

After eating our fill of chips, the Doctor, Rose and I had returned to the TARDIS. The Doctor then informed us that she had made rooms for us and that we could go and find them. Apparently, when people travel with him, the TARDIS uses her telepathic field to create bedrooms exactly how they like. How awesome is that!? It was relatively easy to find my room considering the TARDIS had shown me where it was using lights to lead the way. I had heard Rose scream obscenely earlier and assumed she found her own room. "Thanks, girl," I smile widely, rubbing the doorway and she hums in response with my lights flickering, making me giggle.

I look around the room and squeal loudly when I find the HUGE walk-in wardrobe. "Lizzie?" I hear the Doctor call and poke my head out the door to see him leaning against my doorframe, his arms folded and ankles crossed.

"Your ship is bloody amazing!" I beam, stepping into the room and rushing over to grab his hand. "Look at this place!" I squeal, bouncing up and down and drag him over to show him a few things. "There's a desk with every sort of art product I could ever need, an en-suite, a reading nook, a massive wardrobe and look, a hammock chair," I giggle when I plop down in it and it swings.

"I take it you like your room, then?" the Doctor asks, looking highly amused as he sits on the edge of my new king-sized bed.

"Yes! It's completely brilliant!" I smile, rushing over and flopping down on my bed, giggling when I bounce up and down a couple times. "Is there a reason you came in here?" I ask when I see the odd expression as he watches me.

He quickly wipes the look off his face, "I wanted to see how you were settling in," he shrugs.

"Doctor..." I smile, sitting up on my knees and he hums in response. "Did you check on Rose?" I raise an eyebrow, snickering when he refuses to look at me. "Why are you really in here, then?" I poke his cheek, giggling when he swats my hand away.

"Ok... I wanted to ask about your dreams," he huffs slightly, waving his hands in defeat. "How long have you had them?" he asks, taking out his sonic and scanning me again. "I bought you food this time," he smirks when I open my mouth.

"Technically I bought me food, and some for you and Rose," I retort, smiling widely when he rolls his eyes and mocks me.

"Answer the question," he narrows his eyes playfully as he switches the sonic off and looks at the results.

"My whole life," I mutter, sitting back on my heels and wrapping my arms around myself. "As long as I can remember... they've always been there..."

The Doctor frowns at whatever results he got on his sonic and pulls my sketch-book that he had borrowed from his pocket. I scoot closer to him, watching as he flips through the sketches. "You have no idea who this is?" he asks, stopping at the one of the shadow-man.

I frown when I get a massive wave of guilt and anger... it was painful and his eyes were darker, colder. "No... do you?" I ask hesitantly.

The Doctor's expression becomes even more closed off as he snaps my sketch-book shut, "no, I don't," he mutters harshly.

I flinch a little at his tone and lean away from him, "well, if that's all you wanted-"

"I'm sorry," he cuts me off gently as I get a pang of guilt, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I didn't mean to snap," he places a hand on my shoulder and squeezes it.

"It's... ok," I try to assure him, relaxing a little.

"I think your dreams are connected to me, that you're connected to me," the Doctor takes his hand from my shoulder and folds his arms, frowning down at the floor.

"Is that a bad thing?" I ask awkwardly, biting my lip.

"No," he assures me quickly and my cheeks heat up. "Just, I don't know why, but I feel..." he trails off, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Like you can trust me?" I ask and he nods with furrowed eyebrows, looking at me and my cheeks burn brighter. "I feel that too... it's weird, like I can almost feel you... sense you... when you left after you told Rose and me to forget you, I... I felt... it was painful watching you leave..." I look down at my hands.

"I know what you mean," the Doctor murmurs and I frown slightly when I feel grief. "Have you felt anything else from me?" he asks quietly, still frowning.

"U-um... yeah," I nod, glancing at the Doctor. "Your pain, I think and emotions... well, the negative ones... I didn't realize what it was though..."

"I can feel yours too," he whispers and the grief gets stronger, making me wince.

"Are you ok?" I ask softly, scooting closer again.

"Yeah, I don't like not knowing things," he shakes his head, chuckling.

I could tell that wasn't it, considering I could feel his range of emotions flowing over me. I don't comment on his blatant lie, though. If it were important then I'm sure he'd tell me; it's probably personal. The Doctor may feel like he could trust me, but we don't exactly know each other. Besides, we're all entitled to our secrets, aren't we? "So... our connection is something you don't know?" I ask.

"Yep, but I'm sure we'll figure it out," he sends me a small smile.

"Hope so, but it's... nice," I bite my lip, making him raise an eyebrow in question. "The connection," I elaborate, blushing slightly.

"It is," he smiles a little wider and I get a sort of... background grief.

"Doctor?" I ask after a minute of comfortable silence, looking down, and he hums. "On Platform One, when... with Cassandra," I mutter, glancing at him and his expression closed off again. "You just... watched like you didn't care... like it didn't faze you that you were watching someone... someone die," I whisper, looking away as tears prickle my eyes.

I feel the Doctor place his finger under my chin and he forces me to look at him gently. His expression was shame as I get a wave of guilt. I get this overwhelming urge to protect him, hug him until he felt better... to be there for him. I bite my lip, blushing at his intense gaze. "It's hard to have mercy for someone like Cassandra... when my planet burned; my people, my family, and my-" he cuts himself off as his face contorts, sending an overwhelming wave of grief and guilt over me.

I launch forward and wrap my arms around his neck, making him stiffen. "I'm sorry," I whimper slightly at the pain of his emotions and he relaxes slightly, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer. "It's not fair how much you've lost... I am so sorry," I squeeze him before pulling back slightly to place my hands on his shoulders. "I'm not leaving for a good long while... me or Rose," I promise him.

The Doctor just stares at me for a moment before bringing me back to him, "good," he whispers, tightening his arms around me.

I smile slightly, leaning my ear against his leather-clad chest. My eyes widen, though, when I hear something a bit odd. I pull back from the Doctor, my eyebrows furrowed as I stare at his chest.

"What?" he asks worriedly and I put a finger over his lips, shushing him.

The Doctor frowns under my finger, but I ignore him as I lean my head back against his chest. My breath hitches when I hear it again, faster this time: ba-da-da-bump... ba-da-da-bump. I pull away again and just stare blatantly at the Doctor, who was watching me with an apprehensive expression as if he were worried about my reaction. "You've got two hearts..." I breathe in complete awe.

"That alright?" he asks, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Alright?" I snort incredulously, making him frown. "It's bloody brilliant!" I smile widely. "Are there any other things that're different between Time Lords and Humans?" I ask excitedly, but I deflate when I get a wave of grief. "I-I'm sorry..." I mutter, leaning back. "I wasn't- you don't have to tell me..." I bite my lip awkwardly.

"No, it's fine," the Doctor assures me gently, smiling. "Our body temperatures run lower than Humans so the cold doesn't affect me that much, certain types of radiation don't affect me and I can absorb and expel them safely if need be, I can survive extreme heat, my senses and reflexes are better, our lifespans are far greater, our brain function is higher, we're telepathic, I can survive a lot more than Humans," he lists off.

"That's amazing," I breathe. "You're completely amazing," I gush, making him smile and chuckle. "How does the telepathy work?"

"We could talk to each other in our minds, I can access memories or change them, erase them," he explains as I listen intently. "I can show people things, leave messages inside their heads, things like that."

"You can show people things? Like pictures?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Yes," he nods.

"Can you show me..." I trail off. "Nevermind," I shake my head.

"What?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Can you show me your planet? What it looked like?" I ask, biting my lip. "You don't have to if you don't want to," I assure him quickly as I get a wave of grief.

The Doctor was just quietly staring at me for at least a minute, maybe more, and I was scared I had overstepped. "I'm sorry," I look away guiltily.

He stands up from the bed and gets in front of me. I look up at him curiously. "Do you trust me?" he asks hesitantly and I just nod mutely, not understanding what was going on.

The Doctor places his hands on either side of my face, his fore and middle fingers on my temples. I gasp when an image of the planet I usually associate with the shadow-man pops in my mind. It was absolutely gorgeous, a million times better than how I saw it in my dreams. The two suns shone over the orange planet, the grass red and the leaves silver. The sunlight makes the leaves look as if they were on fire when it hits them. I watch as the sky turns from blue to red, a copper moon in the sky. I was shown brown lakes, green forests and golden fields. Next, I was shown a massive glass orb in the distance with a beautiful city inside of it, snow-capped mountains surrounding it. It was stunningly gorgeous.

I gasp again when the image suddenly fades and I get a huge wave of grief from the Doctor. I whimper, looking down and pressing my hands to my eyes, frowning slightly when I feel tears running down my cheeks. I look up at the Doctor and he cups my face gently, wiping a few tears away. "Gallifrey," he whispers and I get a sharp pain in my head at the name, making us both wince.

"I'm so sorry..." I whisper, biting my lip. "That was the most beautiful thing I think I've ever seen; apart from the TARDIS," I smile gently.

The Doctor holds out his hand silently and I take it, confused. He pulls me to my feet and wraps his arms around my shoulders, pulling me to him tightly. I was momentarily shocked before I wrap my arms around his waist and lean my head on his chest. "Thank you," he whispers.

"You're welcome," I smile, rubbing his back. "Thank you for sharing that with me," I tell him seriously, pulling away and smiling up at him, getting a small smile in return. "Alright, enough with the emotions and stuff," I joke, making him chuckle. "I'm totally knackered... so I'm going to bed."

"Goodnight, Lizzie," he laughs, ruffling my hair.

"Oi, don't do that," I pout, flattening my hair and making him laugh harder as he walks out the door.

I lay down and stare at the ceiling and as I look at it, it turns into a replica of the stars from Earth. "Thanks, girl," I smile, reaching behind me and rubbing the wall.

I hear a hum of response and smile to myself. I start to think about my new life, traveling with Rose and the Doctor. He has so much pain and grief... I'm going to stay as long as it takes to help him. I can't stand to see him so broken. I close my eyes and cringe slightly. I haven't known him that long and this connection is already making me want to protect him... what is it? Why are we connected? Who's that man... and why did the Doctor seem so angry and hurt when I asked if he knew who it was...? Why is he on Gallifrey when I dream of him... is he a Time Lord the Doctor knows? Maybe one he hates?

A/N: For rereaders, hope you guys are enjoying the edited versions of these chapters! I personally think they are turning out fantastic! ;) Let me know and thanks for reading!!! :*

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