ch 11 Makings of a warrior pt 2

(Y/N) and Ellie return back to the small town that they had Joel hidden in. They trot over to a house in the middle of town and (Y/N) hops off the horse to open the garage door. Once opened he sees his other horse laying on his side asleep

Ellie put the horse inside and (Y/N) closes the door behind her then head inside. They head into the basement to see how Joel's been holding up. Ellie checks his wound and sees it healing and looking better than before

(Y/N): I'll take first shift

Ellie: Thanks

(Y/N): Don't mention it. Just get some rest, okay?!

She nods and lays down next to Joel while (Y/N) heads up to the second floor. He heads into a room where a chair and rifle lay next to a window

Time skip

(Y/N) quickly jolts awake from his slumber and rubs his eyes to stay awake. When his vision finally sets he noticed someone out in the distance. He took the rifle and took aim at the figure in the distance

(Y/N): Crap!

In the distance he saw several men coming into the small town they were hiding in. He quickly ran down to the basement, rifle in hand, and crouched down to wake Ellie

(Y/N): Ellie! Ellie, wake up!

Ellie: *yawn* What? Is it my turn?

(Y/N): We were followed!

Ellie: What?!

She quickly gets up and climbs up a washing machine to get a better look outside. She then spots a couple men outside the house searching every house they can enter

Ellie: Oh fuck! We gotta lead them out of here

(Y/N): What about Joel?

Ellie: That's why were leading them away

She then leans down to Joel and whispered in his ear

Ellie: We'll be back for you

They both then ran towards the garage and hoped on top of their horses. Once outside they were outside (Y/N) closes the garage and looks over at Ellie

(Y/N): You ready?

Ellie: As I'll ever be

They ride quietly pass them but Ellie is grabbed by one of the men and he alerts the rest. She stabs him in the throat killing him but not soon enough since the others were already alerted. The horses quickly took off as the hunters began to chase them

They resorted to trying to shoot them off the horse and few actually tried to pull them off as they passed by. Eventually they get frustrated and one man yells out their last resort

Hunter: Shoot the horses

Soon after that recommendation Ellies horse was shot dead and she fell of over a small hill

(Y/N): Ellie!

Not even a second later, another shot was heard and a bullet graced the side of his head and hit his horse. When the horse fell over he was launched forward and through a window. But, by some miracle, he landed on top of a sofa, cushioning his fall

Hunter: Split up! Find them, they want them alive

Inside the house (Y/N) is getting up from the couch. He then feels a stinging sensation on the side of his head causing him to put his hand up to it. As soon as he made with the area he pulls back immediately, due to the pain, and sees his hand smudge in blood


Another bullet passes his head by mere inches and hits the wall behind him. He is brought out of his thoughts and immediately hits the floor and crawls out of their view. Meanwhile, outside the hunters are giving chase to both of them, one Hunter reprimanded another

Hunter: They said ALIVE! You wanna explain to that crazy mother fucker why you brought them back dead

The hunter didn't answer due to fear

Hunter: Didn't think so! Now start looking!

They reach the inside of the house, searching for (Y/N), and saw no one in the house. Reason being, he was already out the house and running through the town. He stops to take a quick breath and a moment to get himself together. He looked at a window near him and sa himself in the reflection

He spots the cause of the pain he was feeling on his head. A scar leading from the back of his head to the front where the bullet had grazed him and hit his horse

(Y/N): Crap, that was too close for comfort!

As he inspects his wound, Lady luck decided to strike again, he saw a flock of birds through the window suddenly fly off. Weighing his options, he could either try his luck with the hunters or see if those birds were flying away because of Ellie

(Y/N): Ellie, please let that be you

He sneaks past the house and out through the back door. Meanwhile, down the hill, Ellie was sneaking her way through the area. Anytime she spotted someone she either snuck past them or killed them and move on

She eventually came up upon a large motel that was being searched by the hunters. She had no problem dealing with the hunters but as soon as she was in the clear she was grabbed by David in a choke hold

David: Stop it! I'm trying to save you

Ellie: *loosing consciousness* (Y/N)!!

David: I'm sorry but he's out of my control

Ellie passed out shortly afterwards and once she stopped moving Davis picked her up. He put her up on his shoulders and left out the door she was trying to open. Once he put her on his shoulder he left with a group of his men, unaware of (Y/N) watching him from across the building

(Y/N): *whispering* Well, things have just went from bad to worse

Time skip

(Y/N) followed them back to a small town, keeping a good distance between himself and them. He followed David to the back of a restaurant. He noticed a window at the back and peaked through it. What he saw was horrific. They were in a meat locker with a man on a table missing body parts and patches of skin. He nearly vomited by the looks, he could only imagine the smell

David then came into the neat locker and put Ellie in a cage. Another one of his men came in and called out for him making him step out the room momentarily

(Y/N): It's now or never

He opened a door that lead to the kitchen and luckily it was empty. He slowly maneuvered through the kitchen and took a quick peak out and saw David at the front door with another man. They both walked out leaving two men to keep guard

(Y/N): *whispering* Alright, get Ellie then head back to Joel, seems simple enough. Should be back just in time for dinner

Things were looking good for (Y/N). Just win after win and all that he needed to do now was grab Ellie. That all changed once he opened the door to the neat locker

Vaas: Hello (Y/N). Did you miss me?

Before he could react Vaas hit him with a pistol on the side of his head, causing more damage, where the fresh scar was

Time skip

Ellie starts stirring and wakes up to see that she was in a cage. Once she was fully awake she looked out and saw a man cutting up some human meat off. She gasps causing the man to turn around and walk off

She tries to open the gate but shows no sign of opening. She then noticed something in the dark corner of the room. (Y/N) was tied up on the floor with a bandage on his head

Ellie: (Y/N)!? (Y/N)!! (Y/N), wake up!

She tries to force the gate open and even tries to remove the lock by hand. She was so focused on getting out that she didn't even notice David walk in with a tray of food

David: How you doing?

Ellie: Fuck you!

David: Figures. Here, you should eat

He slides a tray of food under the gate

David: I know you're hungry. You've been out for quite some time

Ellie: What is it?

David: It's deer

Ellie: With some human helping on the side?

David: No. Believe it or not, not all of us choose to eat people...

Ellie: You're a fucking animal

She quickly drops to her knees and starts devouring the food

David: Awfully quick judgment. Considering you and your friends killed how many men?

Ellie: They didn't give us a choice

David: We didn't have a choice either. Is that it? You kill to survive.... And so do we. We have to take care of our own. By any means necessary

Ellie:.... So now what? You gonna chop us up into tiny little pieces

David: I'd rather not. Please tell me your name

She shoves the plate back outside and stands up, clearly not buying his lies

Ellie: You're so full of shit

David: On the contrary. I've been quite honest with you. Now I think it's your turn. It's the only way I'm going to convince the others.

Ellie: Convince them of what?

David: That you can come around. You have a heart. You're loyal. And you're special

He got closer with every sentence and put his hand on hers and she put hers on his

Ellie: What about (Y/N)?

David: Like I said, I can't do anything for him. Somebody already has his eyes on him

Ellie: Then fuck off

She then proceeds to break his finger making him scream in pain. She tries to grab the keys on his hip but he grabs her and slams her on the gate a couple times. She falls down while David moves away from her

David: Oh fuck! You stupid little girl. You are making it very difficult to keep you alive. What am I supposed to tell the others now?

Ellie:... Ellie

David: What?

Ellie: Tell them.... Ellie is the little girl that broke your fucking finger

???: *chuckling* Now that was funny

They both look over at the door and see Vaas laughing and clapping

David: What are you doing here?

Vaas: Don't mind me just here to wake up la princesa

He picks up a bucket nearby and goes to splash it on him

David: That's not water

Vaas: I know

He splashes blood over him making him shoot awake and gasping for air

David: Crazy fuck

He looks at Ellie one more time before he walks out of the meat locker

Vaas: Hello! *whistles* Hello, wakey wakey, it's time for school

(Y/N): Where am I?

Ellie: (Y/N)!!

(Y/N): Ellie!?

Vaas: I feel like I'm the third wheel here. Should I go?

(Y/N): You!!

He tries to jump on him but Vaas lazily moves out of the way while laughing

Vaas: Oh, (Y/N). I missed this. I missed this, this bond, this thing between us. It's like a thing of ours. I kill your family, you find a new one, and I kill them again

(Y/N): Fuck. You!

Vaas: (Y/N), you. Are angry. Okay? I get that, I get it. I mean without family, who the fuck are we? There was a time where I would do anything for my family, you know? First time I ever killed was for my family. But it wasn't enough for them. But it wasn't enough for them. No, no, no, no, no please. You see the thing about our loved ones, right? OUR FUCKING LOVED ONES, they come and the blindside you every fucking time. So they say to me, they say, "Vaas! Vaas! Who the fuuuck is it going to be? Them or me? MEEEEEE OR THEM? *nervous chuckle* Like, you know, like they fucking think that I need to make a fucking choice!

Ellie: What the fuck is wrong with you?!

Vaas: Chica, you have no idea what's wrong with me

(Y/N): You stay the fuck away from her!

Vaas: Don't worry, you don't have to worry, (Y/N). You see, you showed me something today. You and me. We are one and the same, a sheet cut from the same cloth

(Y/N): I am NOTHING like you!!

Vaas: Oh but you are, you just don't see it. Don't worry you'll see I'm telling the truth soon enough

He grabs him by the back of his collar a d starts dragging him away while he thrashes around trying to break free

Ellie: Where are you taking him!? Where the fuck are you taking him?!

Vaas: Don't worry, we'll get to you eventually

(Y/N): Ellie!

Ellie: (Y/N)!

She tries to break the gate again by shoving herself against it. They continue to yell each other's names till they couldn't hear each other anymore

Vaas has finally returned! And he will teach you a thing or two about insanity. I'll try and not to keep you guys waiting for the next one but no promises. Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed and sorry for the long wait. Anyway, that's all, bye

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