Episode 4: The Great Zapfish And Callie Is Missing?! Yami Becomes An Agent.

(A/N): The wait is over! Its time for the first arc of this story to begin!

The Great Zapfish Arc!


☆Opening 1☆


[Narrator POV]

Last time on Splatoon: The Last Of My Kind, Yami went outside of Inkopolis and into the forest to train in private to harness the power of Demonic For All, the power he got from a Demon God named, Ketsueki Shinigami. Yami trained hard, even if its for a couple of hours. Yami needed to get use to this destructive power fast or he'll end up destroying his body completely. Yami was also determined to break the 30% limiter of his new power. There must be a way, right? Now, morning is heading his way and Yami rushed back towards Katie's before he can be seen.

Yami's journey, is only beginning.

[Third POV]

It was a beautiful and bright morning in the city and in Inkopolis Square. The birds are chirping and the flowers are blooming. The Inklings were up bright and early, going to work or doing whatever they do on their time. As for Yami, he was on his way towards Katie's house still. He was very exhausted and he needed to sneak around the other inklings before he can be seen. Yami hid behind parked cars, lampposts, a dumpster, hell, even Yami hid his face behind a newspaper. It was pain for Yami, be he soon made it towards Katie's house safe and sound.

Yami grabbed the spare key that was from under the mat. How did Yami knew this? Well....movies. Anyways, Yami quickly looked around as no Inklings were around and quietly opened the door and headed inside while slowly closing the door behind him. Yami then noticed something.

Yami: Hm? Its quiet, too quiet.

Yami then slowly sneaked up the stairs towards Katie's room and as Yami made it towards her front door, he slowly opened it and peaked inside. Yami quietly sigh in relief to see that Katie is still sleeping.

Yami: {Sighs & Mumbles} Geez..I thought something had happened. I'm being paranoid right now. I'll just let her sleep.

Yami slowly closed Katie's door and was about to walk away, but soon sniff the air. Something stinks. Yami then smell himself and had a face of disgust.

Yami: Whoa...I stink. Welp, time to take a bath.

Yami went in his room to get a new pair of clothes as he went inside the bathroom, took of his dirty clothes and put them in the laundry. Yami then turned on the water and let the tub filled up.

Yami: Hm? Katie usually sleeps long, so when I'm done showering, I'll start on breakfast for us....why am I always talking to myself.

As the tub was filled with warm water, Yami soon got in as he put some soap in and starts thinking about everything.

Yami: {Looking at the ceiling} 'Geez. A lot has happened. First, my life was miserable, then the wave happened, I soon woke up 10,000 years later to find out that a new species are ruling over, and now...I have new destructive power from a demon. Sigh..My luck sucks, huh? Being the last of my kind...seems lonely'.

Yami sighed once again. He remembered on how his life was just hell. Being bullied all your life, having almost no emotions and not caring about anything at all, being an ass towards her family and your only friend who only showed you love, and now...being the last of your kind, the last of your race. Yami was really alone this time. However, he couldn't let this get to him. He now has Katie and he promised his family, to be a hero and a better person in the future. He won't break that promise. Of course, it's gonna take some time for him to feel emotion again and trust people, but its a working progress.

Anyways, as Yami finished his bath, Yami put on his new clothes that reveals to be a white long-sleeve t-shirt, black cargo pants, and the same shoes with socks of course. After Yami finished getting dress, Yami went out the bathroom and towards the kitchen, ready to start breakfast. As Yami rolled up his sleeves and put on a apron, he was thinking on what type of breakfast he should cook for him and Katie.

Yami: Hm? Lets see...what can I cook for me and Katie? I guess something simple with a cup of orange juice.

Yami took out some eggs from the fridge, some wieners, and butter. Then, Yami got out some bread from the cabinet and put it in the toaster, as Yami cracked the eggs and puts them on the frying pan while adding salt and pepper, letting them cook. On another frying pan, Yami put the weiners in with a bit of cooking oil. Next, Yami put some toast in the toaster, letting the toast just right as he grabbed the orange juice from the fridge and poured it in 2 cups.

As Yami was cooking, he heard Katie yawning coming down the stairs, still half asleep.

Katie: {Yawns} Mmm. Something smells really good.

Yami: Morning Katie. Slept well?

Katie: {Yawns again} Mhm. Morning Yami...hm?

Katie was now fully awake as she remembered something when she literally talked to Yami, who is cooking breakfast.

Katie: W-Wait! Yami, shouldn't you be resting? Your arm is....still....

Katie's eyes widen as she literally saw Yami's arm, that was suppose to be broken and damaged, fully healed like its brand new and nothing ever happened.

Katie: Y-Y-Yami! W-What?! Your arm! It's fully heal!?

Yami: {Continued cooking} Hm? Oh yeah, its fully healed. Look, I'll answer your questions and explain, alright? Just sit down, breakfast is ready.

Katie just couldn't help but slowly nod as she sat at the kitchen table and waited as Yami served her plate with a cup of orange juice.

Katie couldn't help but drool at Yami's creation. It looks so good to her. As Katie took a bite, she was in heaven. The weiner is so juicy, the eggs are mouth-watering, and the toast with butter is just delicious. Yep, an amazing breakfast from her roommate. As they were eating, Yami was explaining about his powers or quirks as he called it. Yami explain his 2 quirks; Demonic For All and Divine Healing, and explain their abilities and drawbacks that he knew so far. Katie was shocked and amazed, but also scared and worried for Yami's safety for when he uses DFA. That quirk is extremely dangerous to the human body.

Katie: Wow, your quirks came from a Demon God? That's so cool.

Yami: {Shocked} Eh? Aren't you afraid of me? My powers literally came from a real demon, a demon god that can destroy everything.

Katie: {Smiling} I-I know what you said, Yami. But, you aren't a demon, you're you. You are Yami, a person, a human, a friend. Whatever power you have, it doesn't change for who you're truly are, right?

Yami was at lost for words. Yami didn't expect this answer from Katie. Usually people would be scared that Yami got his powers from a demon, so that also makes him a demon, right? Katie's words touched Yami's heart and it made him secretly happy. Yami was right to trust Katie after all and befriend her.

Yami: T-Thanks, Katie. I-I'm happy to hear that. It feels....nice.

Katie: {Giggles} No problem, Yami. Now, lets watch the news from Off The Hook.

Yami: Off The what?

Katie: They're pop idols.

Yami: Oh.

For how long Yami's been in this new era, he usually reads, so he doesn't really watch much TV. Anyways, as Yami puts the empty cups and plates in the sink and finished washing the dishes, Yami joined Katie on the couch as she turned on the TV to show the famous Pop Idol's going on live.

The small inkling on the left of the screen is Pearl and on the right is her best friend and dj; Marina.

Pearl: Y'all know what time it is!

Marina: It's Off the Hook, coming at you LIVE from Inkopolis Square!

Pearl: Check it! Here are the current Regular Battle stages!

Marina then scratch her disc of her dj as the screen showed a battle stage of Turf War, taking place at Musselforge Fitness. Next, the screen showed another Battle stage, taking place at The Reef.

Pearl: {Playfully mocking} Look at me! I'm Marina! BLAH BLAH BLAH!

Marina: Ahaha! Yeah, that's so me!

Pearl: And these are the current Ranked Battle stages!

Marina, once again scratch her disc on her dj set, showing a Ranked Battle stage, taking place at Sturgeon Shipyard. Next, another Ranked Battle stage was shown, taking place at Port Mackerel.

Pearl: Ahhhhhhh! I just love the smell of the salty sea air!

Marina: But how can you tell it apart from the smell of your teammates' tears?

Pearl: Here are the League Battle stages!

Marina scratched her disc on her dj set yet again, to show the League Battle stages, taking place at Humpback Pump Track and the other at Inkblot Art Academy.

Pearl: Remember when we performed at this school's music festival?

Marina: How could I forget? You started a mosh pit and broke a bunch of sculptures...

Yami turned from from the TV and towards Katie with an raised eye brow.

Yami: Are they always like this?

Katie looks at Yami with a bit of confusion on her face.

Katie: {Confused} Uh, yeah? Didn't you also have idols back when the human race was alive?

Yami: {Thinking} Hm? I'm not sure. I think so? I don't usually pay attention for a lot of things back in my time.

Katie: I-I see.

Yami and Katie went back towards the news from Off the Hook.

Pearl: Uh...Why is our producer freaking out? Read the teleprompter, Marina!

Marina: Huh? Let's see here...

As Marina scratched her disc again, the screen showed the image The Great Zapfish disappearance. This definitely caught Yami's and Katie's attention, especially Yami. If he remembers correctly, The Great Zapfish helps power the city and for inklings to use the respawn gate.

Marina: THIS JUST IN! The Great Zapfish has...disappeared?!

Pearl: Wait, like, for reals?! I feel like I've heard this story somewhere before...

Yami: '"Heard this story somewhere before..?" So, this already happened last time? Just what the hell is going on?!'.

As Yami was thinking, Marina scratched her disc again, to reveal a missing person, and that person reveals to be Callie, from the Squid Sisters. This definitely caught his attention. A missing person and The Great Zapfish is missing, all in the same day perhaps? Something is definitely wrong here.

Marina: There's more! Pop superstar Callie of the Squid Sisters has gone missing!

Pearl: NOOOO! NOT CALLIE! This is terrible! Do something, Marina!

Marina: Uh...Ok, I'll put together a search part-

Pearl: Whatever. I'm sure they'll turn up at some point. In other news...

Marina: But shouldn't we form a search party or someth-

Yami: 'Seriously?! A person is missing and this brat isn't taking this seriously?! Grr! People like her pisses me off'.

Yami can feel the power of Demonic For All running through his veins. This power did brought out more of his anger a bit. This is a serious matter for Yami. For all he knew, the girl's family is probably worried sick.

Pearl: And that's all the time we've got! Until next time...

Pearl/Marina: Don't get cooked...Stay off the hook!

The girls both said as they did their famous pose as Yami turned off the TV. Katie was looking very worried, especially for Callie.

Katie: Oh no, poor Callie. Marie must be worried sick about her. I hope someone can find her...

Katie then looked up to see Yami putting on his fake eye mask and his cap and grabbing his new squid phone that she bought Yami last week.

Katie: Y-Yami? Where are you going?

Yami: I'm going out. Don't worry, I'll come back safe. Don't do any turf wars or anything dangerous, ok? Be safe Katie.

Before Katie can respond, Yami left out the door, leaving Katie alone.

Katie: ...R-Right....please be safe Yami.

Timeskip for the train ride towards Inkopolis Square, Yami made it to town as he looked up at Deca Tower to see that The Great Zapfish is really gone.

Yami: Hm, where did that Great Zapfish go? Did...someone stole it? Or perhaps did it go get some food?? So many questions.

As Yami was looking around Inkopolis Square, he actually saw a mysterious squid with a kimono and an umbrella, covering her face. She..or he was looking very suspicious to Yami. As their umbrella moved up a bit, the stranger and Yami made eye contact and soon Yami realized that it was a girl. The said girl went quickly inside the drain pipe.

Yami: {Mumbles} Huh? That's odd. We made eye contact and she left. Does she want me to follow her? This seems sus.

???: You saw that too, didn't you?

Yami turned towards his side to see a yellow inkling girl with short hair tentacle and some rookie clothes. Yami thought she was probably new here, considering her clothing to be pretty plain. This girl, is named Lyla.

(A/N): She isn't wearing the agent uniform, just the rookie one.

Lyla saw Yami was kinda glaring at her, so she coughed a bit and hold out her hand.

Lyla: {Holds out her hand} Ahem. Hello there, stranger. My name is Lyla, I just barely moved here. Um, well, I'm still finding a place to stay...hehe.

Lyla nervously chuckled on the last part. She also realized that Yami didn't even shake her hand, meaning he wasn't the friendly type, to which she retracted her arm with a nervous smile.

Lyla: {Nervous smile} Hehe...I guess you're not nice type-

Yami: Yami.

Lyla: {Surprised} Huh?

Yami: Yami Akuma. That's my name. Don't forget it.

Lyla: {Smiles} Well, its very nice to meet you, Yami! Now come on, lets follow that mysterious squid.

Lyla the ran up ahead towards the drain pipe that the mysterious inkling went in, as Yami ran after her.

Yami: Oi! Wait up!

As Yami ran after her, he saw that Lyla turned into a squid and went inside the drain pipe. Yami knew he couldn't turned into a squid so he has to go in the old fashion way. Luckily, the drain pipe...sewer.. or whatever its called, can be opened normally. So as Yami opened the drain pipe, he just jumped in as the drain pipe gate closed behind him. Going inside a drain pipe...was actually like a slide all the way through. It would've been pretty fun, if Yami didn't keep crashing into every obstacle in his way.

Yami: How! *crash* Many! *crash* Times! *crash* Do! *crash* I! *crash* Keep! *crash* Crashing! *crash* Into! *crash* These! *crash* Ow!!!

Last, but not least, Yami finally crashed at the other side of the drain pipe gate and grunted in pain. Yami slowly opened the gate and slowly got out of the drain pipe as Lyla was waiting for him. Luckily, Yami's disguise is still intact.

Lyla: Why didn't you turn into a squid?

Yami: {Still in a bit of pain} Uh, I like an adventure?? Anyways, did this mysterious squid say anything yet?

Lyla: No, I believe she was waiting for you

Yami: Right.

Yami then looked around. It seems that they were in the sky. Yami has many questions on did a drain pipe lead to the damn sky? Is everything a floating island? Just as Yami was looking around, the mysterious inkling girl then spoke.

Mysterious Girl: Hmm...The Octarians...

The mysterious girl turned around to reveal herself.

This mysterious girl was none other than Marie, from The Squid Sisters.

Marie: Hey...You both showed up! As soon as I saw you both aimlessly wandering around the square, I knew you two were the ones. I'm Marie. I know you're probably a bit starstruck, but I need you to get over it.

Marie then did her famous pose towards Yami and Lyla.

Marie: Yes, I'm THAT Marie. You know... from the Squid Sisters.

Both Yami and Lyla both looked at eachother in confusion, well, mostly Lyla cause Yami could probably care less about some pop idol.

Lyla: {Towards Marie} Who??

This cause Marie to be quite shocked. Who in The Great Zapfish can nobody even knows the famous Squid Sisters?

Marie: You two never heard of me? For eel? Well, you guys obviously aren't very cultured, but you'll have to do.

Yami decided to interrupt her. This was taking too long.

Yami: Listen, Maria? Just get to the point already! I have things to do.

Marie was a bit irritated and sighed.

Marie: It's Marie, with an "e". {Sighs} Look, I've got a little...thing I need some help with. By now you've heard that the Great Zapfish that powers Inkopolis Square is missing.

At the mention of the Great Zapfish, this got Yami interested on what Marie was on about. Lyla was shocked to hear about this, consider she just barely got here. However, what came next shocked Yami and Lyla more.

Marie: Well, it's not just missing, it's been squidnapped by the Octarians menace!

Yami: 'What? The Octarians? Where have I seen that name before?'.

Lyla: What?! The Octarians?! W-Wait, Ms.Marie, how do you know all this?

Marie: How do I know this? On the surface, I may just look like an absurdly talented pop star...but in truth...I'm Agent 2 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon, a secret society of heroes who save the world from Octarians!

Yami: 'Heroes that saves the world from Octarians? How bad did this situation has gotten to need our help?'.

Marie: Now, I've been trying to keep an eye on the Octarians in my downtime, but I'm a busy girl.

Yami: Busy doing what? Sitting on your ass?

Marie was really starting to get annoyed with Yami. She closed her umbrella and quickly pointed at him near his face.

Marie: (💢) Don't. Push. It.

Yami wasn't phased at all, he just simply glared slightly at Marie while crossing his arms as Lyla got in between them.

Lyla: H-Hey, there's no need for fighting.

Yami: {Turned his head away} Hmph.

Marie just opened back up her umbrella and sighed.

Marie: {Sighs} 'If only Callie was around to lend a hand...'. Listen, I need you both to get the Great Zapfish back from those slimy Octarians! What do you guys say? Are you both in?

Yami then remembered his Mother's words, "Be a hero in their eyes". Yami took a deep breath and looked at Marie with determination in his eyes.

Yami: Sure thing! Count me in!

Marie was actually happy to hear that. She smiled a bit and then looked at Lyla, who smirked in return.

Lyla: {Smirks} Let's do this!

Marie: Wonderful.

Marie then went inside the small cabin and brought out 2 uniforms and handed them to Yami and Lyla.

Marie: Go change you two.

As Lyla went to go change, Yami's face mask started to itch a bit. It was getting annoying for him, so Yami removed his mask and rubbed his eyes, but in doing so, Marie saw everything with her mouth drop. Yami looked at Marie with his eyes widen a bit. He was very careless. He thought Marie wasn't looking.

Yami: 'Well.....F**k!'.

Marie: {Shocked} W-What? Y-You're not an inkling, are you?!

Yami: {Sighs} Welp....I guess the cat is out of the back.

Yami then took off his cap as well, showing his black color hair. This caused Marie to drop her umbrella as her eyes are wide like dinner plates.

Marie: Y-Y-You're a-

Yami: A human. Surprise? Yeah, I'm human. Big deal.

The door of the cabin opened as Lyla stepped outside in her new gear.

She also had her eyes widen as her mouth dropped to the floor.

Lyla: No way! A human! How are you even alive?!

Yami: Ok, look, I'll give you an explanation. So here's the story-

Yami explained on how he was trapped inside a gaint icecube, waking up 10,000 years later, an Inkling girl by the name Katie helping him, and how long he has been living here. Of course he left out the part of him having powers. He ain't gonna tell them, at least not yet.

Yami: -And that's the story, ok. Now, can you guys keep this a secret? I don't want the whole world to know of my existence just yet.

Marie: S-Sure.

Lyla: {Mumbles} So cool. A human, right in front of me, alive.

Marie: Listen, um...

Yami: Yami, Yami Akuma.

Marie: Listen Yami, I don't know if this job is gonna be for you, consider that you're human...

Yami: Don't underestimate me. I will help you retrieve the Great Zapfish. I will show you what a human can really do.

Marie looked in Yami's eyes and see the determination in his eyes. She couldn't help but slighty chuckle and sighed.

Marie: {Slighty chuckles & Sighs} Fine. Don't regret your decision.

Yami nodded amd went inside the cabin and soon changed into his new hero gear. As soon Yami came out, Marie began speaking again.

Marie: {Smirks} Welcome aboard! {Towards Lyla} You will be Agent 4, and Yami, since you're human, you will be Agent 24 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon. I even bought you a brand-new Hero Suit as a signing bonus. And look at that, it fits like a glove. Well, its probably a bit tight around you Yami.

Yami: Hmph. It's fine, it'll stretch.

Marie: Now, let's go tear those Octarians limb from limb from limb from limb from limb from-, well...you get the picture. Oh yeah, the entrances to the Octarian realm are invisible, so you'll have to ink them to reveal them.

Lyla had her weapon ready, but Yami didn't.

Yami: I'm more of a brawler. I don't a weapon.

Marie: Well, if you're so confident, be my guest.

Yami and Lyla started to head to the first stage on their quest to save the Great Zapfish. This is Yami's first adventure and mission. Lets hope he can pull through, cause if not...then he'll not only be a failure to himself, but to everyone around him. This is Yami's beginning of being the greatest hero and human in Inkopolis and the world.

To be continued...

☆Ending 1☆


Finally. Another episode is done. I hope you"ll enjoy this. Since I lost the script entirely, I have forgot what I written and I pulled this episode out of nowhere. I'm gonna take a small break from writing a story chapter and work on a new Splatoon story that you can add your oc in it, if you're interested. It will be on my Kuroki_Tomoko24 account soon. Anyways, please vote and add this story in your reading list and share it if you love it. Until next time my friends. Bye Bye.


March 21, 2022


Time: 6:56 pm

Words: 3,896

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