ch 5 helping hands
Joel and (Y/N) land at the bottom and spread out to cover more ground. (Y/N) grabs a brick and throws it to distract them. They go and check it out as him and Joel sneak behind two of them kill them. Joel then grabs another one and uses him as a shield and shoots the rest
Ellie snipes one trying to get behind him and Joel chokes the hostage out. With everyone dead Ellie jumps down from her vantage point and regroups with the other two
Ellie: How'd I do?
Joel takes the rifle away and hands her a handgun from a dead hunter
Joel: How about something a'..... a little more your size. For emergencies only
Ellie: Okay
She grabs it and puts it away then they continue forward. The came across more hunters but at this point they could trust each other. They quickly killed them all and moved on
As they moved on Ellie noticed some spray painting saying Death for freedom. Along with that were 3 dead bodies of soldiers
Ellie: Geez. I guess this is how it ended for this zone
Joel: Every battle has a loosing side
(Y/N): Poor guys. They were just doing their job
Joel: Well the people really didn't appreciate their jobs. Especially now. C'mon we gotta keep moving
Joel asked (Y/N) to grab the ladder while he gave him a boost. He climbed up to the fire escape and dropped the ladders down for them. They jump off the other side of the wall and Ellie sees a poster
Ellie: Hey there's another one. These posters are everywhere
Joel: I saw this right before the outbreak
Ellie: You did? Does he totally gut her hy the end?
Joel: Nobody get gutted. It's a dumb teen movie
(Y/N): Then why'd you watch it
Joel: I don't know
(Y/N): huh. And were the wierd ones
A short while later they see a large armored truck pass by as they hide from it. The truck had a mounted gun on it so with no other choice they decide to sneak by it. That didn't work out because as soon as they try and cross the street they get spotted
They make a run for they alleyway as the truck keeps shooting and following them. They cut through a building and catch a breath
Ellie: What the fuck are they shooting at us with?
Joel: Dome kind of military turret
(Y/N): How the hell did they get their hands on one?
Joel: That doesn't matter. We need to find another way out
They search the building for supplies and another way out, one without a turret mounted gun on the other side. (Y/N) then sees an open window and gets a, not so smart, idea
(Y/N): Alright I got and idea, follow me!
He jumps out the window and onto a fire escape then goes up the stairs. They follow him as the truck is still searching for them down below. They go to the next floor and see a pile of planks making a small bridge to the other building
(Y/N): This makes things easier
Joel: What was your plan to begin with?
(Y/N): Jump to the other building, but looks like we don't have to jump anymore
Joel: *sigh* Better than nothing. Let me go first
They shimmy along the ledge of the building and make it to an open window. Joel jumps in and is immediately grabbed by a person. (Y/N) jumps in to help him but the man back hands him and looks confused
???: What the-
Joel takes the opportunity and flips him over then proceeds to beat the shit out of him
Ellie: Joel stop!
He stops punching him and she points to the kid who is pointing a gun at them
???: Leave him alone
They back away and put their hands up while (Y/N) lays on the floor holding his jaw
Joel: Easy, son. Just take it easy
???2: It's alright. They're not the bad guy. Lower the gun
The kid slowly lowers the gun and Ellie helps (Y/N) get back up to his feet
???2: Man, you hit hard
Joel: Yeah, well, I was trying to kill you
???2: Yeah. I thought you were one of them too. Then I saw you
He pointed at (Y/N)
???2: If you haven't noticed, they don't keep kids around. Survival of the fittest. I'm Henry. This is Sam. I think I caught your name was Joel?
Ellie: Ellie. The guy you punch is (Y/N)
(Y/N): Dude, you got one mean bitch slap
He rubbed his jaw and moves it around
Henry: Yeah, I'm sorry about that
(Y/N): It's alright
Joel: How many are with you?
Sam: They're all dead
Henry: Hey. We don't know that. There were a bunch of us. Someone had the brilliant idea of entering the city. Look for supplies. Those fuckers - they ambushing us. Scattered us. Now it's all about getting out of this shithole
Ellie: Maybe we can help each other
Joel: Ellie!
Ellie: Safety in numbers and all that
Henry: She's right. We could help each other. We got a hideout not far from here. Be safer if we chat there
(Y/N): We could use the help
Joel: Alright take us there
Henry: Follow me
He leads them out of the building and into a small toy store. They hear the truck outside and take cover, letting it pass by
Henry: Man... that fucking truck. It's been hounding us ever since we got in this damn- Sam what're you doing
He looks at Sam who has a toy robot in his hands
Sam: Nothing
Henry: Get rid of it
Sam: My backpack is practically empty
Henry: What's the rule about taking stuff?
Sam: It weighs like nothing
Henry: The rule- what is it?
Sam: We only take what we have to
Henry: That's right. Now come on
Sam drops the toy and they exit out the back. (Y/N) goes to follow but he sees Ellie stay behind and pick up the toy. She sees him but he just winks and they continue following them
They walk into a hotel and Henry opens the door for the. Once inside he locks it and they settle down
Sam: So how old are you guys?
Ellie: Us? Fourteen and (Y/N) is..... how old are you?
(Y/N): Fourteen as well. How about you?
Sam: Ah.... the same
Henry: Oh you're Fourteen, huh?
Sam: I'm close
Henry: *chuckle* Alright
Sam: I am
Henry opens another door that leads into and office
Henry: Welcome to my office
They walk in and the kids start to get to know each other
Ellie: So how long have you guys been holed up in here?
Sam: A few days. We found a bit of food though. Here
Sam shows them the stash of blueberries and they grab some. (Y/N) tosses one in the air and catches it in his mouth
Ellie: Woah how'd you do that?
(Y/N): My mom taught me. Just takes a bit of practice
He tosses one in the air again and catches it. Ellie tries to do it but it land on her eye instead. They laugh at her attempts and then Sam goes next
Henry: It's been a while since boy even cracked a smile. They don't seem bothered by all this
Joel:..... So where were you heading
Henry pulls up a chair and sits down and explains his plan to Joel
Time skip
It was currently night time and (Y/N) was looking out the window, down at the bridge. They go outside and avoid being spotted by the light that the hunters are using
(Y/N): Joel you still have those nail bombs
Joel: Yeah, I'm on it
He throws on on top of the gate and it explodes killing everyone on top. The five of them clear out the rest using the shadows as an advantage. Once that was done they open the gate quickly as the armored truck shows up. They get through and lock the gate behind them
Henry: Keep your eyes open, we ain't out of this mess yet
Joel help Henry up to a by giving him and his brother a boost. He then gives Ellie a boost but the small ladder breaks and the truck trying to break past the gate.
Ellie: Hurry we gotta get them up
Henry: I'm sorry... we're leaving
(Y/N): Excuse me!?
Henry takes sam and runs away from the truck
Ellie: What the fuck, Henry?
Ellie jumps down to them as they both look at her shocked and confused
Ellie: We're sticking together
Joel: Fine. This way
He goes to a nearby gate and opens it so that they can go through. Once they get through Ellie and (Y/N) hold it up while Joel goes in then drop it. They kill the hunters in the next room and run outside. Sadly the truck rams the gate and breaks through
Joel: RUN!
(Y/N): WE ARE!
They run to the bridge that's with reach as the truck shoots at them with very poor aim. They squeeze through a but and a truck to buy them some time but it leads to nowhere because the bridge is broken
Ellie: Oh fuck
(Y/N): What do we do now
Joel: How many bullets do you two have?
(Y/N): Not enough to destroy that truck
Ellie: We can't fight that. They're gonna kill us
Joel: What other choice do we have?
Ellie: We jump
(Y/N): You can't even swim, Ellie
The truck then rams the small semi and pushes it a bit. Ellie then looks down and back at (Y/N)
(Y/N): What?
Ellie: I'm sorry (Y/N)
She then pushes him while holding onto him as tight as possible while Joel follows. They land in the water, but the current is to strong. (Y/N) holds onto Ellie as they go down stream. He turns his head around and sees a pipe heading straight toward him and hits him on his old wound making him unconscious
I know this one isn't as long as the others but I think this is a good place to stop on. Quick question should I keep Henry alive or not. Y'all can vote on this. Anyway that's all bye
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