The Leaking Pipe
While sitting in his car, far away from his cozy, warm home, Jungkook kept hitting his head on the steering wheel in front of himself, trying to make this uneasy decision more rational inside his empty head.
Should I go in...
Why would I?
It's not like he was in relationship or even in deep, deep love with his ex, but the fact that he was in a steady relationship only seven days ago, and now, while hiding in his car, spying on his ex girlfriend who was supposed to me mourning the loss of an incredible man (himself) that she could've had next to her if she didn't decide to break things of between them in the most inconvenient way (while having dinner together with all of their friends) Jungkook couldn't help but wonder why his two years long relationship was over in such short notice and in such a cold way.
He just needed to know some answers cause, Jenny, his ex-girlfriend, the love of his life, (or that's how he imagined his lover to be for at least a month while they were dating), never gave him any valid and real reason behind her sudden decision.
I just think the best thing for us is to break up...
So she had said and Jungkook, the dummy that got caught up in the middle of breakup while slurping on his cold noodles, only nodded, while murmuring an unsure little, okay...
Can you at least tell me why?
After the unpleasant dinner that went on even after they broke up in the middle of it, Jungkook was curious to know at least what happened to them.
He knew they had some ups and downs, but so did everyone, and mostly people talk about their problems, some even consult a couple's therapy, some talk to psychiatrist, some go to fortune teller, but they did none of those things so Jungkook asked himself if they really had given they all to make this work.
The fact that you don't even know, it's a reason enough.
Jenny had said while shaking her pretty round head, prodding holes through Jungkook's head who obviously said the wrong thing. Again.
Fine. I just thought I deserve to know more... I mean we were together for two years...
Honestly, he didn't even have to go into details, just a simple 'I don't love you anymore' or 'I wanna have kids and you said you don't want that so...' or any other reason that made sense.
We were together for two years and four months, but hey, who's counting? Jenny crossed her arms on top of her chest. Me. I was always counting. I was the one who took charge in everything while we were together and now you don't even know what our problems were?
I should've just stayed quiet...
I wish you all the luck Jungkook, I really do, but I deserve someone who will respect me more and who would easily give me the world if I wanted that.
And with that sentence, Jungkook's brain started functioning faster, developing some new theories inside his numb head, and only one thing kept ringing inside his head.
She found another guy...
While being consumed in his own thoughts, Jungkook didn't even realize when Jenny had left, and all he could think about for the next few days, was: Who the fuck did she leave me for?
It's not like Jungkook was overly cocky or 'full of himself' guy, he just couldn't ever imagine any of his partners leaving him for someone else. He considered himself a good looking guy (at least that's what all of his friends and co-workers keep telling him) and one thing he was proud of were his defined muscles and tattoos that covered a decent amount of his chiseled body.
Maybe he did have a bit of a baby face (big doe eyes with longish, dark brown fluffy hair) that didn't match those build up muscles, but fuck it, he really loved being buff and getting all of his pent up energy worked up in the gym.
So there he was now... Sitting in his car, stalking his ex girlfriend just to see who was the person that she had left him for. What kind of a man was better than him... Who could give her more than he did... Who was more of a boyfriend material than he was...
Show me the motherfucker...
So many questions, and no answers had led Jungkook to follow his ex after her Yoga class that she went every Thursday and usually would end up being late for their movie night or double date, or pretty much anything, cause on Thursday she always stayed a bit longer than usual at the Yoga studio, and maybe now, Jungkook figured out why.
After seeing his ex, walking down the street and talking to someone on the phone while being all giggly and happy, Jungkook parked his car in the parking lot next to the small neighborhood buildings and then he waited to see where Jenny would go.
Only a minute after she knocked on the door of the house that was on the near end of the street, and only a second after, she came inside the house, closing the door behind the moment she got in.
Unfortunately, Jungkook couldn't see a thing since he was pretty far away, trying not to blow his cover by coming too close and being too obvious.
I'll just wait until they come out and then I'm gonna see him...
Jungkook had a plan, and it was a dumb one.
A bit over an hour after Jenny had come inside the stranger's house, she finally came outside, her cheeks blushing pink, hair a bit messy, lips swollen and red... but again, Jungkook couldn't see anyone from the distance he was at, so after a few moments of cursing and hitting the inside of his car, he thought about his new options.
How about I just forget this whole thing...
Who even fucking cares...
He kept telling himself one thing, but his body did the exact opposite from it.
Instead of driving away from the house that he had no idea was living inside, Jungkook let his legs carry him around and moments after, he was standing in front of the white door, looking at nothing in particular, just contemplating his next move.
Turns out his next move was an irrational knock on the door, the one that opened up and closed after Jenny had entered and left the place, the one that kept his ex-girlfriend's lover hiding inside, and Jungkook just needed to see...
He needed some closure, some ending that could satisfy his needs and finally provide a happy ending for himself too.
Maybe I should just lea-
And his thoughts got interrupted by a man, whose body was covered only in a yellow, soft towel, that was hugging his hips losely, while his upper body was there, exposed and wet, droplets of water still coming down his toned torso, dancing around the man's hard and pointy nipples, down to his belly button, and onto the towel that looked like the softest stuffed animal.
The man greeted nicely, and only then Jungkook realized how gorgeous the man was. (he took too much time staring at the man's body first)
His eyes were dark and seductive, his whole face framed with the black locks that were still damp after the shower, and his lips... Greek god's could write poems about those lips...
Jungkook stared way too long for the man not to notice his wandering eyes, and then the funniest thing happened.
The beautiful man tugged the towel off of his hips and started drying his wet hair revealing his lower body completely.
Jungkook's eyes widened at the sight of a freshly showered man and his dick that was proudly wiggling around in between the handsome man's hips.
What a pretty cock...
Of course he has a pretty cock...
Suddenly, Jungkook's mouth started producing more saliva, so with one swipe over his bottom lip, he licked the flood of new spit that was threatening to leak any time soon.
"Excuse me, how rude of me not to introduce myself first. I'm Park Jimin, are you the handyman that I've been calling the whole morning to come and check my pipes and tiles in the kitchen?" The pretty man asked so Jungkook had no idea what to answer.
"I... am.... I am... Yes I am...I'm that... I'm your person... I mean the handyman. Sure." Jungkook stuttered, but there was no indication on the man's face that he noticed anything suspicious behind Jungkook's words, who was indeed, not even close to being a handyman. He was an Art gallery worker and the closest he got to kitchen pipes was in movies or pictures he had seen through his young life.
"That's great. Come on in then." Jimin, the freshly showered walking angel moved to the side, still not bothering that his body was fully naked, thick thighs on display, narrow waist and V lines that were so deliciously pointing to the perfectly shaved, long, pink, pretty cock that Jungkook tried really hard not to stare at.
He failed.
"Um... Do you mind if I use the bathroom first?" Suddenly, Jungkook had an idea that was maybe not as dumb as all the rest he had by now.
"Of course. Just go through that door and then the first door on the left. That's your destination, and I'll head to the kitchen and wait for you there." Jimin showed where Jungkook should go, and while finishing his sentence he turned around and started walking towards the kitchen and god damn it, Jungkook gasped loudly.
Really loudly.
"Excuse me?" Jimin only turned his upper body, looking at Jungkook who gulped hard, not knowing where to look, how to focus on anything except the perfect, round, soft, hot ass he just saw. His eyes were blessed with the sexiest piece of ass that his eyes have ever laid eyes on and he started panicking on the inside.
"Huh?" He decided to play dumb.
"Did you say something?" The sexy black haired gift from above smirked, obviously knowing what his actions did to Jungkook's poor brain, so Jungkook shook his head, trying to look as unaffected as he could.
"No... no... I just... I might mumble something to myself... or... I don't know..."
Jungkook should really work on his lame excuses.
"Oh, ok. I'll wait for you in the kitchen." Jimin smiled cutely before heading inside, leaving panting Jungkook to try and catch his breath.
After closing the door behind him, Jungkook took his phone and called his best friend with shaky hands.
"Please pick up, pick up, pick up..."
"Kookah what's up? Did we have some coffee plan? Did I forget to meet with you again? I'm so sorry Kookah..."
"TAE I FUCKED UP!" Jungkook whispered-yelled and stopped his best friend's rambling, earning him a shocked sigh on the other line.
"What the fuck did you do?"
"I don't need you to judge me or anything..."
"I'll do that anyways..."
Jungkook rolled his eyes.
"I don't have time for this Tae Tae. I'm desperate and I need help from someone who's crazy and could actually help me."
"Why didn't you call Yoongi hyung? He's the crazy one, not me."
Agree to disagree...
"Nevermind, can you please just listen to me for once." He was starting to lose patience here.
"Well I've been listening to you mumble nothing for the past few minutes so..."
Jungkook almost regretted calling him.
"I stalked Jenny after her Yoga class and I saw her entering some house, but since I couldn't see who she was meeting with, I knocked after she had left and the prettiest and sexiest and most alluring man on Earth opened the door and now I'm in his bathroom hiding cause I lied that I'm a handyman who he's expecting to fix his pipes and old tiles."
Tae took a deep sigh.
"Did I ever tell you how stupid you are?"
Jungkook smacked his forehead onto the white tiles on the wall earning him a soft red mark on the spot.
"Lucky for you, I know exactly what you should do."
Jungkook moved away from the wall abruptly, having high hopes that Tae indeed had figured something smart for his next move.
"I'm all ears."
"First of all, tell the man you've forgotten your tools and you can't get the job done."
Jungkook nodded.
"And then ask for his number cause in case you forgot I'm single and that man sounds just like my type."
Jungkook rolled his eyes so hard he saw white.
"For a second, I thought you're gonna help me out."
Jungkook let the water run, faking washing his hands cause he was locked inside the bathroom more than enough to do whatever he came inside to do.
"Seriously Kookah, get his number. I mean it."
"Oh I was planning on getting more than his number."
Tae choked on something he was drinking.
"WHAT?! What are you talking about???"
"I'm gonna fuck his brains out." Jungkook said while drying his hands, looking at the reflection of his buff body in the mirror, covered only in a white, long sleeved t-shirt, a flannel shirt over it falling loosely over his body and jeans that hugged his thighs in all the right places.
"YOU... WHAT? WHY? He's literally the guy who's dating your ex now, why would you do that? Are you insane? And how do you even know he's into guys?"
Jungkook smirked.
"Well I forgot to mention how he was only wearing a towel when I knocked on the door, but then he removed the towel and dried his hair with it while showing me his dick with no shame, so if you ask me, he did it cause he was hinting something. Am I right or am I right?"
Tae took a second to contemplate his next words.
"Shit, that is a bit... ballsy, but how does he even know you're into guys? And for god's sake, the guy's literally banging your ex Kookah, get a grip."
"Oh I'm gonna get a grip on that perfect thick ass.."
"JUNGKOOK FOR GOD'S SAKE. Call Yoongi hyung, I hate to admit but in this kind of lunatic situation that only you could get in, he's the smart one."
"He's always the smart one." Jungkook said just to piss his best friend off.
"You fucking piece of-"
So Jungkook called his hyung just to clear things out in his fucked up head.
"Hey Kookah..."
"Hyung, I saw the hottest guy alive and I kind of got the hint he's interested in having fun with me, but he might be dating at the moment so what do I do?"
Yoongi cleared his throat before speaking, like he had just woken up.
"Have fun I guess. If the guy's in a relationship that matters he wouldn't hit on you, if he's just casually seeing someone why wouldn't you have your fun too? If you're having a moral dilemma if you're doing the wrong thing just ask him about it first, and if you don't care, don't ask and do the fuck you want."
Jungkook nodded, liking where his friend's advice was heading.
"And to think that Tae is convinced he's the smartest of us all..."
"He's delusional and we know it."
"Thank you hyung."
"I'm glad I could help. Have fun."
After looking at himself in the mirror, and splashing a little water on his cheeks, Jungkook came out and walked over to the kitchen.
The sight he saw made his heart jump up and down inside his chest like crazy. Maybe his dick tried to jump inside those tight jeans too.
Jimin was leaning his body on the kitchen island while wearing a silky red robe that barely covered his thick ass and front, being loosely tied in the middle with a red silky string that was hanging down his thighs.
He is definitely interested...
"So... This is the problem." The black haired said while shoving at the small, crumpled kitchen and then crunched down to open the bottom cabinet where the sink was, and there was one pipe clearly being pulled out, the water slowly leaking out of it.
Instead of looking at the pipes and the kitchen, Jungkook stared at the arched back that was forming a perfect S, that was ending with a muscly ass that had flashed in front Jungkook's eyes cause the tiny, red robe moved up during the sudden move revealing a lacy black underwear underneath the robe... his ass was pressing tightly through the material of the silky robe. Even if the light wasn't the brightest, Jungkook could still see the outlines of that tight pair of briefs, making ridges against the twinned peaches of his perfect ass.
While touching the broken pipe, Jimin bent further forward to show the old pipe better, which made his butt cheeks open slightly and strain even more against the dark material.
Jungkook wanted to bury his face into it. To feel the warmth and softness of his tight little hole...
His dick rose stiffened rapidly in response to his dirty thoughts. His dick was pointing downwards inside his own underwear, because it struggled to rise upwards against their confines.
"I think I have another problem." Jungkook said while eyeing the man's luscious figure, so Jimin stood up and after squinting his eyes at him, he pushed his tongue inside the right cheek, making Jungkook's life a living hell.
My dick should poke there...
"Hm, is that so?" Jimin asked while positioning his arms on top of his chest.
"Yeah... I... kind of forgot my tools." Jungkook shrugged while pursing his lips, waiting to see the black haired man's next move.
"Huh... That's a shame. Still, I have some tools that I use when there's some minor problems around the house. Maybe there's something you could use and at least you could fix this broken pipe."
"Oh I'd like to see your tool. Tools..." Jungkook bit down on his bottom lip, trying hard not to burst in laughter.
Jimin chuckled and his face literally turned into a devil in disguise.
"Fine then. Follow me." The man led the way down the hallway then the second door to the left, and the moment they entered Jimin's bedroom, Jungkook's heart sank a little inside his chest.
Is this the place where Jenny and him had been hanging out...
Why did she pick him over me?
Maybe he's funnier than me...
Maybe he fucks her better...
His palms started sweating just at the thought of someone doing something better than him, cause, well, he was competitive in every aspect of his life, and suddenly he felt anger creeping up on him.
His thoughts got interrupted by a box that was placed on the working desk that was covered with some clothes, leggings, bodysuits, and a couple of ballet shoes.
"Are you a dancer?" Jungkook asked while looking at the shoes, not even glancing at the box with tools on the table.
"Yes I am." Jimin said confidently, putting his hands on his hips, making that robe to open up a bit across the middle.
"Makes sense." Jungkook concluded while opening the box where he saw a couple of scissors, pliers, nails, hammers, basically some tools he had no idea how to use.
"What does?" Jimin asked even though the cocky smirk on his face gave out that he knew exactly what Jungkook was referring to.
"Your body. Now it makes sense that you look so good." Jungkook flirts shamelessly, hating the dwell feeling he had in his own body and mind.
He wanted to hate Jimin for being a better option than he was... He wanted to be mad at the man who is probably dating, fucking, enjoying in someone he was in relationship with, he really wanted to channel that energy towards the black haired man, but one smile on the man's plump lips, made him a horny mess and he couldn't help the way his cock sprung to life just cause of the way Jimin had eyed him up and down without any regret or hesitation.
"Thank you. I bet under those clothes there's a spectacular sight to be seen as well." Jimin said while cocking his eyes at Jungkook's body who instantly flexed his back to make his posture even bigger and more buff, trying to prove a point.
"Mhm... Could be..." Jungkook accepted the game and flirted back devilishly not wanting to reveal too many details about himself, wanting to be mysterious and interesting for the black haired man... wanting to lure him in...
"So... wanna go back to the kitchen?" Jimin asked while glancing at the way Jungkook was looking at those tools, like some of it he had seen for the first time in his life.
"Um... sure..." Jungkook walked after Jimin, whose back was even more interesting than the front to look at.
What a curvy man...
"What do you think? The space is not so bad, it's a good sight." Jimin asked while glancing around the place, leaning his body onto the kitchen island.
"Well, it's a nice kitchen, it does need some reparation and detailing." Jungkook tried to say something that would somewhat sound professional even if he didn't believe in his own words.
"Yeah... It's a small size for a kitchen, and it would obviously need some attention." Jimin concluded after looking at the beige cabinets, then his eyes landed on Jungkook's face.
"I can give plenty of attention where it's needed." Jungkook simply said, the small smile still appearing on his face.
He casually looked at Jimin's face, who was staring at him, that same half-smile on his face which made him look so damn good...
"I mean the repair works are minor and I myself can repair them in no time and..." Jungkook kept talking while holding a hammer in his right hand "... I'm very good at handling tools..."
Jimin nodded slowly, maintaining his smile and staring intently at Jungkook's face, as if he was trying to discern the meaning behind Jungkook's words.
Jungkook remained impassive.
Pleasant but ambiguous.
After a few seconds of just looking at each other, Jungkook decided to continue looking around the kitchen.
"So do you have any ideas about what you would like to do around here?" Jungkook asked just to continue the conversation and not only stare at the handsome man like a freak.
"I actually do. I have some ideas. They're on my laptop. Wanna see them?"
And there it was again. An invitation to his bedroom. A place where Jungkook would love to have his way with this handsome man even though that's the last thing that he should be doing.
"I'd love to."
Jimin bit his lower lip while nodding, which gave some tingles to Jungkook's excited dick.
This was out of control.
Jungkook struggled to breathe normally while Jimin was leading the way towards his room again, swaying those hips sexily, giving Jungkook a hard time to think straight.
They entered the room pretty quietly, but still glanced at each other.
Jimin went to the laptop that was on the desk next to his bed, and as he bent for it, his back arched perfectly, sticking that round ass in the air, making Jungkook unable to look anywhere else except that peachy roundness.
While being focused on staring at the black haired man's ass, Jungkook didn't notice when Jimin had turned around, so when he looked at the pretty man's face it was clear that he had seen Jungkook staring at his fine ass.
Then the bold man stood up, and turned to face him.
"Do you like what you see?" Jimin asked, glancing down at the laptop where a few pictures of some kitchen design were shown.
"Without a doubt." Jungkook nodded, a small smirk appearing on his face.
Then Jungkook moved his flannel shirt to the side, and saw Jimin looking at his crotch that was by now covered with the flannel material.
Jungkook's restricted cock made an obvious bulge between his fly and his left pocket. Even though it was mostly hard, his dick was being forced downwards by the material of his briefs, and so its shape was appearing as a thick, prominent, downwardly curving rod. Kind of like a banana in the front of his pants.
Jungkook looked at Jimin's eyes looking at his crotch intensely.
"Do you like what you see, Jimin?" he asked, a smirk appearing on his face.
"Yeah, I mean, it looks a bit cramped..." Jimin giggled.
Even though he was looking at Jungkook's crotch, he could still have been talking about the kitchen pictures that were on the laptop.
Jimin looked him in the eyes again.
His were deep, dark brown, with thick lashes framing them perfectly.
Jimin's face became serious and he searched Jungkook's face for some kind of clue. Jungkook could see him wandering, could almost feel the uncertainty clouding the black man's mind.
Jungkook realized that Jimin could think that if he goes straight forward and reaches out for Jungkook's cock, and it turns out that he'd misinterpreted what had been innocent remarks, he'd be in danger of being totally embarrassed and maybe even confronted with an angry handyman who was there only to do his job only. It wasn't fair of Jungkook to expect Jimin to make the first move even though he kind of did already. With the towel and exposing his whole body in front of a stranger, wearing that short, silky robe all over the place, showing the lacey underwear... The signs were all there, but what if Jimin was that kind of person? Someone who likes being naked inside his house and who likes to wear pretty lingerie and that's it.... Just a sexy motherfucker who likes to tease around and then doesn't act on it. Or....
Jungkook needed to know.
Without second guessing, he reached down and rubbed his bulge through the material of his pants. He ran his palm across it, gently coaxing and caressing it.
"You don't have to just watch, you know." Jungkook whispered, still stroking his dick slowly, looking at the black haired man's intense gaze.
He was now staring at what Jungkook was doing to the outline of his dick, captivated by it.
Jungkook moved his hand to the side and pushed his crotch lightly towards him, inviting Jimin to take over.
Jimin reached over towards him, and then stopped with his fingers just inches away from Jungkook's pants.
The look in his eyes was teasingly smug, provocative, like he wanted Jungkook to beg for it, to tell him what to do, what he wanted...
Jungkook nodded his head in encouragement.
After licking his lips and glancing once again into Jungkook's crotch, Jimin completed the journey and his fingers found their way onto Jungkook's dick.
He kneaded it between them, playing with his fingers over the thickened rod as if it was dough.
Jimin's touch was bold and confident, the pressure firm as he rubbed and squeezed its curved length.
"You don't have to just watch, you know..." Jimin provoked back while massaging Jungkook's cock firmly, giving the head a well needed squeeze, bringing his own hips closer to Jungkook's thigh.
"Oh I wasn't planning to..." With one fast move, Jungkook's hand was on Jimin's cock, stroking it through the silky material firmly, the black haired moaning loudly.
"Tell me Jimin, do you always wear this kind of pretty lingerie or is it just my lucky day today?" Jungkook asked while massaging Jimin's cock from base to the head, his other hand found its way behind Jimin's back and down onto his round ass.
"Hm... I like lingerie, but I picked this one specially for you. I thought you'd like it..." Jimin came closer to Jungkook's face, and then moved towards his neck, kissing and nibbling at the soft skin under his ear.
"Thought you'd like to rip it off of me and have your way with me..." the sultry man whispered into Jungkook's ear whose dick leaked precum at the said words.
So fucking shameless...
"Wouldn't you like that pretty? Hm?" Jungkook grabbed Jimin's ass rougher making him gasp out loud, obviously loving the attention.
"Indeed I would... Now tell me, what would you like for me to do to you? Hm? Got any wishes?"
Did Jungkook have any wishes....
Just one look at that sinfully pretty face and those plump, soft lips gave him an inexhaustible source of ideas.
"For starters... I'd like those lips more on me than teasing me to be honest." Jungkook caressed Jimin's bottom lip with his thumb, making his lips to open partly, making him look that much hotter.
"You want me to shut up. Rude." Jimin bit down onto Jungkook's thumb, making him wince in surprise, but smile right after, and then he started sucking on the tip of his finger, making the bite mark softer.
Jungkook's cock rose to full hardness.
The thing he expected was for the black haired, bold goddess of a man to suck him off, or to kiss his body, play with him, tease him, but the thing he got instead, was probably even better than any of his options.
Jimin kissed him.
The black haired man pulled Jungkook by the back of his neck and dived right in.
He didn't hesitate on licking inside Jungkook's eager mouth and play with his tongue while having grabby hands towards his whole body.
Jimin's hands were restless, exploring Jungkook's muscles from his muscly shoulders down to his chest and down towards his narrow waist.
"God you're hot." Jimin whispered after biting and pulling Jungkook's bottom lip who was enjoying the softness of Jimin's full lips and his impeccable kissing technique.
"Want you naked..." Jimin started tugging on Jungkook's flannel shirt, throwing it somewhere down on the floor, then proceeded to push the hem of his shirt up and over his head and Jungkook gladly obeyed.
"Fucking shit!" Jimin gasped at the sigh of Jungkook's naked muscly, tattooed torso that he worked hard on. Hitting the gym was always Jungkook's favorite thing to do and hours of hard work paid off just by looking at Jimin's wide eyes and drool leaking on the side of his mouth.
"I guess you're satisfied with what you see." Jungkook said cockily, enjoying Jimin's roaming eyes that landed on the bulge inside his pants, looking at it intensely like he was trying to figure out what kind of cock was hiding on the inside.
"Oh shut up you brat. You know exactly how you look. Now come here."
The black haired pulled Jungkook by his hand and threw him down on the bed, straddling his hips expertly, making himself comfortable on top of his bulging dick.
After caressing Jungkook's face with both of his hands, going softly over his forehead, then down to his cheeks and jaw, Jimin lowered his face and stopped an inch in front of his red, pouty lips.
"Not just handsome... cute and pretty too..." Jimin whispered and Jungkook's heart clenched with praise.
Sure he had a mirror. He knew how good he was looking, but mostly people would call him handsome, manly, good looking... rarely pretty. It felt different and kind of intimate...
On the other hand, his goddamn mind started having thoughts on its own.
Did he call Jenny pretty....
Does he think I'm prettier than her?
What the actual fuck???????????
Instead of focusing on the thing he was here fore (he had no idea what that was anymore... something about figuring who his ex was dating now...) his head started spinning over who would be a better lover for Jimin. Him or his ex.
I'm a fucking moron...
"Relax baby... I'll take care of you..." Seemed like Jimin had noticed the way Jungkook's body became a bit tense cause of his own inevitable thoughts so the black haired started caressing all over Jungkook's abs, coming closer to the button on his pants, glancing up at Jungkook's eyes, seeking validation for what he was about to do next.
Of course Jungkook nodded like a crazy man, wanting to feel the release over his painfully hard cock, seeking attention down there more than ever in his life.
The moment Jimin tugged down his pants, Jungkook's cock sprung free and curved itself up, on his stomach, looking shiny and yummy from all the precum that had leaked before.
Jimin licked his lips while gripping the said cock firmly, pumping it up a few times while examining the sight.
"You can't be serious..." Jimin shook his head while tugging on that cock firmly, making Jungkook moan and pant faster.
"It's kind of not fair to have it all you know... Amazing body, pretty face and big cock." Jimin smirked while praising Jungkook's looks so he felt warmth spreading all over his body.
Such a fucking flirt...
"I don't know... you tell have it all..." Jungkook praised back, feeling hard to speak while Jimin was licking the palm of his hand to make the strokes better.
"I wonder if you taste as good..." Jimin talked more to himself before lowering his body down, in between Jungkook's legs, sticking his tongue as he lowered his face to his waiting cock.
The head slipped between Jimin's lips as he felt the underside slide across his tongue.
Jungkook breathed deeply as the black haired lowered his head, taking more of the thick member into his mouth.
"Fucking shit that's good..." Jungkook breathed while grabbing a handful of Jimin's hair, his hips kept moving so the black haired held his head in place as Jungkook slowly fucked his mouth.
"Oh god, oh god..." Jungkook whispered while his hips began to move faster.
While fearing he might come way too soon, Jungkook stopped moving his hips, but Jimin dived onto his cock harder than before.
He sucked roughly and fast, taking it all in again and again.
Jungkook felt close to coming and Jimin seemed to sense it so he pulled off his cock and moved up, closer to Jungkook's face.
"Someone's enjoying this I see..." Jimin teased while kissing Jungkook's lips, stealing the moans slipping out of his mouth.
"Too good... You... You really know what you're doing..." Jungkook kissed the black haired back, loving the taste of his tongue being covered with his own precum.
"Do you know what you're doing?" Jimin cocked his eyebrows, then rolled his hips on top of Jungkook's hard cock, making him hiss in pleasure.
"Fuck... " Jungkook mouthed, still unable to process how any of this was happening at the moment.
"Mmmm such a responsive babe." Jimin praised him again so Jungkook felt hard to breathe.
"Do you want me to prepare you or..." Jimin trailed off, going with his hands down to grab at Jungkook's cock again.
His mind went blurry cause WTF???
Jungkook sat back up, looking at Jimin's face perplexed.
"What do you mean prepare me? As in... You would... what?" His mind went nuts cause there was no way he would let the guy who probably fucks his ex to fuck him too. How humiliating would that be? Him and his ex both being fucked by the same guy... possibly the same day too.
"I don't know... You seem a bit shy and confused so I thought maybe you want me to fuck you... I would totally do it if you want me too. I'd take good care of you..."
Jungkook cleared his throat fearing his masculinity had been compromised.
"No, but thanks for offering. I actually want to fuck you."
He said and realized how straight forward his words sounded. His face became red as a tomato, but seeing the hint of a smile on Jimin's face made him more at ease.
"Is that so?" The black haired teased while coming closer to his face, licking the strip over his lips.
"Mhm." Jungkook chased his lips, trying to feel those pretty,plump cushions again.
"Only if you're gonna do it good. I don't like a mediocre fuck. I like it rough and wild."
Jungkook's cock jumped in response to those words.
"Come over here." Jungkook switched their positions, giving Jimin space to make himself comfortable in bed while taking those black briefs off.
"Like this?" Jimin asked and got on all fours.
"Or this?" He then lowered himself to his elbows, making his ass even more presentable.
"Or like this?" Then he lowered his head to the mattress and stretched his arms in front of him while sticking his ass into the air.
The sight was out of this world.
Freshly washed, hairless, tight pink hole hidden in between the most luscious ass cheeks that Jungkook had ever seen in his life.
Why he has to be this perfect? WHYYYY???
Jungkook really didn't want to be mesmerized by the handsome man, but he couldn't help the way his body was responding to what he was seeing in front of himself.
After being lost in his own dirty thoughts, Jungkook had missed the way Jimin had turned his head to see what he was doing behind him.
"You gonna stare the whole time?"
Jungkook got pulled out of his thoughts and after glancing at Jimin's face, he knew the black haired was teasing him again, the shit eating grin on his face gave it away.
While smirking at Jimin's eager expression, Jungkook grabbed his ass cheeks and started massaging them firmly to which Jimin responded by wiggling his hips excitedly.
SMACK! Not so roughly, Jungkook smacked Jimin's right ass cheek just to see it bounce and wiggle against his palm, but the sigh that came out of the black haired's mouth made him freeze, not knowing if that's something he's allowed to do.
"Sorry...Couldn't resist... um... looks too good." Jungkook apologized in a heartbeat, but the way Jimin turned his head to look at him after the loud smack, made him realize that there was nothing to apologize for.
"Sorry? If anything, that's a turn on for me, so... go ahead, don't be gentle, you won't break me, I promise I can take it."
I'm gonna break you in half!
Suddenly there was one mission in Jungkook's life.
To tear Jimin apart.
Not literally... Just... to fuck him so hard he would forget that anyone else ever existed and fucked him as good as Jungkook did.
Not contemplating his next move, Jungkook spread Jimin's ass cheeks apart and pressed his face inside. His tongue collided with Jimin's pretty hole to which the black haired jumped slightly, a low moan escaping his lips.
Jungkook sucked at the pink perfection and licked right after to what chills broke out all over Jimin's body.
The moans filled the room, soft pants filed with quiet 'ah's' and 'fuck' which were like music to Jungkoo's ears.
His voice is so pretty... everything pretty... so fucking perfect!
Jungkook couldn't pin-point if he was more turned on or annoyed by everything that Jimin was.
Perfect face, perfect body, pretty cock, pretty voice, shameless flirt... What else? What else was hiding in there.... He was dying to know even though that's most definitely not something he should be thinking about.
Jungkook should just fuck him and get it over with. This creepy, selfish desire to fuck the guy who's fucking his ex was wrong and immature, but there was something about Jimin... Something that made Jungkook to want him even without those stupid reasons.
Could be that ass...
Or lips...
Or his pretty voice...
Maybe even that dazzling smile...
Or the way he talks so softly...
Or looks at him so dangerously...
Jungkook was most definitely screwed.
While flicking his tongue around Jungkook squeezed Jimin's tiny waist, bringing him more onto his tongue, licking there eagerly and messily.
After a while of wetting and softening the said area, Jungkook pushed his tongue inside, evoking a louder moan out of those sinful lips.
"Yes, yes, yes, yes... please..." It was like Jimin's voice was a fuel to Jungkook's dirty mind, he started fucking the black haired with more vigor, loving the way Jimin seemed insatiable, pushing his ass back onto his tongue, riding it roughly.
"Lube..." Jungkook moved his face away, circling his index finger over Jimin's wet hole, enjoying the way his tight hole was already stretched a little, dark pink coloring the ring of his muscle.
"The nightstand..." Jimin panted while coming up, still being on all fours, but bringing his upper body up, leaning himself on his palms.
Without any trouble Jungkook grabbed a bottle of lube and one condom from the nightstand right next to the bed and came back behind Jimin, enjoying the way his body was slightly shivering, his back rising and falling, the silky, red robe dancing around on his unmarked skin.
I should make his skin less perfect.
With that thought on his mind, Jungkook covered his fingers with lube and while pushing two of his fingers inside, he bit down onto the right cheek and sucked hard on it.
"Mmmmpphhhh ah.... fuck...." Jimin cursed while arching his back, taking those two fingers like a pro.
There was a purple mark left when Jungkook moved his head away and he loved it.
I should mark him more...
While wiggling his fingers inside Jimin's eager hole, Jungkook continued his journey of leaving hickeys in the color of the sea, some of it blue, purple, navy, all over Jimin's ass and thighs.
"Mmmmmm fuck me..." Jimin purred, bouncing his ass up and down on Jungkook's fingers.
"Already? Are you ready?"
Jungkook shouldn't worry about that. He wanted to tear him apart. That was the plan. Why was he concerned that Jimin wouldn't enjoy himself to the fullest if he wasn't stretched enough? He shouldn't be thinking about that.
"I'm ready. Thank you for asking babe."
Jungkook's stomach flipped inside at the pet's name.
"Now fuck me like you said you would." Jimin said seductively, so in one fast move, Jungkook ripped the condom wrapper open and rolled it onto his painfully hard cock, lubing it right after with a generous amount of lube.
While looking at Jimin's somewhat stretched hole, Jungkook took his cock firmly into his hand and positioned it at the opening.
There's no way it could fit without hurting...
Jimin's hole was smaller than Jungkook cock head and he really feared the black haired would feel more pain than pleasure.
"Come on. Push it in. I can take it... Please... I like it rough, remember?"
With those encouraging words, Jungkook pushed his cock head inside, earning a loud moan from Jimin's lips, followed with lots of curses and clenching around his shaft.
"You said to push..."
While feeling resistance and fearing that Jimin was in pain, Jungkook pulled his cock out (fuck it, did pulling back felt too good) but Jimin whimpered while making grabby hands towards Jungkook's hips, signaling to go back in.
"No, no, no... don't pull out. It's ok. It's more than ok. It feels amazing. You're so big and hard inside me I feel like I'm gonna explode right away."
After a deep sigh, Jungkook pushed inside again, going slowly, taking his time, and when there wasn't an inch left outside Jimin's hot spot, he stayed inside for a while, waiting for Jimin to get used to the fullness.
Seemed like he didn't need a lot of time to accommodate to the stretch and the pressure.
Jungkook began to pull back and thrust, slowly at first, but Jimin's restless hips started moving in sync with his thrusts so he decided to go a little harder and faster, feeling confident that the black haired can take it.
"Ah... yes... so big inside me...fuck me like there's no tomorrow..."
Jungkook picked up the pace and honestly, even if it wasn't possible, he felt his cock rage harder as if it grew an extra inch inside him. At that moment he thrusted so hard, he was literally balls deep inside his tight hole.
"FUCK don't stop! Just like that!" Jimin moaned loudly, arching his back while his ass jiggled all around Jungkook's cock.
While seeing the sight in front of him and listening to Jimin's cry for more, Jungkook had no remorse, he pushed Jimin's head down on the bed and thrusted harder and harder, slapping that perfect ass from both sides, leaving his skin sensitive, pink and tender. Jimin hissed with each slap, but didn't complain.
He really loves it so fucking hard...
Jungkook pulled his hair and leaned down on his back, now thrusting at a slower pace, but somewhat deeper inside, hitting the spot that Jimin needed to be touched the most.
"Right there, right there.... don't stop..." Jimin's head was on the pillow, literally drooling while moaning loudly.
Jungkook gave him what he needed, pushing deeper into his prostate, biting down onto Jimin's shoulder, leaving bluish marks on it.
"Am I fucking you good?" Suddenly Jungkook needed validation that he was doing good, that Jimin was enjoying himself, that he was memorable, that he won't be forgotten.
"Yes baby, yes... So good! Want you to fuck me all the time. Love your cock, want to take it good for you..." Jimin talked and turned his head around, looking at Jungkook's lips, asking silently for a kiss.
Jungkook's mind went crazy again cause what did he mean by want's to fuck all the time? He wants to go again after this? When? How? What about Jenny? Oh fuck there's Jenny in all of this...
Before saying anything or asking something stupid, Jimin's lips crashed against his into heated kiss that Jungkook didn't want to stop.
They kissed aggressively, sucking and biting into each other's lips, tongues licking one over another, sharing wetness and hot breaths.
Jungkook continued fucking harder and deeper, panting and groaning as he thrust each time, feeling sweat dripping down from his forehead to his nose.
He really gave his all.
"Wanna look at you when I come." Jimin had a wish, and Jungkook wasn't never the one not to please his lovers.
"Wanna turn around?"
Jimin nodded.
After pulling his cock out, Jungkook turned the black haired to lie on his back on the bed, hovering above him.
Jimin pushed his legs wide open, inviting Jungkook to finish what they had started.
"Fuck me. Make me come."
Jungkook pushed inside deeper and deeper and started smashing against Jimin's soft spot which made him close his eyes while moaning loudly.
"Ah fuck yes... yes, yes, yes, yes..." Jimin shouted while grabbing Jungkook's shoulder's bringing him down for another passionate kiss.
Jungkook moved his hips expertly, provoking soft whimpers and mewls out of Jimin's mouth, and then he sucked all over his neck, leaving dark spots wherever his lips could reach.
"Oh god... keep going... just like that... make me come baby please... I'm so close, you fuck me so good, the best I ever had..." Jimin kept praising Jungkook's fucking skills and the sound of his needy voice made him lose his mind, unable to control himself anymore.
Jungkook felt his own orgasm reaching after a few shoves, his hot cum sprayed into the condom while his pelvis spasmed and his eyes rolled back into his brain.
While shooting jets and jets of cum inside Jimin, Jungkook found the strength to jerk Jimin's cock in sync with his last thrusts, and the moment he felt warm liquid covering his hand and shooting all over Jimin's stomach, he felt at ease cause they've both came together and Jimin was finally satisfied. That was the most important thing.
A minute later, after they both came down from their highs, Jungkook pulled his cock and sat back on his heels on the bed, looking at Jimin's naked body in front of him, covered in his own cum.
A sight to die for.
Jimin moved up and sat next to Jungkook, the familiar cocky grin on his face.
He reached down and carefully removed the condom from Jungkook's cock, keeping eye contact the whole time while doing so.
Jungkook watched with excited anticipation as the black haired held the cum filled condom over his body and then turned it upside down and began dumping the contents up and down his own body. Jimin's body became a canvas for both his own cum, which was dripping down his stomach onto his thighs and legs, and Jungkook's cum, which was being poured everywhere else.
Jungkook watched without blinking, fearing he might pop a boner if he stayed any minute longer with the ultimate tease.
While smiling devilishly, Jimin started playing with the cum on his stomach, drawing patterns on his stomach with his fingers, caressing his nicely defined abs.
"You're more perverted than I thought." Jungkook said while getting up and picking his clothes from the floor.
"I am. Do you like it?" Jimin said while bringing one cum covered finger closer to his mouth, suckling on it deliciously. Jungkook wanted to die from all the boldness Jimin was radiating.
"I do. Yes... I mean... you're like a walking wet dream."
And then Jimin giggled.
Just when Jungkook thought the black haired couldn't be any cuter, any more interesting, he giggled so sweetly it made Jungkook's insides dance from happiness.
Would love to see him smile more...
"Says you..." Jimin came closer and kissed Jungkook's cheek softly.
"Mister too hot for his own good." Jimin got up the bed and walked towards his closet, picking out two big towels and some clean clothes.
Jungkook looked at the man who was most certainly the wildest and most unique fuck of his life, and suddenly this weird feeling of not seeing Jimin ever again consumed him whole.
It was the sadness and emptiness he couldn't quite understand.
"What's with that face sourpuss?" Jimin came back to Jungkook who was still naked and sitting on the edge of the bed, and then the black haired sat down on Jungkook's lap, his fingers caressing the soft hair on Jungkook's neck.
"It' I gotta tell you something..." Jungkook's heart was beating too fast, but he had to tell at least some of the truth. He felt way too guilty cause Jimin seemed like an amazing guy (great fuck too).
"You mean you want to tell me how you're not a handyman?" Jimin asked while cocking his eyebrows so Jungkook gulped.
Fuck, I forgot about that one...
"Um...yeah...I'm sorry..."
"It's fine. I didn't even call any handyman. I just said that so that I could keep you around longer, and while you were in the bathroom I went to the kitchen and then I broke one of those pipes so that there's something to work on."
Jungkook blinked stupidly.
Crazy man. My type.
"But don't you worry... I actually know how to fix it. I'm pretty handy." Jimin smirked at those words, which made Jungkook squirm in place cause he knew exactly how handy Jimin is.
"I'm glad we got that cleared out..." Jungkook trailed off, contemplating whether to say anything else.
"So, now that we know the truth, how about you tell me a bit more about yourself." Jimin put his hands over Jungkook's neck and leaned in for a small peck on the lips.
God, what am I supposed to say... I was in relationship with the girl you're seeing right now and I wanted to fuck you just to show her cheating ass that I can be the same asshole as she was....
"Well, I'm an Art designer and I work for..." (close enough...)
Suddenly the door from Jimin's room opened and there was a pretty orange haired girl standing inside, eyes wide open, shock written all over her face.
"SHIT! FUCK! SORRY! I thought you finished cause I haven't heard any sound. I'm so sorry for interrupting you guys..." The girl turned around, mumbling without taking a breath, but Jimin just stayed calm, right where he was seated before, on Jungkook's lap.
"Aren't you supposed to be on your date or something?" Jimin asked so the girl tried to turn around, but since both Jungkook and Jimin were naked, she turned her back as fast as the light, figuring that's her best option.
"Yes, but no... um... she was here before and she went home when you were in the shower so you missed her actually... um... we're gonna go out tomorrow...I'm so sorry for barging in like this, I seriously thought you're done... I mean you are done but that you're decent..."
Jimin laughed out loud and gave Jungkook one of those towels to cover up his body, he did the same thing.
"It's ok. I mean, not like you're gonna get turned on or something. She's gay as it gets and she has a hot new fling going on."
Hot new fling... a girl... she was here before...
"Yeah... Well it's still friendship but I'm hoping for more anyways. She's super hot and cute..."
Could it be....
"Hey if you guys are free tomorrow night we can totally have a double date here after we come back from the movies." The girl excitedly said so Jungkook tried to give her some kind of smile cause he had no idea what to say to that. He didn't know Jimin that well, and all of this was confusing as fuck.
"Woah woah, Lisa, slow down. First of all, This is Lisa, my roommate, and second of all, could you, like, give us some privacy, we're in the middle of something." Jimin asked with that honey sweet voice that sounded like a melody to Jungkook's ear.
"Oh yeah! Sure! Silly me. I'm just gonna go and... well, it was nice to meet you. Can't say I ever heard Jimin scream as much as I did today..."
The girl started rumbling again, but before she could say more, Jimin ran towards her and kicked her out of the room.
"Ok, ok, ok, that's enough. You can leave now, thank you."
He turned around only to look at the cocky smirk on Jungkook's face, obviously being happy with the 'he was never this loud with anyone before' comment.
"So..." Jimin trailed off, pink covering his cheeks. He looked unusually shy which was the cutest thing Jungkook had seen in days.
"You're not seeing anyone right now?" Jungkook's mouth blurted out faster than his brain could process what he's asking so Jimin cocked his head to the side, looking at him with frown and confusion.
"What do you mean? You're asking if I'm single? Or?"
Jungkook cleared his throat, figuring that question sounded bad.
"Yeah... I mean, a guy like you... you must have a lot of offers and... and guys and girls asking you on a date or something..." Jungkook tried to redeem himself.
Jimin just chuckled.
"Not really. First of all, I'm gay, so no girls... and secondly, I would never do this with you if I was seeing someone. That's just wrong."
"Yeah, you're perfect. I mean that's perfect. That's really cool... and... yeah..." Jungkook felt all kinds of feels, not just confusion, but happiness cause the guy that rocked his world was here and single and ready to maybe try something more...
There was this tiny little thing...
"So, um... if you're single, and if you would like to hang out or something, we could... I don't know, go and grab some coffee, or... see a movie, hang out here since my roommate has that date with Jenny, her fling tomorrow night and the apartment will be empty.... so..."
OF FUCKING COURSE! Lisa and Jenny...
In a second, Jungkook thought about all of his options and what would be the smartest move to do in this situation.
He could just say 'yes' cause he was interested, that was for sure, and never mention his thing with Jenny and just pretend if they ever met, that he had no idea Jenny was seeing Lisa, Jimin's roommate.
Or... He could come clean and tell the truth cause Jimin seemed like a guy who deserves that much. He seemed more than Jungkook could ever hope to find in a guy who opened the door and showed him his cock in the first few minutes they met each other. Classy man.
"Um... I would love that. There's just this little thing that I have to tell you..."
Truth is always the best option, right?
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