ch 3 leaving Lincoln

The group exited the building through a window and found themselves in a cemetery. As they walked through it Bill hear a couple clicks and immediately brought out his machete

The others already knew what that meant so they used thei knifes or anything that wouldn't make so much noise. (Y/N) walked up behind one of them and kicked the back of their knee then stabbed it in the head a couple of times

Bill walked up behind one and slashed at its head with a machete till it went fully through. Joel used a bow that he had on him and killed a couple with an arrow to the head. While this happened Ellie just watched, sitting far back. They come up to a locked door and Joel tries to force it open

Bill: Stand back. I have a key for that

He opens the gate and they are met with more infected sleeping. Joel and Bill take care of the ones in front while (Y/N) goes to handle the one off to the side. As he approached the infected he hears footsteps behind him and turns around to see Ellie following him

(Y/N): You think you can handle that one

Ellie: I've killed infected before you know

(Y/N): Alright, go ahead, he's all yours

Ellie sneaks up to the infected and jumps on it's back then repeatedly stabs it. It drops dead while leaving Ellie out of breath

(Y/N): Not bad although you could've handled that a bit better

They clear their way through and come across a door that is tied from the other side. They notice that the door has a blocked doggy door

Ellie: What about going through here

Bill: What, the doggy door?

(Y/N): You sure you can fit trough that door

Ellie: dude look at me. I'm the smallest one here

Joel crouches down and pulls the piece of wood covering the door off

Joel: Be very careful

Ellie: Of course

She goes through the door without hesitation

(Y/N): How come she doesn't have a gun

Joel: Both of you, don't start

The door opened and Ellie whispers at them

Ellie: There's more of those clicker things in the house.

Joel: they ain't seen us yet... stay low

They get low and Bill and Joel go to kill the clickers while (Y/N) and Ellie stay behind. After crossing through a few more houses they reach the school where the battery is at. They are soon caught off guard by a horde that came from out of nowhere

(Y/N): Shit. Bill they're coming

Bill: Alright, we're gonna get in. We're gonna get the battery. We're gonna get the hell out of here

Joel quickly goes to open the door but it turned out to be locked

Joel: Shit, it's locked

Ellie: Oh fuck. They're pilling over the fence. It's not gonna hold!

(Y/N): Ellie get away from the damn fence. Joel check the windows, if not then shoot them damn lock

(Y/N) pulls Ellie away from the fence as Joel checks the windows. He let's everyone else go in as he tries to protect them the best he could. Once they are inside he jumps in and closes the window

Joel: Bill make it fast!

Bill goes to get the battery but is surprised to find the car empty

Bill: It's empty!

Joel: What!?

Bill: It's fucking empty!

Joel: Bill where to

Bill: uh

Joel: Bill WHERE

(Y/N): Forget the battery we need to get the hell out of here. NOW!

He goes to open the door to go in the school as everyone else follows him and lock the door behind. They run through the hallways trying to find a way out of the school and away from the horde. Bill leads them through the school and kills any infected along the way

Soon, they reach a gymnasium, and block the door with something heavy. They take a breath of fresh air and but it's soon interrupting by something pounding on the other door. It burst open and out comes one of the biggest infected Ellie and (Y/N) have ever seen


Bill: That's a bloater!!

The bloater grabs one of its sacks and throws it at the group. The move out of the way and the sack explodes making spores release on impact.

(Y/N): Ellie, stay near

Ellie: Yeah, I think I'll do that

Joel shoots the bloater a few time with the shotgun doing little damage. The bloater changes at the near sound, which happens to be (Y/N) and Ellie, and he pulls her out of the way while shooting at its head

Joel and Bill throw nail bombs at the bloater as the two kids get behind cover. The two nail bombs were enough to put the bloater down and they once again

(Y/N): Jesus! That infected was fatter than you Bill

This causes Ellie to giggle at the sudden comment

Bill: Kid, not now

(Y/N): Sorry. I picked that habit up from my dad. What even was that thing

Bill: That was a bloater

Ellie: Bloater..... okay. Got it

Bill: I hate to interrupt this little Biology lesson, but can we get the fuck out of here? Please? Let's get on to of those bleachers. Gimme a boost, Joel

Joel gives Bill, Ellie, and (Y/N) a boost and Bill pulls him up as well. They jump out a window and land outside in an alleyway. They climb up a ladder and jump over a fence, that leads into a backyard, as the horde of infected run after them

They run inside the house and lock the door behind them and take a breather

Ellie: Well that worked out well

Joel doesn't say anything and just looks at her

Ellie: Uh. I'll go check out this side of the house. You wanna come

(Y/N): Uhm..... sure

They leave the two adults alone and search the house. They walk into the living room Ellie sees something in the garage and runs in. (Y/N) follows her and watches as she gets into a truck and tries to turn it on

(Y/N): Holly shit!

Ellie: I know, right!

He quickly goes to the hood of the truck and lifts it up. He sees a battery and a working engine


Bill and Joel run into the garage and see the truck

(Y/N): There's a battery in the car

Bill: That's my battery. That fucking asshole. Get out

Ellie: Okay jeez

Ellie gets out and Bill gets in and tries turn on the truck getting the same result as Ellie.

Bill: Battery's drained but the cells are alive

Joel: Meaning?

Bill: Meaning we push it. Get it started and the alternator will charge the battery

Joel: Is that your guess?

Bill: Look you wanted a "plan B" this is as good as it gets

Ellie: What you thinking?

Joel: Thinking you drive and we push

Ellie gets in the car and Bill and Joel stock up and supplies they find in the house

(Y/N): You think you got this?

Ellie: Please, I'm an expert

(Y/N): That's........ reassuring

Ellie: Fuck off Francis

Bill then opens the garage door and walks to the back of the truck to push with Joel and (Y/N)

Bill: Just keep you foot on the clutch and when we get to roll....

Ellie: I know how to pop a clutch

Bill: How the hell do-? Y'know what. I don't care. Just don't fuck it up!

They push the truck out of the garage and it rolls in the streets. Ellie tries to pop a clutch but fails

(Y/N): Way to go Ms. Expert

Ellie: Fuck off

They go right back into pushing the truck into a hill hoping Ellie can pull it off. As they do they hear infected approaching them so (Y/N) stops pushing and starts shooting

They near the hill, with only a few close calls, and the truck rolls down the hill. Ellie tries to turn the truck on and is successful as the engine roars. They run and jump on the back of the truck and Ellie drives away from the horde

She drives for a few minutes as they bear the edge of town so Bill tells her to stop. They jump off the back and Bill goes to leave as (Y/N) goes to Ellie

(Y/N): Guess this is goodbye

Ellie: Yeah I guess so

(Y/N): What you gone miss me

Ellie: Pfft as if...... okay maybe a little but only because it can get boring

(Y/N): Meh I'll take it. See yah around expert

Ellie: See yah around Francis

(Y/N) goes to Bill as he's already leaving. Bill sees him walking towards him and stops

Bill: Oh no. You're not my problem anymore. You're going with them

(Y/N): Are you serious!?

Bill: You ain't gonna find you uncle if you're just sitting in place. They're heading to Jackson county

(Y/N): How do you know that?

Bill: It's a small world kid now get the hell out of my town

(Y/N):..... thanks Bill

Bill: Don't mention it kid

(Y/N) smiles and quickly goes back to the truck. He didn't see it but Bill actually smiled for the first tim in a long while. (Y/N) quickly gets in the truck surprising Ellie

Ellie: I thought you were going with Bill

(Y/N): Turns out you guys are heading to the same place as I am. I guess you can't get rid of me just yet

Joel: How do you even know of Jackson county anyway?

(Y/N): My uncle lives there. I'm just hoping he's still there. How about you?

Joel: My brother helped build it

(Y/N): huh, small world

They drive off to Jackson county as (Y/N) keeps Ellie company

Time skip

It's the next day and Joel is still driving to Jackson while (Y/N) and Ellie sleep in the back with Ellie laying on (Y/N) lap

Ellie: Oh man

(Y/N) jolts awake

(Y/N): What? What happened?

Joel: What happened to sleeping?

Ellie: Okay. I know it doesn't look like it, but this here is not a bad read.

She holds up a comic book titled Savage Starlight

Ellie: Only one problem.

She flips to the last panel and shows Joel a "to be continued" on the last page

Ellie: Right there. 'To be continued!' I hate cliffhangers

Joel: Where did you get that!

Ellie: This wasn't me. (Y/N) had it

(Y/N): Bill had a lot of them. He wouldn't notice if I took a couple magazines

Joel: *sigh* what else did you get

(Y/N): uhm I got a couple of tapes

He digs in his backpack through all the relics he has. Ellie got a glimpse of a them and grew curious of them. (Y/N) pulls out the mix tape he stole and hands it to Joel

(Y/N): Here. Make you feel nostalgic?

Joel: Y'know. That's actually before my time.... that is a winner though

He puts it in and old time music starts playing

Ellie: Well it's better than nothing. I did get one thing though

Ellie goes through her backpack and pulls out another magazine

Ellie: I'm sure your friend will be missing this tonight. Light on the reading but it's got some interesting photos

(Y/N) got curious and looked at what Ellie was reading only to grow a red face and look away

(Y/N): Ellie that's uh.... not for kids

Ellie: Woah. (Y/N), how... how the hell would he even walk around with that thing?

Joel: Ellie get rid of that. Just-

Ellie: Hold your horses. I wanna know what the fuss is about. Oh. Why are these all stuck together?

(Y/N): Oh God!

Joel: Uhm

Ellie: *giggles* I'm just fucking with both of you. Bye-bye dude

She throws the nude magazine out the window and looks at (Y/N) who is still red

Ellie: You should see your face. You're as red as my shirt

(Y/N): You're someone special you know that

Ellie laughs and it all goes quiet once again. She starts listening to the music and actually enjoys it

Ellie: Y'know what. It ain't that bad

She goes to turn it up and sits back down with (Y/N)

Joel: Why don't you get some sleep, alright?

Ellie: Pft - I'm not even tired

She fell asleep a short while later on (Y/N) shoulder. Joel then approaches a blockade of cars so he stops the car. This wakes up Ellie and looks at the road ahead

Ellie: *yawn* Now what

Joel looks back and then thinks for a bit

Joel: Screw it

He turns right into town and drives in. As they drive through the town the stumble upon an injured man so Joel stops the truck

Ellie: Easy

???: Please.... help.

Ellie: Holy shit.... Are we gonna help him

Joel: Put your seatbelts on, both of you

(Y/N): But that guy-

Joel: He ain't even hurt

They strap up and Joel steps on the gas pedal heading straight towards the 'injustice' man. He runs him over as many other men come from out of nowhere and damage the car

As they were about to escape the men drive a bus down hill and straight into  them. They spin out and drive straight into a store but (Y/N) seatbelt broke and he hit his head on the back of Joel's seat causing him to black out

Y'all wanted it to be longer so that's exactly what I did. Tell me what you think. I don't have much to say so that's it really, bye

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