ch 7 Welcome to Jackson


Ellie: Jackson county. That means were close to Jackson city, right?

Joel: Shouldn't be more than a few miles

After several weeks they made it to Jackson county. Ellie seems quite excited while Joel and (Y/N) felt a bit nervous

Ellie: You're both seeing your family again. How do you two feel

(Y/N): I don't know. I've only met him a couple of times

Joel: how many times?

(Y/N): 3, my parents liked to move around a lot. I hope he remembers me

Joel: I think he will

(Y/N): How can you be so sure?

Joel: You can never forget about your family, I know that for a fact

???: *honk*

The trio turned around and saw a duck was following them. It wasn't just any duck, it was Donald!!

Joel: I swear that duck is following us

(Y/N): Holy shit is that Donald

Donald: *honk*

Donald waddled up to (Y/N) and he picked him up

Ellie: Holy shit that's adorable

Joel: You named it

(Y/N): Ofcourse I did. Can't have a duck with no name following us

Joel: *sigh* You're lucky were close kid

They walk the remaining miles up to Jackson as Ellie and (Y/N) fawn over Donald. Sadly the road seemed to have collapsed and made the path useless

Ellie: So much for this road

Joel: We'll just follow the river. It'll lead us straight to Tommy's

They carefully traversed down the river and following it up stream

Ellie: So what happened to you two?

Joel: What do you mean?

Ellie: You and Tommy... you're not together, so clearly something went wrong

Joel: We just had a bit of a disagreement, that's all

(Y/N): That's one hell of a disagreement, ain't that right Donald?

Donald: *honk*

Ellie: So what was it about?

Joel: Tommy saw the world one way, I saw it the other

(Y/N): So he joined the Fireflies?

Joel: Yeah, Marlene promised him hope. That kept him busy for a while, but just like Tommy, he eventually quit that too

Ellie: How was it, the last time you saw him?

Joel: I believe the last words to me were, "I don't want to see your god damned face again"

(Y/N): Shit! You think he'll help us?

Joel: I suppose we're going to find out

Ellie: Well, with or without his help, we'll get there

Donald: *honk*

Ellie: Donald agrees with me

Joel: let's just keep going

They soon come across a wierd looking river. Once (Y/N) got a clear view he hot excited and pulled out his notebook, but set Donald down first

(Y/N): Is that what I think it is!

Ellie: What is it?

Joel: That's a hydroelectric power plant

Ellie: A hydro who?

(Y/N): It's basically a river that makes electricity

Joel: How do you know what hydroelectricity even means

(Y/N): I learned everything from my parents, if I know about it, they taught me about it

Ellie: How's it work?

(Y/N): That, they didn't teach me

He finished sketching the river and put his notebook away and picked up his duck friend

They cross the river and walk up the hill, up to a gate and Joel tries to open it but is stopped by a group of armed men

Woman: Don't even think about reaching for your weapons

Ellie then points her gun at the woman

Woman: Tell the girl to drop hers. Now

Joel: Ellie, do as the lady says

Ellie: Okay

She puts her hands up along with (Y/N) and Joel

Woman: Please tell me you're lost

Joel: We didn't know the place was occupied. We're just trying to make our way through

Woman: Through to where?

Guy: They're alright

Woman: What, you know these people?

Guy: I know him

The guy opened up the gate and stepped out

Guy: He's my goddamn brother

Joel: Tommy

Tommy: Holy shit

Tommy goes to Joel and hugs him, as Joel returns it. Meanwhile (Y/N) was looking inside hoping to find his uncle

Joel: How you doing, baby brother?

Tommy: Goddamn. Let me look at you

He backed up a bit but kept his hand on Joel's shoulder

Tommy: You got fucking old

Joel let out a dry chuckle and moved Tommy's hand off his shoulder

Joel: Easy - it's gonna happen to you too

The woman who told Ellie to put her gun down then walked down and met up with Tommy

Tommy: This is Maria. Be nice to her, she runs things around here

Joel: Ma'am. Thanks for not blowing my head off

Maria: would've been embarrassing, considering you're my brother-in-law

Tommy: We all gotta get wrangled up at some point

They then look over at the two kids

Maria: Ellie, right?

Ellie: Yeah

Maria: And you are?

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N) and this one's Donald

Donald: *honk*

Maria: Hello Donald. So what brings you through here?

Ellie: Uh... it's kinda a long story

Tommy: Why don't we bring them inside

Maria: Alright. You two hungry

Ellie: Starving

(Y/N): You got any duck food

Maria: You know that's a goose right?

(Y/N): *gasp*

They lead them inside and show them around the plantation and call off everyone. As they walk around (Y/N) starts looking around hoping to find his uncle

Maria: You looking for someone kid?

(Y/N): Yeah, actually, I'm looking for my uncle

Maria: We have a lot of people in Jackson, what's his name?

(Y/N): Sam, Sam Drake. I'm surprised you didn't recognize me but I guess we all changed a little

Maria: Sam?! Wait your little Francis

(Y/N): Oh God

As soon as Ellie heard his old nickname she chocked on her own saliva. After she recovered she started laughing her ass off

Ellie: Little Francis oh my god I'm never gonna let you live this down

(Y/N): Oh Goddamnit.

Maria: Where are Nathan and Elena? Did you get separated

(Y/N): They're dead actually

Maria: Oh, I'm sorry

(Y/N): It's fine. I had over half a year to cope with it.

Maria: That's mature of you

(Y/N): They always told me to be ready for anything. That also meant to be ready for their death. I just wish I had a little more time

Maria: We all do, but just be glad you had as much as you did

The somber moment was then quickly changed by Ellie as she ran over to the horses

Ellie: Whoa, you have horses

Tommy: Yeah we got a whole lot of 'em

She got near it and looked at it then over at Maria

Ellie: Can I?

Maria: Yeah ofcourse. He likes to be pet behind the ears. You ever ride one?

Ellie: I actually have

Joel: Whne have you ridden a horse?

Ellie: Winston, this soldier back in the zone. He gave me lessons

Maria: You know if you want we can take them riding later

Ellie: That'd be awesome. (Y/N) you wanna come, you can ride with me?

(Y/N): You don't think I can rode a horse?

Ellie: No

(Y/N): It's like riding a bike but the bike's alive and can throw you off, at least that's what my dad said

Ellie: He used to ride on horses?

(Y/N): Only a couple times in the desert while he was - you know what, that's a story for another time

Ellie: Oh come on that sounded interesting. Joel tell him!

Joel: What do you want me to do?

Ellie: I don't know make him tell me

Joel: (Y/N) tell her the story

(Y/N): Later

Joel: Well you can't say I didn't try

They go inside the plantation and Maria gets radioed to go down to the control room. Tommy decided to volunteer and Joel went with him. Ellie also wanted to go but she reluctantly stayed behind with Maria, Donald and (Y/N)

Maria took them to get some food and then lead them to an old office

(Y/N): Hey Maria where's my uncle

Maria: He's back in Jackson. He's a scavenger and he just returned not that long ago. Figured he deserved a break

(Y/N): Oh. Can I go see him?

Maria: Sure I can have some of my boys take you there. I can give him the news if you want

(Y/N): No it's better if I do it

He looks down a bit saddened and Donald seems to have noticed. He pushed himself up again his face hoping to help

Maria: So, Ellie, what made you guys wanna come all the way from Boston to Jackson

(Y/N): Now that I think about it you never really told me why you guys are going out here

Ellie: I'm not supposed to tell. That's a question for him

Maria: You know you kinda remind me of Sarah

(Y/N): Who?

Maria: Joel's daughter

(Y/N): I didn't know he had a daughter

Ellie: Neither did I

Maria: She sounded like a sweet girl. Tommy told me a lot about her

Ellie: What happened to her?

(Y/N): Ellie I don't think-

Ellie: I wanna know!

Maria: Before the outbreak Joel had a daughter. From what Tommy told me she was snarky and a bit of a comedian. She was all Joel had

Ellie: What happened to her

Maria: When the outbreak happened her, Tommy, and Joel tried to get out of Texas and somewhere safe. They almost made it. Sadly Sarah was shot and died in Joel's arms

There was a small moment of silence that followed after but was then disturbed when the lights came on. Although this really didn't seem to change the mood for them

(Y/N): That explains a lot

Ellie: Yeah no kidding

Maria: He's been through a lot. Him and Tommy both

An alarm then went off and Maria grabbed her gun

Ellie: What's happening?

Maria: Goddamn raiders! They've been trying to get this plantation for a while now. You kids know how to kill?

Ellie: Wouldn't have made it this far if we didn't

They then heard someone trying to break in

Maria: Shit

She used her radio to call Tommy as (Y/N) and Ellie just look at the door. (Y/N) then looks up and sees a window

(Y/N): I have an idea. Hold Donald for me

Ellie: Is it stupid?

(Y/N): You want an honest answer?

Ellie: No, not really

(Y/N): Then hold Donald

He handed Donald over to her and quickly looks around. He sees a couple shelves near the wall so he runs over and climbs up to the windows he saw earlier


I know there wasn't a lot of action this chapter and I'm sorry but I promise you'll get more of it in the next one. For now I hope you enjoyed this one and I'll see y'all in the next one bye

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