ch 12 Insanity

Out in the cold blizzard, not far from town, (Y/N) is being dragged away by Vaas. He thrashes and wiggles around hoping to get free from Vaas grasp but it doesn't work. They eventually stop at a small frozen lake, on a fishing dock

Vaas: It's fucking freezing cold out here don't you think

(Y/N) didn't respond but instead glared at him

Vaas: I've never been a fan of the cold, I always wanted to live on an island. You have your papá to thank for that

(Y/N) tries to lunge at him but Vaas just pushes him aside, nearly knocking him into the freezing water

Vaas: Calm down there hermano!

(Y/N): D-don't you ever m-mention my family a-a-a-again!

Vaas: So that's what this is about

He pulls a small crate, near the edge of the dock, and places it down to sit on it. He grabs a rope and ties it around his ankles

Vaas: You know when they say to never meet your heroes? Now I know why. You see when I first saw him..... when I first saw him I was livid. I've never been so disappointed before in my life. Now don't get me wrong I've been disappointed before but this was different, it was so different

He finished tying the rope around his ankles and let out an awkward chuckle

Vaas: You know it's crazy, I've been disappointed so many time it's almost routine now. It's crazy, you know somebody once told me the definition of insanity. Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact same fucking thing over and over again expecting shit to change. That is crazy. But the first time somebody's told me that, I don't know i thought they were bullshiting me so BOOM I shot him. The thing is *chuckling* okay he was right. Then I started seeing everything I looked, everywhere I looked, all these fucking pricks doing the exact same fucking thing over and over and over and over and over again expecting shit to change thinking this time it's going to be different. No no no no no please this time it's going to be different

All while he says this little speech (Y/N) couldn't help but stare at him strangely. Vaas noticed this and he did not like it one bit

Vaas: I'm sorry I don't like the way you are looking at me!

He gets up and breaks the box he is sitting on with his fist

Vaas: Okay? Do you have a fucking problem in your head, do think I'm lying, do you think I'm bullshiting you! Fuck you! Okay! Fuck! You! It's okay man *chuckling*, I'm gonna chill hermano, I'm gonna chill—The thing is, alright, the thing is hermano, I killed you once already and it's not like I am fucking crazy. It's okay! It's like water under the bridge

It's such a good speech you need to hear it again after years

He stepped back to show what was tied to the end of the short rope. He had it tied to a cinder block and put his foot over it and pushed it over and it took (Y/N) with him


He fell in and tried to grab a lose floor board but it broke due to the weight and fell in

Meanwhile, as all this was happening, back in the town Joel had awoken from his coma and didn't waste any time to look for both Ellie and (Y/N). He managed to kill all the hunters and captured 2 of them and started interrogating them. He was currently beating one of them while the other was tied up, scared. He then moves ti the scared man and pulls up a chair to sit in front of him

Joel: Now...... the kids..... are they alive

Guy: What kids. I don't know no kids

Joel immediately stabbed the man above kneecap causing the man scream and whimper

Guy: Fuck!

Joel: Hey right here! Or I'll pop your knee off

Guy: They're alive! The girl is Davids new pet! Can't say much about the boy! That crazy pirate fuck wanted him!

Joel: Where!?

He twisted the knife and the man squealed once again

Guy: In the town! In the town!

He then holds his mouth open and puts the bloody knife in his mouth and holds a piece of paper in his mouth

Joel: Now you're gonna mark it on the map and it better be the same exact spot your buddy points to! Mark it!

The man leans forward and marks the paper then spits it out

Guy: It's right there. You can verify it. Go ask him. Go on. Ask him. I ain't lying, I ain't—

Joel wrapped his arm around his neck and chokes the man out the snaps his neck. He then grabs a pipe and walks to the other scared hunter

Hunter: Fuck you man! He told you what you wanted. I ain't telling you shit

Joel: It's alright. I believe him

He swung the pipe down on the man's head and a squishy noise was heard as the man screamed for his life


Ellie was asleep in the gate when suddenly she was pulled out by David and James. As the go to put her on the table, to chop her up, she bites David before the hold her down

Ellie: I'm infected! I'm infected!

They stop, momentarily, before they start to question if she's telling the truth

David: Really?!

Ellie: And so are you!

He still doesn't believe her and it showed on his face

Ellie: Right there. Roll up my sleeve


Ellie: Look at it!

David: I'll play along

He stabs the cleaver down near her head and lifts up her sleeve. He then sees her bite mark

Ellie: What you say? Everything happens for a reason

James: What the hell is that

David: She would've turned by now! It can't be real!

James: Looks pretty fucking real to me

David looks back at his hand, the one Ellie bit, and Ellie feels the grip from James get a bit loose. She took her chance and reached for the cleaver and put it deep in James throat. She ran away from David as he shot at her and hid behind the wall. She spots her butterfly knife and sees the window (Y/N) came in then left through it

Ellie: Gotta find (Y/N)!

Meanwhile, moments earlier, back at the docks a hand burst from the lake and grabs onto the dock. Then a body pulls himself up to reveal (Y/N), holding onto a rather shark piece of wood. He was shivering, and nearly blue, so he couldn't waste any time. He got up and slowly walked his way back to the town

(Y/N): I'm gonna k-ki-kill that asshole!

A long walk later and he makes it back to town. He sees the building on fire and through the window he sees Ellie stabbing David before being thrown back. But just as he takes the first step towards her he sees Vaas shooting down a couple of Davids men. They then lock eyes and Vaas smiles before walking into a store. He looks at the store and then back at Ellie before stepping away

(Y/N): I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Ellie

He soon makes it to the store and walks in. Not even a second later and he gets a pile of white powder thrown at his face making him cough

Vaas: You know I somehow knew you would live

He walked away from him as (Y/N) started seeing things. The whole store turned pitch black, the only thing illuminating the place was the stone floor, almost like a ruin

(Y/N): What the fuck!?

He follows the path up to Vaas, who is sitting down, and he stares him down

Vaas: You don't know it but I'm making a warrior out of you. You're so fucked, (Y/N). C'mon *click* pull the fucking trigger

Out of seemingly nowhere he pulls out a gun and points it a Vaas. As expected he grabs the gun and holds it up to his head

Vaas: C'mon mothetfucker. Pull the trigger! Let's go. Shoot me!

(Y/N): Gladly!

He pulls the trigger and shoots Vaas in the head. He falls down dead but something unexpected happened. Another Vaas appeared running at him with a knife so he shot him down. Then another and another and another. They seemed endless as he heard him in his head

Vaas: Oh (Y/N). I'm only trying to save you

Another Vaas appeared and tried grabbing him but was shot down

Vaas: You were being held back but I ste you free! But what do you do? You imprisoned yourself again. Family is a prison

Another gets a hold on him but he stabs him with the piece of wood he had on him

Vaas: Every time "Family is priceless" "Family is priceless", No no no no no please, that is fucking bullshit! Family is an anchor while you are the fucking titanic!

After what felt like an eternity of killing Vaas over and over and over again he ran out of bullets. That's when he spotted Vaas, the last one, looking at him, unarmed

Vaas: I set you free from family, you and me we are more alike than you think. We are warriors!

(Y/N): Just die already

He tries to stab down on Vaas, with the wooden piece, but Vaas put his arm up to block it. He looked (Y/N) in the eyes, smiling! That look set him off. He felt another knife in his other hand and, without questioning it, plunge the blade into Vaas throat. He lowered his arm and (Y/N) followed up by pulling his head back and putting it deep in his eye. Vaas felt down, dead, and he just watched and expected another one to appear any minute........ he was right to suspect

Moments earlier, Joel found Ellie hacking away at Davids face with a machete. He held her close and comforted her hoping to calm her down. Once she stopped crying the both walked out the burning dinner to hear gunshots coming from an antique shop down the road

Ellie: (Y/N)? Joel, (Y/N), he could be in there!

Joel: Alright just stay close!

They walk over to the window, carefully, and look at the inside. They're surprised to see several dead pirates and (Y/N) looking at a dead Vaas. Ellie couldn't help but run inside alerting him

Ellie: (Y/N)!!

Joel ran inside as well just in time for (Y/N) to turn around. When he did he saw, not only a bloody face, a face full of white powder. He leaned down and grabbed the knife from Vaas neck and ran at the two


Ellie: (Y/N)!!

Joel intercepted him and put him in a choke hold

Ellie: Joel stop!

(Y/N) tried to stab him in the gut but Joel knocked the knife out of his hand. After a few more seconds he was officially out cold

Ellie: Joel what the hell!

Joel: He's not himself, Ellie. He'll be fine. He just needs to sleep it off, I hope

Ellie looks at (Y/N). He looked scared and the scar on his had seemed to have worsen. She grabbed his hand and held it tightly, she didn't want to let go anytime soon

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, the end of the first half is almost over. And what kind of mental scars will (Y/N) have after his fight with Vaas. Hopefully you guys won't have to wait so long for the next one. Anyway that's all for now, I will see you all next time, bye

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