Chapter fifty: Josuke and Crazy Diamond

His name was Josuke Higashikata.
Josuke and (y/n) took time to get to know each other after they first met. The little pillar girl saw that he was very similar to his father, Joseph. In terms of looks and personality, yet Josuke was a lot sweeter and more gentle. He really loved his hair. And (y/n) did not blame him, it was a great style on him. Although, she wondered what it looked like not styled. Would it be long and pretty like Polnareff's?
She tried to catch him with his hair down after showers, but he always had it styled again. She never got to see it down. The two strands on the back were cute, like little tails.

Josuke's mother, Tomoko, was a pretty woman. She was also very sweet yet was a little feisty. The woman was still in love with Joseph, even after all the years he was not there. It made (y/n) sad to see this. Josuke's grandfather, Ryohei, was a policeman. The man asked the little girl about where her family was. She told him that her adopted family was getting a little too old to take care of her and her biological parents were dead. Some of what she said was not the full truth, but she did give him mostly correct information.
She told Josuke's family that she was being taken care of by the Speedwagon Foundation and was doing a bit of research into something and it brought her to Morioh. She had to be careful of what she told humans. Too much information could be dangerous to them.

(Y/n) was invited to stay with the family by Josuke after he ran it by his mother first. She said it was okay. The teen was pretty excited after this, especially since it meant that he had a sibling. She stayed in Josuke's room and helped Tomoko around the house as a payment for being allowed to stay. The girl did disappear sometimes, only to come back. When asked, she said she went to the hospital in Tokyo to visit a friend who was in a coma.
When they were walking around Morioh together, Josuke finally asked, "(y/n), can you tell me about your friend in a coma?" The little plum haired girl hugged her doll in her small arms tighter, "His name is Noriaki Kakyoin. He has been in a coma for years after the fight he had in Egypt. His spine was snapped, his had a hole punched through him." The violet-blue eyed teen listened and gave a small nervous laugh and lightly rubbed the back of his head, "Perhaps... I could help?"

The little girl's red eyes were looking up to him when he looked back down at her, "You can?" "Yeah. I mean...," the teen looked around then knelt by the little girl, "I can heal things. Maybe I can help your friend." He saw her red eyes light up with hope. She grabbed his hand, "Please! At least try and help Kakyoin!" Her small hand pulled him with surprising amounts of strength, he was dragged to the taxi station. He finally relented and agreed to go to Tokyo with her.
He could tell the little girl was bursting with excitement. She was extremely familiar with the way to the hospital and showed Josuke where to go. She knew where the room was when they did get to the hospital. Josuke followed and found who they were going to see. It was a sad sight. A red haired man in a comatose state. He was skinny, lost a lot of muscle mass. His skin was very pale and sickly looking. The violet-blue eyed teen watched as the little girl hopped up on the bed next to the man. "Kakyoin, I'm back. I brought a friend.," the little girl said, "He's going to try to make you better."

She looked back to Josuke and waved him to come closer. Josuke did hesitantly. He placed his hand over the comatose man's form. (Y/n) felt energy from Josuke pouring into Kakyoin. The red haired man's heart rate spiked. The little girl saw his scars fade a little and heard him take in a deep breath. "Kakyoin?," the girl asked. Josuke pulled his hand away after he finished. (Y/n)'s red eyes never left Kakyoin's face. She saw the signs of him waking up before, slowly, his eyes opened.
Soft and kind violet eyes opened and looked around. They first met with the red ones of the Little pillar, "(y/n)... DIO...." "it's okay Kakyoin.," the little girl spoke softly, "He's dead. After one hundred years, he is dead. You've been in a coma for eleven years. I did all that I could to save you back then." The red haired man gave a small smile, "DIO is dead... good. Is everyone else okay? Iggy, Avdol?" "Alive. Iggy is with Polnareff, he's an old dog now.." the little girl giggled, "But everyone is okay."

Kakyoin sat up with some help from (y/n), he looked behind her to Josuke. "Who is this?," the red haired man asked. (Y/n) looked back and smiled, "He is the one who woke you up. Go ahead and introduce yourself." The teen stepped up, "My name is Josuke Higashikata, nice to meet you, Kakyoin-san." The red haired man smiled a little when Josuke bowed and gave a bow in return, "Thank you, Josuke."
"No problem.," the teen said as the little pillar hugged Kakyoin. The red haired man gave her a hug back. "Kakyoin, you have so much to see. There so much in this world.," the little girl said, "So many things have changed." Kakyoin listened to the little girl with a patient smile, "(y/n), how are my parents? Are they okay?" "Yes, they come to visit you ever so often like I do. We see each other a lot.," the girl answered and hugged Kakyoin more, "All of us were worried about you! Everyone will be happy to hear you are awake!"

(Y/n) kept her arms around the neck of the red haired man. He felt a wetness on his shoulder. Kakyoin patted her back, "(y/n)... We won. I meant what I said on that rooftop years ago. I am happy to have met you, you made my childhood less lonely." Josuke coughed to get the little girl's attention, "We need to get back to Morioh. Mom will kill me if we are home late." The plum haired girl let go of Kakyoin and hopped off the bed. "Bye bye, Noriaki.," the red eyed girl said, "Focus on recovering. And happy late new year. It was last week." "What year is it?," the red haired man asked. "1999.," Josuke said. "Oh. So it has been around eleven years since I was attacked by DIO.," Kakyoin said and then looked to the little girl, "You also had a few birthdays too. You're how old now? 4217?"
The pillar gave him a nod, "Exactly!" Kakyoin chuckled, "Happy belated birthday. But you two should go. I'll keep in contact. I need to start the recovery process." The girl waved goodbye as she and the teen left the room.

Josuke looked down at the girl, "You are over 4,000 years old?" The small pillar nodded. "I was wondering why you had a picture from the 1800s in your bag.," Josuke said, "So who where those people?" "The family that adopted me.," (y/n) answered as she hopped up onto Josuke's shoulder as they left the hospital, "I miss them." The violet-blue eyed boy let the little girl sit on his shoulder as they went to get a taxi, "Well, if you feel like telling me about them one day, I'll listen." "Then perhaps I'll tell you. Along with stories of our papa.," the little girl said with a smile and gripped o to his head.
"Owowow! Watch the hair.," the teen said and reached up to take her off of his shoulder, "It takes a long time to do." "What does it look like down?," the little girl asked, "Does it look like papa's used to?" "I don't know about that.," Josuke said, "But you never told me how we are related. You're older than me." "I'm adopted.," the little girl said, "Your father defeated mine in a battle over seventy years ago. He took me in as his own daughter."

The taxi ride back to Morioh was pleasant. Josuke and (y/n) talked softly to each other and to the driver. The little girl paid the taxi with the money she had so Josuke would not have financial burden on him. The two went back to his place and were greeted by an angry Tomoko. "And where were you two?! I could not find you anywere!," the woman said and Josuke flinched. "Sorry, mom, we were...," Josuke stuttered before the girl answered for him. "We were visiting my friend in Tokyo hospital. We stayed a bit longer because he woke up from his coma.," the little girl said, "I asked Josuke to come with me."
Tomoko sighed, "You should have told me. It's a school night for Josuke." "I'm sorry.," the plum haired girl said and bowed. Tomoko motioned her son to go and get ready for dinner, she lowered herself down to the girl's height. "Have you checked in with the Speedwagon foundation and your family?," the woman asked. "I'll call them tonight.," the child responded, "I need to give them the news that Noriaki is awake." "How about you call them now?," Tomoko asked, "I'm sure they will want to hear about this." The tiny pillar picked up the phone and called the foundation. Tomoko and Josuke listened in a little as the child talked to someone on the other line excitedly before she seemed to deflate then get a little mad, "I'm not coming back to America." They heard her say and she hung up in a huff.
This got Josuke a little curious. He brushed it off as the horned child wandered into the room where they were to sit down with them. She did not eat much of anything. They assumed she found food elsewhere.

Three months later.
April 1999

(Y/n) jumped on Josuke to wake him up early. She was in a little heart patterned dress that was mailed to her from America. The plum haired girl pressed his cheeks and pinched his nose. "Josuke! Get up! First day of high school!," the little girl said with a happy voice, "Get up, let's go!" She bounced on his chest. Josuke rolled over and held her under his arm. The little girl kicked lightly and fussed at the teen as he was groaning.
"Not now. It's early.," the teen said. "You play too many video games too late into the night!," the child said, "Get up before I start licking you." "You wouldn't.," Josuke said and felt a wet trail along his cheek. He dropped the little girl and she ran out of his room squealing happily.

The little plum haired girl waited for Josuke to eat breakfast and get ready. The little girl hummed as she held her doll and waited. She felt her hair accessories being fixed. She assumed that her mother's ghost was doing her hair and continued to play with her doll. She looked up when she heard Josuke walk in. He looked great in his new uniform. He had customized it a bit too. "So, what do you think?," Josuke asked and posed for the little girl. (Y/n) laughed at his pose and grinned, "Looking very good, Josuke!" "You're looking really cute in that valentine's day dress.," Josuke said with a grin.
"You better get going, Josuke, you don't want to miss the entrance ceremony.," His mother said, "Go with him to make sure he gets there, (y/n)." The plum haired little girl nodded and jumped onto Josuke's shoulder as he left after grabbing something to eat. He walked out of house with his stepsister on his shoulder. The little girl was hugging his head gently. The air was warm in the spring morning, the sun was out and the day was clear. Josuke stopped at a bus station to watch a turtle that just came out of hibernation. He and his stepsister both watched the turtle. "Look at him! He's so cute.," the little girl chirped as Josuke shuddered. "I think they are a little creepy.," the teen said. The girl puffed her cheeks up, "They are cute."

She felt some human teens come up behind her and Josuke after they harassed a smaller boy. The little girl looked behind her and saw her nephew, Jotaro. He was not paying attention to her or anything else. She knew that he was there for some reason, was it to take her back to America so that she could get a checkup? She did not like the needles. She hid behind her stepbrother's legs. Her small hands gripped his pants. She did not like these upperclassmen that were harassing him. One of them saw her and started to tease her. She hid further behind Josuke. Mostly because her horns were showing slightly, she was a little self conscious about her horns because she had to hide them from people.
She saw the leader of these humans pick up the turtle that she and Josuke were watching and throw the poor thing against the concrete. Josuke stood to his full height, taller than these bullies. The little girl whined after seeing what they did to the turtle. The poor reptile did not do anything to deserve that. The bullies demanded Josuke's valuables and clothing as the bus pulled up. Only, they made the mistake of insulting his hair. This pissed Josuke off.

A pink arm came from behind Josuke and punched the bully leader in the nose, the little plum haired pillar followed up by kicking his legs out from under him and giving him a gut punch to make him go flying. Josuke followed the bully as (y/n) picked up his schoolbag and hid from Jotaro. Her stepbrother continued to be utterly brutal and unforgiving to the guy who insulted his precious hair.
Josuke walked over to the turtle and gently picked it up. He brought it back to the pond and put it into the water. He made sure to heal the massive crack in its shell as well. The violet-blue eyed teen yelled at the older boys and scared them off. They all ran away like scared children. (Y/n) hid as she sensed Jotaro walking up. He was going to confront Josuke, more than likely with the information of who his father is. The little girl sensed that the smaller boy from before was walking up as well.
She heard Josuke get scared by the turtle as it climbed out of the pond.

"Josuke Higashikata, born in 1983. Your mother's name is Tomoko. She was 21 at the time and going to college in Tokyo. You have lived here in Morioh since you were born. In 1987, you came down with a mysterious illness that vanished after fifty days of suffering on the brink of life and death. Your father's name is...," Jotaro said then paused, "Joseph Joestar. He is currently 78 years old. He is the founder of the Joestar real estate firm. He is doing well, but I was looking in on how to split the inheritance when I came across you, his illegitimate son living here in japan. He was not aware of you until recently."
(Y/n) peeked her head out. Jotaro was just going on and on. She needed to get Josuke to school, but he was in her way. "Old bastard, always on about how he loves his wife only then find out he had a son at the age of 62 as a result of an affair. I guess I shouldn't have said that.," Jotaro spoke with as much grace as and antelope with a broken leg, "My name is Jotaro Kujo. I am technically your nephew. I came to find you and tell you this, plus a few other reasons including seeing if you were still alive." "Alive?," Josuke asked. Jotaro motioned for the teen to follow, "Let's walk and talk together. You too, (y/n)."

Josuke looked behind him as the little girl walked up with an irritated expression on her face towards Jotaro. She gave the teen his school bag and jumped onto his shoulder as they walked together. A silver haired boy followed behind them. "You will inherit one third of the old man's inheritance.," Jotaro said, "That is another reason I came. The Whole household has been in an uproar since the affair came to light. I needed to see if you and your family was still alive." "Alive, uproar?," Josuke said and bowed quickly, "I'm sorry that my presence has caused your family such grief! But my mother said that she was in love with my father when she had me. She is still in love." Jotaro looked down at Josuke bowing and (y/n) sitting on his back.
The teen rose after a bit, "What was that about checking to see if I was alive?" Jotaro looked towards the tiny pillar on the teen's back, "Because of her. I wanted to see if she had killed you and your family in a rage. She might be small and harmless looking, but she is probably one of the most frightening creatures on this planet. You probably gathered that she is not human, not fully, anyways." The teen nodded, "Yeah, I learned that she is 4,217 years old from a guy named Kakyoin."

"So you met Kakyoin.," Jotaro said with a small smile. "It was Josuke's stand that healed Kakyoin.," the little girl finally piped up. Josuke had a puzzled expression. This was broken by some girls walking up and speaking to Josuke. They complimented him and his handsome looks as well as say hello to the little girl they were familiar with riding on his shoulder. The child hopped off of his shoulder and pulled at his hand to tell him to continue walking on.
Jotaro get irritated by the girls and told them to get lost, that they can have a 'stupid talk about his hair later'. In Josuke's mind, That translated to his hair being insulted and a fight was started between him and Jotaro. A fight that (y/n) intercepted by making a bladed wing appear between the two after they traded blows.
Jotaro had to explain what stands were to Josuke. He also showed a picture of someone to the Japanese teen. A person who was bad news. The boy who was following them, Koichi, was told to stay clear of this evil person.

Josuke ran off with Koichi to get to school on time, leaving Jotaro with (y/n). The man picked up his aunt and carried her to take her to the awaiting transport vehicle that would take her to the airport. Then back to America.

(Y/n) was not happy about it.

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