ch 10 Makings of a warrior


The forest was now covered in snow as a rabbit came out of its home. An arrow then pierced it's neck and killed it instantly. The person picked up the arrow and took the rabbit off the arrow

Ellie: This could feed us for a day. What do you think

(Y/N): I think we should keep looking while the sun's still out, just to be sure

Ellie: Yeah, let's go

She tied the rabbit to the horse and once she finished she started worrying about Joel again. (Y/N) grabbed her hand and made her look at him

(Y/N): Hey, it's alright, he's getting better

She pulled him close and entrapped him in a hug and he returned it with equal amounts of affection. She looks deeply into his eyes and they share a small kiss

Ellie: Thanks

(Y/N): Anytime

Ever since Joel went into his coma (Y/N) and Ellie had a lot more alone time. Enough alone time to confess their feelings for each other. Just then, Ellie noticed an animal in the distance, a deer was eating not to far from them!

She quickly hitched her horse and chased after it with (Y/N). After chasing it for a while they spot it once again

(Y/N): You got this?

Ellie: Yeah, I got this

She reeled back her bow and kept it steady, she then let it go and hit the deer in the gut and it ran away

(Y/N): Nice shot!

Ellie: Thanks

(Y/N): Let's go after it, it'll bleed out and die soon

They quietly chase after the dying deer and spot it limping away from them. After a couple more shots with the bow and arrow it runs off but they hear a thud not long after. They run after it and spot an old and abandoned saw mill

Ellie: Oh great. Everything's cool. This place is not creepy at all

(Y/N): At least we only have to worry about infected and not some ancient creatures

Ellie: You're not making this any less creepy

They spot the deer laying on the floor dead then they hear a twig snap from behind them. Ellie got he bow ready while (Y/N) took out a pistol

(Y/N): Who's there

Ellie: Come out!

A man stepped out from tree and puts his hands up being followed by another man

???: Hello.... we just want to talk

Ellie: Any sudden move and I put one right between your eyes. Ditto for buddy boy over there

(Y/N): Why were you stalking us

???: We weren't stalking

(Y/N): Debatable

???: My names David, this here's my friend, James. We're from a larger group – women, children – we're all very, very hungry

Ellie: So are we

(Y/N): We got a colony to feed too

David: Well, maybe we could a, trade you for some of that meat. What do you need? Weapons, ammo, clothes–

Ellie: Medicine! Do you have any antibiotics?

David: We do. Back at the camp. You're welcome to follow us if you –

(Y/N): We're not following you anywhere

Ellie: Yeah. Buddy-boy can go get it. He comes back with what we need, the deer is all yours. Anyone else shows up –

David: You put one right between my eyes

Ellie: That's right

David: Two bottles of the penicillin and a syringe. Go on

James hesitantly left the area and ran back to his camp

(Y/N): We'll take that rifle as well

David: Of course

He takes his rifle off his shoulder and hands it over to Ellie. She checks it for ammo and keeps it pointed at him

David: He's probably gonna be a while. You, ah, mund if we take some shelter from the cold?

(Y/N): Sounds alright

Ellie: Take the dear with us

He complies and grabs the dear by the antlers and drags him into a shelter

King crimson

Some time had passed and James still hadn't returned with the medicine. David made a fire to keep themselves somewhat warm from the the snow

David: You know you kids shouldn't be out here all on your own

(Y/N): We're all we have

Ellie: We don't go anywhere without each

David: I see. What's your names?

(Y/N): Forgive me but you ask a lot of questions, why?

David: Look, I understand it's not easy to trust a couple of strangers. Whoever's hurt, you clearly care care about them. I'm sure it's gonna be just fine

Ellie: We'll see

Silence consumed the atmosphere then from the distance they heard screaming and running followed by clicking. A clicker then ran into the shelter and they kept quiet. The clicker ran at Ellie but was shot down, she looked at (Y/N) but he didn't have his gun aimed at it, then she looked at David run up and finish it off

Ellie: You had another gun!?

David: Sorry. Okay, I'd really like my rifle back now

(Y/N): If you didn't have a gun then maybe but you have a pistol

David: I hope you know how to use that thing

Ellie: I had some practice

David shuts the door and they all look out the barackate windows and a clicker reaches in to try and grab one of them. They shoot any infected that try and get in and manage to keep most of the shelter

David: Help me with this

He goes to barackate the window with a large shelf and (Y/N) goes to help. Once they do barackate it an infected reaches in and grabs (Y/N) by the hair. Ellie goes to help but David reaches him first and shoots the infected in the head

More and more infected come to the shelter and start breaking the windows. They were also running out of ammo as well so they had to think of someone quickly

David: Screw it. Were getting out of this room

David kicks a door open that leads into the large factory and run in. As they do the infected reach in and try to grab them as they run. After reaching the top of the stairs they try and block it with another cabinet while Ellie tries to keep the infected from getting to them

They continue forward and run up to the second floor. As they ran past the floor underneath broke and both Ellie and (Y/N) fell. Luckily (Y/N) managed to grab onto the ledge and David helped him up but Ellie wasn't as lucky and fell down

(Y/N): Ellie!

Ellie: I'm okay

To make matters worse they heard more clickers running at them

David: More clickers. Get out of there!

(Y/N): Shit, Ellie run!

They both run away and (Y/N) could only hope that Ellie would make it out alive. They run away from the clickers and shoot any that got too close for comfort. Soon they reunite and kill the other other clickers that were chasing after Ellie

(Y/N): You alright?!

Ellie: Yeah I'm fine

(Y/N) Any bites?

Ellie: Later, right now we need to go

They run into a different building and barackate themselves inside. There were little entrances so they didn't have to worry as much as the other building. The horde seemed to be dwindling due to the fact that less and less infected were coming. Just then a large thud was heard above them making them look up

Ellie: Bloater!

David: A what

(Y/N): The big mother fucker above us!

David: Ah, Lord.

They focused all of their fire on the bloater as it ran at them. They dodged it's charges and (Y/N) throws a molotov at the big fucker that he made while preparing for the horde. The bloater screamed in pain as they continued to shoot at it and (Y/N) threw another molotov just to be safe

The bloater fell down and died at the same time the horde died. They took a deep breath of fresh air, as fresh as rotting corpses get

David: I think we did it

Ellie: You think we killed them all?

David: Don't sound so disappointed

Ellie: More like disbelief

(Y/N): Tell me about it. Wait till everyone hears about this

They go back to the bridge and look out at the plantation

David: Listen

Ellie: No infected

(Y/N): Holy shit

David: What I tell ya? Alright. Let's head back, check on that buck of ours

King crimson

They make it back to their original shelter and see not only the buck but the fir is still there

David: You know, you two handled yourselves pretty nice out there. He, where, I'd say we make a pretty good team

Ellie: Psshh. We got lucky

(Y/N): Believe her, luck runs in my family

David: Lucky? No, no... No such a thing as luck. No you see I believe that everything happens for a reason.

Ellie: Sure

David: I do. And I can prove it to you. Now, this winter has been especially cruel. A few weeks back, I ah... sent a group of men out – nearby town to look for food. Only a few came back

Both Ellie and (Y/N) started to wonder what he was talking about. David seems to change as he continued to talk and didn't look them in their eyes and focused on the dwindling fire

David: They said the others had been ah, slaughtered by a crazy man. And get this, he's – a crazy man traveling with a little girl and a little boy.

At this point the realization had just sunk and they slowly reach for their weapons

David: You see? Everything happens for a reason

They point their guns at him but he seems unfazed

David: Now don't get upset. It's not your fault. You're just kids. James, lower the gun

They both turn around and see James with the medicine and a gun pointed at them

James: No way, David. I'm not gonna let her go

David: Lower the gun!

He reluctantly did as he was told

David: Now give her the medicine

He tossed the bag at her and Ellie catches it

James: The others aren't gonna be happy about this

David: Yeah, well, that's not your concern

Both Ellie and (Y/N) move to the door but don't stop pointing their guns at them

David: You won't survive long out there. I can protect you. Both of you

(Y/N): We'll take our chances

They quickly run away from the plantation and back to the wilderness. As they do they hear some footsteps and decide to hide in the bushes that are covered with snow, in case they followed them. They were not expecting what they saw next

A man wearing a dead deer carcass runs ahead of them yelling for help. He was then shot down by an assault rifle shortly after leaving both Ellie and (Y/N) terrified. Then from behind the trees a man (Y/N) never thought he'd see for a long time appeared riding man as a horse

Vaas: Ah fuck hold up, hold up, I think my horse needs a break

Vaas appeared with a trombone around his neck and rode on a man wearing a saddle with his men. He got off his "horse" and looked him straight in the eyes

Vaas: Ah, my poor poor little horse. My poor little pony. You're such a good little horse you know that

The "horse" tried to look away but Vaas didn't let him as he pulled a gun out of his holster

Vaas: You were many things in this life but you were a better horse than you were ever a man

The man started screaming for mercy but it fell to deaf ears as Vaas blew his brain out

Vaas: I'm gonna miss you

(Y/N) took his gun out and was going to shoot but Ellie stopped him before he could aim. She also snapped a twig in the process and made Vaas look in their direction

Vaas: You smell that? You smell that?!

He shoots his gun in the air in order to get a reaction but gets no response. A few seconds later they hear moaning in the distance, most likely from another victim of Vaas


He blows on his trombone and makes his way to the direction of where the noise came from


Both Ellie and (Y/N) wait a few minutes before the coast gets clear. They get out from their hiding spot and (Y/N) was about to run after them till Ellie stopped him

Ellie: Where are you going!?

(Y/N): That's him, that's the bastard that killed my parents. I'm gonna kill him

Ellie: (Y/N) you can't! You saw them, they had guns, big fucking guns that'll obliterate us

(Y/N): Ellie he's right there, I might not get another chance. I need to do this

Ellie: You told me you were staying with me. Were you just fucking lying, were you?!

(Y/N):... No

Ellie: Then let's go back, please

She managed to convince him and they rode back to the small town they were staying in. All the while (Y/N) started thinking about his promise to Ellie. Something's are just not worth the effort of perusing

When I told you soon, I meant SOON. Back to back upload baby! I hope you guys enjoyed and get ready for the next chapter. Beaner10 out

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