Band God arc Episode five: Possession inside Kion
Disclaimer: Just to avoid confusion, this is the first chapter that takes place during Kion's past, which is three years prior to the story. Enjoy!
The Legend of Kion
Band God arc Episode five: Possession inside Kion
Simba and Kiara were seen waiting on the couch, seeming to be waiting for something. Simba turned to Kiara, curious to see what her opinion was. "So what do you think it's gonna be?"
"No idea;" Kiara said, seeming skeptical on the whole ordeal, as she's never had a younger sibling. "I hope it's a girl though. My dresses need to be tested and I'm sick of having to beg mom and dad to get you to do it."
"Yeah. Because I WANT that;" Simba said in a sarcastic tone while rolling his eyes.
Just then, Mufasa and Sarabi came back with a baby seat in Mufasa's paw, with him helping Sarabi in as well. "We're back."
Kiara jumped over Kion and hugged Mufasa, glad that he's come home. "So where's the baby?" Mufasa showed Kiara the baby, looking like Kion in his infant form. Kiara seemed skeptical on the baby's attitude, finding him rather still. "Seems passable for a baby I guess. At least it's not crying."
Simba walked over to the group, wanting to see the baby as well. "So what's it's gender?"
"It's a boy son;" Mufasa said in a proud tone, dissapointing Kiara.
"So it's not gonna wear my blue rock gown?" Kiara asked in a bummed out mood, making Simba laugh a bit. Kiara punched Simba in the arm, making the lion wince.
"Don't punch your brother Kiara;" Mufasa said in a stern voice, and Kiara rolled her eyes.
Kion was seen making a Ki orb in his paw, with Simba praising him as Naruto Shippuden Silhouette instrumental played as a male singer prepared to sing Growth of Courage.
Kion was seen sleeping in his crib as a four year old launching a Ki blast across the screen. Kion was then seen looking over Pride rock as the song began. "I see it now. When I look into your eyes, I see it (Kion closes his eyes) then."
Kion was shown sparring with Simba as the song continued. "No one knows; (Simba knocks Kion back) no one knows; (Simba helps Kion up as they smile at each other) everything it holds."
Kion and Mheetu were seen racing each other as they gave competetive grins to each other. "As we grow now. We see how life and everything that surrounds it, yet."
Kion crossed the finish line first as he and Mheetu caught their breaths. "No one knows; (Kion holds his paw out to Mheetu) no one knows; (Mheetu smiles) Everything it (Kion and Mheetu fist bump) holds."
Simba was seen showing Kion a Ki orb as Kion became amazed by it. "We got this, we got this, (Kion smiles with determination) we got this now. (Kion holds his paw out in attempt to make a Ki orb) If at first we don't succeed, (Kion fails to make a stable Ki orb and it explodes in his and Simba's faces) Go on, (Kion giggles as Simba smiles) and try again."
Kion was seen fighting some sort of dark matter made figure. "There's so much that I've never known. (Kion gets kicked back by the matter figure) About this world and all it's ever shown. (Kion becomes scared as the dark matter figure charges at him) And although, (Kion charges his fist) I am scared, (Kion blocks the dark matter figures punch) I'll never give up."
Kion kicked the dark matter figure back and he regained his balance, charging at Kion as he charged too. "Yes deep down I am truly scared. (Kion and the dark matter figure collide a punch) But deep down there's much more that I have beared. (Kion knees the dark matter figure) And although, I am scared, (Kion punches the dark matter figure and it covers the screen) I'll never give up."
Nala is seen making sure that Mheetu's okay after the fight, with Mheetu trying to assure her worry while annoyed. "There are some battles I can't win. (Kion and Simba join in and Kion and Mheetu start chatting) "But that won't hurt my strength from within. (Kion and Mheetu run off and start racing, with Simba and Nala giggling) And although, (Kion and Mheetu are seen smiling at each other) I am scared, (Kion and Mheetu then collide a punch) I'll never give up."
The screen broke and showed Kion looking into a pond as he saw his reflection. "Despite all that could break me, (Scar is shown on one half of Kion's body, making him rather scared) I'll always stand tall. (Kion looks ahead with determination and seriousness) With my special, growth of (Kion smiles) courage."
Kion was shown giving a peace sign to the audience, with Simba rubbing his head, Mheetu leaning on a wall while crossing his arms and trying to look cool, and Nala giving a kind wave as the song ended; with The Legend of Kion behind them.
Mufasa set Kion down on the couch, letting Simba and Kiara look at him. Sarabi joined her family, adoring her baby from where she stood. "He's precious. Is he not?" Sarabi laughed a bit. "I sounded so formal there."
Simba saw a lot of energy coming from the baby, seeing potential in him. "Wow. He's so adorbale."
"Pssh. I've seen cuter;" Kiara said, clearly showing a detest towards the newborn. "What's he supposed to be anyway? A loser brat?"
"Kiara, please show kindness to your new brother;" Mufasa said in a stern tone, making Kiara roll her eyes.
"So what's his name?" Simba asked with curiousness.
Mufasa smiled at Kion's fondness for their new child, revealing the baby's name without hesitation. "His name is, Kion."
Simba took a fondness to Kion's name, finding it fitting and smiling. "Kion. That's Swahili for leader." Kion opened his eyes and looked at Simba, taking a great love to his new older brother. Simba noticed a dark spark on Kion's eye, wondering what it was. "What's that thing in his eye?"
Mufasa and Sarabi looked and Mufasa became horrified upon seeing it, having dark flashbacks about his past. Simba looked at his father, along with Kiara and Sarabi. The King breathed in and out, trying to stay calm. "That my son, is the possession of Scar." Simba became shocked to hear about this possession thing, looking at Kion with concern for him. "Don't worry though. The darkness has a chance of leaving his body." Mufasa sighed. "However, it also has a low chance of survival."
Simba looked at Kion with a determined look, smiling at his baby brother. "Well whatever the case...(Puts his paw on Kion.)I'll always be here for him. Even when he DOES die." Kion cooed as he hugged Simba's paw.
Four years later.
Kion was seen sleeping in his room, three years prior to the events of the main story. Kion's alarm went off and he punched it off his nightstand. He woke up with a yawn and stretched his arms, feeling more than relaxed. He then jumped off his bed and looked at his clock on the wall, surprised to see that he slept an hour in.
Sarabi was seen cooking in the kitchen as Kion bursted out of his room. "Good morning Kion."
"Mom, you were supposed to wake me up for my first day from home an hour ago!" Kion said loudly to his mother, annoyed at her lack of consistancy.
"Well I tried to, but you said you were up the three times I did;" Sarabi said as Kion grabbed his plate.
"And you believed me?" Kion walked over to the table and started chowing down on his food. "Thanks for the food by the way. Gotta get that stomach going." Sarabi chuckled at Kion's love for food, remembering when he was born.
Simba walked over to Kion with a board shaped box behind him, putting on the table for Kion. "Open up Kion."
Kion smiled at his brother's eagerness to give him his birthday present, opening it without hesitation and revealing a skateboard in his paws, much to his excitement. "Whoa, cool! It's that new board I wanted!"
"Trust me dude;" Simba said, having horrible memories of the day before. "I had to knock out at least thirty shoppers just to get that."
Kion hugged Simba with gratefulness in his voice. "Dude, you didn't have to go through that for me." Simba pulled Kion away and rubbed his head, allowing his little brother to finish his food.
"I know;" Simba said, rubbing his brother's head. "I just wanted to."
Kion looked at his board and hugged it once he finished his food. He looked at Simba, hoping he could take it outside. "Can I take it out for a ride?"
"Sure dude. It's YOUR board after all;" Simba said as he and Kion got down from the table. "Just make sure to let me supervise you."
Kion nodded and ran off with Simba, having Sarabi walk over to his plate and call out to Kion. "Kion! Could you clean your plate please!?" A dishwasher bottle flew past Sarabi, making her smile at Kion's silly response.
Kion was seen getting onto his board as Simba helped him get balance. Kion got a good balance on the board, allowing Simba to signal the young lion to take off. He did so and kept his balance far and wide, staying on a steady path. Kion took a liking to his new skateboard, finding it rather fun to use, despite the slow pace he was going at. Simba watched Kion to make sure he didn't crash into anything and followed him, not wanting him to go down a steep hill too soon. Kion, being as optimistic and bubbly as he was continued to skate and even went a little faster, wanting to get farther into it.
Simba was seen behind Kion, watching him from a distance that wasn't too close, nor too far. A lion with a similar look to Mheetu, but three years younger, was seen watching Kion on his board with a smile. Just then, Kion felt a slight burn in his heart, confusing him to a degree. Kion got off and turned to Simba, who saw him holding his paw up to his chest. Simba looked at Kion's chest and hoped it wasn't anything too serious, giving him a carefree smile and rubbing kion's head as he smiled too. As Simba helped him up, Kion seemed to have a strong bond with him.
Kiara was seen under a tree with what looked like a younger Zuri, with both of them relaxing and loving their time together. Kiara sighed of relief, glad to be out of the house. "Let me tell you Zuri. It's such a pain at my house. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and all. But they're almost impossible to tolerate. Kion's an annoying brat, Simba's always siding with him, dad's always working, and mom...well, she's easy to stand."
"Maybe you just have to show them what you're made of;" Zuri said, sounding violent as she did so. "Why not force them to pay attention to you instead of anyone else?"
Kiara took a liking to Zuri's idea, finding it to be useful. "You ready my mind."
Kion and Simba were seen at a hill near Kiara and Zuri, not knowing they were near them. Kion got onto his board and looked at Simba. "Okay Simba. What I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna do a kickflip that's so good, the world is gonna shatter."
"Let's hope you can do it Kion;" Simba said in a confident tone, just as Kion put on a sneer.
Kion looked ahead of the hill and tried to do a kickflip, only to fall off his board. Simba helped Kion up and they both watched the skateboard roll down the hill they were on. The board rolled down the hill at high speeds and rode up to the tree Kiara and Zuri were under. "Like, sometimes I just wanna do (Shows Zuri a middle finger) This to them."
Zuri nodded her head slowly and smiled with agreement. "That sounds accurate."
Just then, the skateboard flew into the top of the tree, causing two opened baobabs to fall off. The baobabs landed on Kiara and Zuri's heads, frustrating them a great deal. An elderly mandrill peeked out from the tree with Kion's skateboard, tossing it back down to him. Kion caught the skateboard and waved to the mandarill. "Thanks dude! Sorry about your paint!"
"It's fine young one, I have plenty!" The mandrill shouted in a friendly tone, walking back to his paint supplies.
Kiara walked over to Kion with a glare, making Kion chuckle nervously. "Is it too late to apologize to you too?"
Simba walked over to Kion and Kiara as Kiara put on a calm face, trying to reason with her little brother. "Kion. Why did two baobabs just fall on me and Zuri?"
"Total fashion violation Kion;" Zuri said in a sour tone. "Unless it's at a fruit show."
Kion thought for a moment at what a fruit show would be like, picturing it to be a giant conga line. Kiara popped Kion's imagination cloud in frustration. "Your stupid board caused those paint things to fall Kion!"
"Pssh. Well no need to be such a jerk about it;" Kion said in a cocky tone, annoyed with Kiara's brattiness. Even if it was somewhat justified.
"Oh you just shut your trap Kion;" Kiara said, still upset about the paint thing. "I don't care what you think I'm acting like, just keep your board out of my business!"
"Kion was just testing out his new board;" Simba said, trying to calm his sister down.
Kiara grabbed Kion's board from him and threw it off, making it roll down a cliff. Kion reached out for the board and Simba stopped him, seeing the board roll down to some lava. The skateboard drove into the lava, devistating Kion. Kiara laughed smugly as Kion felt rage surround him, pushing Simba back and charging at Kiara, who gained a worried look. "Uh-oh."
"Uh-oh is right!" Kion said, tackling Kiara and then the two began to wrestle. Not wanting to get involved, Simba backed up; not wanting to make either side get worse.
Mufasa was seen walking by Rafiki's tree at the time of Kion and Kiara's fight. When he spotted Kion and Kiara fighting each other, he ran to them with worry. Kion punched Kiara in the arm and she pushed him into the mud, making him all dirty. Kion lunged at Kiara from the mud puddle as Simba seperated the two. "Guys, stop it!" Kion and Kiara glared at each other while showing their teeth in a vicious manner. With the two cubs still fighting, not holding anything back, Mufasa arrived and turned to Simba, who didn't hesistate to respond. "I'll let them tell you."
Mufasa nodded and Simba walked off, allowing Mufasa to speak to Kion and Kiara with a stern voice. "Alright you two, what happened?"
"It was all this idiot's fault;" Kiara said quickly when pointing to Kion, not wanting to be punished. "His stupid board spattered paint all over me and Zuri."
"The paint's dry Kiara;" Kion said, and Kiara clenched her fist at him, which he wasn't affected by.
Mufasa turned to Kion, wanting his side of the story. "Tell me your side of things Kion."
Kion became nervous about telling his father what happened, rubbing his arm as he spoke. "Well...Simba got me this new skateboard for my birthday, (Mufasa nods) and I was starting to get used to it until we got to a hill, where I tried to do a kickflip. (Kion stops rubbing his arm) So then when I tried to do so, the board went down at a super high speed. Like, almost as fast as me getting a blind date. (Kiara rolls her eyes) Anyway, then the board flew up into that old mandrill's tree and knocked over two of his paint jars, which went splat on Kiara and Zuri."
Mufasa nodded, and then Kion looked down and snickered, confusing his sister. "What?" Kion pointed to Kiara's butt to find some brown paint on it, making her even more angry at his innocent laughter. "Seriously!? You're so gross!"
"Everyone has their sense of humor Kiara;" Mufasa said, turning to his daughter. "Now what were YOU doing?"
"Relaxing with Zuri under that tree;" Kiara began to explain, being just as nervous as Kion. "We were talking about how sometimes it's hard to deal with families and our relatives, mine anyway, and then the paint cups fell right onto us." Kiara began to feel rather overconfident in what Mufasa would do. "So then I went to confront Kion, who was the rudest, demon child, ever!"
Kion pushed Kiara's arm when she went into fake tear mode, making her glare at her little brother. Kion turned to Mufasa to correct Kiara's story. "She forgot the part where she got my board burned to death by that lava down there." Kion glared at Kiara slightly, still mad about her ruining his new skateboard. "Intentionally."
"And YOU forgot the part where you attacked me first!" Kiara shouted, refusing to be seen as the bad one.
"I wouldn't have if you didn't make my new skateboard into volcano chow!"
"And you were just some jealous jerk who chooses to apologize to some old loser than your own flesh and blood!"
"Oh sure, go ahead and upplay my selfishness."
"It's not upplaying if it's true you pint sized loser!"
"Oh wait! I'm sorry, (Puts paw over ear) what did you say!? I couldn't hear you over your (Puts paw down) ear bleeding voice in my face!
"Kion! Kiara!" Mufasa shouted, not wanting to frighten his children, but also not wanting them to continue fighting.
Kion and Kiara turned to Mufasa with angry faces. "What!?"
Mufasa sighed with annoyance as he went into a quieter mode. "Now I want you two to look at each other, (Kion and Kiara look at each other) and I-"
Kiara flipped Kion off, making Kion tackle her before Mufasa could scold her. Kion slammed Kiara's head into the ground, making her punch his face. Mufasa seperated the two, not wanting them to kill each other. "Stop this at once!" Kion and Kiara glared at each other with anger in their eyes, allowing Mufasa to turn to Kion. "Kion, go to Pride rock. You're grounded until further notice."
"What!? I'm not being grounded on my birthday!" Kion shouted in anger, and then he glared at Kiara. "Well, I won't if SHE goes unpunished."
"I'll deal with your sister here;" Mufasa said, showing that he wants the siblings in different areas. He then called to his oldest child. "Simba!" Simba ran over to his father, ready to do what he told him to. "Take Kion home. I'll be having a chat with Kiara."
Simba nodded and walked off with Kion, noticing how down he looked. Despite wanting to cheer Kion up, he decided to wait until they got home, showing that he and Kion were close enough to know when, and when not to speak.
Kion's side of the house was shown, seeing him looking out the window. Kion was shown to be ranting on Kiara. "Stupid Kiara, getting away with being an obnoxious jerk. Heck, who grounds someone on their own birthday, that's a question I'd like an answer to."
Sarabi opened the door. "Kion, your bath is ready." Kion got down from his desk and ran out of his room, allowing Sarabi to follow him. Kion hopped into the bathtub and splashed Sarabi, making the lioness laugh at Kion's energy. "Make sure not to touch anything dangerous. You listend the other times."
Kion gave Sarabi a thumbs up and then left the bathroom, allowing Kion to do his bath stuff. Kion grabbed a shark and soldier, crashing them into each other. "Boom! (Mimics the shark exploding.) Die shark, die!" Kion continued to smash the soldier into the shark, starting to forget about the Kiara thing.
Mufasa and Sarabi were seen talking with Kiara next to Mufasa. "So I grounded both of them until I knew what to about this whole sibling rivalry they've had since Kion was born." Mufasa sighed. "Ever since Kion was born, it was always like this."
Kiara flashbacked to around the time Kion was still an infant. Kion was seen in his crib while playing with his rattle. Kiara walked up to Kion in a sour mood, annoyed at the fact that she has to play with him. Kion sees Kiara and smiles at her, leaning on the edge of his crib with his rattle. Kiara looks at the rattle with a smug look and takes it from Kion, annoying him and then giving him an idea. Kiara looked at Kion, wondering what a baby could possibly be thinking of. Kion went back to his toys and pulled up a radio, putting on Kiara's favorite song to max volume.
The flashback ended with Kiara annoyed at the ending. "And you totally left out the part where it was all Kion's fault, all because he was born." Mufasa groaned at Kiara's jealousy towards Kion, not even noticing that she walked off. Kiara walked into the bathroom where Kion was seen playing and filled up a bucket with cold water. Kion heard the water and became confused at first, but then assumed it was his mother and continued to play with his bath toys.
Kion then felt himself being dunked all over with a bucket of cold water, making him turn to his sister in anger. "Hey!"
Kiara started laughing at Kion's expense as Mufasa and Sarabi showed up, with Mufasa whispering to Sarabi. "Why did she have to be jealous of him?"
Sarabi shrugged as Kiara continued laughing and then Kion's eyes glowed dark. "You think this is funny?" Mufasa and Sarabi noticed Kion's dark eyes, unable to stop him from pouncing onto Kiara. "This is my (Voice becomes darker) life you're laughin at!" Kion raised his paw and dug it into Kiara's chest, filling Kiara's heart with fear. Mufasa knocked Kion out by karate chopping his neck, making him fall to the floor.
Mufasa picked Kion up and walked over to Sarabi, picking up Kiara and walking off with her.
Simba and the others were seen looking at Kion on his bed, hoping he was okay. Simba turned to Kiara, grateful for her showing care for Kion. "It means a lot that you'd worry about him Kiara. I know you haven't always been on perfect terms with him, so I wouldn't expect this."
"Oh shut up Simba;" Kiara said, upset and taking Simba's words as her hating Kion. "Just because I antagonize Kion doesn't mean I don't love him."
Kion started to wake up, confused as to what just happened and got a massive headache. He put his paw on his head, trying to ease the pain. When the pain died down a bit, he saw his family standing there. Even Kiara, who he didn't expect. Then he became worried when seeing her chest wound. "What happened to your chest?"
Kiara hugged Kion, showing her apology to him rather than telling. "I was so worried when you went into that trance." Kiara pulled Kion away. "Your eyes were dark and you were speaking in a darker tone and..." Kiara came to realization that she cared for Kion, feeling something soft in her heart when she did so. " about you."
Kion felt guilty about Kiara's wound, finding out that he was responsible for it. Mufasa put his paw on Kion's shoulder, ready to tell him the truth. "It's time we told you son." Kion gave Mufasa his full attention, curious to what he was going to say. "You see Kion, back when I was a young lad, we didn't have human technology. We were in a normal state of Africa, where we all did what real world lions did. (Sighs) Then there was my uncle. Scar. He was the one who made this world what it is. After killing my father with all the hyena clan."
Kion became shocked upon hearing this and let his father continue. "We started aging in human time. Me and your mother got married, and then we had Simba. Then Kiara. And then you." Mufasa looked at the ground upon his next words. "Something was off when you were born however. When we brought you home to your siblings, we saw a dark flash in your eyes." Mufasa looked back at Kion. That was the sign that showed you had dark matter from Scar in you."
Kion feared the thought of dark matter inside of him, not wanting to hurt his family. Mufasa then spoke in a reassuring tone. "Don't worry though. You survived the one year battle necessary to keep it out of you. The rejected part anyway." Kion looked at his paws, fearing that Scar could take him over. "I'm sorry we hid this from you son, but we couldn't risk anything."
Kion clenched his paws, gaining a sad look on his face. "I understand your intention, (Smiles) so thanks for trying to protect me." Kion looked at Mufasa. "I'm gonna head outside for a bit." Mufasa nodded and Kion hopped down from his bed, turning to Kiara afterwards. "And thanks for caring about me Kiara. Even though we don't always see eye to eye, this means a lot to me."
Kiara nodded and tried to apologize before Kion walked off, making her sigh with guilt in her eyes. Simba put her paw on Kiara's shoulder, knowing she never intended on this to ever happen.
Kion walked through the Pride lands as somber music played, allowing him to sing The darkness that I hold.
Kion continued to walk through the Pride lands as he sang each line he spoke, sounding confused and sad as he did so. "This darkness that I just discovered, to be inside of me." Kion jumped down a hillside and continued to walk. "This is something that I can't believe, was even allowed to be." Kion looked around the Pride lands, looking over the animals that were surrounding it. "I have lived here, for all my life, and I don't want to see it all go." Kion looked at the ground as he continued to sing. "If only I could understand, why this is happening to me so."
Kion looked up to the sky and saw egrets and other birds flying, sighing at the future as he looked forward. "It's hard to hope for good stuff to come, when you're evil uncle resides." Kion started to imagine what would happen if Scar took him over. "He does so inside of my body, and it feels like evil tides." Kion jumped from rock to rock to get over a river. "I am the youngest child, in the royal family." Kion reached the end of the river and continued onward. "And the one who possesses me, will laugh at disharmony."
Kion walked through a tree as a white flash happened, leading Kion to the watering hole. "From the watering hole to the Out lands, Africa is where I was born." Kion stopped at the watering hole and looked at his paw. "And now I know what will happen now, I'll eventually be considered scorn." Kion looked into the watering hole as he finished the song. "And despite everything that could come if, I ever became, brave and bold." Kion's reflection was shown in the water upon his last lyrics, showing his confusion and sad emotions. "I don't want everyone to fear it, the darkness that I hold." Kion's darker half was seen in the water, showing his gold hearted side and his evil side, and he just let the moment sink in.
The younger version of Mheetu we saw earlier was seen bragging about himself, seeming cocky as he did so. "And that's why I'm so awesome, that everyone in the entire universe adores me."
A female lioness that looks like a younger version of Nala was seen with a blank face. "Remind me again why anyone would believe that?"
"Because I'm awesome;" Mheetu said, not deflating a single trait of his. "And anyone who says otherwise doesn't know what the word means, or how it works, and they especially miss how it was originated."
Nala rolled her eyes and then she saw something that caught her eye, making her concerned. "Isn't that Simba's little brother?" Mheetu looked to where Nala was pointing and they walked over to where two bushes were, spotting Kion near the wattering hole and still looking into it. "He looks pretty down. Something must've gotten to him."
"From what I heard, he has this Scar dude inside of him;" Mheetu said before smiling, taking a liking to Kion. "Seems pretty cool." Mheetu walked over to Kion without warning, letting Nala watch from afar. When he walked up to Kion, he began a conversation. "So what's happening?"
Kion looked and saw Mheetu sitting next to him, shrugging and looking back into the water. "Nothing much. Just thinking."
Mheetu became confused to what Kion could be thinking about. "Pssh. What could you ever wanna think about? Especially with that down look." Mheetu started to show concern for Kion. "Something up?"
"Only that I just found out about Scar being inside of me;" Kion said bluntly, not holding a thing back. "My dad told me about it after I sunk my claw into my sister's chest. That's something I never thought'd happen." Kion sighed. "I just hope this Scar thing doesn't affect me too much. Or anyone else."
Mheetu showed a worried look for Kion and put his paw on his shoulder, speaking in a much less cocky, and rather a much more good hearted voice. "Would it make you feel any better if I bought us both ice cream? As friends of course."
Kion took a liking to the ice cream idea, looking at Mheetu with a smile. "You'd do that for someone you barely know?"
"I know that you're the youngest Prince of the Pride lands, and that you're the brother of Simba, who's a friend of my sister Nala;" Mheetu said, revealing his current knowledge on Kion. "Maybe you could use a friend your own age. (Holds fist up) Names Mheetu by the way." Kion became skeptical upon seeing Mheetu's fist wondering why he did that, and then Mheetu chuckled a bit. "Cmon dude, it's just a fist bump." Kion looked at Mheetu's fist a bit more and hesitated, but then smiled and the two made a fist bump. Mheetu then made an explosion effect. "You just exploded dude." Kion laughed at Mheetu's joke, walking off with him and Nala smiled to it.
Kion and Mheetu were seen at the ice cream shop, seeming to be talking about basic life. Kion was talking about the day he'd had, seeming rather upset over it. "So then Kiara threw my skateboard down a hill, and it went straight into this lava. Don't even ask me how it got into the Pride lands."
"Plot convinience;" Mheetu said, breaking the fourth wall in a snarky way. "I'm honestly pretty lucky that I have Nala as an older sister. Sure she can be annoying, but at least she has a sense of patience."
Kion drank a bit of his oreo milkshake, giving Mheetu the urge to drink faster, which he did. Kion saw this and drank his shake super fast too. Kion and Mheetu stared at each other with competitive smiles, drinking their milkshakes at high speeds. The two finished their milkshakes as Kion then spoke up. "Next rounds on me dude."
Kion ran off super fast and then came back with a bunch of milkshakes, getting ready for his and Mheetu's brawl. They each grabbed two milkshakes and chugged them down super fast, setting them down and getting some more. The two were enjoying their competition, as they saw their friendship and rivalry happening. They then drank multiple milkshakes super fast, one shake at a time.
Five minutes later.
Kion and Mheetu continued drinking their shakes as they both let out loud burps. They then high fived as they continued to chug down, not giving a care in the world as they did so. The two felt a new friendship, and rivalry, sparking between them, hoping to be great friends for many times to come in the future.
Kion and Mheetu were seen arriving at Kion's house, with their stomachs being somewhat bigger. Kion let out a loud burp as he and Mheetu walked up to the door. "That, was, awesome."
"No kidding;" Mheetu said with a satisfied look, and then Kion opened the door and let Mheetu inside. Mheetu became amazed at the size of Kion's living room as Kion walked in, letting Mheetu explain his amazement. "Wow. Your living room is bigger than half of my house!" Mheetu then turned to Kion with a smile. "Who do you live with?"
"Just my sister, my brother, my parents, and my dog who rarely appears in the show because logic;" Kion said, just as Masamune jumped onto him and licked him, making the lion laugh. "Alright alright, we'll play later." Kion set Masamune down and the White Shepherd ran off to beg for food. Kion and Mheetu walked off as Kion allowed Mheetu into his room. He then went around to show Mheetu everything that was there. "So that's my bed, my couch and TV, my window, and pretty much everything that can be seen to be known about."
Mheetu took a liking to Kion's room and then hopped onto his couch almost instantly, allowing Kion to sit down next to him. "This could be the life my friend."
Kiara was seen looking into the room as Simba walked up to her, putting his paw on her shoulder and speaking calmly. "You're doing the right thing Kia."
Kiara nodded and walked into the room and up to Kion, setting a box down onto his couch. Kion saw the box and became surprised to see Kiara giving it to him, as she was usually never this nice. "Just a backup birthday present. Since I destroyed the last one."
"Hold up;" Mheetu said, putting his paws on Kion's head and pushing off of them, getting a better height. "You mean you're the good for nothing sister who threw Kion's board into some random lava and never thought twice?"
"Pretty much;" Kiara said with regret, but then smiled as she walked out of the room. Kion pushed mheetu off of him and opened the box, finding the card she tied to it. Kion read the card which read 'I'm sorry I broke your stupid board, and...yeah, I'm not too good at this. But no one deserves to have a bad birthday. Even if they're obnoxious. the stupid box. This apology is terrible. Why am I writing this? This is supposed to be genuine Kiara! Stop being a spoiled brat! Just open the box Kion.'
Kion rolled his eyes while smiling as he opened the box, revealing a video game console underneath. Kion became excited upon seeing the new console, grabbing it and hooking it up. "The new Xbox two X!" Kion grabbed the controllers and handed one to Mheetu, turning it on and starting up the game. "This is gonna be such a blast. Out of anyone to get me something so cool in my life, Kiara was the last I would expect. But even then, the most unexpected things can come any day." Kion and Mheetu started playing with Kiara smiling at his doorway.
Mufasa was seen walking up the steps of the mandrill's tree, knocking on his door as he arrived. "Rafiki?"
Rafiki opened the door and seemed glad to see Mufasa. "Ah, Mufasa. It's been a very long time."
"I've been busy with things;" Mufasa said. "You likely know why I'm here." Rafiki nodded and walked inside, allowing Mufasa to walk with him. Rafiki led Mufasa to what appeared to be Kion's fate if he gets possessed, filling Mufasa's heart and soul with fear.
"This is what Kion will become if he gets taken over by his dark matter;" Rafiki said, fearing the possibility just as much as Mufasa. "It's a miracle that he was able to survive the battle, but if this matter takes him over, Scar will reign supreme." Rafiki then put his palm onto Mufasa's chest, easing him from his fear. "There's a way to prevent it though. Until Kion wins the entire battle with Scar, he mustn't get too enraged. In this case, it could mean anything. But when older, he will control it better."
Mufasa breathed in and out, relieving himself from the fear he was holding. "I hope you're right Rafiki." Mufasa looked into the fate portal again, hoping Kion would become better. "So as long as he doesn't get mad enough, he'll avoid this fate of his?"
"Yes;" Rafiki said with a confident nod. "And I trust you won't fail this task, as you've passed many others before. Such as the Pride lands being saved."
Mufasa chuckled a bit at how his life turned out. "Yes, well if Scar didn't mess up when blaming the hyenas, he could've prevented that. (Laughs) He left himself wide open when they let me past to fight him."
Rafiki laughed with Mufasa upon Scar causing his own defeat, with both of them forgetting about their fear.
Kion's house was shown and then Simba and Nala were seen talking in the kitchen.
"So Kion and Mheetu have been hitting it off pretty well;" Simba said, glad that Kion became friends with Mheetu. "Maybe this could be a regular thing."
"Maybe;" Nala replied, taking a liking to the idea, before smiling at Simba. "And it, wouldn't just be because Mheetu could have a friend his own age."
Simba turned to Nala and gave a smile himself. "You mean you'll have something to do?"
"Yeah, something like that;" Nala said, and then she and Simba walked over to Kion and Mheetu's room.
Simba and Nala walked in and saw the two lions playing their game, seeming to be enjoying it. Simba and Nala seemed confident that the two would be friends for a long time, walking over to them and checking out their game as Simba asked Kion a question. "This a new game?"
"Sonic Adventure 4;" Kion said, revealing a fictional game in his timeline. "It came with the console and we're in multiplayer mode."
"And if Kion could stop winning I'd get some points;" Mheetu said in a competitive tone, making Simba and Nala chuckle. Kion and Mheetu continued to play their game as Simba and Nala watched. Kion and Mheetu smiled as they looked at each other and then the screen faded to black, ending the episode off.
Bleach ending Sakura Biyori played as Kion was seen looking at the stars above from Pride rock, with the song My time playing.
Mufasa was shown in the stars above as a female voice began the song. "I may not be strong. At least not right now. (Simba walks up to Kion and sits next to him) But I'll eventually grow, (Simba wraps his arm around Kion) through my life."
Mheetu walked up to Kion and Simba and sat next to Kion, looking at the stars with them as Sarabi was shown. "And although it's hard, not being so strong, (Nala walks up to Kion, Simba, and Mheetu and sits down next to Simba) That doesn't mean I should ever take, (Simba and Nala smile at each other, with Kion and Mheetu fist bumping) It as strife."
Kion was seen lying down in his bed as he thought about his love for martial arts. "After all I had just started doing this thing. (Kion closes his eyes and thinks of himself as a strong warrior) I see myself improving along the way. (Kion looks at his paw as he opens his eyes) I will always protect my friends and family; (Kion clenches his paw with confidence) And I will never (Kion hops out of his bed and runs off with a smile) give up on them."
Kion was seen sparring with Simba in the lair, seeming to be improving. "This is something that I love; for fun and for much more. (Kion lands a solid blow on Simba's face, surprising him) And I just, (Simba smiles) get better; (Simba knocks Kion back with a knee) Every single day. (Kion regains his balance and he and Simba walk up to each other) Even though, this demon Scar, (Kion and Simba stand in front of each other) Is inside my very soul. (Kion and Simba smile at each other) I will always, have faith in myself. I'll get strong in (Kion and Simba fist bump with their paws being shown) my time."
The screen backs out on Kion and Simba a bit, showing both of their bodies in two leg mode; with the song ending and showing an art work of them in the last pose of the outro.
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