ch 8 The hard choice

The raiders walked through the plants and killed some of the people working on it. Outside the building one raider stood guard in case any of tried to flank them. That wouldn't mean anything since he wasted expecting an attack from above

(Y/N): Look out below!

The raider looked up just in time to receive a fist to his jaw and fell down with the punch. To add insult to injury, (Y/N) landed right on top of him and used him as a cushion. It was not a great day to be a raider

(Y/N): Crap! How did dad always walk this off

He grabbed his pistol and kept low as he sent back inside. Once he looked inside he saw a bunch of raiders shooting at Ellie, Maria and Donald. They shot back whenever they could but the window of open was small

He noticed that one of the raiders were alone so he took a chance. He jumped on his back and, in a quick motion, twisted his body in one direction and broke the man's neck.

From there he took his knife and snuck up on another one and shaved it into his throat. Although the guy screamed making the rest of the raiders look at him

They point their guns at him but widened the window for Ellie and Maria. They shot at the raiders first and hit one of them in the neck and the other in the thigh. He fell down giving (Y/N) enough time to run up to him and kick his face

Just then two more men ran in and before they could shoot they stop. The reason being was because Joel and Tommy had just ran into the scene

Ellie: Joel!

She ran straight towards him and Maria went to Tommy. Last to leave the room was Donald who waddled his way to him

Donald: *honk*

(Y/N): At least I have you to wait for me, Donald

He gave him a head pat and he leaned onto it

Time skip

Tommy and Maria were now arguing outside as Ellie and Joel watched. (Y/N) on the other hand, he was talking with with one of the men who was treating a horse. As they were talking Ellie came over to him

(Y/N): Hey Ellie?

She ignored him and got on top of the horse

(Y/N): Ellie!

She rode off as everyone looked at her. Thinking quickly (Y/N) jumps on the horse next to him, with Donald in hand, and quickly chased after her. She quit following the road and went off course into the woods trying to lose him

He lagged behind a bit but kept on her trail and saw her stop at a farm house. He stopped next to her horse and ried it up so it wouldn't wonder off and barges into the house

(Y/N): Ellie!

Donald: *honk*

He went from room to room in search for Ellie and eventually found her in a bedroom. The room was girlish looking, must've been one before it all started

(Y/N): What the hell is your problem! You can't just run out like that!

Ellie: What do you care!

(Y/N): What is your problem, Ellie. You could've died or worse, you could become one of those damn things

Ellie: Don't act like you care, you were just gonna leave me like Joel

(Y/N): What?!

Ellie: Don't think I don't know. After today you're going to stay here an leave alone. You're gonna abandon me like everyone else!

(Y/N): Ellie I have family here! You're not the only one who lost people but I could have a family again

Ellie: And what about me?! What about all the shit that we've been through. Does that mean nothing to you

(Y/N): That's not the point

Ellie: Oh bullshit it's not the point! You're gonna leave after we've crossed the damn state to get here and for an uncle you haven't met in years

(Y/N): Ellie-

Ellie: No (Y/N)! I'm not gonna sit at and let you leave me too.

At this point she had tears streamed down her face. (Y/N) sighed and walked towards the window where a bench was. He sat down and gestured for Ellie to join him

She did and (Y/N) handed her Donald for comfort. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a small journal. But that didn't matter, what did matter was the picture inside the journal. He handed it to Ellie so she could see it

(Y/N): Those are my parents. The one on the left was my dad, my mom, and finally grandpa Sully. He was lucky to go out naturally. *sniff* Months before I met you... I watched them die

Ellie: (Y/N)

(Y/N): My mom died of blood loss and I tried so hard to save my dad. It was a loss cause, a bullet through the throat would do that

Ellie: (Y/N) I'm sorry

(Y/N): It's not your fault. It's mine. I shouldn't have frozen up

Ellie: No it wasn't!

(Y/N): Yeah it was


(Y/N) woke up inside a car and heard a could yells from outside. The car was flipped upside down and Elena and Nathan were now to be seen. With no other option he crawled out of the car and, luckily, grabbed a revolver that was outside the car

He got up to his feet and wiped the blood from his eyes to see clearly. He walks out and saw several men wearing red holding his partner at gun point

???: Wait, wait, wait!

One of the men in a red tank top and a mohawk said

???: Do I know you? I swear I've seen you somewhere before

Nathan: What can I say I have a common face

???: *giggles* You got jokes, hermano! I like you. I like you a lot

Then a twig snapped. Everyone looked over at the sound and saw (Y/N) standing there with a gun in hand

???: Who is this, is this your chamaco?

Elena: You leave him-

???: I did NOT interrupt you so I expect the same amount of courtesy. Seriously, when did being polite die?

The men point their guns closer to them and forces them to shut up. They grew fear in their eyes as the man inches closer to (Y/N)

(Y/N) pointed the gun at him making him stop and laugh

???: You got balls, hermano. You got balls. Tell me are they big enough to pull the trigger

He starts walked again and towards him but (Y/N) didn't shoot. He was too scared to pull the trigger, he's never killed another human being before but he wasn't looking st another human being

The man grabbed the gun but didn't take it away. He did something insane. He pointed the gun direction to his head and looks (Y/N) in the eyes

???: Tell you what, if you pull the trigger and blow my brains out I'll let you and your familia go, deal?

(Y/N) didn't say anything out of fear

???: Come on man it's fucking easy, just pull the fucking trigger.

(Y/N) was shaking now and it was hard to keep the gun steady now. The man grabbed the barrel just to keep it stealing

???: Come on just shoot me mother fucker let's go! SHOOT ME MOTHER FUCKING, COME ON!

But he didn't then he lightly smacks his face while laughing.

???: You just fucked you and your family over hermano. You could've saved them

That was the last thing he heard before the man took the gun from his hand and used it to knock him out cold

Flashback over

(Y/N): The next time I woke up my mom was dead. And that fucker. That mother fucker was laughing, smiling, I want to kill him so fucking bad Ellie. I'm scared of what I'm becoming

He wipes some tears away

Ellie: I....

She kept quiet. She was speechless at how much he went through. Losing everything in just a day

(Y/N): You don't have to say anything, I wouldn't know what to say either

They both had a few tears running down their face. At this point Ellie had realized something she's had a feeling on for a while

The door then bust open and Joel walked in. (Y/N) decided to leave them to talk it out. He already poured his heart out so now it was her turn and left Donald to help her out

After a while of screaming in the room Tommy noticed something. The raiders followed them all the way to the house

Tommy: Shit

He runs into the room and quit tells Joel about it. They go and take care of them and leave (Y/N) and Ellie alone in the room. They were left in an awkwardly silence as screamed was heard from raiders and a couple gunshots

Hoping to lighten the tension he wraps his arm around Ellie's shoulders. She inches closer toward him and cries softly on his chest while holding Donations

Soon enough Joel and Tommy cleared the house and no one else was left alive. They take their horses and ride out to Jackson county with a depressed aroma surrounded them

Tommy: Therr she is. Kids will be watching movies tonight

Joel: Where is this lab of theirs

Tommy: It's all the way out – University of Eastern Colorado

Joel: Go big horns. Ellie get off your horse, give it back to Tommy. I'm gonna hang on to this fell if that's alright with you

(Y/N): I'd like to do the same. Oh and can you look after him while I'm gone

He hands Donald over to Tommy

Tommy: What are you on about? Your uncle is just over there

(Y/N): He can wait a couple more months

Tommy: What are you both doing?

Joel: Don't know about (Y/N) but your wife kinda scares me. I don't want her come after me

Ellie hands the horse back and apologises for stealing her

Tommy: At least come back to town and discuss it at least

Joel: My mind's all made up

(Y/N): If you know my uncle then you know *grunt* how stubborn us Drakes can be

He says as he helps Ellie mount his horse

Joel: University Easterbrook Colorado. How do I find this lab

Tommy: It's the science building. Looks like a giant mirror, you can't miss it

(Y/N): Simple enough

Tommy: There's a place for you here, both of you, you know

Joel: You both good?

Ellie: We're good

Joel: Adios, little brother

After their goodbye they head straight to Colorado on horseback. Ellie tightly holds onto (Y/N) with a growing blush on her face.

Ellie: Thank you

(Y/N): After all we've been through you really think I'll just leave you alone?! Can't get rid of me that easily Ellie

She laughs then realizes something, she still had his picture and reached into her pocket to return it. As she was about to do it (Y/N) stopped her

(Y/N): Hold onto it for me will you?

She smiled and put it somewhat safe then enjoying the rest of the ride to Colorado

At least I didn't keep you waiting another 7 months right. Another update and were one step closer to the end of the first game. Get ready for more Vaas before he's coming and he's going to make a warrior out of you. Anyway that's all bye

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