the uzumaki tribe
Yo it's chi-kun. I update so much. I guess that's ok though. Anyway this chapter as I said last time will be narutos POV. Again I can only write well as a character so I nights only do ppls POV. Sorry XP anyway let's get to it!
I woke up from my nightmare to the sound of the children playing. I had that dream again. It comes to haunt me every night. Hi world I'm uzumaki naruto leader of the uzumaki tribe dattebayo. Even though I'm merely a twelve year old child. It all has to do with that dream I have. Although it's not really a dream if it's actually happened in reality. When I was five my parents were our tribe leaders. They ruled us with good will and kind hearts. They were spending a lot of time with my little siblings kurama and naruko so they got our best friend and godfather iruka umino to look after them while I went on a trip with my parents. It was a beautiful sunny day. The grass was green, the sand was gold and the sky was as beautiful as my Pappas eyes. After saying our goodbyes to kurama,naruko,iruka and the rest of the tribe we set of. It was a lovely walk. We spent hours chatting,walking,laughing,eating and occasionally having a break. But then after a few more hours we neard the west pervilian. We were to into our thoughts to realize we came to far out. At the Time I had no idea it was dangerous. I never new the danger of a tribal family being in the west. But my parent's did. Then when my mother told me it was time to go back we heard a noise. To me it sounded like thunder but as I looked up there were no clouds. It was as clear as a river. So I wondered were that noise came from. But before I could ask my parents they grabbed me and hid behind a nearby rock. I looked at them confused but they only spoke in a serious tone.' naruto your a good boy right?' My farther said. I nodded.'good. Stay here and don't move until it's safe. Stay away from us okay?' My mother asked with tears in her eyes. But I still nodded. Then they both said 'keep everyone safe naruto, we love you son' and walked into the open. Keeping to my word I hid. But curious little me peaked around the rock enough to see two other people. A tall mean looking man and a very beautiful boy. His eyes were black like a raven aswell as his hair. His skin was pale like a doll but I kept looking at his lovely eyes. But then I looked back at the man. He pulled out a weird silver thing from his coat. And by the look of it his son was just as confused when he asked 'father what's that' but instead of answering.......BANG! BANG! parent were killed.....before my eyes. Holding each other as they fell. I was only young but I new my parents were gone......forever. I looked up tears in my eyes but I still hid as I was told to do. When I looked up the boy looked at me. I looked at him. We looked at each other. I could tell he didn't want this as his eyes were full of anger and regret. But his father came towards me,looking for more of us. I thought I was going to die untill his boy spoke up. 'Father I saw one run in the opposite direction' just then the man ran from my rock and into a weird block. I heard them call it a car. Before the boy joined his dad he mouthed to me 'im so sorry,run away' it shocked me that two people so different could be related. But as they sped away, he looked back at me and I mouthed 'thank you' and ran as he told me. I ran,and ran,and ran as fast as my legs would carry me. If I fell I would get up and run faster. Until I made it back to the village. Everyone asked were my parents were until I burst into tears and told them all. My friend chihiro held me tight as we all cried together.....But no one cried more than me. The following day it was declared that I took my parents place for it was there wish. I agreed but only if I had iruka and chihiro to help me. My wish was granted and later on we had a ceremony for my leadership and my family's death. I promised to my parents that day that I would protect my people,my friends,my sibling until the day I died. And I did. Now seven years have past. I'm a very trusted chief which I'm glad of. Just then my thoughts were interrupted when chihiro or as my siblings call her chi-kun came in and told me breakfast was ready.
This was her. She is our strongest warrior in our tribe even thought she is only four years older than me(16). But as you guessed age or gender does not matter in our tribe. In fact young women are usually stronger than our grown men. "Thanks chihiro I'll be out soon" I gave her a fake smile which she instantly figured out. "You had that dream again didn't you?" She asked me with sorrow in her eyes. She is like my big sister. She was left in our village when I was one ,so we took her in. I love her and she cares for us which is why I tell her when I have these dreams. And even if I don't tell her she always knows somehow. "......yeah....I did." She then came in my teepee (native american house) and hugged me."its OK naru. I'm here." I hugged her back. She always made me feel better. She reminded me that I still have a mother like figure to care for me. Which I'm grateful for. "Thankyou." I said then she released me and looked at me. "Was that boy their as well?" I nodded knowing she was refereeing to the Raven. "I hope I'll get to meet him someday and thank him for protecting you." I nodded in agreement. "Yeah. Me to." She smiled at me and we both stood up. "Come on or the meat will get cold." We then walked out. Only to be knocked to the ground by our little siblings. Chihiro was pinned to the floor by naruko and I had kurama on me. "MORNING!" They screamed in our ears. They then hopped of and ran to the other tribe members to have there breakfast. I love them so much. They don't really remember ma and papa so me and chihiro are like there mother and aunt. I'm the mother btw. Anyway after I helped chihiro of the floor we went to join everyone else. When we arrived I saw iruka. He then saw us and waved as we waved back at him. "Good morning!" I yelled and everyone turned!" "Morning chief naru!" They all replied. I never like formal names so I made it a rule to talk to me casually unless its about a battle."*sniff* mmmmm that smells awesome!" I yelled. Today was Yang's turn to cook. Ying and yang are twins here there also amazing cooks. "Thanks."
Yang (boy twin ,younger)
ying(girl twin ,older)
"My bro is the best at meat!" Ying shouted witch made everyone laugh. "And your the best at fruits and veg my dear sister!" Yang replied witch made us all laugh more. I then looked up and signalled for everyone attention. When I Gained it I yelled. "Samyu! Come here!" Then a little boy the same age as naruko walked up to me. He looked curious but then I shoved him his first bow and arrow and shouted."happy birthday brat!" He then smiled and hugged me witch I returned before he ran to show his mom.
"Look mama look!" He yelled as he held up his gift. Then iruka yelled at me. "You never forget a special occasion do you naruto?" I scratched the back of my head and grinned witch just made everyone laugh before we day into our meal."so samyu." I said to get the kids attention. Which I did."yes?" "How about we shoot together tomorrow? Today is time you spend with family." "Yes please!" Then his mom spoke to me. "Pls remember chief Naru. We are all your family." Everyone nodded in agreement and I smiled. "Thanks for the food!" I yelled before I jumped up. "Wait!" We all turned out heads to see fang. She was our spiritual teller of sorts. "What is it fang" I ask with concern.
"Cief Naru......feel the presence of westerners coming forward." All our heads shot to her."how many?" "Four. An adult and three children." "Can you tell if they are trustworthy" I asked. "....Yes.......I believe they are." We all sigh in relief."berry well then. When will they arrive?" "I believe tomorrow." "Ok." "Iruka,ying,yang,chihiro. Will you do me the privilege of escorting them here?" "Yes chief!" They all yelled. " wishes to dance!?" "ME!" And after that we danced till nightfall. "Its late my people. We shall rest for our guests tomorrow!" I yelled. After we all tidied up we all went to our teepee."well.....lets see if the nightmare comes again." After saying that,naruto went to sleep aswell as all the villagers. While they thought of what is to come.....tomorrow.
To be continued~
How was that? Good? Bad?...........anyway I'm gonna start the next part now of sasuke traveling here and meeting naruto.....again. so yeah I put in picture of ppl who will be of importance along the story. So yeah. Until the next one. Later my kitlings.
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