Ch. 2 History
???'s POV
As I was walking down the sidewalk I saw something on the ground in the distance. It was red... it must've been blood. The trail led to a dark alley. I followed the trail, in my mind I thought it would be an injured animal. Well... I was kinda right. I found a boy with wolf ears and tail bleeding from his knees and shoulders. He seemed to be in massive amounts of pain. He looked at me with fear in his eyes.
Leo's POV
The dark figure seemed to be a bit taller than me and seemed to be male... hold on... yeah he's male. He had blonde ruffled hair and blue colored eyes. Was he a hunter? I was so scared I tried to move, but the pain was so terrible I whimpered at the slightest movement. The male then got worried and said "Hey... don't worry I'm not going to hurt you." I don't know why, but I feel like I can trust him. "Here let me help you." He then got something out of his bag, it was bandages. "I'm going to try to bandage the wounds, so it may hurt. Are you ready?" I nodded and he began to cover my wounds with the bandages.
???'s POV
As I began bandaging the wolf boy's wounds he whimpered as I touched them. "Sorry, but you have to endure it." He nodded and I continued. How did this happen? Maybe he was just in a bad fight and got hurt? Hmm... only he knows. "I'm almost done. Hold on okay?" He gave a slight nod. As I covered the last wound he whimpered. His whimper sounded kinda cute. Wait! No! Concentrate on the wounds! I finally finished and he smiled at me. "Thank you!" He said.
Leo's POV
"Thank you!" I said. The blonde male also smiled and said "You're Welcome!" My stomach then growled again, I was extremely hungry. The male noticed and asked "Are you hungry? We can go to my house for dinner." My stomach grumbled again. I didn't know who this person was, but he helped me. I'll trust him. "Y-Yeah that sounds good." I tried to get up, but I yelped in pain. The male then held out his hand "Here let me help you." I held out my hand a grasped his, it was warm. He then put my arm over his shoulders which helped take the pressure of my wounds. We kept walking on the sidewalk in silence and avoiding other people. "H-Hey if it's alright can I know your name!" I turned my head to the boy and said "M-My name is Leo. I'm a L-Lupis." The boy seemed confused. "Lupis? What's that?" Oh that's right humans forgot that we exist, but then how did the hunters know we exist? I tried to speak, but I was to weak to say anything. "Hey don't worry once we get to my house you'll eat as much as you need." That made me smile. This human truly is a kind person. I then mustered enough energy to ask "What's your name?" He processed what I said. "My name's Yuki."
Yuki's POV
Leo seems to be a nice guy. I want to ask more questions, but I don't think he has the energy to talk. We kept on walking to my house.
(Time skip)
We finally reached my house and Leo seemed a bit nervous. "Don't worry Leo my mom's a nice person." That seemed to put him at ease. We then walked inside. I then heard my mom "Ah hello sweetie" she then began to walk into the living room. "You came home awfully late, I was afraid that..." she stopped mid-sentence. She looked at me then Leo. "Um Yuki who is that?" I answered. "His name is Leo I found him badly hurt in the city, I brought him home for him to get some food." "Oh..." she then smiles "Great I'll get another plate for our guest."
Yuki's mom POV
As I went to the kitchen to get another plate for Leo I began to think. Does Yuki like Leo? Normally Yuki doesn't bring strangers into the house. Maybe he does like him? If that's the case then I'm happy for him.
Leo's POV
Yuki sat me down on a chair in the living room. "Are you comfortable? Need anything?" I then tried to say "N-No I don't need..." I then stopped as my stomach grumbles again. I'm so hungry. "Alright Yuki! Can you come here and get Leo's plate?" Yuki then responded "Yeah I'm coming!" He then went into the kitchen. I looked around the room and saw pictures on the wall. There were four people, one looked like Yuki and the looked like his mom. The other two I didn't recognize. Yuki then came out with a plate and handed it to me "Here. Eat up." he said. This looked like meat but much more stuffed. I was so tempted to eat it whole, but eating slowly gives the best results. I began to eat slowly, it was so good. I finally have something in my stomach. I kept eating and bit by bit the meat was gone.
I was stuffed "Thank you for the food!" Yuki's mom smiled "You're welcome." "What was that dish?" I asked. "It's called meatloaf." Oh... that explains the meat and things inside. Yuki then said something "Hey Leo... can I ask you something?" "Huh? Oh sure. Ask away." Yuki paused he seemed a bit nervous. "Um... What are the Lupis?" Yuki's face was red. I responded "Oh..." "I mean you don't have to answer-" I cut him off. "No you helped me a lot, you deserve an explanation." I then took a deep breath and collected my thoughts.
"The Lupis tribe is a tribe of wolf humanoids. We have wolf like abilities and look human in our human-like form. We as well have the power to transform into our wolf form." Both Yuki and his mom kept listening. I continued. "The Lupis tribe has lived for over 500 years and we lived in peace with humans during that time. But over time we were forgotten and we were considered a mythical creature. After that we limited our connections to humans. Our tribe often hunts in packs to search for food, we can either attack prey or a predator." As I talked Yuki had something else to say "Um what happened to your tribe?" My dark brown eyes blinked rapidly, I could remember everything I saw. Even now it could still bring me to tears. I shrugged off those feelings and tried to answer his question. "My tribe... they're... they're dead." Yuki and his mom gasped. "D-Dead?! How?!" Yuki said as if he was angry. "A-A group of hunters came to the tribe and... killed them... for their fur... for money." My voice grew shaky and my breath shortened. I was starting to feel tears running down my cheeks.
Yuki's POV
Leo's crying. I couldn't believe what I just heard. Hunters killing an entire tribe... wait does that mean? "Ah..." I wanted to say something, but I didn't want to upset Leo anymore. I... I wanted to make him smile. I got up from my chair and walked to Leo. I then crouched and hugged Leo. I didn't want him to cry anymore. "Shh... it's okay. You don't have to talk about anymore. I know how you feel." Yeah I do know how Leo feels. He feels sad, distraught, conflicted, and scared. He lost most of his loved ones in not all of them. Leo then looked at me "Thank you Yuki. I needed that." I then wanted to ask him "Are... are you" Leo looked at me "Yes... I'm the last of my kind"
Leo's POV
I'm happy to know that someone understands how I feel. Yuki then let go of me and went back to his chair. Yuki's mom then spoke. "Leo... do you have anywhere to stay?" "Um no I don't." She then smiled "Well... why don't you stay here with us?" I smiled. "Really?! Are you sure?" "Of course it is Leo. We'll be glad to take you in." I was outright beaming with joy "Thank you! Thank you so much miss!" "Oh please call me Yui." "Oh. Thank you miss Yui!" Yui then looked at Yuki "Yuki why don't you show Leo to his room." Yuki then nodded and took me upstairs.
He opened a door and showed me the room. "Here. This is where you'll stay." he said with a smile. I then turned to Yuki and gave himself hug. "Thank you Yuki. I'm thankful to have met you." He gave me a pat on the back "If you need anything my room is to the right of your door." He said and then he left. I looked through the drawers and found some clothes that looked my size. I then looked in another drawer and found some pajamas. They were blue long sleeve tops and bottoms. I then put then on and they were surprisingly comfortable. Yui then came to my room "It's time for bed Leo." I turned to her. "Oh thank you miss Yui." She then turned off the lights and said "Goodnight Leo." I yawned and said "Goodnight miss Yui." She left and closed my door.
Yuki's POV
I was in my bed lying down on my left side. Man it's been a hell of a day. I then thought of some other questions I could ask Leo, but I'll save them for another day. I then heard a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I asked. Then I heard a familiar voice. "Um... Yuki it's Leo. Can I come in?" "Sure come in." Leo then walked into my room. "What's wrong Leo?" Leo's face looked red. "Do you have a fever?" Leo's face was even more red. "What?! No. It's just... um... can I sleep with you tonight?" Now my face turned red. "Why?" "I-I don't like being alone." I see now, he's afraid. "Yeah you can. Come here." I then moved and then Leo got on my bed. "Thanks Yuki." I smiled "No problem Leo.
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