12 sunsets till deadline
We head for a small town in the Forest where Foxinir says there are more Rising Sun people but I just want him to train me till I'm good enough to turn every Knight Of Crimson against Arox to show him not to mess with me.
"I'm sorry" Rivy says sitting besides me but Tolx knows what I'm going to say because he sits between us so I wouldn't kill him.
"You left the safety of your house to not be a Coward! You saw what they did to the town, they kill everyone who has any value or disagrees no matter if they're women, men or children they kill without mercy. Do you know what I would've given to move to a safe place like your house with my family, do you?!" I ask and thankfully Tolx keeps me away from snapping Rivy in half.
I can tell Rivy feels guilty by the looks on his face.
"Keep it down back there we're about to meet some people" Foxinir says and we shut up.
"May we ask what's in the wagon sir?" A male voice asks
"Just some scraps, why do you ask?" Foxinir asks as politely as he can
"You seem to have a broken back wheel" a female voice says but I know he doesn't and so does he.
"If you're going to rob me I can assure you that I have no item of value" Foxinir says calmly but my anger is still caged inside and if I don't let it out soon I'll end up attacking Rivy because he's the easier target.
"Stay there old man" the male says and I know that they are going to open the wagon door any time now.
"I wouldn't open the door. I might not have any items of value but I have a bloodthirsty Animal back there"
I can hear Foxinir being hit multiple times and rage builds up inside me before I hear as if someone is breaking Foxinirs bones and that's it I jump out but see the man and woman on the ground as Foxinir lays unconscious in the heat.
I get Foxinir inside the wagon and give Angus something to eat and some water because we're almost in the middle of a desert.
I go back in as Rivy is taking care of Foxinir, and Tolx is sitting down with his arms crossed over his chest and has a blank expression.
"What happened out there?" Tolx asks because he knows I can take care of myself against about five people.
"They're dead" I say but I've never killed anything bigger than a fly unlike Tolx, Lolyth and Ealoxk who have killed knights, Qurerolkans, animals for food and mountain people to protect themselves but none of them have killed another one of their own.
"Did you kill them" Tolx hands me a quarter of an apple his face unchanged.
"Kind of"
"How so?"
"I broke their bones, I think"
Tolx looks at me because to him I'm probably still like the little innocent Rising Sun sister and not the Cloud witch.
"You don't...cough...have control" Foxinir weak voice mutters.
"What do you mean?" I ask confused
"You're untrained and that makes you more dangerous" Foxinir sits up slowly and I hear Angus start to get nervous.
"Someone's here" I say because I can hear the footsteps closing in on the wagon.
The wagon door opens and an old woman in a beautiful purple glittery headscarf stands in the doorway with a smile on her face.
"Joyra!" Foxinir says happy but grimaces in pain.
"Foxinir" the woman says happily getting inside the wagon and I realize that she's an Ivy and I'm not the only one because Tolx gets into a protective position his hand on his axe that's in his belt and I have my hand on a throwing knife beside me because I am way better with a throwing knife from a distance than a up close dagger or axe fight.
"Oh, don't worry honeys I'm not like them I'm different" Joyra says with a smile but I don't trust her.
"Relax kids, she's the reason I was taking you to that village. She's a Nature Witch" Foxinir says trying to stand up but Joyra helps him to sit back down.
'A nature witch, of course she is' I think because nature witches and wizards are basically every other Ivy person but they cannot go to battle because they are the opposite of Cloud Witches and Wizards, the Nature magic folk can brew healing tea, manipulate animals, make poisonous plants into healing plants with the touch of their skin, see the misty future of a person and their most powerful magic trick is believe it or not partner matching which is completely ridiculous.
"She can teach you control and focus in 11 days" Foxinir says but I don't trust her because she's a Ivy.
"Tea anyone?" Joyra asks energized
"Yes thank you, Joyra makes the best tea in the five kingdoms" Foxinir says and I relax a bit but keep my guard up.
"Quet saw Arox completely ban my belief so he decided to just send every girl and woman who walks around with a hijab into exile if they wouldn't stop wearing it because he could" Joyra explains which means she's a woman of determination if she didn't give the hijab up.
"So I packed up my things and left because I'm not going to let a king tell me what to do, what to wear or what to believe."
She pours tea in five cups and hands each and every one of us a cup.
"Now just to warn you this tea might have a bit of a sleeping effect to calm your nerves from all that has happened especially in your life Niztal Navieta" She says as I'm taking a sip but before I can say or do anything I fall asleep.
I wake up from the best sleep I've had in years but then the reality hits me again.
The monster has my family and friends.
"I thought you'd never wake up" Tolx says and I can tell that we're alone because he'd never talk like this if someone else except Oyeta, Lolyth or me are around, he's a completely different person and sometimes it scares me a bit how harsh he really can be around other people because to me he's a really...well, kind of a nice person.
"What's going on?" I ask because I don't do well in the dark.
"We're at the Ivy's home but I knew you wouldn't want to wake up in a foreign surrounding so I volunteered to stay here plus that Yaalker is really getting on my nerve"
"I need to start training" I sit up and tie my hair back.
"You need to eat" Tolx hands me a piece of bread but I don't have an appetite so I just stand up and leave.
I walk into the Ivy's house looking for Foxinir but the house is empty.
"The Crimson" I mutter angry when I see a large crown painted on the wall with green blood and Joyras body lays emotionless on the ground.
I see Foxinir dead as well holding something in his hand.
I take it and it's a some sort of paper that says is Rivy in gold dried blood.
"Why the hell can't people just stay alive" I say and check them for anything valuable but nothing.
"It's your fault I'm dead" I hear my sisters voice say behind me and I turn around and see my sister but she's all torn up and broken, her hair is a birds nest, there are bags under her eyes, her throat looks as if it's been ripped out, her insides are hanging out of her stomach as some of her bones are pocking out of her skin, her lips blue, her cheeks pale and more hollow than usually and Gold blood everywhere as she drags herself in coming for me.
"Why'd you let me die?" She cries as she gets a grip on my throat and I gasp for air as black tears run down her face melting her skin along with it.
My eyes shoot open and I sit up too quickly making my head hurt.
I look around myself and I'm in the wagon, Rivy, Tolx and Foxinir all sleeping peacefully as the vision of my sister is stuck in my mind.
I get out of the wagon to get some fresh air and as soon as I step outside the burning sun greets me but I just want to save my family so I don't mind the heat.
I just stand here thinking of ways to get my family and if it requires me to sacrifice myself I will do so because I do not care about anything but my family's safety.
"Did you sleep well?" A voice asks behind me and I turn around quickly to meet Rivys gaze.
"I don't know" I say returning to my original position.
"Did you dream anything?"
"No" I say a little too quickly.
He looks at me a little suspicious but I can see he's gonna let it go.
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