Episode 3.5 (Part 2): Training My New Powers. The Start Of A Hero.

(A/N): Alrighty Everyone! Here's another part of the chapter/story. I hope your ready.

☆Opening 1☆


Last time on Splatoon: The Last Of My Kind, Yami met a demon god in his mindscape that goes by the name; Ketsueki Shinigami. Ketsueki explained about Yami's new powers, that came from him, called Demonic For All. This power is very deadly and destructive. Its also a curse ability. If Yami uses around 100% of his ability again, the power could really kill him. There's a 95% of 5% chance of survival for his power to kill him, but he might barely survive if he's lucky. The biggest downgrade of Yami's powers was that if Yami completely his training, he can only summon 30% of his power, permanently. Yami's human body wont be able to handle pass 30% of power. After Yami has awoken from his mindscape, he has a new determination inside of him. Yami was now determined to train and master his new power and maybe, just maybe, he can break that stupid limiter so he can use more than 30% of Demonic For All without any problem. Now, lets continue on where we left off. This is Yami's path on becoming a hero.


{Third POV}

It's been at least 3 hours, since Yami left Inkopolis and out of the city. Since it was still night time, Yami didn't need his disguise or he needed to be careful while walking through and out of the city. Yami arrived at a forest, outside of the city and started walking further into the forest.

As Yami continued walking through the lovely forest for a perfect spot, he can't help but feel very annoyed for his injured arm. It was bothering him for awhile. Yami could still feel the pain and numbness. Yami actually tried using his "healing ability" as he remembered Ketsueki saying that he also has it, but there was a problem. The problem is that Yami doesn't know how to activate his healing ability. He tried to concentrate for his healing ability to work, but to no avail. Anyways, Yami finally arrived in the middle of the forest, in an open area, and looked at his surroundings. It was very peaceful and relaxing for Yami.

(A/N): Best picture I can find.

Yami: This area...is very peaceful and...beautiful. A perfect place to train without worrying of being caught or dealing any damage towards any area if I  active my power on accident or something. Its gonna take a very long time to master this power, but...

Yami then clenched his fist in determination.

Yami: I will master this power, so it doesn't damage my body again, but first....

Yami then looked at his sore, damaged, numb arm with a blank look.


....I need to heal my arm completely before I start my training. Its just gonna hold me back.

Yami then closes his eyes and tried focusing again on healing his arm. Yami just remained focus for like 5 minutes, before yelling in frustration.

Yami: Ahh!! Come on! Just focus and heal dammit! Why isn't this working?!

Yami was just frustrated. Yami just wanted to heal his bothersome arm before he starts training. If Yami can't even heal his arm, then coming to this forest to train will be a complete waste of time.

Yami: {Frustrated} Come on! What am I even doing wrong?! I tried concentrating very hard and nothing happened! What am I- Wait a second.

Yami then probably figured it out. While trying to concentrate on healiny, he wasn't calm at all. Yami was frustrated, in a rush, and had things on his mind. Yami wasn't even concentrating in the first place.

Yami: {Calms down} Alright, lets try this again. {Closes eyes} Ok Yami, just calm down, relax, deep breaths, and focus.

Yami closed his eyes, calmed down, took a deep breath, and only focused on healing. Yami holded out his arm and cleared his mind. Seconds later, a white glow appeared on Yami's arm, catching his attention. Yami was in awe and surprised that it actually worked. In less than a minute, Yami's arm was completely healed, like damaging his arm never happened. It was good as new and Yami was in awe while looking at his healed arm.

Yami: {Moving arm} Woah. That actually worked. My arm is fully healed again. Finally! Now my training can truly begin. Wait...Why do I feel a little drained? Did my healing ability did this?

Yami was actually right. His healing ability did required his energy/stamina for his ability to work. While thinking of this, Yami was also thinking of giving another name for his powers instead of calling it "ability". Something more simple that Yami wants.

Yami: {Thinking} Hmmm...Lets see, what other names can I give to my powers other than "ability". Um, How about... Quirk? Seems more simple. Yep, Quirk it is then.

Yami then started thinking on how to properly train his new quirk, or quirks since his D.F.A (Demonic For All) Quirk and Healing Quirk are both separated.

Yami: Hmm, How should I even start this training? I haven't even thought this through. Hm, Maybe I can just do simple training for now to strengthen my body.

So, Yami just then started his "simple" training by doing 200 push-ups, 200 sit-ups, 200 squats, and a 20 kilometer run around the forest.

This type of training was a total pain for Yami, but he needed to do this to control his power and to increase his stamina, even to buff up his body a bit if he wants to hold in even more power of D.F.A. Yami continued doing this difficult training for the next hour or so. After he was done, Yami did a different training by doing punches and kicks in the air, despite his exhaustion.

Yami also jump up and did a few punches and kicks before coming back down onto the ground. Yami needed to master this power, or he'll just end up killing himself if he keeps using 100% over and over again.

Yami continued this until it was 7:00 am in the morning. Now, Yami was resting by a tree to catch his breath. He hasn't worked out this hard in a very long time. Yami was pretty exhausted from his "simple" hard training and he knew that he has to get back home before Katie starts to worry and wonder where he is.

Yami: {Exhausted} Phew...That was very tiring. I haven't worked out this hard...*Pant* in a very long time.

Yami looked into the sky and sees the sun rising.

Yami: {Gets up, still feeling a bit tired} Damn, its morning already? Geez, time really does goes by quick. I need to hurry back.

As Yami continued looking at the sun's direction, he then started to have flashbacks on what his sister and Ketsueki said.

{Flashback} [Voices Only]

Ketsueki: I dont care on how you use my powers. You can be a so-called hero or a villian, I really don't care.

Sakura: Be a Hero in their eyes.

{Flashback Ended}

Yami looked at the palm of his hand, closed his hand into a fist as he looks towards the screen, at the readers. (Totally not breaking the 4th wall).

Yami: I promise sis. I'll....I'll be a hero in everyone's eyes. I'll use this power for good. I'll also try...being a better person.

Just then, Yami remembered something that he completely forgot.

Yami: Ah crap! I need to hurry and get back before Katie gets worried. Getting back is gonna take hours. Damn! I wish there was a faster way-

Yami then remembered something important that slipped his mind.

Yami: Wait a minute, Ketsueki said that I also have his speed when I inherited his power, correct? So, maybe my speed will activate if I....start running and keep running, I guess?

So then, Yami started running towards through the forest, towards the city. He kept running and running and running, and soon, he was going faster and faster. Yami's speed was increasing by the second as the trees around him started becoming a blur as he ran. Yami was actually quite amazed by this and soon he was heading towards the end of the cliff. Yami smirked and jumped backwards off the cliff.

Yami: Aw Yeah!

Yami then landed perfectly on the ground without taking any fall damage, so much to his relief, and kept running. For some reason, Yami felt free, free as the wind. Yami kept running and running towards Inkopolis.

(A/N): Yami has Classic Sonic's running animation.

Narrator{Yami}: This power I have, is a curse. This power is really dangerous and deadly, but I'll use it for good. I will master this power and I'll break that stupid limiter if possible. This is my life now. This is my future. This is my path.....

My Path towards being a Hero.

To Be Continue....

☆Ending 1☆

(A/N): Holy moly. Ok everyone, thats all for this chapter. Next is Episode 4, Yami's true beginning. I hope you'll ready and vote. I'm still working on my smg4 story, since I took a break to work on others. Anyways, I hope you love this chapter and will continue to support me.

Also, if you want Yami to have another Harem, then please add your oc's, inkling or octoling (girls only) if you want. I promise to credit you, since its your oc. I might also add some other girls if I can think any. So...

[Insert girl inkling/octoling oc here to be part of the Harem]

Also, if you do put your oc in this harem, please add on how they'll be towards Yami, like what is their reactions. Anyways, thats all I guess. Peace out everybody! See ya.


August 8, 2021


Time: 8:30 pm

Words: 1660

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