Episode: Christmas Special
(A/N): Here's an early Christmas special episode for everyone. Hope ya'll enjoy. I have another Christmas special episode for another book that I'm releasing on Christmas. I don't really do 2 stories in the same day. Its exhausting. Anyways, onto the episode.
This episode takes place between Season 1 & 2.
Warning: A little lime up ahead. Read at your own risk. (I am so sorry ;^;. I'm the worst).
It's been almost 2 weeks since Yami helped Agent 8; known as Bridgett, defeat Commander Tartar, who was powering a gaint NILS Statue, and saved Inkopolis from mass destruction. Agent 3; known as Samantha, still doesn't trust Yami one bit and is a bit protective of Bridgett against Yami. Yami does find this annoying, but rather not deal with Samantha since she's a total pain. Anyways, Its almost time for Christmas, well, Squidmas in their language, and they gang is getting ready. Squidmas is only exactly 2 days away, if you're counting today that is.
Yami, Katie, The Squid Sisters, and Amy were at the mansion of Pearl and Marina, putting up decorations around the place. Everyone was actually in the Squidmas spirit, well, I guess almost everyone.
Callie: {Excited} It's almost time, Marie! Squidmas is just around the corner! I can't wait!
Marie: You're probably gonna get coal for Squidmas.
Callie gasp in shock at Marie's words. How could she? Callie has been a good girl, right?
Callie: {Gapsed & Shocked} What?! How could you say that Marie?! I've been a good girl this whole year. Tell me one bad thing I did.
Marie: Well, minus the part that you were mind controlled by DJ Octavio, you did at one point peek at Yami when he was taking a bath last week.
Yami: {In the distance} ....What was that?
Callie: {Towards Yami & Blushes a bit} N-Nothing! {To Marie} C-Come on Marie! I was curious and I know you wanted to peek too, so you can add that in your notes on Yami.
Marie: {Blushes a bit} T-That's private research!
Callie: Sure it is~ "Only" for research~
As Marie and Callie started to..argue, we could see our main protagonist putting up Squidmas stockings by the fireplace as Pearl, Marina, Katie, and Amy were decorating the tree as Cap'n Cuttlefish and the agents were out shopping. Yami was wearing a long-sleeved white button-up T-shirt, black jeans, same shoes, and even glasses. Yep, he was looking cute.
Yami: {Putting up Squidmas Stockings} 'A lot has happened since I woke up after 10,000 years of slumber. Finding out that a new species rule the Earth, getting some new cursive power, saving Callie and defeating DJ Octavio, and saving Inkopolis from current doom with the help of Bridgett and Off The Hook. Quite the adventure I had. To be honest, my life has been a bit more excited since then. I wonder what new adventure I'll have in the future'.
As Yami finished putting up the Squidmas stockings, Amy came towards Yami, holding some decorations that hangs up on the wall.
Amy: Hey Hot stuff~.
Yami: {Sighs}...Please stop trying to flirt with me...
Yeah, Amy tends to flirt with Yami...a lot. I mean A LOT. Yami is just pretty annoyed by this already, but there is nothing he can do since Amy doesn't listen.
Amy: Yeah Yeah Babe, anyways, I was wondering if you can hang these decorations up on the ceiling and higher wall for me, please~. I'll give you a kiss if you're quick about it~.
Yami: I'm not your ba-, ugh! Fine, but I ain't doing this for some lousy kiss!
Amy: {Smirks} Sure~. Keep telling yourself that Daddy~.
Yami had an irk mark on his forehead and was mentally screaming inside of his head.
Yami: 'Please! Readers! Give me the power to destroy this thot! Maybe even kill me! This is just plain torture!'. Whatever. Give me the damn decorations!
Amy happily gave Yami the decorations as he just snatched all of it from her. Amy just walked away, but not before blowing Yami a kiss and winking at him. Yami just grumble before crouching down a bit, and started mumbling;
Yami: {Mumbles} Demonic For All; Dark Cowling; 1%
Yami was then surrounded by red electricity with a hint of black and quickly started jumping from wall to wall with very quick speed, hanging up thr decorations on higher places quickly. Pearl, Marina, Callie, Marie, Katie and Amy were in awe, seeing Yami being so cool, especially when they still can't believe that Yami, a human, has special powers and can do all sorts of tricks, well, kinda since Yami is still training his body.
As Yami was jumping from wall to wall, putting up decorations, the Three Agents and Cap'n Cuttlefish cam back from shopping and saw Yami putting up decorations from wall to wall, using his awesome power to do it. Agent 3; known as Samantha, just scoffs and rolled her eyes.
Samantha: 'Tch. What a show off'.
As Yami had finished up with the decorations on the higher walls and ceilings, he rocket himself towards the ground, doing frontflips, and landed on the ground super hero style.
Everyone was clapping at Yami's little performance, minus Samantha of course.
Yami: Good evening Cap'n, Agents...............Samantha...
Samantha: Tch!
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Good evening my boy. I see that everyone here has finished getting ready for Squidmas.
Callie: {Excited} Yep, everything is set. Now for Squidmas to come!
Marie: You're mostly excited for the food Callie.
Callie: And the presents!
Yami: {Sighs} Anyways, I'll be in the kitchen, cooking Squidmas dinner, while you guys rest up. It's actually getting quite late.
Katie: Do you need help with cooking Yami?
Pearl: I can also help also. Marina would also like help.
Marina: {Blushes a bit} Y-Yeah. I would like to help you Yami. It's probably too much for you to cook.
Lyla: I can help too! I am a decent cook. I could help wash the dishes for you.
Amy: How about me Yami baby?~ I can cook and I can help you with a bit of stress relieve~ {Licks her lips lustfully}
Yami just felt a chill up his spine, as the rest of the girls glared at Amy with either jealousy or with anger...probably both. Of course minus Samantha and Bridgett since Samantha is covering Bridgett's ears to protect her innocences as Samantha was also glaring at Amy. Bridgett was just plain confused. Cap'n Cuttlefish just smiled at the scene in front of him. Kids would be kids.
Yami: N-No ok! I got this! I don't need any help. 'This woman got no shame!'.
Pearl and Marina went towards their rooms as the rest of the gang went to their respective guest rooms, while Yami started on Squidmas Dinner. Yami put on a apron that says; "Don't Get Cooked, Stay Off The Hook" and got to work, but before he can even start, Amy was still in the kitchen, smirking at Yami. Yami sighed and turned around to face Amy.
Yami: What do you want now Amy?
Amy: {Smirks a little lustfully} Can't I get a kiss first babe?~ I did promised you~.
Yami just turns around and started to cut some vegetables he got out of the fridge.
Yami: {Annoyed} No Amy. Just stop and go to bed. Now.
Amy then walked up towards Yami and hugged him from behind. Then, Amy started to whisper into Yami's ear, making him shiver a bit.
Amy: {Whispers Lustfully into Yami's ear} Y'know babe, I was serious about the kiss~. I really like- no, I really love you Daddy~. You make me feel so hot that I play with myself a lot~. I want you, and only you~. I want us to make a family together~. I'll do anything for you~, even give you my body~.
Amy then licked Yami's ear, a bit too sexually.
Amy: {Lustfully} I'll be waiting in your room, in your bed, butt naked~.
Yami was a blushing mess and was still shocked as he saw Amy walking away, swaying her hips. Yami's brain was still processing on what the hell just happened.
Yami: 'R-Readers, hug me...I'm scared'.
Yep. Yami never thought he would be afraid of a girl, especially a very perverted one. May god have mercy on his soul. Anyways, Yami just then realized on what Amy said earlier.
Yami: S-Sleep in your own room Amy!
No answer. Yami just grumbled and wanted to rip his own face off as he went back to cooking. Yami was gonna make a big feast to leave everyone full and satisfied. Hours upon hours of cooking, Yami was finished and completely exhausted. His cooking skills are a bit rusty, but he got the job done. He did a pretty good job. Yami was actually surprised and sigh in relief to see that none of the girls, especially Callie, to come down to see what he's cooking. Yami completely knows about Callie's eating habits.
Anyways, Yami decided to put everything in a "secret" fridge to keep the the girls, especially Callie, from digging in the Squidmas dinner, before Squidmas is here. Cap'n Cuttlefish has self-control, so Yami isn't worried about him. As Yami was done putting the food up and washing the dishes, Yami put his apron up and headed towards his guest room to go to sleep. It was 2 am in the frickin morning and Yami needed his rest. As Yami got into his room, he took off his glasses, his T-shirt, shoes, and hopped into his bed. However, Yami sooned realized that he wasn't alone in his bed.
Warning: Tinsey bitty itty lime here. (I am so sorry ;^;). Feel free to skip some of this.
Yami quickly sat up and removed the covers, to only see a completely naked Amy in all of her glory. Yami's whole face was crimson red from all the blushing....and he has a nosebleed. Yami swallowed hard.
Yami: 'S-S-S-So, t-that's what a f-females body l-looks like?'. {Shakes Head} 'W-What the hell are you thinking, you emo bastard! T-This is just so wrong!'.
Yami turned his head in the opposite direction, raised his hand to try and wake Amy up, but he accidentally...touched her boob, which caused Amy to moan in her sleep a bit. Yami quickly removed his hand away as he was internally freaking out.
Yami: {Blushes and Growls} 'O-Oh, Screw this!'.
Yami faced Amy's sleeping body, still red in the face, and shook her, trying to wake her up.
Yami: {Whisper-Yells} Amy! Wake up and get the hell out of my room! P-Put some clothes on too!
Amy: {Tiredly opened her eyes/Half asleep} Hm?~ Oh hey babe~. Done already?~ Then sleep with me, I was getting so lonely without you~.
Yami: {Whisper-Yells} Listen to me-
Amy then pinned Yami back on the bed, still naked, and cuddled closely to Yami's chest, falling back asleep.
Amy: {Yawns tiredly} Goodnight Daddy~...
Yami: {Whisper-Yells} Amy!-
Amy: Zzzz...
Yami's mind:
Yep, Yami was losing his mind and this situation wasn't helping out at all. Anyways, at the corner of Yami's eyes, he saw a brick by his bed. He sooned grabbed the brick as an idea came into his head.
Yami: 'Don't fail me now brick! Demonic For All; Dark Cowling; Concussion!'.
Yami just....smashed the brick against his head and was knocked out cold. Timeskip towards morning, Amy was the first to get up as she feels so refresh and happy to have sleep with her future husband. Amy saw that Yami was still asleep and started to whisper in his ear again, lustfully.
Amy: {Whispers Lustfully} Morning babe~. I'm so glad you slept with me. I hope you'll be excited for your Squidmas gift tomorrow~. Rest well cutie~.
Amy licked and kissed Yami's cheek as she got out of bed, got dress, and left Yami's room before anyone could know that she and Yami "slept" together. Timeskip towards the afternoon, Yami has finally woke up with a huge headache that hurted like hell as he remembers what really happened last night. Amy's developed, hot, sexy body will forever be in Yami's mind. Yami quickly punched himself in the face and then used his 2nd quirk; Divine Healing, to heal himself. Yami couldn't believe that he just described Amy like that. Yami would rather die than become pervert.
Anyways, Yami went downstairs to get some brunch, since he missed breakfast and it was probably lunchtime. Yami noticed that nobody knew or mentioned about the...incident between Yami and Amy. Thank god. Looks like Yami was in the clear. For the rest of the day, most of the gang were just hanging out or talking while Yamu was in the backyard training his body to handle more of the power of Demonic For All. Pearl and Marina were at Inkopolis Square, broadcasting about the news and such. Everything was alright so far, instead of Amy flirting with a shirtless Yami doing push-ups. Damn, she's perverted.
Timeskip towards nighttime, we see that everyone was asleep, except for Yami. Yami was downstairs, wearing a Santa suit with a fake white inkling beard, putting presents under the tree that he stol- uh, bought and filling the stockings. There were already presents under the tree, but these other presents that Yami got was a gift from him to everyone else.
As Yami was putting presents under the tree, he heard footsteps behind him and as soon as Yami turned around, while dropping the present box, he saw Bridgett in her pajamas, being very happy to see Santa Squid for the first time.
Santa(Yami): 'Ah sh*t'.
Bridgett: {Happy Gasp} Santa?
Santa(Yami): 'Quick Yami! Put on an act!'. {Chuckles} Shhh...No witnesses...
Yami suddenly pulled out a dart gun out of nowhere and shot Bridgett, knocking her out cold as Yami just stared at her sleeping body, picked up a cookie, and ate it.
Santa(Yami): 'Meh. She'll live and will forget about this moment'.
After Yami was done with the presents, he took off his Santa suit, threw it away, and carried Bridgett bridal style towards her room and put her in bed. Yami made sure to be extra quiet since both Bridgett and Samantha shares the same room, but different beds. As Yami was done, he soon went to his room to sleep. Yami took off his shirt, shoes, and got into bed, but soo realized again that he wasn't alone in bed.
Yami quickly moved the covers to see that it was Amy again, naked! Yami grabbed the brick again and--
Yami: 'Time to die...'.
--smashed his head against the brick again. Yami didn't want to deal with this. Timeskip towards morning again, it was time for Squidmas and everyone one was excited, except for Yami since really doesn't smile.
The whole gang was downstairs, sitting on the couches and chairs, while Yami was handing out presents.
Yami: Here you go guys. It's not really much, but I hope you'll like it.
Callie: Aw~ Yami! You shouldn't have~.
Yami: You're right, but I wanted too. Now, open your presents.
Callie was the first one to quickly open her gift and as she unwrapped her present, she squeals in happiness. Her gift was a new Splat Roller with the special weapon; Bomb Rush. Callie tackles Yami in a hug and kisses his cheek, making the other girls, minus Bridgett and Samantha, jealous and making Yami blush a bit.
Callie: Thank you so much Yami! I love it!~
Yami: {A bit red} Y-Yeah. No problem. Now let go of me.
Callie happily let go of Yami as Marie was the next one to opened her gift. Marie was surprised to see a newly made kimono, that hasn't been even in the store.
Marie: {Surprised} A new Kimono? But I haven't see this type in the stores yet.
Yami: Well, I actually made it myself. It wasn't easy and it took me awhile to make-
Yami wasn't finished with his sentence as Marie hugged him tightly, but quickly let go as she was blushing a bit.
Marie: {Blushing and rubs her head} T-Thanks Yami. This really means a lot to me..Thank you.
Yami: 'I'm glad she liked it'. Yeah, no problem.
Next was Pearl, she got a couple of new games, around 12 games, that she hasn't had yet. She hugged Yami and thanked him. Next Marina, she got a brand new music player with songs that Yami singed. Yes, Yami singed, like around 15 songs, just for her to listen too. Marina was so happy that she hugged Yami so hard that her breasts was touching Yami, that made him blush a bit. Marina quickly moved away, apologizing while blushing. Yami just waved it off. What they didn't know was that the other girls were glaring at Marina with jealousy.
Next was Cap'n Cuttlefish and his gift was a watch, one of those expensive watches. Cuttlefish was happy and thanked Yami, to which Yami nodded, a bit happy inside that the Cap'n loved his gift. Next was for Amy as she got new clothes, whisky, and a new bracelet.
Amy: {Happy} Aw Thanks babe~. I love it. Maybe next time, you can buy me some sexy undergarments so that I can give you a show~
Yami: (💢) How 'bout no.
Amy: You're missing out honey~.
Yami was just getting a headache just by talking to her. Amy thought the bracelet was cute, now she was thinking on how to get Yami drunk. Katie was next to open her gift and she covered her mouth in shocked and was surprised. It was a beautiful, expensive, diamond necklace, a shape of a heart. Katie was beyond happy and hugged Yami tightly.
Katie: {Happy/Almost close to tears} Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Yami! I love it.
Yami then took the necklace from Katie and helped her put the necklace on her neck. This almost made them look like a couple, making some of the other girls...somewhat jealous.
Yami: {Helping Katie put on her necklace} There is no need to thank me, Katie. You actually helped me a lot, no matter how much I tried pushing you away and you gave me a place to stay. You were...actually there for me and I'm very grateful to have met you. Thank you for coming into my life.
Yami smiled just a tiny smile and only Katie was seeing it. Katie was beyond happy and hugged Yami again. She was also happy to see his cute smile, making Katie blush a bit. Agent 4; Lyle, was the next to opened her present and she gasped in happiness, seeing that Yami got her a Nintendo Switch plus a few games. Lyle thanked Yami with a smile, showing him that she was very happy. Agent 8; Bridgett was next to open her gift and she was very happy that she got new cute clothes and a Nintendo Switch plus a few games. She hugged Yami tightly.
Bridgett: Thank you Yami. {Smiles brightly} You're so awesome.
Yami: 'That smile...must protect'. No problem.
Samantha thought she didn't got a gift, which she didn't care, but still it kinda hurt. Then she saw Yami walking towards her, holding a present towards her, making her surprised.
Yami: Even if we don't get along, I still got you a gift. I hope you'll like it.
Samantha was speechless as she took the gift and opened, seeing another Nintendo Switch and a few games. Samantha hasn't gotten a Switch yet. She was secretly happy...but..
Samantha: {Turns around} Hmph! Even if you got me a gift, I still don't trust a human!
Yami: {Crosses his arms} Hmph. Don't care.
What Yami didn't see was a light blush on Samantha's face. She was secretly very happy. Next if for Yami to get his giftd fron the gang. Callie gave Yami her present and as Yami opened it, he instantly regret it. Callie's gift towards Yami was a picture of Callie..only wearing a ribbon, covering her private parts and body. Yeah...its an almost naked picture of Callie. Yami was a blushing mess as the other girls were confused on Yami's gift, considering that they didn't see the pitcure.
Yami: Callie! What the hell-
Callie just came towards Yami, took the pitcure, and slide it into Yami's shirt.
Callie: It's for good luck~♡.
Marie: What kind of gift was that, Yami?
Yami: I-It's nothing!
Marie raised an eyebrow but soon shrugged. Yami was blushing and didn't know that Callie would even consider that! Next was for Marie's gift. Yami has some new fingerless black combat gloves. Yami thanked Marie, letting her know that he likes it. Marie was happy. Pearl gave Yami a new music player, that has all the Off The Hook and Squid Sisters songs on it. Yami thanked Pearl. Marina got Yami new clothes that would look pretty good on him. Cap'n Cuttlefish gave Yami a book that Yami can learn more about their language.
Next, Katie gave Yami a heart-shape friendship necklace that has a pitcure of Yami and Katie inside.
Yami: Wow. Thanks Katie {Puts it on} I'll be sure to wear it forever.
Katie was very happy that Yami liked her gift. Lyle got Yami a very cool and awesome black jacket, to which Yami actually liked a lot. Samantha walked towards Yami and gave him also a gift, making Yami actually surprised. Samantha turned her head and blushed a bit. What a tsundere.
Samantha: Hmph! D-Don't get the wrong idea! You got me a gift...s-so it was only fair to get you a gift.
Yami: 'I'm...not gonna question this..'. Uh, Thanks.
Yami grabbed the gift from Samantha and was surprised to have new shoes. Samantha just turned around, crossed her arm, and was being a tsundere. Next, Amy got her a gift and Yami wasn't too sure if he should open it or burn it. Anyways, Yami opened Amy's gift and also soon regretted it. Yami's gift from Amy...was the same as Callie's, but she was completely nude, nothing was being covered. Yami nose is bleeding as his face was completely red, catching the girls attention.
Katie: Y-Yami! Are you ok?!
Lyle: Your nose is bleeding!
Bridgett: {Innocently} A-Are you sick Yam Yam?
Yami: 'What kind of gift is this!? T-T-This...!'. Amy! What the actual hell is this-
Amy put her finger over Yami's and also put her pitcure inside Yami's shirt.
Amy: Shhh~. Just for good luck if you're under pressure~♡.
Yami: 'Readers!! Please save me!!'.
It took a minute for Yami to calm down. Yami just needed to forget about this weird night. Finally, Bridgett was the last one to give Yami her gift. It was a bracelet...for couples?
Yami: Uh, Bridgett? I believe this...is..uh..is this the wrong gift?
Bridgett was then suddenly holding Yami's hand.
Bridgett: {Innocently} It is not the wrong gift Yam Yam. I want to let you know how much I care about you. I want to thank you for helping me against Commander Tartar. You're the most most amazing human friend ever! I love you Yam Yam!♡♡
Yeah...somebody needs to hold Samantha back. She wants to commit murder on Yami right now. Yami was speechless and was blushing just a tiny bit. Yami just petted Bridgett's head, which made her happy, as Yami putted on the bracelet.
Yami: T-Thanks. I'll be sure...to keep it.
Bridgett: {Giggles Happily} Hehe.
Yami then walked towards the "secret" fridge, that was just located in the storage and started to put food on the table. Everyone was drooling and was speechless of Yami's amazing food. It looked delicious.
Yep, Callie was drooling quite a lot.
Yami: Enjoy everyone. I made plenty and it took hours, so-
Callie: Don't have to tell me twice!!
Callie and the others started to dig in and was enjoying the food greatly. Yami just chuckled a tiny bit and joined in, eating the delicious food.
As Yami was eating, he looked around the table, seeing everyone..having a wonderful time. Christmas/Squidmas isn't about presents or the food. It's about Family and Friends, just being together.
Yami: 'Family....'.
After the big Squidmas dinner, there was music and the gang having a good time. Yami was seeing everyone having a fantastic time and felt...hurt? Yami made sure he wasn't being followed as he went upstairs, towards the roof. Which he didn't know that a current octoling saw him walked away and followed him.
Yami was finally on the roof as he sat down near the edge and looked at the stars in the night sky.
Yami: {Inhales} ....Hey Mom...Dad...Big sis. I hope you guys are doing alright...I've been doing good...Thanks for asking. I've actually met a few people...who I can actually call family now...of course I never admitted, but I really do care about these people- er, Squids and Octolings. I just....I just.....
...God dammit...I missed you guys. It's my fault! It's all my fault that I never truly got to say goodbye! Its my fault that I pushed you away! It's my fault...for not being strong...I'm human...I'm still human. I can't keep putting up this act! I can't even move on. I'm just a weak, pathetic, lowly human. I have emotions too......Im so sorry. I wish I can tell you guys..on how much you meant the world to me. I wish to tell you how much I loved you.....{Sniff}...Heh...Look at me, getting emotional on Squidmas...heh...God, I really am pathetic..
???: Yam Yam?
Yami turned around to see Bridgett by the roof door. Yami quickly wiped his tears away as Bridgett approached him.
Bridgett: Are you ok Yam Yam?
Yami: I-I'm fine Bridgett. Thanks for coming to check up on me, but we should head back.
Yami gotten up and started walking towards the door, but not before holding out a hand towards Bridgett.
Yami: We should get going. Let's enjoy this party.
Bridgett: {Smiles} Heh. Okay!
Bridgett took Yami's hand and walked towards the door, but Yami let go as he turned around and looked at the night sky, one last time.
Yami: {Smiled softly} Merry Squidmas Guys...
Yami then turned towards the readers.
Yami: And Merry Christmas to everyone. Nothing is more important and stronger, than family.
Yami then raced back towards the rest of the guys, to join the Squidmas party.
(A/N): I hope ya'll enjoy the Christmas special. Wowie. Took awhile, but I got it done. Please vote and have a wonderful (Early)Christmas❤. Have a lovely year.
December 13, 2021
Time: 9:03 pm
Words: 4,503
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