Band God arc Episode ten: Pride Lands Tag Team Finals
The Legend of Kion
Band God arc Episode ten: Pride Lands Tag Team Finals
Kion and Dogo were seen training outside the lair as Kion spoke with a friendly tone to Dogo, getting ready to demonstrate a technique. "It's main gimic is that it multiplies your energy by a certain amount depending on how far you go with it; but it also puts a huge strain on you after you're finished with it." Dogo nodded in understanding, excited to use the technique himself. "Why don't you give it a go?"
Dogo went into two leg mode instantly, with Kion watching for his power. He then started charging his Ki and began to concentrate on learningthe Kaioken. When he went into a red aura, he became excited, charging up even furthur. He almost had it, but failed at the last second. Or last three. I never got why people say last second when it could be any amount of seconds. Anyway, Dogo went back into four leg mode and crossed his arms with dissapointment. "The least it could do is give me a cheat code."
Kion put his paw on Dogo's shoulder to comfort him. "You'll get it eventually dude. It takes time for some beings." Dogo looked at Kion, who gave him a smile. "Why don't you give it another shot?" Just then, Kion's watch beeped and he looked at it, seeing that it was time for final round of the tournament. "Or maybe later. We gotta get to the tournament."
"Right." Kion and Dogo ran off, going at full speed to get to the arena. Mufasa saw Kion from the edge of Pride rock, wondering who the second source he saw running was, having no knowledge of Dogo's presence yet.
Dragon Ball Z Kai instrumental theme plays during the credits.
Kion was shown to be launching a Kamehameha at the screen as a male singer was heard singing Blazing Spirit.
"This world I see, holds such a deep, energy. (Energy.)"
Dogo was seen standing from a cliff in the Out lands, using an extremally large amount of power out of his control.
"Darkness will come, but I will go, fearless and free."
Simba was seen launching a ki beam at a generator, destroying it with one shot and then he and Kion were seen sparring in the Pride lands, with Kion starting it off in a similar way as Goku in the original opening.
"We share the strength, as well as love, that's how we live. (That's how we live.)"
Jasiri and Nala was seen watching the two spar, smiling at their session, as well as at each other in a friendly way.
"My courage won't fade, if you're with me, then Dark Kion can ne-ver win."
Kion and Simba collided a punch and then Tukio was shown with a ki orb in his left paw.
"Though there's also love and glory."
Janja was shown with a darkness sword in his paw, looking down at the Out lands.
"We shall live on with the story."
Kion was shown having a heart burn, to which Mheetu kneeled down to him in worry, being the only one there.
"There's not a thing we can't live through."
Dark Kion was then shown demonstrating his powers, as well as one where he can slice people in half with his glare.
"Evil won't make us die, we will rise again!"
Dark Kion's eye flashed, making the screen flash.
Kion and the others were seen fighting one at a time in between commas, starting with Kion fighting the blond mohawked lion, and then Simba fighting Chungu, and then Jasiri fighting Janja, and then Mheetu fighting Cheezi, and then Nala fighting another hyena, and Dogo and Vitani being shown at the end with Vitani giving a Harley Quinn glare, and Dogo giving a child optomistic face.
"Don't stop, don't stop, don't give up now! Don't stop, there's too, much to be found!"
Dark Kion was then shown to be confronting Kion, who gave him a brave and noble look.
"We will find paradise, all we have to do is find that blazing spirit."
Kion sneered as he charged at Dark Kion with a punch, with just then the screen flashed just as that happened.
Kion then jumped back to where the others were standing and they were all then shown on the last lyrics, with Kion giving a peace sign and smile, Simba giving a calm yet cynical smile, Jasiri giving a fun loving wave, Mheetu giving a sneer and crossing his arms, Nala giving a timid yet kind smile, Dogo giving a bubbly and excited smile, and a lion silhouette looking about the same age as Kiara standing on a rock as the title behind them said The Legend of Kion.
"Blazing Spirit!"
Kion and the others were seen at the tournament arena with Dogo talking to Kion and Jasiri about the Kaioken. "So in theory, the Kaioken feels like a technique that can be used to endless amounts of power, even surpassing the Super forms of whatever we have if we can use it."
"Well it's not infinite Dogo." Kion corrected Dogo. "From what I can gather, the max you can go at is twenty."
"Ah." Dogo seemed interested in this information and then turned to Kion. "How do you multiply?"
Jasiri snickered at Dogo's words as she then demonstrated it for him. "Okay; so picture the number two. (Dogo nods) Then figure that that's two ones. (Dogo nods again) And once you figure that out, you'll get multiplication." Dogo nodded in understanding and Jasiri gave Kion a thumbs up. "So just out of curiosity, how hard was it to get yourself washed yesterday?"
"Pretty hard." Dogo said with a giggle. "I didn't expect that from you. Probably because girls hate it."
"Most of them anyway." Jasiri said as she then bit into her mushroom bacon pizza.
Kion saw Tukio leaning on a wall and stood up as he walked over to him, getting serious with him when he spoke. "Look Tukio. I know you have different ways than I do when it comes to battling, but I'm gonna need you to tone it down today." Tukio scoffed, not caring about what Kion said. "See, Jasiri's with Tiffu, and she's just a beginner; so I'm not letting you injure her."
Tukio thought about how badly Tiffu could become as a victim of him in this state, picturing dark thoughts, not wanting to do that to a newbie. He turned to Kion with a serious look, barely accepting his offer. "Fine. (Walks off) But only because she's new."
Kion walked back up to his seat as Dogo saw Tukio looking away from him, bowing his head to the table as Tukio walked off. Kion and Jasiri comforted Tukio as Simba stood up and spoke. "You really are cruel; ya know that?" Tukio scoffed at Simba's words and elbowed him, walking off as Nala ran to Simba.
Just then, the bell rang and the final round was about to commence. Kion looked at Jasiri with determination in his eyes. "All out, and no dirty tricks. Ya ready?"
Jasiri nodded with excitement. "Ready." Kion and Jasiri headed off with Kion liking how fair Kion was when he said what he said, finding more compassion in him than Tukio ever gave him.
Jasiri was seen about to go onto the arena, until someone put their paw on her shoulder from behind. "Wait Jasiri."
Jasiri looked back to find Zuri standing behind her, sighing as she turned around, moving Zuri's paw. "What do you want Zuri?"
Zuri tried to find the courage to say what she was thinking, finding it challenging since she never did it before. She started rubbing her arm and was barely able to speak. "Well...I remember the cow mask thing, right? That stupid prank me and Tiffu pulled."
"Yeah. I remember." Jasiri said bluntly.
"And yeah, it was totally overboard, and you shouldn't call someone a cow or a pig; even if the latter is true." Zuri face palmed at what she just said, knowing Jasiri wouldn't like that.
"Eh, it's true." Jasiri said with a chuckle. "I eat plenty of nasty foods."
"Right; and it's not YOUR fault you're gross, it's just who you are." Zuri stated in agreement. "Even though you're also a former Outlander, and wouldn't likely get into one of my fashion shows anytime soon, or really much else I can-"
"Thanks Zuri. (Walks off) Very moving." Jasiri snarked, leaving Zuri in even greater guilt.
"Jasiri." Jasiri stopped again with a sigh of sligth annoyance. "We're...getting there. Right?"
Jasiri let off a soft smile, knowing Zuri's intention. "Tiffu told me about what you were trying to do; so that's a start I guess." Jasiri walked off, leaving Zuri relieved as she walked off with relief, with Tiffu seeing her walk around the corner.
"Did it go well?" Tiffu asked, with Zuri shrugging, not knowing how it went. Tiffu decided to let the whole thing go for now, with both of them heading off to the seats.
Dogo was seen sitting in the front row with excitement as Kiara was seen walking down the stairs, spotting Dogo and seeming grateful for Kion's directions. She walked down to Dogo and sat down next to him, speaking to him when she looked at him. "Dogo, right?"
Dogo looked at saw Kiara, smiling at her. "That's me. You a friend of Kion's or something?"
"Actually I'm his sister." Kiara explained, giving Dogo insight on who she was.
"You mean you're the good for nothing lioness who's always cold to him and hardly ever shows compassion?" Dogo said with pure innocence as well as an air-headed mind.
Kiara snickered at Dogo's words, loving his air-headed nature. "That's one way to describe me yeah. (Sets her bag down) Don't worry though. Supporting Kion is the reason I came here."
"Ah." Dogo grabbed Kiara's paw and shook it. "Well it's nice to meet you Kiara. (Lets go of Kiara's paw) I hope to see your nice side more often than your rude side."
Kiara giggled at what Dogo was saying to her, finding his innocence to be charming. She then saw Zuri walking up to them, making her a bit anxious, but not worried. "Zuri."
"Kiara." Zuri said, both with coldness and attemptive kindness. She sat down next to Kiara and both hoped to not get into a fight or argument, with Dogo looking at Kiara with confusion.
Kiara saw Dogo's confused look and went to give him the intell. "She pulled this harsh prank on Jasiri when she first came to Audorn prep; which is the school we all go to."
"Ah." Dogo nodded in understanding, glad to be on board. "Well let's just enjoy the match then. We shouldn't let this ruin a good time, am I right?" Kiara smiled and nodded before looking at the match again, beginning to see Dogo as a mini Kion.
Kion and Tukio were seen standing across Jasiri and Tiffu, with all four of them getting ready. Principal Audorn went out onto the stage, speaking to the audience. "Everyone in the crowds. This tag team tournament is going have an amazing finals. I can feel it in my heart. And now...the lightning orb!" The lightning orb was shown to the audience, giving Kion more determination to win. "This is what you'll be fighting for; so be ready. (Raises his paw) Let the battle...(Puts paw down) begin!"
Kion and Jasiri charge at each other instantly and collide a punch, with Kion then landing a punch on Jasiri's face. Jasiri smirked as she then kicked Kion right in the stomach, punching him in the face and sending him back. Kion regained his balance and launched a Ki beam at the wall, flying straight for Jasiri and elbowing her right in the stomach. Jasiri fell onto her knees as Kion then kicked the top of her head, sending her back, and she jumped off the wall. Jasiri started charging a Ki blast and launched it at Kion, who blocked it with ease, despite a small push.
Tukio stared Tiffu down with a glare, giving Tiffu chills, up until she charged at Tukio with no hesitation. Tukio moved his head to the side just as Tiffu attempted to punch it, worrying Tiffu when he saw his speed. Tiffu aimed more punches and kicks at Tukio, only for him to dodge all of them with little effort. Tukio grabbed Tiffu's paw and glared into her eyes, showing that you don't underestimate him. When he saw her fear, he kneed her in the stomach to increase it, making sure not to injure her.
Kion and Jasiri collided multiple punches and kicks, with Kion punching Jasiri in the gut and sending her into the air with an uppercut. He then flew up intot he air and kicked Jasiri smack on her butt, sending her across the floor, making her paws drag as she tried to stop. Jasiri front flipped and regained her balance, jumping off of the wall and charging at Kion. Kion attempted to block Jasiri's punch, only for Jasiri to elbow him in the face. Kion got sent back a bit, but not to the point where he lost control, charging at Jasiri and kicking her in the gut.
Tukio was seen punching Tiffu across the face on both angles, showing her just how strong he was. He landed a kick on her face to finish it and then threw her at the wall, launching a small Ki blast at her when he did so. Tiffu saw the Ki blast and jumped away from the wall, only for Tukio to teleport behind her. "Big mistake." Tukio kneed Tiffu in the back and made her fall to her palms and feet, with Tiffu then stepping on her head.
Dogo was seen cherring for Kion in the stands, rooting for him to win. "Go for it Kion! Kick Jasiri's butt and take home the gold! (Looks at Kiara) Seriously though; that thing is naaaasty."
Kiara giggled a bit, knowing what Dogo was refering to, as Dogo then sat back down and raised his Kion is awesome flag. "I bet it does. And I should know being her roommate." Dogo took interest in this information and handed Kiara a soda. "Oh, thanks." Kiara opened the soda and took a sip out of it, loving the creamy taste her mouth got from it.
"So I'm guessing you're hoping for Jasiri to win?" Dogo asked with curiosity. "I heard you and Kion had some rocky relationship problems."
"In some cases, yeah." Kiara admitted, leaning back in her chair and putting her arms behind herself. "Sometimes I just wish I got more attention than Kion." Dogo became confused upon that information, making Kiara sigh. "Look Dogo; I don't wanna talk about it right now. Especially with someone I barely know."
"She hated Kion when he was born." Zuri blurted out almost instantly, upsetting Kiara.
"Zuri!" Kiara punched Zuri's arm and made Zuri laugh at her reaction, getting an innocent laugh out of Dogo. Kiara saw Dogo's innocence again and chuckled at him. "Ya know kid, you're alright for someone who idolizes Kion." Dogo smiled and wagged his tail, glad to have been starting to befriend Kiara.
Kion landed a solid kick on Jasiri's face, following up on the kick he landed on her gut. Jasiri regained her balance and launched a Ki headband at Kion, who dodged it, only for it to come back and wrap him up. Jasiri then dashed at Kion and punched him multiple times in the face, kicking him off afterwards after grabbing the Ki headband. She then lashed Kion multiple times as Kion deflected all of them, grabbing the last one and pulling Jasiri towards her. He then kneed Jasiri in the stomach, only for Jasiri to elbow him in the same place.
Tukio continued to crush Tiffu's head into the floor, making sure it was up to her level. He then charged up a Ki beam and prepared to finish Tiffu off. Tiffu saw what he was doing and began to panic, holding in her screams as to not alert anyone. Tukio aimed the Ki beam at Tiffu and was about to land the final blow. That is...before he said these words. "You're lucky I'm saving my rematch with Kion." Tukio launched the Ki beam at Tiffu, seeming to have finished her off.
Kion and Jasiri collide two kicks and then three punches, seeming to be sweating from the workout. Kion felt excitement in his eyes upon loving the battle he was having. "Gotta say Siri. I love battling anyone I can, but you're more than fun to face."
Jasiri panted as she responded with slight snark, but an overall spunky and light hearted tone. "Yeah; that doesn't intertwine with my thougths in any way."
Kion and Jasiri collided three move punches and then made a knee collision, with Kion landing a back flip kick right on Jasiri's jaw. Jasiri backed up a bit and launched a Ki beam at Kion, who blocked it, spinning out of it and dashing at Jasiri. He then aimed a punch at Jasiri's gut, only for Jasiri to grab it, and with Kion smiling as a result. This was all according to Kion's plan, as he then landed a Ki charged punch directly on Jasiri's face. The hyena got sent back about ten fert, launching a Ki beam at Kion, who launched one himself as well.
Kion and Jasiri collided their beams and got ready to face the collision head on, pushing hard to make their beam victorious in the long run. The beam seemed to be somewhat intense, as Kion and Jasiri were both struggling. Jasiri was shown to be straining as Kion pushed as well, seeming to have a worried face. 'This sure is an intense battle. Who knows how Jasiri will get this one? (Sneers) Or maybe she won't." Kion pushed the beam farther and it went flying at Jasiri, who fell to the floor upon the impact.
Jasiri got up as Kion descended to her, looking her down with a grin. "Ready to keep going?"
Jasiri smirked and spoke with courage. "You bet I am." Jasiri dashed at Kion, who blocked all of her punches and kicks, making her look like a play toy. For a short moment, Jasiri thought of winning the same way she beat Dogo; but then she rejected it, as she promised Kion no dirty tricks. Despite loving to win, Jasiri was one of her word. And hey. She lost to Kion before. Jasiri landed a solid kick on Kion's face, sending him to the side for a bit, only for Kion to regain his balance and charge up a Ki blast. He launched it at Jasiri with full force, with Jasiri putting her paws in front of her.
Jasiri put her paws on the Ki blast and walked forward to push it back, only for Kion to be preparing something else. Kion raised his fist and charged up a Ki punch, getting ready to finish the match. He then charged at Jasiri with full power, punching the Ki blast and making it explode; which sent Jasiri into a wall and made her stuck in it. Jasiri fell out of the wall and sighed with dissapointment at her loss, with Kion handing his paw to her. Jasiri looked up at Kion, who smiled nobly, with Jasiri smiling as well and accepting his offer.
Principal Audorn was seen at the stage as he then spoke to the audience. "Jasiri and Tiffu are both unable to battle! Therefore, Kion and Tukio are, the, winners!" Kion and Tukio's faces were shown on screen. "And they're also the winners of the tournament!"
Jasiri high fived Kion in congratulations for his victory, glad that she had a fair match. The two of them then walked off with Tiffu being able to walk beside Tiffu, who spoke with amazement. "That last attack. I didn't think I could take it."
"Well if I went at full power then you'd be in a coma by now." Tukio said with clear edge to his tone. "Heck, maybe even dead."
"So you held back after all, huh?" Tukio looked to see a smiling Kion and scoffed with a smirk, walking off and bidding the three of them farewell. Tiffu then walked up to Kion and Jasiri as Kion asked about the match. "So how hard was he?"
"He was hard alright." Tiffu said with a surprised look. "I knew he was strong, but that was still a lot of fun. Not career worthy, but I'd do it again."
Jasiri puts her paw on Tiffu's head, speaking to her with care. "Well just know this much Tiffu; I'll be more than ready to spar with you." Tiffu smiled and nodded as she walked off with Kion and Jasiri.
Kion and Mheetu were seen eating a bunch of food in the arena's cafeteria, seeming to not be getting full anytime soon. The two of them finished their last bowl and held them up to the owner. "More please." Eveyrone in the restaurant fainted at Kion and Mheetu's appetite, finding it rather astonishing.
Ten minutes later
Kion and Mheetu just about finished their food as Mheetu let out a burp. He felt massive relief upon that and sighed of joy."That hit the spot dude. (Looks at Kion) So you'll be covering the bill, right?"
Kion became confused upon Mheetu's question. "Me? I don't have any cash."
"But we really need the money for this stuff." Mheetu became confused to why Kion didn't have his prize money from the tournament. "Don't you have the prize money from the tag team tournament?"
"I don't have it yet. They said they'd give it to me and Tukio AFTER the ceremony." Kion explained, leaivng Mheetu to sigh with doubt. "The restaurant's pretty patient. Maybe we can negotiate."
"Oh, you most certainly can." Kion and Mheetu looked to see the restaurant owner looking at them with a humble posture and carefree smile. "Now normally I don't let people leave without paying; at least if they don't plan on paying at all. (Snaps fingers) But since you two gave our restaurant a good name by eating all of that food, I'll make you two VIPs." Kion and Mheetu became excited upon that offer. "Feel free to come back with anyone you wish. And tell that Tukio kid that I'd make him one too if he liked."
Kion and Mheetu nodded before running of while waving goodbye to the owner. "Thanks chef dude!" The chef waved back at the two lion cubs, loving their personalities and hoped to see them again.
Jasiri was seen sitting outside while looking at her book on the Band Gods, seeming to be upset that she didn't get the lightning orb. Zuri came out onto the stairs and sat down next to Jasiri, speaking in a calm manner towards her. "Listen Jasiri. (Jasiri looks at Zuri) I know I screwed up back when you first came to Audorn prep. Heck, I can't even believe I did that to this day."
Jasiri continued listening as she then responded with skepticism. "Go on."
"And I know you'll probably never forgive me for what happened there." Zuri continued with doubt in her voice. "Heck; after all we've been through together, I woudn't be surprised if my tormenting of you was enough to make you hate me. (Jasiri becomes surprised) I know we've only known each other for two weeks now, but I know what I did was wrong, and I want to make things right. Even if you don't wanna let me cause I was too late, or if-"
Jasiri put her finger on Zuri's lips to keep her from continuing, speaking with kindness in her voice. "It's never too late to apologize Zuri." Jasiri gave a spunky smile towards Zuri. "I accept." Zuri smiled and moved Jasiri's paw, allowing her to finish. "This doesn't mean we're friends though. It took time with Tiffu, and it's the same with you."
Zuri shrugged, not really caring too much about the circumstances. "Works for me." Zuri pulled out her phone and pulled Jasiri in, holding it up to her. Jasiri then smiled as the picture was taken; showing Jasiri to be sticking her tounge out and Zuri holding two fingers behind Jasiri's head.
Kion and the others were seen hanging out near the snack bar, seeming to be enjoying their time together. Dogo was seen chugging down on a super large ice cream shake, finishing it and then commenting on the match. "Wouldn't ya know it. The most unlikely duo was able to take home the gold."
"Well that's Kion there for ya Dogo." Simba said with proudness as he rubbed Kion's head. "No matter the circumstances, he's always able to come out on top."
Kiara walked up to Kion with a soda in her hands. "I'll tell you this much Kion. You're more than capable of doing what you do; and you do it amazingly." Kion felt grateful to see Kiara supporting him. "I'd expect someone like you to get to the top."
"Yeah, and it's a good thing that we fought with one fighter battling another." Kion said with relief. "I prefer my battles to be solo so I can show how strong I am; so if I work together with someone then it seems unfair." Jasiri once again took a liking to Kion's kind hearted nature, smiling at him, just as Tukio walked by and threw the lightning orb at Kion; who caught it and became a bit annoyed at Tukio's rough toss. "What was that for?"
"I have no use for it." Tukio walked off with Dogo looking at him with an upset look.
"Don't worry about him dude." Kion rubbed Dogo's head. "You're with us now."
"Actually, I have to go back to the Out lands after this tournament." Dogo explained as he layed his head on the table. "See, Tukio only got me that tournament pass. It expires later." Kion started to feel bad for Dogo but then got an idea, recalling a certain event that's bound to happen soon.
Mufasa was seen finishing his accountant work on his laptop, sighing of relief as he signed off of it for the day. He then heard knocking on his door and got up, going to answer it. He then saw Kion at his door when he answered it, liking his son's smile towards him. "Did you need something Kion?"
"Actually yes, I did." Dogo jumped up with his paws on Kion's head from behind, and his back feet on Kion's back; giving Mufasa surprise and making him chuckle. "We met before I heard about the tournament, and he used to be the student of one of the contestants; who stopped training him, so I decided to let him join our group." Mufasa nodded in understanding. "So then I decided that since his pass was about to expire, I thought he could come here for Kupatana."
Mufasa gave a skeptical look to Kion's idea, not knowing about this. "Well Kion, as much as you could be right about Dogo, allowing a jackal to attend such a big event at such short notice seems like-" Dogo gave a super adorable look on his face towards Mufasa; with a bright light surrounding him and making Mufasa unable to resist. "I don't know what that was, but I'll consider." Kion nodded in understanding with Dogo jumping onto Mufasa and hugging him.
Mufasa let out a laugh as Kion lifted Dogo off of him, walking off with him as he jumped up and down. "Yip yip yip YIP." Dogo continued yipping and got a laugh out of Kion, with Mufasa smiling at how well he can see the good in cold hearted species.
Tukio arrived back at the Out lands volcano and knocked on the door, waiting by it as an eye slider opened and a hyena peeked out to see him. Tukio showed his card to the doorkeeper, who let him in afterwards, with Tukio then walking down the hallway. He looked around and saw the hyenas around him, seeing Janja walk up to him. "So how'd you do Tukio? You win?"
"Sure did." Tukio said with a smile. "And now with the prize money, I can upgrade the capsule and keep her alive longer until I find a proper cure." Tukio looked back on the day someone he loved dearly got sick, being the only family she had left. "I just hope I can find it."
"Ah, you'll find it eventually dude." Janja patted Tukio's back with compassion. "Just keep trying and you'll find that cure. (Feels guilty) And be a better brother than I was." Janja started to look back on how he treated Jasiri in the past, remembering the last few events he had with her.
Tukio looked at Janja with sincerity in his eyes. "That wasn't of your control Janja. It was just from your curse seal; which I don't know the origin of. Care to explain?"
"Dark Kion gave it to me a while ago." Janja explained, regretting turning to Dark Kion's side. "Ever since then I've been really aggressive, and if my parents hadn't died when we met Dark Kion I would've tortured them too." Janja shuddered at the thought of becoming completely evil. "That's why I've been resisting it for so long. I'd rather have a torturous mind than become completely evil and kill someone innocent."
Tukio saw pity in Janja's words, not knowing what to make of them. "Get over yourself Janja. What happened, happened, and you can't reverse it. What you CAN do however is make up with Jasiri the first chance you get." Tukio thought about Janja's wishes to have been a better brother. "Just talk to her when she finds the cure." Tukio walked over to Dark Kion's office with Janja fearing what Jasiri would think about speaking to her again.
Tukio arrived in Dark Kion's office and walked up to him with a serious look. "Dark Kion, you'll be happy to know that I won the tournament. Even if it was hard to make cooperations with Kion as my partner, I was able to pull through."
Dark Kion turned around with a devilish grin on his face. "Ah yes, wonderful. The money should work great for the parts for your sister's revival." Drk Kion remembered that Dogo also entered the tournament, hoping that his power kicked in. "So how did Dogo do?"
"Pssh. He lost in the semi-finals to a low brow fighting tactic from the tomboy." Tukio explained with a harsh tone. "Such a disgraceful loss that I could stand it. And I could care less about the kid anyway. (Scoffs) I fired him as my student and now he's with Kion and his friends."
Dark Kion became enraged to hear this as he grabbed Tukio by his chest, finding his decision to fire Dogo exceptionally dumb. "You fool! Do you have any idea what they could do with that kind of power?"
"We have you Dark Kion." Tukio released himself from Tukio's grasp. "My last concern is the power Dogo holds; especially when we have stronger forces." Tukio walked off and saw Vitani working on ways to take over Kupatana, becoming interested in the information he obtains. "When did you start doing this?"
Vitani stopped her research for a minute and looked at Tukio with a Harley Quinn smile and attitude. "The boss told me to do it, so I just got to it. Sounds pretty interesting too. Apparently it's Africa's version of Christmas; go figure."
Tukio nodded in understanding to this and walked off, bidding Tukio a goodbye. "Good luck with that."
"Hey thanks T boy." Vitani started spinning around in her chair, liking the time she was having. "Just wait Dark Kion. This is gonna be an epic moment for all of the story to have in itself. Even if people don't care about us, this is still happening, and they're gonna deal with it."
"It's a lot more complicated than that Vitani." Dark Kion walked up to Vitani and looked at her research. "Once we develop this plan, they'll know what we're attempting. And all life will be extinct with an iron fist."
"Say DK lion. Why do you wanna destroy all life anyway?" Vitani asked with curiosity. "I never got that, and you never said why."
"That's for another time young one." Dark Kion said, walking off with a sinister smile.
Tukio walked into a room that said chamber holding Kukosa, walking into it and closing the door behind him. He walked up to a chamber, which he looked into with a sorrow look on his face. A female lioness about the same age as Dogo was shown inside the capsule. Tukio sighed as he walked over to a blackboard, which showed Kukosa getting her illness that put her into this dark sleep. He clenched his fist at the sight of the blackboard and fell to the floor, punching it with anger and frustration. He then looked at Kukosa's chamber once again, keeping his vow to save her.
Tukio walked up to a fridge in the room and pulled out a soda, sitting down on a bed that says Kukosa on it. He opened the soda and looked at the chamber again before sipping his drink. Upon sipping it, he felt as if a tide was flowing in on him; with it being so high that he couldn't escape. When he lied down and drank from his soda again, he looked up to the ceiling. The light on the ceiling was rather dim; giving Tukio little hope. The lion drank from his soda again, feeling lost, lonely, and upset.
Kion and Nala were seen showing Dogo to a hillside near Pride rock for him to stay at for the time being. "Here ya go little dude. (Looks at Nala) Thanks for the help Nala. I know how much you love nature."
"No problem Kion." Nala had peaceful aura around her, looking over the cliff. "And look at that view."
Dogo looked over the cliff and admired it along with Kion and Nala, smiling at the sight of it. "You said it. (Turns to Kion) Thanks the both of you."
"Welcome to the Pride lands Dogo." Kion said as he put his paw around Dogo's back. "Feel free to do whatever you like here. As long as it's not murder." Dogo nodded as Kion and Nala bidded him goodbye. "See ya tomorrow buddy."
"And if you ever need a location in the Pride lands, give me a call." Nala reccomended to the group's new jackal friend. "I know all the locations in the Pride lands thanks to my love for nature."
Dogo nodded waved goodbye as Kion and Nala walked off and then he looked around, looking in both directions to see if anyone was near. The young jackal sighed of relief as he sat down, hearing Rei rei's call. "Dogo!" Rei rei came out from the bush nearby, giving Dogo joy.
"Rei rei!" Dogo ran over to Rei rei with joy in his eyes. "You got my signal!"
"I sure did Dogo." Rei rei rubbed Dogo's head with affection. "You sure do have a loud yip. And here we are; in the Pride lands." Rei rei remembered Dark Kion's plan. "Too bad that Dark Kion jerk may try to beat us to the punch."
"I totally fooled the Band gods; didn't I." Dogo said with a sinister grin on his face, showing off another side to his nature.
"You sure did Dogo. (Rubs Dogo's head again) Great job." Rei rei put her paw down and noticed Dogo's location. "But hold up. Why are you sitting out here?"
"Well, Kion said I could hang out by this hillside until Kupatana ended." Dogo explained, leaning over to Rei rei and whispering a plan to her. "I intend to obey him until the final strike happens so then we can finish him and his friends while they're not looking." Rei rei took a liking to Dogo's plan as he continued. "That way we can have Kupatana all to ourselves."
Rei rei nodded in understanding to Dogo's plan, appriciating his seriousness. "Well done Dogo. Remember though. Tomorrow, we do this our way. Jackal style."
Kion and the others were seen in the lair as Dogo arrived and front flipped over all the others. Dogo landed in a chair next to Mheetu, who high fived him on his acrobatic skills. Kion pulled up the Band God orb and held it in his paws. "As you guys can tell by now, we have the fourth Band God orb; the lightning orb. So now we have to find out who it's linked to."
Dogo watched the orb in awe and was amazed by it's glow, hoping to touch it himself and raises his paw. "Can I touch it?"
"Sure." Kion said as he walked up to Dogo, who touched it and hugged it, making Kion chuckle. "Guess you're not the link."
"Oh, I don't care about that." Dogo handed Kion the orb back. "I just wanted to touch it."
Kion nodded in understanding as he then walked up to Jasiri, who touched it and felt her vocal cords string. She felt amazed by the feeling the orb gave her, showing Kion that she was the next Band God orb. "Band God number four, acquirred."
Jasiri looked at her paws and became amazed upon this moment. "So I'm one of the warriors I'm searching for. (Smiles) Awesome." Kion gave a high five to Jasiri, with Dogo once again admiring his compassion.
Kion was seen sparring with Dogo, who was aiming multiple punches and kicks at him, which Kion dodges with ease. Kion swatted Dogo away, allowing the jackal to backflip and regain his balance. Dogo launched a Ki beam at Kion, who deflected it, sending it right past Pride rock. Dogo charged at Kion and aimed more punches at him, with Kion blocking them all. Kion landed a solid kick on Dogo's side, sending him towards a tree, which Dogo successfully jumped off of. Dogo then collided a kick with Kion, who then grabbed Dogo's paw and threw him forward with a spin.
Dogo skidded his feet on the ground, amazed by Kion's power. "You really are something Kion." Dogo and Kion fist bumped. "How did you get so strong anyway?"
"Does three years of training count?" Dogo nodded his head yes upon Kion's good natured words, continuing to aim punches and kicks at him. Rei rei was seen spying from a bush, seeming intrigued by these actions. She descended into the bushes with sly as the screen faded to black, ending the episode off.
D Grey Man ending theme three plays during the credits as a male singer prepares to sing my passion.
Kion walked out onto the screen and sat down on the grass, looking at the stars as the song begun.
"This is the path that I'll forever follow. It's what I love and it will help me to grow."
Jasiri walked out onto the screen and sat down next to Kion as the song continued.
"And in spite of the danger's that I'll face, I'll never, give up on it or my friends."
Simba walked out onto the screen and sat next to Kion on the other side as the song continued.
"No matter who I battle a friend or foe. This is a passion that I hold with me so."
Mheetu walked out onto the screen and sat down next to Jasiri as the song continued.
"And no matter the dangers we face head on, this is what, my life was destined to be."
Nala walked out onto the screen and sat down next to Simba and the friends looked at the stars as the song continued.
"And whatever I face, I'll never fall to the dark side. And my new power, will help me survive the whole ride."
Dogo was seen looking at the stars in the Out lands as the song continued.
"And this passion, that I have, will stay, forever."
Tukio was seen looking at the stars with him as the song continued, looking at a picture he was holding afterwards.
"Me and my friends will work through this endeavor."
Kovu was seen looking at the stars through his telescope as the song continued.
"Friends last forever, no matter what the others say."
Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu were seen hanging out under the stars as the song continued.
"And when the times get dark, we'll strive to see the light of day."
Dark Kion was seen commanding his troops with Vitani behind him as the song continued.
"And with my friends, we will, make this world, a more pure place."
Kion and his friends were seen smiling at each other and talking as the song continued.
"And I will protect, them as well, as my passion."
The final parts of the song played as Jasiri saw a shooting star and pointed to it, getting everyone's attention, and then Nala pulled out her phone for a selfie. A phone flash happened and Kion and the others were shown looking at the stars in a picture above Kion's bed with Kion sleeping as the song ended.
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