Episode 2: 10,000 Years?! Welcome To Inkopolis Square
(A/N): Heyo Everyone. Here is Episode 2. I hope you will enjoy it. Lets-a-go.
Third POV
It was a beautiful day in Inkopolis Square. Birds chirping, clear weather, and species called Inklings are talking, getting along, hanging out and having fun. There are other species called Octolings and such, but that's not really important right now. It was Friday and a young inkling girl with pink tentacles for hair(?), was walking with a couple of friends towards home from school. The pink tentacle hair(?) girl name is Katie
Katie's two friends are named Eric and Clementine. Eric is a inkling boy with blue tentacle hair tide in a hair tie.
Clementine is a inkling girl with orange tentacle hair.
Eric: So girls, wanna play some turf war?
Clementine: Yeah sure, I'm down. How about you Katie?
Katie: Sorry guys, I can't. I have to study cause I've been failing my classes a bit.
Clementine: Aw...That sucks. Well, I hope we can hang out with you soon after you finished studying.
Eric: Yeah, We will play turf war some other time when your done studying.
Katie: Heh. Alright guys.
Eric: Alright Katie, We'll see you later.
Clementine: See ya later.
Both Eric and Clementine said their goodbyes to Katie and went their separate ways. Katie went to Crusty Sean's Food Truck and ordered a Seanwich, since she hasn't had any lunch. After ordering her food and paying for it, Katie went home, taking the train and going to start studying a bit. When Katie arrived home, she started to head upstairs, but before she went upstairs, she turn to her right and saw a family photo, her family photo. In the family photo, was a green inkling male adult, a dark pink inkling female adult, and herself, but just a bit younger. Katie misses her parents so much. They both died in a car accident, around 3 years ago. A tear rolled down her cheek, but she quickly wiped her tear away.
Katie: <Sniff>...<Sad Woomy Noises> I...still miss you guys...😔
Katie really misses her parents. When her parents died, it broke Katie's heart into a million pieces. Katie was in depression for almost one year. Her friends were always there for her and did their best to make her feel better. It hasn't been the same since her parents died, it's been really lonely in her home. Katie went upstairs, just to start studying. About 2 hours later, Katie just got bored and decided to take a walk. Katie left her house and decided to go to the beach, just to walk on the shore and to look at the beautiful sea. Once Katie was at the beach, she just started walking on the shore. Nobody was around, so it was better that way. She liked the peace and quiet. When Katie was walking on the shore, she saw something ahead. It looked like a giant icecube.
Katie: Huh?..What is that? It...looks like a giant icecube. I should probably check it out.
When Katie got closer, she was right, it was a giant icecube. She was wondering why did the giant icecube ended up on shore, but then, Katie looked closely at the icecube and she saw that something- no, someone was in it. Katie looked even closely at the figure that was trapped in ice. It wasn't an Inkling or an Octoling, it was a HUMAN. Katie was shocked to see that she discovered a real life human. She did heard about humans during history class. They went extinct around 10,000 years ago.
Katie: O-Oh my Cod! A-A Human?! A real life Human?! A..A Human..Boy? I-I can't believe it. I-I found a real human. I-Is he even alive? Or is he dead? I need to take him back to my house and defrost this ice first.
Katie grabbed the giant icecube and dragged it back to her house. It wasn't very easy, it was heavy and a bit slippery, but she tried her very best and nobody even saw her, since it was getting a bit dark and nobody was around which was a good thing. When Katie got home after dragging a heavy icecube for a least 30 minutes, she started a fire in her fireplace and placed the icecube next to it, trying to melt it.
Katie: Phew~ Ok! This is probably gonna take hours for the ice to defrost, so I might as well take a small nap.
Katie went to her room and took a nap, since she was a bit tired. Katie dreamed about being the champion in Turf War, but kids can only dream. Many hours later, Katie woke up from her nap and checked the time. It was already midnight and she was quite shocked.
Katie: Oh shoot! It's already midnight?! I slept for 6 hours?! W-Wait? During that many hours, the ice should have melted already.
Katie hurried downstairs to see if the ice has already melted and she was right, the ice was already melted. Katie went closer and the human boy...who looked peaceful. Katie put her ear next to his chest to see if he was still alive, and turns out she was right. She heard the human boy's heart, slowly beating and then she heard heard slowly breathing from him also.
Katie: W-Wow! He is alive. This is a mircale!
Katie then stared at the human boy's face, but the more she stared at him, the more she started to blush a bit.
Katie: F-For a human, he sure is c-cute.
???: ngh...ow my head.
Katie flinched and freezed to see the human was waking up.
Yami's POV <Earlier>
Darkness....Quietness....Loneliness....That's all I see...and feel. So...Is this death? Is this my bad ending? Is this my punishment for not being a good person?...I guess I do deserve this...I feel..so..cold and.. lonely...w-wait...I..feel warmer? What's going on?
I then see a white light in front of me. The light started to glow brighter and it swallowed me up, then I started to wake up.
Yami: Ngh...ow my head.
I slowly sat up, rubbing my head. Everything is such a blur. What even happened to me? I turned to my right to see a strange girl...
Hold on? What's with that...hair?? Those eyes?? Uh...ok..This is just weird. Am I still dreaming? Cause if I am, I would like to wake up now.
Third POV
Yami and Katie just awkwardly stared at eachother that seems forever until Katie decided to break the silence.
Katie: U-Um..H-Hi...My Name is Katie. N-Nice to meet you..um..a-and who might you be?
Yami was just trying to process everything right now. Yami thought that her name was similar to his friend Kate's name. Yami decided to answer her question.
(A/N): I decided that Katie Oka should just be Kate Oka instead, so you won't be confused for both Katies.
Yami: Um..I'm Yami, Yami Akuma...but what even are you?
Katie: O-Oh, I'm an Inkling.
Yami: An...Inkling?
Katie: Y-Yeah...um...I also found you in a giant icecube on the shore at the beach.
Yami: W-Wha-?!
Just then, all the memories came back into him. He started to remember everything. The Wave, His Family, and his one and only true friend; Kate Oka.
Yami: W-Wait..The Wave?! What happened to the wave?
Katie: The Wave? I-I'm sorry Yami, but the wave happened 10,000 years ago and the entire human race went extinct.
Yami's POV
What?....The whole human race...is gone?? T-Ten Thousand years....Am I.....The Last Of My Kind.....
Yami:...I see...Well...I'll manage then. No need to get sad already...Anyways Katie, do you maybe have a library? I would like to study your world.
Katie: O-Oh...sure. It's down the hall to the right.
Third POV
Yami went towards the direction that Katie pointed, leading him into a room with many books. Yami wanted to study and understand on how the "new" world is. Of course, Yami will have trouble of understanding the different language, but he is a fast learner. On the other hand, Katie was surprised and worried that Yami just completely moved on. How can someone on, just like that, after knowing the wave wiped out the entire human race? It's really sad. Losing everything; Love ones, family, friends, everything. It's like Yami didn't really care or he was really strong that nothing can break him. But that was all wrong, because deep down inside Yami, he misses them, he is completely broken. Yami has completely lost everything. He is completely alone. His heart is shattered into a million of pieces. Yami was so hurt, but he didn't show it. He couldn't become so weak. The Next Morning, Katie woke up and headed to the library room, only to see Yami still up with more than 50 books piled up the table. He is also wearing glasses.
Wonder where did he got those glasses from? Katie decided to get his attention.
Katie: U-Um..Good Morning Yami. W-Why didn't you went to bed last night?
Yami: Tch! Did you forgotten that I was asleep for 10,000 years? Check your brain. {He said without taking his eyes off from the book and was flipping to the next page}.
Yami was clearly annoyed of being bothered. Katie was a bit sad and mutter a "sorry", only for Yami to say "Tch, Whatever". Katie rubbed her arm and was wondering that she probably said something bad to make Yami upset. Yami then got up from his seat, faced Katie, and put his glasses away.
Yami: So Katie?...Do you have a sewing machine or something?
Katie: H-Huh?...O-Oh yeah..It's in my...parents room.
Yami: Oh?...Then were are your parents? They would probably freak out to see a mere human is in their house with permission.
Katie flinched a bit. She didn't wanted to bring up that subject. It was a very sad topic and she was almost close to tears. Yami saw her reaction and probably knew the answer, so he decided to just shut up and drop it.
Yami: <Sigh> Forget it. Sorry to bring it up. Also, do you have clothing material.
Katie: <Sniff> Huh?..O-Oh yeah. I do have material. M-May I ask why you need clothing material?
Yami: <Annoyed Sigh> I'm gonna sew some new clothes for me. I need to get out of my school uniform.
Katie: Oh...Y-You know, I can buy some new clothes for you. It's the least I can do...
Yami: No need. I can handle myself. Also, how do you manage to survive....since uh...you live alone.
Katie: I...got a part time job at Salmon Run and I play some Turf War to earn a little bit of more cash.
Yami:...uh...Turf War? Salmon Run?? The H*ll is Turf War and Salmon Run?
Katie then started to explain on what Turf War and Salmon Run is. Yami was a bit interested in both of them.
Yami: I see. Anyways, Thanks for telling me. I need to get busy sewing. Bye.
Katie: O-Ok bye...I'll be here if you need me for anything.
After Yami said goodbye to Katie, Yami went upstairs, into Katie's Parents Room. It was a clean and nice room. Yami saw a picture of a younger Katie and two other adult inklings, thinking that those two are her parents. Yami picked up the picture frame and just stared at it. He felt bad for Katie.
Yami:...Poor Katie...I know how you feel. Losing someone precious, someone very close. You feel sadness, loneliness, and pain...even depression. I...know that pain far too well.
Yami decided to put the family picture down and started looking for the sewing kit and some material. Soon Enough, he found what he needed and starting getting to work.
Katie's POV
I've been reading my favorite book that my parents gave me when I was little, for hours already. I wonder if Yami is done already? I was also wondering if Yami could stay here...so I won't be so lonely here. O-Of course I have friends, but it's....different. I-I hope Yami can stay...I won't force him if he says no.
I got up from my couch and walked towards my parents room on where Yami was working. I opened the door slightly, but I almost fainted and was blushing like crazy, while having to hold the urge to have a nosebleed. Yami was shirtless. His body was so godly. Yami has muscle and a s-six pack. He was ripped.
O-Oh my cod! Look at him!! H-Has he always been working out back in the human age? H-He is hot looking! N-No Katie, Please don't think like that! T-That's being a pervert! Ahh!! Please Yami, Don't look at me!! >\\\<
(A/N): I said "Human Age" like the "Ice Age" or "Stone Age". I hope you understand.
Third POV
Since Katie is having...problems, Yami was finishing up the last stitch for his new outfit. Also, Yami didn't see or notice Katie's presence, so he had no idea on what was going on. After Yami finished sewing his new outfit, he completely stripped down, and put on his new outfit. Yami is now wearing a black long sleeve white collared sweater,
black cargo pants,
black fingerless gloves,
and he was still wearing his shoes he had on.
He called his shoes, Parkour Shoes. Simple but whatever. Yami was lucky enough to find leather material. Yami folded his school uniform and just put it in a box. Yami also made a black eye mask,
similar like the inklings eye, for a disguise, just in case he goes out. Now all he needs is hat to cover up his hair. Yami found a black Jellyvader Cap. He mumbles a "Perfect" and puts the hat on. Yami came downstairs and saw Katie sitting on the couch...with a bloody tissue in her nose. Yami decided to tell her what happened.
Yami: Um...Katie?...Why is there blood in your nose?
Katie: E-Eh? N-N-No reason...I-I uh....f-fell down the stairs! Y-Yeah that's it! I fell down the stairs.
Yami: ...
Katie: ...
Yami: ...
Katie: <Nervous sweating>
Katie then realized on what Yami was wearing. Katie thought that Yami was Fresh. Super Fresh.
Katie: W-Wow! You looks so fresh in that nee outfit!
Yami: um....fresh??
Katie: O-Oh...um...In other words, your supet cool.
Yami:...Uh Thanks? Anyways, Can you take me to this place called Inkopolis Square?
Katie: S-Sure Yami...but um...What are we gonna do about your eyes?
Yami: Don't worry about that, I got that covered.
Yami then got out the black eye mask and puts it on. Katie was actually impressed. Yami totally looks like an Inkling.
Yami: So, Shall we get going?
Katie: Y-Yeah. Let's go.
Yami and Katie left the house and headed for the train station. Once they got there and was waiting for the train, Yami saw that there are other inklings with different hair(?) style and color. When the train approached the station and stopped, everyone has gotten on the train and headed to Inkopolis Square.
~Mini Timeskip brought to you by Yami vs Tadayoshi~
Once Yami and Katie has gotten off the train, Yami was amazed a bit. Inkopolis Square was just full of inklings. There was a Clothing shop, Headgear shop, Shoe shop, a Weapon Shop, and many other shops as well. Yami didn't question the Weapon shop, cause he read it in a book that the weapons....are mostly ink guns. Yami just found it odd, but he didn't care.
Katie: Hehe. Welcome To Inkopolis Square, Yami. Come on, Let me show you around the place.
Yami: Ok.
Katie started showing Yami around Inkopolis Square. Katie took Yami shopping, trying out different outfits for Yami. Soon they went to an arcade, but Yami said he wasn't much of a gamer, so they left somewhere else. While they were walking around, most inklings were looking at Yami and they say;
Random Male Inkling: Whoa! Look at that New Squid over there! He looks so fresh.
Random Female Inkling: Super Fresh and Bada$$ looking!
Random Female Inkling #2: Is that new gear he is wearing?
Random Male Inkling #2: HE IS FREAKIN TALL!!
Random Female Inkling #3 - #5: He is so hot!! ♡.♡
Random Male Inkling #3: Aren't those two dating?
When Katie heard that, she blushed very hard. She shaked her head to get rid of that thought. There was no way they were dating. Katie has just met Yami and having the of dating or being in a relationship was really embarrassing for Katie. On the other hand, Yami wasn't paying attention at them. Yami was looking at his hands weirdly. Yami opened and closed his hands over and over again. Yami started to feel weird. For some odd reason, Yami felt like he has gotten even stronger than before but also feeling sick at the time. Yamu didn't know what was happening to him, but he decided to ignore the problem for now.
Yami: Hey...Katie?
Katie: Y-Y-Yes?
Yami: Um...Is there a place to get something to eat?
Katie: Yes, There are tons of places, but I know this food truck that sells the best sandwiches. Follow me.
Yami followed Katie towards the food truck says Crusty's Food Truck or Crust Bucket. Whatever name you prefer. There was a shrimp like dude that is name Crusty Sean or just Crusty for short.
Katie: Heya Crusty.
Crusty: What's Kraken Squiddo?! What can I get for you?
Katie: We will get two of your finist Seanwich please.
Crusty: We?
The Cooked Shrimp then finally notice Yami. Crusty looks impressed on how fresh Yami is. Crusty looked at Katie with a goofy grin.
Crusty: Is he your boyfriend?~
Katie was blushing and was stuttering, trying to say something. Of course, Yami wasn't paying attention or didn't care. Yami felt his "sickness" is getting a bit worse, but he didn't show it.
Katie: W-W-What?! H-Huh?! N-N-No way! H-He is not my boyfriend!
Crusty: Haha. I'm just messing with you. Anyways, Two Special Seanwiches coming right up.
~Mini Timeskip brought to you by a Chibi Bridgett hugging Chibi Yami~
After paying Crusty around $25(Cash/Coins), both Yami and Katie sat down at the table and started eating. When Yami first took a bite of the so-called Seanwich, his eyes lit up a bit. He has never taste anything...so good before.
Yami:...wow...It's really good.
Katie: I-I know, right! Crusty's famous sandwiches are the best.
Yami: By the way, Why did the menu called the Sandwich...uh...Seanwich?
Katie: Well because it has his special ingredient and it was made by him. Duh.😊
Yami:...Good point.
Katie: So..Yami? How are you liking Inkopolis Square so far?
Yami: It's...alright.
Katie: I'm glad you love it here..um..H-Hey Yami?
Katie: H-How was life back then before the wave? D-Did you miss your family and friends?..
Yami eyes widen a bit. He didn't want to talk about it. Of course he misses his family and Kate, but talking about his life, angered him a bit. Yami standed up a bit fast, making the chair fall and making Katie flinched a bit.
Yami:...Let's just go home.
Yami started walking away as Katie was trying to apologize to him.
Katie: W-Wait Yami. I-I'm sorry! I-
Yami cutted off Katie by his glare. Yami was not very happy at the moment. Actually, he is never happy.
Yami: I said...Let's.Go.Home.
Yami started walking away to the train station, while Katie slowly followed behind, feeling completely sad and thinking its now all her fault. Katie also thought that maybe Yami had a very bad life before the wave. She wanted to apologize to Yami for even bringing it up about his life. Katie doesn't want Yami to hate her. During the train ride back home, it was very quiet and awkward for both of them, especially Katie. She is was just upset and thinking of a way to completely apologize to Yami. Yami, on the other hand, was starting to have a headache. Yami had no idea on what's happening.
Yami(mind): Ngh...What is happening to me? Earlier today, I felt like I getting stronger and now I'm feeling very sick. The H*ll is happening to me? I never felt this way before. Maybe I just need some sleep.
When both Katie and Yami arrived home, Katie decided to say something.
Katie:....Yami...I'm really sorry...I truly am...I-I should have never...asked about your life...I-I hope...you can forgive me..I-I also hope that...maybe you can..stay here..because it does get really lonely here...since...my parents died...I-If you don't want here.....T-Then I understand....Goodnight Yami...Y-You can sleep in my parents room...💔😔
Katie then went upstairs towards her bedroom. Yami could tell that she was completely upset and he saw a tear rolled down her cheek before she disappeared upstairs. Yami felt bad. Yami then went upstairs into her parents room. Yami took off his collared sweater, his hat, black eye mask, and shoes. Yami decided to sleep shirtless. Yami opened the bedroom window and stared into the night sky, filled with beautiful stars.
Yami: <Sigh> I don't know Mom...Dad...Big Sis...changing is hard. All I do is hurt people...even if they try to be very kind to me. I'm.. nothing but a cold-hearted monster...What am I doing wrong?....<Sigh>....Kate...I really missed you...I missed all of you guys....I hope heaven is a peaceful place....I'll come see you guys....when it's my time to go....
Yami then went to bed. He was thinking that he probably needs some sleep to get rid of his "sickness", but it was not just any sickness. Yami was slowly gaining new power. New Unknown Power and it's only just the beginning, Yami's New Beginning.
To Be Continue...
Next Episode - Discovering New Power. Salmon Run
(A/N): Wowie. I did it. Episode 2 is finally complete. I hope you guys love this story. If you want Episode 3, lets get around 10 votes for the next story. I hope you guys have a wonderful night/day. Until We Meet Again. ♡Chow♡
November 25, 2020
Time: 2:49 am
Words: 3838
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