Chapter one hundred five: one hundred years of scars

(Y/n) squirmed a bit as her hair was brushed out by her mother. It had been about a week since Giorno had became the boss of the mafia. She had yet to tell him of his origin. She was only padding with stories of her father and uncles. Still she was building strength to tell him of his Joestar heritage. "Mama, I don't think I can do this alone.," the little child spoke. Her coffee brunette mother set down the brush, "Do what, dear?" "Tell him. Tell Giorno where he comes from. I cannot do that alone.," the little girl replied as her ruby red eyes looked at the green heart shaped circlet she held. Her small thumb rubbed on the side of the heart, "I think I may need a bit of help." "Help? What kind of help?," Ivory asked her daughter. "Moral support. Familial support. Perhaps others.," the child responded to her mother and rubbed her horns nervously, "I'm going to have to tell him about Dio and Jonathan soon."
"We will help you, Lady (y/n), in any way you need.," Wamuu spoke and bowed before the Plum haired girl. "Why not just invite them here?," Esidisi asked as he leaned against the wall, "You have the money to purchase plane tickets. Why not purchase the tickets for your Joestar pets?" "It would be nice to see Josuke again.," Santana murmured from his perch on the bed of the bedroom they were in. "That does sound a bit fun.," the tiny pillar replied. She had a small smile on her face that disappeared.

Her tiny jaw clenched tight and she balled her small hands up. "This is our fault. Most of this is our fault.," the little girl spoke. "It may be. But it is not your fault he acted on his greed.," Wamuu spoke, still kneeling before the stool that his tiny master was sat on. His blond head bowed and his eyes were closed. (Y/n) rubbed her horns again, the smooth surface offered no resistance to her small fingers. The horns were beginning to shine from her almost constant rubbing. "It may not be my fault. But the stains still remain. The stains from blood that has been spilt.," She spoke and lowered her hands. Ivory patted her daughter's head. "It's heavy. The memories of seeing people I care for die. They replay. Over and over.," the child continued, "I cannot stop seeing people be hurt. And I can't help but feel like it was always my fault." "One hundred years of sorrow and pain. That is what you have in your heart.," the voice of Avalon spoke as he made his appearance, "You are young. You should not even be experiencing feelings such as this." The silvery stand set down on the floor next to his seated daughter and the kneeling warrior.
Avalon's red jewel eyes looked at his daughter, "While I usually would go after whoever hurt you, I can see the ones that are causing you pain are the ones no longer with us, Us included." "But you are here.," (y/n) replied with a smile that was noticeably forced. "Yet not in the way you would like or need.," the pillar man turned stand spoke and watched as his daughter's smile break, "You cannot hide your thoughts from me, now that we are like this." "Aah, what a pain.," Esidisi sighed from his place next to the door, "I'm surprised you are not showing more signs of trauma than just the horn rubbing and nightmares. Those kids you helped save in Morioh are getting the therapy help they need while you are not."

"I'm supposed to be stronger than them, than humans. I'm supposed to be as strong as you! I'm a pillar, too!," the little girl spoke out, "I want to be strong. I want to protect my humans. I don't want to lose anyone else." "But, you know what has to be done to make that wish a reality.," Avalon said, "We both know that it would be a fate worse than death for them. They would want to have peace." The plum haired child's red eyes looked to the floor, "When they die, I'll be alone again. I'll still be a child as they grow old." "That's the curse of a creature as long lived as us.," Wamuu spoke and raised his head. A sharp knock at the door alerted the young pillar and her ghostly companions. (Y/n) sensed who it was out with her horns. Mista. He should have been in the study with Giorno. "Come in, Mista.," the tiny child spoke and the door opened to let Mista in. He walked in and jumped at seeing Esidisi next to the door. The gunman placed a hand on his chest, "It still scares me when you guys are like out like this."
"Is there something you need, Mista?," the wavy haired girl asked and looked up to the gunman. "Giorno wants to hear more about the past from you.," the gunman spoke, "Plus, work gets boring." "Alright.," (y/n) got off of the stool she was sitting on before following Mista to where Giorno was. Avalon and the other ghosts vanished as their master left them. Narancia was off searching for Fugo, so he was not home. The dark eyed gunman looked down to the tiny child following his footsteps. "You sounded like you were having a serious conversation with your family.," the gunslinger broke the silence between them. "I guess so.," the pillar child replied with a almost emotionless tone. The gunman knelt down, "I know it has been hard since you lost Bucciarati. But you have us, right?" "For how long, though? Seventy years? Maybe less with how dangerous this life is?," (y/n) asked, "I already watched my other father figures disappear in one way or another."

Mista stopped and picked the child up, setting her on his shoulders. "I already sent word to Abbacchio, he should be coming back.," the gunman spoke, "I know we can't help as much as we want, but you can tell us everything if it means that you feel better. I see the way you look at Giorno, he reminds you of something that had caused you irreparable pain." Her small clawed hands hung onto Mista's hat, "So you noticed." "I also noticed that you called him your nephew when we had our bodies swapped., the dark eyed man spoke and walked with the child on his shoulder through the boss's mansion. The mansion they took over after overthrowing the boss and the rest of the boss's supporters. Mista's boots tapped on the stone floors in the hallways as he walked to the study. He felt the tiny clawed hands on his head grip a little tighter.
Mista's hand grabbed the doorknob and opened the door to the study. Giorno sat at the desk in his new outfit. The outfit of a mafia boss. He was looking over work and had the turtle Polnareff on his desk. His green eyes looked up from the papers before him and to his aunt. The gunman took the child off of his shoulders and placed her in Giorno's hands after the mafia boss held his arms out to receive her. The blond mafia boss placed his niece in his lap. "Now, what is the story today?," Giorno asked with a smile on his face. His smile faded when he saw her expression, "This seems serious." "I was trying to avoid the topic for a bit but, I think it's time to tell you about the Joestar bloodline. Your bloodline.," the plum haired pillar girl spoke with a serious tone. Giorno leaned back as Polnareff walked closer to listen to the girl and Mista sat on a nearby chair. The bright ruby eyes of the little girl did not seem to shine as bright, a shadow of pain cast over them. "It started after I went into hibernation.," the little girl started, "It was found by an archeological team exploring the tomb I was slumbering in. They took me and the mask I held back with them, only for the curse of my mask to strike them. The first of my mask's and in proxy, my, victims."

Giorno listened to the pillar child as she told him about being purchased by a wealthy couple, George Joestar and his wife with their infant son. A small smile was on the child's face. She told them about the misfortune that befell the family during the ride home. George's wife died in the carriage accident and the blood from both her and the driver started the awakening process. The child detailed what she heard in that time, hearing the child grow. However, (y/n) suddenly stopped telling the story as if it was getting too painful to recount. The girl looked down. "The son, what was his name?," Giorno asked. "His name, was Jonathan Joestar. Jojo. He was my stepbrother.," the child replied. The blond teen looked up as Wamuu set the old family photograph down before the young man. The teen picked the picture up and looked at it. The same picture as before that the child showed him. "The picture of Your adoptive father and brothers.," Giorno spoke, "They look nice."
The green eyes of the teen looked around, seeing that the other ghosts had come. The atmosphere was beginning to be oppressive, yet it was not cruel. The atmosphere was warm. "That's your father.," the little girl spoke softly, "Your father, when you were made, was 120 years old. My biggest mistake." Giorno looked at the picture in his hand and pulled the picture of his father from his wallet out. He was confused. How could these men live to be 120 years old? He felt the tiny clawed hand of his aunt pull his hand down so the could point at the photograph. She pointed at the head, "Dio Brando." Then pointed at the body, "Jonathan Joestar."

He looked down after feeling shaking in his lap. (Y/n) was shaking. She had small tears in her eyes, "You look like them, You know? Every time I look at you, I see them." The Italian teen put down the pictures and embraced the child. "Thank you.," He whispered, "Thank you for telling me about this. I know it is painful, but thank you." He felt the tiny arms of the little one hug him in return. "Can you tell me, what happened to them. To Dio and Jonathan?," Giorno asked. "Jonathan was killed on his honeymoon with his wife. Erina was able to get away with an infant she rescued.," the little girl answered. She felt her hair being pat. "Giorno. What I will tell you about them, my brothers, you may not like what you hear about them.," the child spoke, "And I admit. This will be tough for me, as I want to remember them with only the best memories."
Mista took a packet of photos from Esidisi that the pillar man was holding out to him, the gunman looked through them and saw pictures of the little girl with other people. People in different eras and pictures of a statue in a containment case that looked like her. The case had a Speedwagon foundation logo on it. "Santana is making a call for you, little lamb.," Esidisi said with his usual tone, "They should all be able to come and meet the family's other bastard." The dark skinned pillar man was about to speak more before he looked up to see both the girl and her stand glaring at him. He put his hands up, "Okay. I get it, this is a serious matter."

Esidisi left after being dismissed by the stand he knew as his master and friend. Polnareff's head raised up, "(y/n). Are you perhaps thinking of inviting mister Joestar and Jotaro?" "I am. And Josuke. Perhaps Jolyne.," the child replied and looked at Giorno, "If you don't mind meeting your family on your father's side." "The family was stirred up enough with Josuke from what I heard from Jotaro.," Polnareff chuckled, "But this may make them a little apprehensive." "Polnareff, (y/n), please just give me an answer. Who is my father? I only know him as DIO but you keep mentioning Jonathan," Giorno spoke up, "Who is my father?" (Y/n) and Polnareff looked at each other then to Giorno before answering, "Both Jonathan and Dio." "A long time ago, Dio used my mask's power to become a vampire, basically immortal.," the pillar girl answered and felt a weight pick up off of her, "I loved him, I still do. He is my brother, but he was not kind. He was wicked in his mind and heart."
"Dio stole Jonathan's body after killing him. That is why he has that scar on his neck. The head is Dio's, the body is Jonathan's.," Polnareff explained, "Your mother was fortunate to have not been consumed by that vampire. She was able to give birth to you, Giorno." Mista jumped forward in his chair after hearing the word 'Vampire', "Hold on, hold on! You're able to make vampires?!" "My father first made the masks that did, so, I guess.," the pillar girl replied. Giorno's mind was spinning with questions and concerns after hearing about where he came from. It would make sense that if his father was a vampire, then he could live for 120 years. However he had questions that the pillar girl was a little hesitant to answer. He was also curious about the rest of the family he did not know. So he asked about them and found his aunt was a lot more willing to talk about them. So, they were the ones that she was planning to invite.


Mista and Giorno waited at the airport with (y/n) on Mista's shoulders. Her eyes were closed, yet Giorno could tell she was aware of everything around her. They heard the announcements for flights from Japan and America landing. The dark eyed gunman felt the child shift on his shoulders, she was up and looking around. The plum haired child lept off of him and into the crowd. Mista got up and followed, hearing her call a name familiar to him, Josuke. He found the little girl hugging a British - Japanese teen with a pompador. The young man she was hugging looked pretty happy to see her and was giving her a hug in return. The gunman walked up, "(y/n), this is Josuke, eh? Nice to meet you, I'm Guido Mista. She has told me a lot about you." "Nice to meet you I am Josuke Higashikata.," Josuke greeted and bowed to Mista. It was a little awkward for both as Mista had his hand out while Josuke was bowing. (Y/n) sat on Josuke's shoulders as he and Mista talked and walked back to where Giorno was.
Next to Giorno was an elderly man and a tough-looking man. Giorno was politely speaking to them in English. "Jotaro!," (y/n) called out and waved at the tough looking man as he looked over to her. The elderly man looked over to her and waved as well. Josuke stopped before Jotaro and Mista stood next to Giorno. "You're the reason she has called us here.," Jotaro spoke in a harsh tone. "Yes sir. She thought that I should meet my family.," Giorno answered, "She has already told me who my father was. And I apologize for what has happened." "You don't need to.," Jotaro replied, "I already had someone investigate you. You are not like him." "You're more like Jonathan.," (y/n) spoke with a smile, "You may have some aspects of Dio, but you are Jonathan's son. I know Erina would have loved to know you."

Giorno made a small smile, "How about we talk somewhere more comfortable? I still have yet to hear the entire story from (y/n)." "Lead the way.," Jotaro nodded and followed Giorno to the mansion where the history of the Joestar family was going to be told to them.

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