Chapter 1: Welcome to Republic City!
After Goku excepted the offer to go to the new world along with the gifts he received, Oni and his other employees shot the saiyan with a beam of light taking him to the world home to the benders as well the worlds guardian known as the Avatar.
As soon as Goku was hit by the beam of light, the brightness blinded the man until all of sudden he couldn't see anything until he started to hear something from behind him and it sounded like a car as well as some people talking and walking.
Goku: Argh...when they say they will teleport me they didn't say anything about beaming me here with a huge bright light.(Goku saids while rubbing his eyes trying to see where he was)
When Goku finished rubbing his eyes, all of sudden he looked to see where he was which what looked like an alleyway but it was alone and quiet with no one around. Goku then realize that he must be in the new world now but he probably has to see what it looks like and that is not an alleyway but while he was thinking of going out, he looked to find a mirror in the alleyway and saw his reflection that he looked exactly the same back when he was in his world which was good because he didn't want nothing happening to him.
Goku: Wow it's a good thing I look the same though I do feel younger and it's been a long time since I see my younger self. I still feel the same which is good and my Ki is still the same but I do appreciate these brand new martial gear that looks similar to my old ones and wow I even got them in capsules as well thank you the people of my world.
Goku checks to see if he had everything he needs for his new life in the world that he was brought to and once he has finished, Goku decided to get out of the alleyway and have a look around the place known as Republic City. As soon as he left the alleyway and made sure there weren't anyone around to see him, he saw the sun was out and bright but when he was in the clear he looked to see the city itself and it was absolutely beautiful.
Goku: So this is Republic City, have to say it doesn't look that highly tech like the cities in my world but it does look quite nice and I think those things that are flying in the sky are airships though the airships I seen in my world were a little bigger but I don't mind these ones they look cool.(Goku saids in thought while checking out the view of the city as well the airships flying around the place)
Goku was viewing everything from the city to the two islands near the city in which Goku was informed about them being the air temple as well as the statue of the Avatar known as Aang which Goku was in awe of how the statue of Avatar Aang looked because what Goku was thinking that Aang was a good man who likes to help others in need as well as protect those around him.
Goku: So that is Avatar Aang, got to say he looks absolutely incredible even though it is a statue of him but after I was told about him and what did for this world as well as saw the visions thanks to the history I took in, this guy was definitely a great person still I wonder who is the Avatar after him I am wondering. Maybe I will get to meet him or her if I ever bump into the Avatar or not.(Goku saids to himself while looking at Avatar Aang statue as well as thinking of meeting the new Avatar but he doesn't know who it is)
While Goku was admiring the view of the city as well as everything else all of sudden he felt something was approaching him from behind and was about to strike into his fighting pose when all of sudden he gets tackled to ground by a white blur.
Goku: Dah?!(Goku saids while being tackled to the ground then looks up to see what looks like a polar bear but more like a dog)
WOOF!(The polar bear dog thing woof at Goku then started to lick the saiyan's face and it caused Goku to laugh while being licked by the animal he was under)
Goku: Hahahahahaha! Hey cut it out that tickles! Wow aren't you something else I never seen something like you before and your very friendly.
Goku: I wonder who you belong to because there is a saddle on your back? Did you loose your...
Naga get off him!(A voice saids in which sounded like a girls voice in which Goku heard)
The bear dog like animal got off Goku thanks to the voice of the person who called it Naga and once Goku was freed and cleaned the slobber off himself, he looked to see who the voice came from in which it was a girl with three pony tails, dark skin, blue eyes, light blue shirt and dark blue pants.
Oh my spirts sorry about that I didn't know what got into Naga of sudden please forgive her.
Goku: Hey it was no harm and besides I love animals even this one who is very friendly.(Goku saids while walking up towards the girl and the bear dog known as Naga who was being pet on the head by Goku who was enjoying the attention)
When the girl looked to see her friend being pet by this guy she never met before but she had to admit he was quite different from the people who lived in the city and yet very tall and muscular as well as wearing clothes she never seen before but quickly recognizes them as training gear but was when she looked at the guys face he was quite handsome.
Still I am sorry she tackled you to the ground like that.
Goku: Hey it's alright she probably just wanted to introduce herself, her name is Naga that is a nice name for a big and sweet animal like herself.
How strange it takes minutes or hours for Naga to trust someone new but with you it is completely different?
Goku: Maybe it is something that she likes, honestly I have no idea why.
Well whatever case is, she seems to like you my name is Korra by the way nice to meet you.
Goku: Korra that is a beautiful name, my name is Son Goku but you can just call me Goku.(Goku saids with a smile in which caused the girl known as Korra to blush a little for her name being beautiful)
Korra: Thanks and I like your name as well, Goku that is an interesting name are you from Republic City?
Goku: Actually I am quite new to this city I just arrived here what about you?
Korra: Really same here, we were on our way to air temple island but Naga was starting to get hungry and we were about to grab some food but we didn't have any money so we were thinking of tying to find a place to get some food.
GRUMBLING!(Goku stomach growling which meant the saiyan was filling quite hungry as well)
Goku: I guess she isn't the only I am starving as well!
Korra: Hehehehe, wow I never heard someone stomach growl like that before. Would you like to tag along with me and Naga in search for some food.
Goku: Yea that would great!
Goku along with two new friends that he met decided to walk around Republic City in hopes of finding food then after walking around and checking out the sites around them, they both spotted a big park area and where there is a park they is fish swimming in the ponds and where there is fish in the pond there is food.
Korra was able to catch some fish along with Naga who was in the water catching some in her mouth and as for Goku well he found himself a big huge fish that Korra couldn't believe that the guy she just met caught a big fish and Goku thought if he and Korra would want to share and that made Korra happy that Goku would like to share his food with Korra which she really appreciated then started to cook the food with her bending that Goku looks to see.
Goku: Your fire bender?
Korra: Yea why are you a bender as well Goku?
Goku: No I am not but I am highly skilled in martial arts and I spent my entire life training my body off to become what I am, I even sometimes challenge others to improve my skills so I can get stronger.
Korra: Wow that must be something and judging by the outfit your wearing means that you like to do martial arts though whats with the funky looking hair style.
Goku: Hehehe, I had this style of hair since I was a baby and I never wanted to change it or get a haircut.
Korra: Well between you and me I think it looks nice but still looks weird looking.
Goku: Hehehehe I guess that makes two of us.
Korra: Hey looks like the fish are down want the first one.
Goku: Sure thanks Korra.
Both Korra and Goku were about to eat their fish when all of sudden a head popped out of the bushes in which Korra stopped eating and looked to see what looked like a Hobo wearing dirty clothes while Goku didn't pay no mind and just start eating his fish.
Hobo: Uh say think I can get one them tasty smelling fishies?
Korra: Oh, uh yeah sure.
The Hobo smiled and sat next to Goku who was still eating his fish and didn't pay no mind to the Hobo sitting next to him while Korra was looking to see where the Hobo came out of and wanted to know if that was his home.
Korra: So do you live in that bush?
Hobo: Yes, presently that is what I do call home. Took me a while to produce a bush that beauteous. This park is quite popular with all the vagabonds.
Korra: So there are a lot of you out here? I thought everyone in this city was living it up.
Hobo: Hehehe, you got a lot to learn newcomer and I think your friend here as well. Welcome to Republic City.(The Hobo saids in which Korra looked dumbfounded while Goku finished his food then heard whistling coming from the right side of Korra)
HEY YOU STOP, YOU CAN'T FISH HERE!(A man dressed in what looks like an officer of the law uniform was yelling at Korra for fishing in the park)
Goku: Aw man I was just starting to enjoy myself....
Hobo: You two best skedaddle woo!(The Hobo saids then jumps back into his bush to hide)
Korra: Whistles!....Naga let's go! Goku get on.
Goku gut up and hopped onto the back of Naga and handing onto Korra while they both run from the officer who was chasing them for fishing in the park but then got tired out from all the running and whistling at them and couldn't keep up with Naga running so fast.
Korra: Hey sorry about that Goku I guess we have to find a different place to look for food.
Goku: Thats alright Korra, that guy was an officer of the law he was just doing his job and I think maybe we should respect the rules around here since were new to this city.
Korra: I really hate listening to rules......
Goku: Hehehe a lot of people don't but you will get used to it.(Goku saids with a smile and that got Korra smiling as well until both of them started to here something that sounded like a person with speaker)
Are you tired of living under the tyranny of benders? The join the Equalists. For too long the bending elite of this city have forced non benders to live as lower class citizens. Join Amon and together we will tear down the bending establishment.
When Goku was hearing what the guy was saying all of sudden he didn't trust what he was saying about benders but also this guy named Amon who was the picture of the man wearing the mask and Goku didn't know who he was but he can tell he was not someone who is good in which he will have to know more about this Amon and these Equalist sooner or later. But for now he just listened to man who was talking to some of the citizens around him until Korra decided to speak.
Korra: What are you talking about? Bending is the coolest thing in the world.
Oh yea? And let me guess your a bender.
Korra: Uh yeah I am.(Korra saids with a proud smile on her face)
And what about you sir are you a bender as well just like her?
Goku: No sorry I am not a bender, just a guy who likes martial arts and food as well trains a lot.
Well then give this man a flyer if you ever changed your mind of joining Amon and the Equalists.(The man saids and hands a person a flyer to give to Goku in which Goku took the paper in his hands and saw the image of the man called Amon on his and put it inside his shirt for safe keeping)
And now as for you miss, I bet you'd just love to knock me off this platform with some waterbending, huh?
Goku: Wait water bending? I thought Korra was a fire bender?(Goku saids in thought)
Korra: I am seriously thinking about it.
This is whats wrong with the city. Benders like this girl only use their power to oppress us!
When the man said that all of sudden everyone started to protest against Korra who didn't like where things were going not ever Goku who didn't like what the guy said to Korra and he thought it would be a good time to leave.
Goku: Korra I think it would be best to leave now.
Korra: What? I am not oppressing anyone. You are oppressing yourself!
Goku: Korra let's just go we don't want to start any trouble around here.
Korra took Goku words in agreement and started to leave until the man with the microphone spoke again that got on Korra's nerve.
That didn't even make sense!
Then once both Korra along with Goku and Naga left the part then headed into the shopping area so Korra can get some direction on how to get to air temple island while Goku was minding his own business while also thinking about how that guy on the stand was being mean to Goku's new friend and how her abilities were mocked.
Korra: Hey Goku.
Goku: Hm? Yes Korra.
Korra: Your not thinking of joining those Equalists like that guy said back there are you?
Goku: No I will never join guys like them and besides something about that guy Amon that I seen on the picture doesn't look the friendly type and I can tell that these Equalists are the same but I will keep the flyer in case something comes up.
Korra: Well that is good to know, and I have been meaning to ask you where you from because what I can tell is that your not from Republic City or any of the nations that have that kind of gear on?
Goku: Its complicated, I will tell you when I am ready and lets just say its a place very far away.
Korra: I guess I can respect your decision to tell me when you are ready. I mean you did just arrive here just like me. I am from the south pole.
Goku: Really whats it like besides being very cold and filled with snow and ice.
Korra: The south pole is quite nice even during the festivals we have there and we have a training area where I spent most of my life time training to become a very strong bender though the lessons my teachers give him can be sometimes boring.
Goku: I trained a lot as well, I mean like training until my body gets tired but I also enjoy the beauty of nature as well as being around those I cared about.
Korra: You have a family.
Goku: I used to....(Goku saids while looking down for remembering his family back in his world)
Korra: Oh Goku I am so sorry I didn't know.
Goku: Thanks Korra I needed that.
Korra felt sorry for Goku that he lost his family and wanted to help him but she just met him and for some reason she felt some kind of bond with him that she couldn't place it but decided to leave it as that and looked to see a couple outside of the store and decided to ask for directions for air temple island.
Korra: Excuse me, I think me and my friends are lost. How do we get to air temple island from here?
Woman: Just head down this street.(The woman saids to Korra who looked down the street but stopped when she saw a red car coming towards the street and it started to scare the woman along with some of the other people in the area)
Woman: You should get out of here young lady, it isn't safe.(The woman saids and goes along with husband back into the store to hide from the car the was pulling up to the streets)
The car pulled up and out came three men who looked like bad news and began to walked up towards a man selling music players in his shop who goes by the name Mr.Chung.
Mr.Chung, please tell me that you have my money. Or else I can't guarantee I can protect your fine establishment.(The man saids with the hat on while he two goons were behind him who was using fire bending as a threat)
Mr.Chung: I am sorry business has been slow. Please take one of my phonographs.(Mr.Chung saids and holds one of his phonographs until the man with the scar fire kicked it to the ground and scared the poor man in which both Korra and Goku didn't like how the man was being treated)
My friend here is not a music lover. Give me the money or else.
Goku: Or else what, leave the poor man alone.(Goku saids who was walking towards the three men)
The three men looked towards Goku who was walking towards them in which they can see that this guy was quite big and had muscles and the way he was giving them a glare means that Goku doesn't tolerate people who pray on the weak.
Hehehe and who the heck are you suppose to be someone fresh off the boat, let me explain a couple things. You are in triple threat triad territory, and were about to put you in the hospital.
Goku: Really? Because what I can tell is that you guys don't look all that strong to me because all I see are some guys who are saying words that don't make sense and what is the triple threat triad are guys part of a music band or something.(Goku saids in which the three mens jaw dropped to the ground of what Goku said while Korra was laughing)
Korra: Hehehehe that was a good one Goku classic!
W...what?! Were not a music band!! Who do you think you are?
Goku: Names Goku and you are?
The guy got mad and then shot water bending at Goku's face in which Korra was about to jump in and help when all of sudden stopped when the guy with hat spoke.
Ha! How was that!
Goku: How was what? All you did was hit me with water and thats it?(Goku saids while blinking of what just happened while still being fine)
What that heck? You should of felt that?!! It was suppose to hurt you!!!
Goku: Really because I didn't really feel anything just a splash of water on my face nothing more.
Korra just stood there and saw that Goku who was hit with a water rip in the face but looks to be fine which confused the girl of how Goku was able to withstand the attack.
You know what I had enough of this you two deal with him.(The man with hat said to the two in black shirt and the other in the green)
Hope your ready pal because you about to..
Goku then moved towards with a blink of a flash and was now in front of the man wearing the green shirt and he was about to use his bending on Goku when all of sudden Goku landed a mean punch to the gut of the man in the green shirt.
GAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!........(The man in the green shirt yelled in pain after being punched in the guy by Goku)
Goku: There done sorry but you left yourself ride open there. Bad move hehehe.
Argh....nn......not....funny..........argh........(The man saids in green then falls to the ground unconscious leaving the other two in shock of what just happened)
Korra just looked in awe and yet amazement as well as in shock that Goku knocked out one of the guys with just one hit and it was absolutely incredible.
Am I seeing things here did...did that just guy knock out our guy?!(The man saids with the scarf in shock)
With just one hit that was barely a tap just who the spirits is this guy?(The man with the hat saids in shock of what he and friend just saw)
Goku: I suggest you quit now on end up like your friend here.
This guy is mocking us..(The man with the scarf said)
Yea but not for long. I don't how you were able to knock out our guy here but your in for a rude awaken once we are through with you!
The man with the hat saids to Goku then starts water bend at saiyan again in which Goku did an amazing flip that dodged the attack and Korra was amazed of what she was seeing with her own eyes and when Goku did his flip he then kicked the guy who water bend him and he went flying towards the front of the car and got knocked out as well.
Goku: HEEEYAAAAA!!!!(Goku kicks the man in the hat in the face)
The guy with the red scarf was now shaking in fear that his two team mates are knocked out cold while he was left all alone with nothing to do until he realize the call was still there and thought about using it to drive away.
Goku: So what would it be quit now or end the same way as this man here.(Goku saids with a glare that spooked the guy who was shacking in fear)
The man with the scarf shot fire bending at Goku until Korra used earth bending to block it which shocked some of the people in the neighborhood but then used water bending to hit the guy who landed near the car.
Korra: Don't even think about it chump.
The man soon gut up and ran into the car while leaving the other two behind who were still unconscious but Korra wasn't going to let the guy get away and so she used her earth bending to stop the car from escaping but it also left some damage to the streets in which Goku face palmed of what Korra just down.
Goku: Oh no Korra why did you do that....wait a minute did she just used water, earth and fire but only that Avatar can use that unless...Korra is the Avatar well that made sense.(Goku saids in thought while seeing that he found the new Avatar)
Korra: GOKU!!!(Korra saids with excitement in her voice and ran towards her friend)
Goku: Yes Korra.
Korra: Goku what you did was amazing!!! The way you took down those guys like they were nothing was the most incredible thing I have ever laid eyes on.
Goku: Oh hehehe thanks Korra really it was no big deal all did was just help this poor man who was being threaten by these guys so that he wouldn't get hurt.
Korra: Well whatever you did it saved him and I have to say you definitely have some skills when it comes to fighting especially that kick you just did.
Goku: Thanks Korra, though I was surprised that you can bend more than one element.
Korra: Oh yea thats right sorry I never told you this before but I am actually the Avatar.
Goku: Really thats amazing.
Korra: Thanks but I still haven't mastered air bending yet so that is why I am heading to air temple island to meet Tenzin who promised to teach me air bending.
Goku: So that is why you were asking for directions to the island to meet this Tenzin guy.
Korra: Yea thats right.
POLICE. FREEZE WHERE YOU ARE.(A voice saids from above both Korra and Goku who looked to see men coming down from an air ship and they looked to be the police force of this world)
Korra: Cool metal benders.(Korra saids while looking at the guys in the armor who shock metal cables and landed on the ground)
Goku: Wow guys who can bend metal that is amazing.(Goku saids in thought)
Korra: I caught the bad guy for you officers.(Korra saids while pointing at the guy who was knocked out in the car in which the officers saw and went to take the guy in along with the other two were knocked out)
Officer: Arrest them.
The officers wrapped the three men in metal wires and took them into custody while the one officer who spoke walked towards Korra.
Officer: Your under arrest too.(Officer saids to Korra who looked shocked but for Goku he knew what the officer meant because of the damage property)
Korra: What do you mean I am under arrest? Those are the bad guys over there, they were smashing up a shop.
Officer: Well even though I don't see any damage due to the shop except for that phonograph but the damage to the street itself is something you smashed so that is considered a thing.
Goku: He does have a point there, I mean destroying property is considered a crime and I have seen it lots of times.
Officer: This one here speaks the truth.(Officer saids and then raps Korra with a metal wire)
Korra: Wait you can't arrest me. Let me explain.
Officer: You can explain yourself all you like down at headquarters.
Goku: I think it is best to listen to the officer because these guys are the law and I think it would be wise to head towards their headquarters you don't want to get into any trouble.
Korra: Your agreeing with them?
Goku: Korra their law it's their job and people need to respect the law.
Korra without thinking just unwrapped herself from the officers hold and hopped on Naga who pushed the officer out of the way and ran off leaving Goku behind with the other officers.
Goku: Sigh....I guess she doesn't know the meaning of the word law.
Officer: Men after her, while I attend to this one here.
The officers nod and went off to chase after Korra while the other one remained with Goku to talk until Mr.Chung step in.
Mr.Chung: Officer this man here didn't cause any destruction here as a matter of fact he saved my life.
Officer: Mr.Chung what do you mean?
Woman: Its true officer this fine young man here just saved Mr.Chung who was almost burned alive from the triple triad if he didn't step in and helped.
Mr.Chung: All he did was knocked them out with some amazing martial arts skills while the other one escaped into the car until the girl stopped him but caused the streets to get damaged.
Officer: Is this true son?
Goku: Yes sir, I hate people who harm innocent people especially someone like Mr.Chung here and sir I think you have such wonderful phonographs at your shop.
Mr.Chung: Why thank you my boy and thank you for saving me from those awful people.
Officer: Hmm if what Mr.Chung and the others say is true, well done in helping the civilian but if something would of happen more dangerous be sure to contact the police next time.
Goku: I will officer since I respect the law as well the officers who follow it.
Officer: Very good but would you mind coming down to the station because I think your friend with the polar bear dog is going to have a word with of chief of police.
Goku: Very well sir I will accompany you to your station.
Meanwhile with Korra who was caught by the police force along with Naga they both were heading towards the police station for questioning about what went on in the shopping area.
Inside a room Korra was handcuffed to a metal desk while in front of her was a woman with two scars on her cheek, gray hair and was wearing dark armor with a gold police badge on her chest meaning that she is the chief of police and she was going over the what crime Korra committed.
Let's see, multiple counts of destruction of private and city property, not to mention evading arrest. You are in a whole mess of trouble young lady.(The woman said and slammed the papers onto the desk that got Korra scared a little)
Korra: But there were some thugs threatening helpless shopkeeper and I....
Can it! You should of call the police and stayed out of the way.
Korra: But I couldn't just sit by my friend was helping that poor man while I just couldn't sit by and let him deal with those thugs on his own.
Oh you don't have to worry about your friend, my officers told me about what he did and he didn't really do any destruction or caused any problems just knocked out the two of the triads unconscious and thats it but was told to inform the police if something more dangerous in which your friend with the hair style wearing the orange and blue gear respected our laws and rules and will do as asked.
Korra: I guess I should of listen to Goku after all.(Korra saids in thought)
Korra: Look even though my friend helped out, I should be able to as well because it is my duty to help people. See, I am the Avatar.
Oh, I am well aware of who you are and your Avatar title might impress some people, but now me.
Korra: Alright fine, then I want to talk to whoever is in charge.
You are talking to her. I am Chief Lin Beifong.
Korra: Wait Beifong? Lin Beifong? You are Toph's daughter.
Lin: What of it?
Korra: Well then why are you treating me like a criminal? Avatar Aang and your mother were friends. They saved the world together.
Lin: Thats ancient history, and its got diddly squat to do with the mess you are in right now. You can't just waltz in here and dole out vigilante justice like you own the place.
Korra: What about my friend he did that stuff as well.
Lin: Thats different in and I believe he knew what he can do and from what I was told it looked like he pretty much did a much better job then you damaging the streets.
Korra was about to say something else until one of the officers opened the door to speak with the chief of police.
Officer: Chief, councilman Tenzin is here.
Lin: Sigh let him in.
A man who was wearing red and yellow robes came into the room who had an arrow on his head and looked like he was here to see Korra but he looked disappointed at her.
Korra: Tenzin, sorry I got a little sidetracked on my way to see you.
Tenzin: Lin, you are looking radiant as usual.
Lin: Cut the garbage Tenzin why is the Avatar in Republic City? I thought you were supposed to be moving down to the south pole to train her.
Tenzin: My relocation has been delayed. The Avatar on the other hand will be heading back to the south pole immediately where she will stay put.
Korra: But...
Tenzin: If you would be so kind as to drop the charges against Korra, I will take full results for todays regrettable events and cover all the damages. But also I would like to have this person known as Son Goku with me because what the officers told me about what he did to help Mr.Chung something about him interest me and I would like to have him on air temple island with me and my family and I can tell he is new around these parts and could use a place to stay.
Lin: Sigh fine get her out of my city and the person known as Son Goku will be in your care.(Lin saids and unhand-cuff Korra)
Tenzin: Always a pleasure Lin. Let's go Korra.
Before Korra was about to leave, Lin gave her I am watching you look while Korra did the same and walked out the door with Tenzin.
Back with Goku, he was waiting outside patiently for Korra to be done and hopefully she isn't mad at him for letting her get captured by the police until he looked to see her with a man who looked like Avatar Aang. Once Korra saw her friend sitting on a chair and he looked to see her, Korra ran over and hugged Goku.
Korra: Goku! Sorry I didn't listen to you I guess I was shocked that was all.
Goku: Hey it is alright Korra but next time try to listen to an officer of the law otherwise you will get them on their bad side.
Korra: I will think about that.
Tenzin: You must be the one known as Son Goku, my name is Councilman Tenzin and son of Avatar Aang as well as the air bending master of air temple island it is a pleasure to meet you.
Goku: Oh it is nice to meet you as well Tenzin and I have to say you look so much like Avatar Aang, I can see the resemblance between you two.
Tenzin: Why thank you Son Goku for your kind words.
Goku: You can just call me Goku.
Tenzin: Very well, the officers told me of what you did for Mr.Chung in which that was very thoughtful of you to help him in need in which I would like to offer you a place to stay with me and my family on air temple island because something about you Goku interest me in which there something about you I don't know what it is but it must be something special.
Goku: Well since I am new here and I don't have a place to stay sure I wouldn't mind taking your offer to stay with you and your family sir.
Tenzin: Excellent now let us get Korra's polar bear dog and be on our way, while she gets ready to head back to the south pole.(Tenzin saids in which Goku looks at Korra who looked sad for not being able to stay)
Goku: What?(Goku saids in thought)
Soon both Korra along with Goku and Tenzin were waiting for an officer to bring out Naga who was waiting in a cage until her owner comes and picks her up in the mean time Korra was speaking with Tenzin and trying to talk him out about letting the Avatar stay.
Korra: Tenzin please don't send me back home.
Tenzin: You blatantly disobeyed my wishes and the orders of the White Lotus.
Korra: Katara agreed with me that I should come. She said my destiny is in Republic City.
Tenzim: Don't bring my mother into this!!(Tenzin in anger in which Goku heard and giggled a little)
Korra: Look I can't wait any longer to finish my training. Being cooped up and hidden away from the world isn't helping me become a better Avatar.
Goku: Wait you were hidden from the world that is not right at all.
Korra: See even Goku believes knows it is not right Tenzin. We seen a lot of the city today, and it is totally out of whack and understand now why you need to stay; Republic City does need you but it needs me too.
Goku: I have to agree with Korra on that one, if she is the Avatar then it is an Avatar's destiny to help bring balance to the world and she needs to master the elements in order to do so.(Goku saids that made Korra smile that her new friend supports her while Tenzin was thinking)
Tenzin: You...he....sigh.....(Tenzin couldn't find the words to speak)
Is this your polar bear dog miss?(The man saids while holding Naga on a leach then received a lick to the face)
Then once Naga was back with Korra, she along with Tenzin and Goku were on a boat and heading towards air temple island and while they wait Tenzin was looking at his fathers statue in which he was thinking maybe he was wrong maybe Korra needs to stay and become the Avatar she needs to be.
With Goku he looked to see Korra who looked sad about going back home to the south pole and decided to company her and check to see how she is doing.
Goku: Hey you alright.
Korra: can't believe I have to go home after this, I just wish Tenzin will see that the world needs the Avatar.
Goku: Hey for what it is worth I think you should stay and who cares what others say you have the right to make your own decision Korra this your destiny to make and you should follow it.
Korra: You really think so?
Goku: Absolutely, your smart, strong, and very awesome at bending you can do anything Korra if you put your heart into it.
Korra was amazed of the words the Goku said to her that caused her to blush and smile of what her the friend she made in the city even though it was only for a day she felt happy that Goku supports her.
Korra: Thank you Goku.
Goku: I do what I can to help.
Everyone arrived to the island and looked to see two guards knowns the white lotus who were near boat that looks like it is going to the south pole that made Korra disappointed but Goku put his hand on her shoulder to help her feel better and it did. Then out of nowhere three kids who were flying in the air with gliders saw who was on the island which was Korra and went to greet her.
KORRA!(All saids in union while hugging Korra)
Are you coming to live with us on the island?(A girl little girl saids to Korra)
Korra: No I am sorry Ikki, I have to go home now.
All kids: Aw......
Korra then began to leave when all of sudden Tenzin made up his mind and went towards Korra while Goku smiled to see that Tenzin will have Korra stay on the island and become the Avatar she was born to be.
Tenzin: Wait, I have done my best to guide Republic City towards the dream my father had for it. But you are right, it has fallen out of balance since he passed. I thought I should put off your training in order to uphold his legacy, but you are his legacy. You may stay and train air bending here with me, Republic City needs its Avatar once again.(Tenzin saids that made Korra smile wide and excited while Goku smiled that Goku is staying to become the Avatar)
Korra: Yes! Thank you. You are the best!
Kids: Yay!
Korra then engulfed the kids and Tenzin into a hug for joy while Tenzin didn't really needed it or not but just went with it anyway. Then once the hug was over the kids then looked over to see Goku who was behind them the whole time and went to meet him.
Hi there mister who are you? Are you a friend of Korra's? Are you staying with us as well? I like your hair it looks very nice.
Goku: Hehehe well aren't you full of spirit.(Goku while petting the girl on the head in which made her giggle)
Tenzin: Kids this is Son Goku he will be staying with us along with Korra. Goku these are my children, my oldest Jinora, the younger one Ikki and the youngest Meelo.
Goku: Nice to meet you kids!(Goku saids with a big smile and it made the kids happy that Goku likes them already)
Meelo: Wow your so tall and strong Goku.
Jinora: It is a pleasure to meet you Goku.
Ikki: Say are you Korra's boyfriend because I think you two will look great together!(Ikki saids that made Korra blush crimson red as well embarrassed)
Goku: Hehehe wow they kind of remind me of Gohan and Goten when they were kids.(Goku saids in thought while liking Tenzin's children)
The next day Korra was asked to make announcement for Republic City in which she was getting nervous for her speech to the city but Goku was at her side along with Tenzin and Lin included but she didn't like it one bit.
Korra: Hello, I am Korra your new Avatar.(Korra saids to the crowd who started to ask questions)
Does this mean you have moved to Republic City?
Were you trying to send a message to the triads yesterday?
Will you be fighting crime or the anti bending revolution or both?
Will you be working with Chief Beifong and the police?
Korra: Uh yes, I am definitely here to stay but honestly I don't exactly have a plan yet. See I am still in training, but look all I know is Avatar Aang meant for this city to be the center of peace and balance in the world. And I believe we can make his dream a reality, I look forward to serving you.
Goku: Good speech Korra.(Goku saids while Tenzin agrees as well)
Meanwhile in an unknown place two men along with some masked people were discussing something important while listening to the radio about the Avatar arriving to the city.
Korra: I am so happy to be here.(Korra's voice on the radio)
Tenzin: Alright thats all the questions the.....
A man wearing a mask shuts off the radio that is carrying two staffs on his back and was looking at someone who was looking at a map of the city and decided to speak.
Amon how do you want to handle this?
So The avatar has arrived early.(A man saids then turns around to revel the same face that was on the poster at the park the man known as Amon leader of the Equalists)
Amon: It looks like we will have to accelerate our plans.
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