very disturbing news. Amon is becoming emboldened. Taking out a councilman almost capturing The Avatar..I fear Amon is entering his end game.

Inside the kitchen Asami was helping Pema with the dishes until the baby inside her was starting to kick meaning pretty soon the baby will be almost born.

Pema: Dah....

Asami: Pema, are you all right?

Pema: The baby is just kicking really hard, is all. I'm fine.

Asami: Should I get Tenzin?

Pema: No reason to worry him. It's nothing.

Goku: Hey sorry for disturbing but can we get more water for some tea.

Asami: Sure Goku. By the way thanks for bringing back Korra you saved us the trouble of finding her.

Goku: Hey it was no trouble. All did was sensed her energy and teleported to her location you forget I can sense energies.

Pema: It is quite interesting someone like you can do those things Goku. Did you have someone train you to master your abilities.

Goku: Yea I had a lot of good friends that taught me but the one who taught me the most was grandpa Gohan.

Asami: He's seems like a good man he would be proud of what you became.

Goku: I know he would be since he raised me himself. I never knew my parents since I was a small boy but Gohan was always there for me when I needed him and after he was gone I carried on what he taught me.

Pema: Gohan, hm that sounds like a wonderful name.(Pema saids in thought)

Outside Tenzin and Lin walked out to talk in which Tenzin wants to ask Lin to watch over his family while he goes out to make sure the other councilman's are safe.

Tenzin: Lin, um, I-I need to ask you a favor. It would mean the world to me, but I-I know it could be a potentially awkward situation. Furthermore...

Lin: Spit it out already.

Tenzin: Will you stay here and watch over Pema and the children while I meet with the council? With everything that's happened lately, I want to be sure my family is in safe hands.

Lin: Of course I'll help, old friend.

Pema: I didn't realize you two were out here.

Tenzin: Pema! Uh, yes, yes. Lin has agreed to help out around here and keep an eye on things while I'm away.

Pema: Thank you. I could use the extra pair of hands.

Meelo: Hahaha!

Pema: Would you mind giving Meelo a bath. He's filthy.

Lin: This is not what I signed on for?!

Tenzin: Thank you, Lin! Oogi, yip, yip.(Tenzin saids then flies away on his bison)

Meelo: I got to poo. Really bad. Ooh! Ah! Ugh!

Lin: Spirits give me strength..(Lin saids in thought)

Meanwhile in the city unknown to Tenzin members the council were getting ready for their meeting when all of sudden each and every one of them were ambushed and knocked out by the Equalists leaving Tenzin the only one left. The air master road his bison towards city hall and landed on the roof of the building. When he was walking all of sudden he sensed a chill from his spine and acted quickly and dodged an electric rope that was from three disguised Equalists. Using his air bending Tenzin was able to knockout the three Equalists. After he took care of the intruders, Tarrlok's former work assistant came out to see the air master.

Assistant: Oh, I'm so relieved to see you.

Tenzin: The other council members, are they all right?

Assistant: I'm afraid not. I just received a call from Chief Saikhan. They've all been captured.

Tenzin: This can't be happening.

Assistant: The leadership of Republic City is in your hands now.

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!(Explosions in the city and airships)

Assistant: It is a tragic day indeed!

On air temple island Team Avatar came out and heard the explosion and looked to see Republic City under attack as well as on fire caused by the explosions being set off.

Lin: All right, kids time to go inside.(Lin saids to the air bender kids who went back into the house)

Korra: We heard explosions. What's going on?

Goku: Amon is attacking the city. Guess this is one of his plans.

Lin: Looks like he's hitting the city hard.

Inside an air ship located floating over the city, former Future Industries Mr.Sato was looking at an old picture of himself with his deceased wife and a small girl of Asami. Next to him was the leader of the Equalists himself, Amon who looked at seeing his plans for taking Republic City has commenced.

Hiroshi: I've dreamed of this day for so long.

Amon: Yes. The time has come for the Equalists to claim Republic City as their own. The Lieutenant has told me something bizarre that happened in your factory that involves with that Goku person I encountered.

Hiroshi: Yes, I don't know how or how to described of what I saw but Amon this Son Goku is something far more powerful than you can possibly imagined. When my mecha-suits were about to attack him all of sudden this Goku burst into a red glowing light being that destroyed my creations and he break through solid platinum.

Amon: Red glowing light?

Hiroshi: I don't know how he did it but it's not related to bending. It is something unknown to us. I fear that he would be a great problem to us Amon.

Amon: If so best to keep our guard up. I already know what his strength is capable of but I will not allow him to get in my way of taking Republic City.

Back with Team Avatar, they took a boat to the docks of the city and when they got off Asami asked Korra where she and Goku parked the car after they were captured by Tarrlok.

Asami: Where did you say you guys parked the car?

Goku: It's right over...oh there it is!(Goku saids while seeing the car parked to a bent light poll)

Asami: Wow nice parking job.

Korra: Hey you guys got arrested and left me and Goku with the car. I made it very clear I don't know how to drive.

Goku: Tried it once didn't work out that well.

Bolin: All things considered, you two did a great job. Though how are we gonna pay for these parking tickets?

Mako: Like this Bolin.(Mako saids and fire bends the tickets turning them into ash)

Bolin: GASP!

Mako: Relax, the city's under attack. The police have more important things to worry about.

Asami: This will come in handy.(Asami saids and takes out the electric glove from before)

Goku: Remember when dealing with these guys they will come at you fast in which you have to be quicker and Asami best to seek up behind them when using that glove so that they won't notice you coming.

Asami: Thanks for the advice, Goku. Where too?

Korra: We need to get to police station, I just got word that Tenzin is there now.

At the police station Chief Saikhan was struggling when he was getting word that his units were being taken down by the Equalists and his air ships being shot down.

Officer: Chief, air unit seven was just taken out by an Equalists air ship. They've crashed into the harbor.

Saikhan: Send a river rescue unit.

Female Officer: Chief, all river rescue ships have been sabotaged.

Saikhan: What?

Tenzin: Chief Saikhan.

Saikhan: Tenzin, am I glad to see you. I was afraid you'd been captured too.

Tenzin: I'm the only council member left. What's the status?

Saikhan: Amon has launched simultaneous attacks across the boroughs. The police are trying to regain control, but we're spread too thin.

Tenzin: Hmm..I need to send a wire.

Officer; To who, councilman?

Tenzin: The general of the United Forces.

Outside the room many officers were scrambling until knocked gas came through the air vents and knocked all the officers out cold but in the room the officer was able to send out the wire to the general of the united forces.

Officer: Councilman, your wire has been sent.

Female Officer: Chief, the phone lines just went dead.


The lights went out and everyone took out their flash lights to see but then saw the air vents that shot out the same gas that knock out the officers in which Tenzin informed Saikhan to close them up. But soon more gas appeared and Tenzin asked everyone to gathered around him while he uses his air bending to form a shield around everyone to avoid breathing the knock out gas. Once outside everyone gasped in shock to see about six mecha suits with three of them with giant magnets.

Tenzin: Not these mecha-tanks again.

The three mecha tanks with the large magnetics grabbed the two officers and they were caught along with Chief Saikhan who Tenzin was trying to save but it was too late and now they were all put inside the trucks leaving only Tenzin and few police workers. Tenzin went to fight the mecha tanks but they outnumbered him and used their wires to knock the air master out when he looked to see Saikan and his officers being taken away and a police air ship being shot down. He then looked to see the the police workers being rounded up by some Equalists and put into another truck. When the Mecha tanks were about to close in on Tenzin all of sudden they stopped and looked to see someone appeared before them that left the pilots in absolute shock in which standing in front of them was Goku himself.

Goku: Seems like you guys need to be taught another lessons not to attack innocent people. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!

Goku uses his Ki to push the mecha tanks back where two of them went flying and crashed into each other while the other two got hit with a car caused by Asami who drove the car and had everyone jump out but not before Bolin made a ramp to have the car going knocking into two of the mecha tanks while Goku dealt with the others. When the Equalists were putting Tenzin into the truck all of sudden each of them were knocked out by Korra and Asami.

Tenzin: Thanks for that girls.

Korra: No problem, come on let's deal with this last mecha-tank.

Mako and Bolin were distracting the mecha tank until Tenzin came from under the machine and launched the mecha tank using air bending into the sky and landed on top of the police station. Above them were the Equalists air ships and looking at the scene was both Hiroshi and Amon.

Amon: Seems like your theory was correct about that Goku destroying your mecha tanks. Though I do not see any red glowing?

Hiroshi: Oh trust me Amon he will use it and you will see what I am talking about. Though the one thing I can't stand is to see Asami fighting alongside those benders and that Son Goku.

Amon: We will capture them before long, and you will have your daughter back.

Back below the ground everyone looked to see all the Equalists and the mecha-tanks taken down and destroyed but the city itself was still under attack.

Korra: Are you all right, Tenzin?

Tenzin: I'm fine. Thank you, kids. Another moment later and I would've been on my way to Amon.

Mako: Uh guys look.(Mako saids and points to seeing an Equalist ship heading towards air temple island)

Tenzin: Oh, no.

Goku: I got this.

Asami: Goku you wont make it in time.

Goku: Don't worry I got something for them. Though it has been a while since I used this technique.(Goku saids and flies into the air)

Bolin: What's he doing?

Korra: Goku?

Goku looked at seeing the air ship almost to the island and he got into stance and pulled his two hands together and chant out the words.

Goku: KA.....ME..........HA.....ME!!!!!

Bolin: Uh guys tell me if I'm dreaming or am I seeing big huge blue glowing coming from Goku's hands.

Mako: What is that?

Asami: Is that his Ki?

Korra: Wait is that what I think it is....


Soon a large energy blast shot out of Goku's hands and headed straight towards the air ship that was almost near the island that left everyone in absolute shock even Korra and not just her but Amon and Hiroshi who saw the whole thing and the two were now alarmed that Goku is something else and dangerous. The blast hit it's mark and the ones of the air ship near the island saw the blast and abandoned ship before the blast could hit them. The whole air ship exploded leaving nothing but dust.

Mako: No way.......

Tenzin: Sigh..thank goodness.

Bolin: Whoah that was something, I didn't know he could do that as well?

Asami: Amazing, he can do that with Ki.(Asami saids in thought while in awe)

Korra: That was the Kamehameha wave....I have got to master that technique.

Goku: Took care the air ship but it's best to head back to check on your family Tenzin.

Tenzin: Right and thank you for keeping my family safe Goku.

Goku: Everyone grab hold and I will teleport us back to the island.

Everyone hanged onto Goku and he uses his instant transmission and teleport back to the island where the kids and Pema along with Lin were waiting but there is another on the island who just been born. When they arrived on the island they all looked to see the kids and Lin outside.

Jinora: Dad!

Tenzin: Oh, thank goodness you're all right.

Meelo: The bad guys were about to attack us but some big blue fire came and destroyed their flying machine dad!

Lin: Yea, what was that anyway? Whatever it was it destroyed the Equalists ship before it arrived.

Goku: That was my doing, it was technique that I haven't used in a long while.

Ikki: That was you Goku! What was that? Was it another Ki power? When did you master it?

Goku: Not the time for questions Ikki.

Tenzin: He's right, Lin where is Pema?

Lin: She's inside waiting for you.

When Tenzin and the others walked inside all of sudden Tenzin heard a scream that sounded like a child.

Tenzin: Pema!

Pema: Tenzin.

Tenzin: I'm here, Pema.

Pema: Our new son.

Jinora: Dad?

Tenzin: Kids come, meet you new brother.

Meelo: A brother? Well, it's about time.

Ikki: Welcome. I'm Ikki, and this is Jinora and Meelo. We have a super great family, and we are so happy that you're a part of it.

Jinora: What are you going to name him? Can I pick.

Pema: I have already chosen the perfect name for him, if you would have your blessing Goku.

Goku: My blessing?(Goku saids while walking with the others)

Pema: I thought about what you said about the one who raised you and taught you what you need to know and the name sounded lovely and I would like to name my son after him. If you don't mind.

Goku: Yes, I think it will suit him Pema.

Pema: Kids, your new brother Gohan.

Tenzin: I think it's a perfect name, Pema.

Jinora: Gohan, I love it.

Ikki: Little Gohan.

Goku smiled seeing the baby giggling meaning he loves the name that he was given in which brought a small tear to Goku's eye and Korra smiled seeing her boyfriend's grandfather and son's name honored. Goku then came out of his scenes and felt a presence coming towards the island.

Goku: Guy's something is coming. Look outside.

Mako: I see them and they are getting close.

Korra: He's right, I am sorry to interrupt but more air ships are on their way.

Ikki: Everything's not gonna be fine, is it daddy?

Korra: What do you wanna do Tenzin?

Tenzin: I need to protect my family and get them as far away from this conflict as possible. If Amon got his hands on my children..I hate to even think of it.

Lin: If you're leaving, then I going with you.

Tenzin: But..

Lin: No arguments. You and your family are the last air benders. There's no way in the world I'm letting Amon take your bending away.

Tenzin: Thank you, Lin. Korra, I want you and Goku and your friends to leave this island and hide for the time being.

Korra: I'm not giving up.

Tenzin: I'm not asking you to. I've sent word to the united forces. They will be here soon. and once my family is safe, I will return. With the reinforcements, we can turn the tide in this war.

Korra: What you're saying is we need to be patient.

Tenzin: You're learning well.

Everyone packed their things and were getting ready to leave but not before Tenzin and Korra said their goodbyes to each other for now.

Tenzin: Stay safe, Korra.

Korra: Don't worry we have Goku with us, but you stay safe too.

Tenzin: I will try, and Goku keep Korra safe and those around you. I thank you for what you have done for me and my family and I am forever grateful.

Goku: Thank you Tenzin and sure thing.

Lin: Tenzin, if we're leaving we better do it now.

Tenzin: Oogi, yip, yip.(Tenzin saids and takes off with Lin and his family)

Three sky bison took off and two of the air ships went after them while the remaining air ships landed near the island and the Equalists began to dissent from the ships. The Equalists arrived and landed in front of Team Avatar but the White Lotus stepped in to give the team time to get away.

White Lotus guard: Go. We'll hold them off.

Korra: Let's go everyone. Goku you know what to do.

Goku: Everyone grabbed hold of me and hang on tight.

The team along with Naga grabbed hold of Goku and before the Equalists could get to them, Goku uses his instant transmission to teleport away from the island and back to the city. Back with Tenzin and his family, the two air ships were gaining on them where one of them fired a next cable but was destroyed by Lin who blocked it and has decided to help give Tenzin and his family a chance to get away.

Lin: Tenzin, whatever happens to me, don't turn back.

Tenzin: Lin, what are you doing?!

Lin: Giving you time to escape!

Lin shoots a metal line towards one of the air ships and when she landed on top, using her metal bending she shredded the top of the air ship and the whole was going down then she moved onto the next one where she was about to metal bend the ship like the other one but one of the Equalists came out and tired her up with a electric wire that shocked Lin, knocking her out cold. Tenzin and his family saw what Lin did for them and they felt sad for what she did.

Meelo: That lady is my hero.

Tenzin: Yes, she is.(Tenzin saids and flies away with his family)

Under the city Korra long with Goku, Mako, Bolin, and Asami as well as Naga watch the air ships invade the island and they couldn't do anything until the united forces arrive.

Goku: Korra, we should get moving. Don't worry we will see them again I promise.

Korra: Sigh....all right.

The team headed into the tunnel to hide for the time being and soon night came at air temple island and it was raining and there were a lot of Equalists along with their leader Amon and a captured Lin who was tided up and kneeling before Amon himself.

Amon: Tell me where the Avatar and Son Goku are, and I'll let you keep your bending.

Lin: I won't tell you anything, you monster.

Amon: Very well.

With one last breath, Lin felt her bending being taken away by the man who just took over Republic city and sooner or later Lin fell unconscious and was taken away by the Equalists. Meanwhile out in the open ocean and on board a battle ship was a man wearing a red military uniform heading towards the direction of where he received a wire from Republic city.

Trooper: General, I just received a wire from the Avatar. She says Amon and his forces have gained control of the city. How do you want to respond?

Tell her we will be arriving in three days time and that I look forward to winning back Republic city. Together.

Trooper: As you wish General Iroh.

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