ch 4 city ambush
My head hurt so much. I get up and hold my head and feel a warm liquid. I hear a door open and Ellie screaming as Joel tries to grab onto her but is pulled out by another man. I look at my door and and as I suspected a man tries to pull me out
I pull my knife out and get ready to fight for my life. The door opens and I jump at the man then stab him in the throat to kill him quickly. We fall to the floor as he gurgles and I look up and see Ellie being held by another guy
Ellie: Get off of me!
I rush over and stab the man on the side and he drops Ellie. He then looks at me and tries to strangle me but Joel comes at him and bashes his head in while I check on Ellie
(Y/N): You alright?
Ellie: *cough* Motherfucker. What is wrote with these guys
Joel: Both of you catch your breath. We're leaving. (Y/N) you alright
(Y/N): I think I'll live
Ellie finally noticed the blood coming out of (Y/N) head
Ellie: Holy shit dude, forget about me, you're in worse shape than me.
(Y/N): Guess I'm just to stubborn to die
Joel passes us our backpack and I grabs my gun from inside my backpack
Ellie: Watch out!
A bullet barely misses Joel's head causing us to duck down under cover. Joel gets behind the counter as Ellie and I hide behind the shelf of the convenient store. I see the men shooting at Joel and completely focus on him so I try to flank them
Ellie: Where are you going?
(Y/N): I'm going to help Joel
Ellie: You can't. You're head is bleeding
(Y/N): A little bit of blood never stopped my family from succeeding. I'll be fine Ellie, I promise
Ellie:.... Urgh fine! You better not fucking die on me
(Y/N): I won't
I quickly go out the side of the store and hide behind some cars. I take aim at one of the men and shoot on in the head. They start shooting at me so I take cover. I look in my backpack and take out a bottle of alcohol that I took from Bill. I open it and grab one of my spare socks and plug it in the bottle and shake it up a bit
I look up from my cover and see that some of the men put their focus back on Joel and some of them tried to come at me. I shoot a couple of shots to keep them back for a while longer and grab a lighter that I 'borrowed' from my uncle Sam. I light my sock on fire and throw it at them and hear a lot of them screaming
I speak over one more time and I see Joel beating a man to death with a pipe
Ellie: Behind you!
I heard Ellie yell and see her throw a brick in my direction. I look behind me just in time to see a man get a brick to the face. He was staggered enough so I could shoot him in the head easily. I look around and see that everyone was dead as Ellie walked up to me
3rd POV
(Y/N): Thanks for the save back there
Ellie quickly walks up to him and punches his chest pretty hard
(Y/N): Ow!
Ellie: You said you would be careful. You nearly fucking died, I was so fucking worried you asshole
(Y/N): Thanks for the love I guess
Ellie: Just be careful next time
(Y/N): I will
Joel walks up to a gate and lifts it up so Ellie and (Y/N) can find something to keep the gate up. Instead (Y/N) grabbed a chain to hold the gate open as Joel goes in and helps him put it back down
Ellie: Guys, look.
The look at Ellie and see a bunch of clothes and supplies along with a dead body on a table.
(Y/N): Oh God
Joel: Fucking hunters. See this could've been us
Ellie: Man, that's a lot of people that didn't make it
Joel: I knew I should've turned that damn truck around
(Y/N): At least we made it out alive
Joel: Barely, c'mon let's get out of here
The leave the room and continue trough the building
Ellie: How did you know?
Joel: Know what?
Ellie: About the ambush
Joel: I've been on both sides
Ellie: Oh. You kill a lot of innocent people?
(Y/N): I think it's for the best that we don't know that answer
Joel: Yeah
After walking through many corridors and looting the supplies from the hunters they make it outside to a pile of burnt bodies. They walk up some steps and Joel spots a bridge in the distance
Joel: All right. There's the bridge, that's our way out of here
(Y/N): Seems like a long walk
Joel: I never said it would be a short one
They jump off the stairs and land on the streets with a bunch of cars. As they walk to the bridge, (Y/N), decided to search for supplies as they walk. He went inside a bus and was surprised to find a comic of Savage Starlight
(Y/N): Hey, Ellie, look at what I found
Ellie: Sweet, can you hold onto it for me
(Y/N): Sure
He puts it in his backpack and gets out of the bus and continues onwards to the bridge. Eventually they jump over a bus and to their surprise most of the hunters are already dead. Joel walks over to one of the bodies and sees bullet holes in the man
Joel: Must've been a shoot out, whoever did this is long gone by now
Ellie looked around and spotted (Y/N) standing a bit away and staring at something. She called to him but he didn't seem to notice. Joel saw him as well so him and Ellie went to check on him
Ellie goes to get (Y/N) attention by grabbing his shoulder and shaking him a bit. He jolted when she grabbed him but calmed down once he saw who it was
Ellie: You alright. You were spacing out for a minute
(Y/N): Yeah..... I just....
He looks back down at the body, that's wearing a red shirt along with a red bandanna, that was beaten to death
(Y/N): Just..... don't really like the color red
He walks away from them before they can even ask him anymore questions
Ellie: You think he knew this guy?
Joel: Doubt it. Probably just brought up some bad memories
Ellie: Like what?
Joel: You should ask him later, we should go
Joel walks away from the body and Ellie just stands there thinking. She then looks at her red shirt
Ellie: Way to go Ellie, unintentionally bring up more bad memories for your friend, reminder don't wear red
They cut through a building and enter an alley them exit into the streets. They hear voices coming from down the road and see two men entering a building. The trio walked up to where the men where and saw that they had moved the plank
Joel: I can't make that jump
(Y/N): I think I can make it
Joel: You sure?
(Y/N): Yeah. I just need a running start
Ellie: Well even if you did, I still wouldn't be able to get there
(Y/N): Why?
Ellie: I can't swim
Joel: Right, I'll look for something for you to step on
(Y/N): Why don't you just hang onto my back as I swim
Ellie: You sure?
(Y/N): It'll save us a lot of time. Now quit arguing and hop on
She sighs and, much to her embarrassment, gets on his back. They swim up to the truck and get on top of it. (Y/N) then hands Joel his backpack and backs up a bit
Joel: You sure you got this?
(Y/N): Yeah. I used to do this kind of stuff with my old man all the times
Joel: Just making sure
(Y/N) takes his running start and jumps to the bus and succeed lands on the other side. He grabs the plank and places it down for the others to cross.
Ellie: You think those hunters are gone
(Y/N): Let's hope so
They go in the hotel and see that the place is empty
Ellie: Woah... this is fancy. You ever stay in a place like this? Before all this shit I mean
Joel: No... no, this is too rich for my blood
Joel goes and searching one side of the room while Ellie and (Y/N) search the other. (Y/N) goes and checks behind the counter as Ellie comes up to him
Ellie: *accent* Oh, I'll be checking in for one night and I would like your finest suite please
(Y/N): *accent* Why of course madam, would you like help with your luggage as well?
Ellie: *accent* Why yes, you can take my luggage upstairs
They laugh as Joel comes back to them with a ladder
Joel: You kid are wierd
He placed it down near the broken stairs in order to get to the second floor and they climb up. Once the all get up Ellie brings out a small book
Ellie: I think we can use some good 'ol pun humor
(Y/N): What's that?
Ellie: It's my joke book. No Pun Intended: Volume two by Will Livingston
(Y/N): Oh this will be good
Ellie: Bakers trade bread recipes on a knead to know basis...... knead
Joel: I get it
(Y/N): I don't
Ellie: A moon rock taste better than an earthly rock. Because it's meteor Hahaha
(Y/N): That one just made me hungry
Ellie: Yeah me too. A backwater poet writes inverse.
Joel: Do you even get that?
Ellie: Of course not. I used to be addicted to soap. But I'm clean now
That one actually got a chuckle out of Joel
Joel: Alright. I've actually never heard that one
Ellie: That's it. That's all I got
(Y/N): Not bad Ms. Joke but I expect a bit better
Ellie: Oh really? Alright then tell me joke
(Y/N): Okay, why did the chicken cross the road?
Ellie: Really?
(Y/N): Just play along
Ellie: *sigh* I don't know, why
(Y/N): To get to the idiot's house
Ellie: Booo
(Y/N): Knock knock
Ellie: Whose there?
(Y/N): The chicken
(Y/N): Oh c'mon that was a good one
They go up the stairs and find themselves unable to go any further
Ellie: Hey. It looks like there's a ladder inside this elevator
Joel: Hold up. Let me try to open it
He goes to the elevator door and pushes the two doors away from each other so they can get in. They climb up the ladder and get on top of the elevator as Ellie closes the hatch. Joel sees an opportunity elevator door and gets an idea
He jumps on the election and it wobbles due to the sudden weigh added on it
Joel: alright come one at a time. Ellie you first
She jumps down and I wobbles some more. Joel gives her a boost up but the election breaks and Joel falls down with it onto some water. He resurfaces and looks up at them
(Y/N): Joel you okay
Joel: I'm alright. Are you both okay?
Ellie: No! You scared the shit out of me!
(Y/N): I'm fine
Ellie: We're.... we're gonna climb down there okay
Joel: No! Stay up there. I'll make my way up to you
(Y/N): Okay
Joel goes to through a door leaving the two kids alone. Ellie looks up at (Y/N) with a worried look
Ellie: You think you can make the jump?
(Y/N): Not without a running start
He looks around for any ledge that can helmet him to her but with no such luck
(Y/N): I'm gonna find another way around
Ellie: No! Please don't leave me alone!
(Y/N): I'll be back
Ellie: No, please!
(Y/N): Ellie! I promise, I'll come back to you, okay?
Ellie:...... You better keep your fucking promise this time
(Y/N): I will! Stay right there, I won't be long
Ellie: Be careful
(Y/N): I'm always careful
He opens the hatch and does a two finger salute to her as she does it back. He dropped down and exited the elevator then looked out the window
(Y/N): This is a really bad idea
He opens the window and looks out to see if there's any way to get up. He sees a ledge with just enough reach to jump on
(Y/N): Alright (Y/N) just don't look down, don't look down, don't look down
Once he's on the ledge he glances down and immediately regrets it
(Y/N): Oh God I looked down, why on earth did I look down
He swallows his fear and leaps up to the ledge and grabs it. He sighs in relief and continues to climb up to the window only to find it's been boarded up. He sees Ellie waiting and knocks on it to get her attention
She hears it and walks up to the window but sees nobody nearby
Ellie: Is anyone there?
(Y/N): It's the chicken now open up
Ellie: (Y/N)!
She opens out the window and sees him through the boards blocking the window
Ellie: How the hell did you end up out there. You were gone for minutes!
(Y/N): I've made some very poor decisions on my end. Can you take off the boards?
She tries but to no avail
Ellie: They're on to tight
(Y/N): *sigh* Fine I'll look for an open window
Ellie: What?! No! Stay here with me
(Y/N): Ellie I can't hold on forever. I already promised so just trust me, okay?
Ellie:.. Okay
(Y/N): Good, I'll be back
He leans back and looks for any broken, or open, windows to enter in. He spots one in the next floor above. He takes a deep breath and leaps over to the ledge and climbs up to the window
A piece of the ledge breaks scaring the crap out of him but holds on with his other hand. The piece of ruble falls all the way down and hits a truck passing by making it stop
The man steps out and looks up but doesn't see anyone above. He then gets a call from his radio from one of his pirate
???: Vaas we found them
Vaas: I'm on my way. Don't kill them just hurt them really fucking bad, I want to play with them a bit
He gets back in his truck and drives off to find the rest of his pirates. Back inside the hotel (Y/N) is sneaking up behind a hunter and jumps and stabs his head
He hears a gunshot and runs to where he heard it hoping it wasn't Ellie. Soon enough he reaches an area with a piano and sees Ellie and Joel walking in
(Y/N): Hey guys!
They look up and see (Y/N) making Ellie smile
Ellie: (Y/N)!
(Y/N): Told you I'd come back
They push the piano to the wall and Ellie quickly climbs up, completely ignoring Joel. She runs up to him and hugs him tightly
(Y/N): Oh! This is nice
He hugs her back and she pulls away only to punch him again
(Y/N): And just like that the moment is ruined
Ellie: You asshole you had me worried
(Y/N): But I came back didn't I?
Ellie: Yeah. You did, thanks for that
(Y/N): No problem El
They walk outside the balcony and onto a balcony with a rifle conveniently placed there. Joel looks down and sees hunters then quickly takes cover
Joel: Get down! Alright now, me and (Y/N) are gonna jump down there and clear a path
Ellie: What about me?
Joel: You stay here
(Y/N): She's gotta do something
Joel: She is. Now you seem to know your way around a gun. You reckon you can handle that?
Ellie: Well, uh, I sort shot a rifle before. But it was at rats
Joel: Rats?
Ellie: With BB's
Joel: Well it's the same basic concept. Lift it up
She follows his instructions and does exactly what he says. Soon they walk to a nearby hole andas Joel's about to jump down he looks at her
Joel: And just so were clear about back there.... it was either him or me
Ellie: You're welcome
(Y/N): What happened while I was gone
Ellie: Nothing happened. Oh and thanks again, for coming back
(Y/N): No problem, El. Watch our backs
He jumps down and didn't see the smile and blush growing on Ellie's cheeks
Sorry I'm late but I got it out in time. 4 days in a row now! I haven't been this consistent since my borderlands days. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see y'all in the next one bye
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