A nobleman and his wife passed by a strange statue for sale. The statue was beautiful in its carving, like the subject was alive and just waiting to wake up. The woman was enamored by the beauty of the statue. The statue looked to be a little girl who had beautiful features and three horns adorning her head, her dress looked ancient and she looked to be adorned with jewels. Her small hands held a mask that resembled her slightly. The man turned to the vendor, "How much for this? It is a gorgeous statue." "Oh that? It is one of a kind. We looked for the origin of it, but we can only assume it is a memorial statue of a some king's beloved daughter with how much care was put into it.," the vendor spoke.
The woman with the nobleman walked to the statue and looked upon the serene face. The baby in her arms opened his eyes and cooed at the statue, his mother smiled, "Do you like her too, Jonathan? She is pretty." Jonathan cooed at the statue and smiled, reaching his little hands towards the pretty figure he and his mother were standing in front of. The nobleman purchased the statue and had it loaded into his carriage. "George, that statue looks like she is alive. If she was, I'd think she would be a sweet little girl.," the woman said with a smile as she held her baby, "Jonathan might even enjoy having a sister."
'Where am I? Why do I hear voices?,' thought the mind of a scared and lonely child, unable to open her eyes. She was asleep yet not completely, she was somewhat aware of her surroundings. She heard squabbling voices and indistinct chatter. She could not open her eyes or move. She was too weak to do so. She remembered her name and species only so far, most of her mind was asleep.
She heard names. George. Jonathan. Dio. Erina. These were human names. So she was in a human habitation. They must have mistaken her for a statue and was using her for decoration. She could hear faint conversation and conflict outside of her dreams and sleeping mind. Would it be safe to wake up yet? Would she be able to find food if she did? She could hear a voice talk to her every so often, it took a little bit before she learned the language he spoke. He was speaking to her about his life and other things that troubled him.
She felt two lives beside her and the sweet taste of blood splash against her sleeping body. The mask she was holding popped out of her hands and clattered to she floor. The blood that splashed over her skin we giving her energy to wake up along with the blood that woke her mind up before. This accumulated blood was giving her strength to awaken. The girl's limbs cracked as they started to move, no doubt alerting the humans nearby. She tore away from the stone that supported her and fell to the floor, her white dress sprawling around her. The jewelry the small child wore jingled as she stood up and stretched her muscles. Her eyes finally opened to look around this new environment.
It looked to be a human home, the room was as large as a temple room, so these humans had to be of the high status type. She saw two young human males and felt an older human male behind her. Her red eyes leered at the two young humans as she heard the older one speak. "My god.," the man spoke, "The statue was indeed alive."
The girl herself was not very tall, she looked very young but seemed to radiate an aura of strange and ancient power. She had long and wavy plum violet hair and Ruby red eyes offset by what seemed to be blue eyeshadow markings and lines under her eyes. A pair of fangs poked from under her top lip and three silvery horn peered from her hair. Her white dress was trimmed on the skirt with a gold ribbon and a golden belt with dangling straps hung to her waist. Golden chains and beads held jewels to her clothing while gold bracelets adorned her wrists.
"It seems the world has changed in my thousand years slumber. And humans have not changed much.," the girl said as she turned to look up to the man on the second floor of the building who was looking down at the girl with a shocked expression. He had the same blueish hair the young man that was coming behind the girl had, they had to be relatives.
She jumped up and kicked the young man back, landing lightly on her feet as the boy tumbled onto the floor. "I'm not one you want to try to sneak up on, human. It is foolish to approach carelessly." She walked to the mask and picked it up, wiping the blood off of it. The flavor was sweet but there was a deep bitter flavor in the background of the sweetness that balanced the flavor. She sniffed the air. "So, what are your names, humans?," the little girl spoke. Her eyes looked back to the humans, the older human descended the stairs, "My name is George Joestar. These are my sons, Jonathan and Dio." The blond boy picked himself off of the floor with a stagger, his amber eyes looking at the strange creature that had awoken from her slumber. The girl returned the haze with her own ancient ruby eyes. The young man approached her, albeit with more caution than the blueish haired boy did, "My name is Dio Brando. What is your name?" She barely was as tall as his hip. So small.
"(Y/n).," the girl replied as the boy knelt down to her height, "Don't patronize me for being small, I can still make you humans miserable." There was something strange going on in the mind of this Dio, his eyes told her that. He smiled, "Nice to meet you."
Dio stood and walked away, either really hurt or putting on a show for his adoptive father. The man, George, walked to the small girl with caution. "You mentioned you have been asleep for over a thousand years?," the man asked, "If that is so, how have you learned our language so fast?" The girl looked into his blue eyes, "By listening to you humans speak when I was still somewhat asleep." George held his hand out, "Would you like to stay here with us, since you don't have anywhere else to go?"
This human seemed to radiate care and warmth. He seemed good. The girl reached her tiny hand out and placed it into his. "We have more than enough room for you, and I think my boys would enjoy a little sister.," George said as he picked up the child, "Jonathan, you are still going to be punished for kicking Dio while he was down." The boy seemed to deflate at this as his father carried away the child. (Y/n) watched Jonathan for as long as she could before she could no longer see him. George kindly showed her through the mansion and showed her a room she could use. He let her explore on her own after that, but he told her that he would have to teach her how to act in human society. He took the mask from her to put it somewhere safe.
The little girl wandered through the manor and smelled the scent of the blond male. She followed the scent to a room with a lot of bound paper. She looked in and saw Dio on a couch, looking at one of the bound papers stacks. She silently walked up and looked at him before he finally saw her there, "Hello there. I suppose that you were asked to stay with us?" The girl nodded and climbed on the couch, "What is that?" "It is called a book. This room is called a library.," the male explained, "Did you not have these in the time period you came from?" The plum haired child tilted her head to think, "There was one called the Library of Alexandria. I went there once. Shame it was destroyed."
Dio set his book down, "So you are quite long lived. How old are you?" The girl tilted her head, "4,106 years." Dio chuckled, "You're quite interesting. I have quite a few questions about you." (Y/n)'s eyes looked unimpressed, "It's not fair if you don't give information about yourself in return." Dio started to laugh, "You're sharp. How amusing." "It was your blood that woke me.," the girl said, "It had an odd taste." That caught Dio's attention, she was awoken by his blood. Perhaps he could use this child, she had some sort of power behind her.
Dio picked up the book he was reading and resumed his reading. The girl dropped onto his side, leaning against his warmth. "I apologize, it seems my brain has not fully reawakened.," the small but ancient being spoke and closed her eyes. Dio sighed and let her stay there. It would be dangerous to attack her, he learned that from watching her attack Jonathan. (Y/n) was something new and unknown to the world. Dio and the Joestars did not know just what exactly she was capable of, so they would have to teach her how to behave to hide among humans and to not attack people. The blond boy allowed his new stepsister to lean against him as he read, her horns poked at his skin before she moved to a more comfortable position.
Time passed and it was time for dinner. (Y/n) was sat down next to George so he could instruct her how to properly eat her meal. The nobleman was surprised to find that the little girl did not know how to even use silverware. He realized that he would also have to teach her how to read and write. He remembered what his wife said when they first got the child, that Jonathan would like a sister. He would try and raise this ancient child as his own for his deceased wife. To his relief, the child was a quick study and was eating properly within a few minutes. He had the maids help the girl take a bath and get ready for bed. He had to get some clothes for the little girl to wear so she would not have to wear that little ceremonial dress everywhere.
It was bedtime, but (y/n) could not sleep. She wanted to look around a little more. She wandered the house silently until she found Jonathan's room. The girl looked into the room and saw Jonathan in the bed. He seemed to be sad. The little plum haired girl walked to the boy's side and stared at him until he rolled over and saw her, Jonathan jumped and sat up. "(Y/n), what's wrong, can't sleep?," the boy asked. "I have been asleep for almost two thousand years.," the little girl said and crawled up onto the boy's bed, "You tell me." Jonathan sighed and lay back in his bed, "You can at least pretend to sleep." "I don't want to. I want to see what the world is like without the eyes of humans looking for me.," the child said as she looked out the window, "Almost nothing has changed in the sky in almost two thousand years. It is still as beautiful as in the past." Jonathan sighed, "If you're actually here because you're lonely, you can stay, but I need to sleep." The child sat on Jonathan's bed and watched the stars as the young man tried to fall back asleep.
The next morning, Jonathan found the little girl curled up next to him with her eyes closed and breathing deeply. The blue haired boy assumed that his new sister was just afraid of being alone last night. He touched her shoulder lightly and found his fingers seemed to melt into her, he quickly pulled away and found his hand was fine. Was this part of the abilities of her species?
Over time, the girl and the boys situated into being a family. She got to meet Erina. She was kind of interested in Erina as she was the first female human she had met that seemed interesting. Erina was surprised to see a small child clinging to Jonathan's leg when she found them by the river. They met and talked for a while before the little girl began to mysteriously start burning. The burns disappeared as soon as Jonathan took the child inside. Another weird quirk of her species.
He began to think that stories of horned human monsters like demons and ogres were actually sightings of this child's species. She could very well be the last one.
(Y/n) would read in the library with Dio after the blond taught her how. He was a clever young man. Although there seemed to be a small darkness in him. Like he was hiding something from the rest of the family. The little girl would play with Jonathan and visit him at night when she did not feel comfortable alone. The blue haired boy was good company and was nice to talk to. They talked about many this together after lessons. Jonathan did not mind her sudden habit of riding on his shoulders. It was kind of fun to carry her around like that.
Today was no different. (Y/n) was hugging his head as he walked around outside, "Jonathan. Each human has their own unique smell. You and Dio smell different." "I hope it's nothing bad to smell.," Jonathan chucked. The little girl smiled, "No. I find it kind of soothing." The little girl jumped down and spun around, "I'm glad I woke up and met you." Jonathan smiled and held his hand out, "I'm glad to have met you too." The small girl looked into his blue eyes with her red ones, she put her tiny hand into his big one. They went home together.
"So why don't you like to come into town with Erina and I?," Jonathan asked. "I'm afraid.," the little girl replied. The blue eyed make looked down to the girl he regarded as his little sister, "Afraid? You're stronger than I could ever hope to be. What do you have to be afraid of?" (Y/n)'s eyes became sad, "There is a group of humans that wanted me dead, that's why my family put me in that sleep state. I could not be killed like that. They were supposed to come get me when it was safe."
Jonathan tightened his grip on her hand, "Well, you can count on me to help protect you from people who will be mean." His smile was kind and his words were true. The girl nodded and smiled slightly, "Thanks Jonathan."
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