The Last Kunoichi Act II Part 3

[Orocshon's POV]

When I obliterated the Rising Sun clan, I intended to leave no mistakes roaming around. But, I found out, from my ninja, that a Rising Sun bitch, is still alive and well. No matter... I will correct that mistake, for my master. I get to the village and I see the people that she is traveling with. Two women... I have heard about them recently.

"Kill them, but when the girl arrives, capture her, I want her alive!" I order. My ninja go off and they prepare to destroy these amateurs.

"Soon young ninja, you will join your father in the afterlife!" I think to myself.

[Yashin's POV]

"Pai... we are not alone!" I exclaimed. We then turn around to see an army of fifteen Hidden Lotus ninjas all lined up to charge at us.

"Yashin, what do we do?" Pai asks nervously.

"We hold the line! Do not let them get close to the ruins!" I say. The ninjas charge at us and we engage in a battle against them.

Pai and I work together to kill five ninjas. I managed to decapitate two ninjas, before I was knocked back by a ninpo blast by one of the surviving ninjas. Pai tries to help me, but the Hidden Lotus ninjas start to surround her and beat her. I try to help her but I was electrocuted by one of them.

I pick up my sword, as I get to my feet. I then see three Hidden Lotus ninjas appear out of nowhere and I manage to kill every single one of them. Feeling like I was possesed by death himself, I begin to tear apart the other ninjas that were beating down Pai.

I sliced off one of the ninjas arms, before cuuting the top of his skull off. For the final ninja, the I punched a hole through his chest and I decapitate him. How I manged to do so, I am uncertain.

"You okay?" I ask Pai.

"Yeah, thanks for the assist Kenlong." says Pai. Suddenly, I hear a noise come from the waterfalls and it sounds like a flute. When the noise stopped, more Hidden Lotus ninjas appear out of thin air.

"How many do you count Pai?" I ask.

"Eighty-eight on the ground... and ten on the rooftops." confirms Pai.

"Oh, this just keeps getting better!" I exclaim.

[Ako's POV]

Me and the apparition of my father continue our titanic struggle, as we traded attacks back and forth. My father tries to slash me from behind, but I block and counter him, with a hard roundhouse kick to his face, that sends him flying through a wall.

"You are holding back, I taught you to never show emotion or mercy while in the heat of battle!" my father shouts.

"Yes, you did..." I say quietly.

I then stab my father in the chest, missing his heart in the process.

"...But you also taught me about honor and respect! Values that separate us from the Hidden Lotus clan." I say.

My father scoffs at my words and says, "Your family is dead! Your clan, slaughtered! You have nothing left, but vengeance in your heart!"

I then close my eyes and say, "You're right... I have nothing left, but vengeance. But you know what... I also had guilt, for not being able to protect you and the others." My father then shows me, that Yayan and the others are in trouble.

"Yashin..." I say quietly.

"You led them here Ako... and now they will die because of you." My father says to me.

"NO!" I shout.

"Yayan and his friends chose to come with me, they decided to watch my back. I now know what you are... you are the manifestation of my guilt." I say.

My father then says, "Yes, and as long as I am attached to you, you will never have the power to exact your revenge." I turn around and I stab my father in the throat, with a large kunai.

"Orocshon is responsible, for the demise of our clan, there was nothing I could do to save you. That for me, is the painful truth, that I now realize. I will avenge your death, and Orocshon will pay. But, as for you... go back to the afterlife!" I shove the Kunai further into my fathers throat, instantly killing him.

My father then smiles and he says to me, "Ako... you have done well... goodbye, my daughter." my father then bows his head and takes his final breath.

"Goodbye father... rest in peace." I say softly.

Suddenly the room begins to shake and from out of nowhere, a beam of energy ripped out from inside my father and lanced into my body. My world was filled with a roaring power, I have never felt this enormous wave of energy before. Immediately after the energy hits me, I felt searing pain, spike in my body. As I cry out in perpetual agony, beams of light then pierce my body and moments later, an explosion happens that destroys the ruins.

I then wake up moments later and I notice that the explosion, blew off parts of my clothing. As I stand in the center of a crater, my clothes tattered and ripped, I see a golden light, emanating from where the fountain was. I began to follow the light into the basement section of the tomb.

"What's this?" I say to myself. I see a glass coffin that has, what appears to be an armored plated suit and a sword inside it.

"Is this the armor that my ancestors wore?" I ask myself.

I hear a voice say to me, "This is the Armor of the Sun, it is the armor that all super ninjas, of the Rising Sun clan wear."

I see the lock on the coffin, "Only a super ninja's blood can unlock this seal." the voice says to me.

"Who are you?" I ask the voice.

"Don't worry my sweet, it is I." the voice says.

I have a shocked look on my face, upon what I am seeing with my own two eyes. "Mom?" the voice then reveals itself, in the form of an apparition of my mother.

"Yes Ako, it is me."she replies I ask her, "Are you here to fight me?"

My mother then replies, "No my sweet, I am here to help you unlock your true potential. When you were caught in that explosion, your father released his energy into you. Now you have to release the energy into this coffin, along with your blood."

I take a sharp pebble and I slit my wrist. Some of my blood, then spills out onto to the coffin. My mother begins to chant in an ancient Japanese language and my father's energy transfers from me into the armor.

Next, all the souls of my ancestors then go into the armor, along with my mothers soul. The energy flows into me and it covers me, in the suit of armor. The armor is all black, with a golden centerpiece that resembles the sun.

It feels lighter and more flexible than any other suit that I have worn before. I then grab the sword, that is still stuck in the coffin and I feel it's energy flow into me. I then teleport to where Yayan and the others are.

[Yashin's POV]

On our left and right sides, Hidden Lotus ninjas were surrounding us. They were waitning to have us for dinner.

"Yayan, what do we do?" asks Pai.

"We fight!" I say to her.

We begin to attack, but we were quickly overwhelmed by their numbers. One of the Hidden Lotus ninjas then tries to give me a killing blow, but a large Kunai pierces his face.

"What the hell was that?!" One of the ninjas exclaims.I hear slashing sounds, but no one is in sight.

After the final slash, I then see a mysterious woman in a black armored ninja suit, with a mysterious sword, appear from out of nowhere. I then hear her utter the words, "Rest in Peace" in ancient Japanese. As soon as she places her sword inside the back opening of her suit, the Hidden Lotus ninjas bodies begin to fall apart, in many different ways and blood begins fall from their bodies in the process.

Me and the others then look around in amazement and the woman turns around to us, she then takes off her mask and I am surprised to find out, that the ninja is Ako! I also notice that Ako's aura is enormously different than before, it feels like she is a different person, now that she has awakened her inner strength.

[Ako's POV]

I walk up to Yashin and I extend my hand out to her. She understandably appears to be shaken by my appearance.

"Need a hand?" I ask him. Yashin grabs my hand and I help her and the others to their feet.

"What happened to you?" asked Pai.

"I have awakened my true potential, as you can see, my new armor and strength speaks for itself." I reply.

Yayan says to me, "Hey, we'd better get out of here, Hidden Lotus thugs are probably looking for us right now." I nod in agreement and I teleport all of us, faraway from the Rising Sun Village.

"So what now?" Yashin asks me.

"We prepare for the Hidden Lotus ninjas." I say to them.

Pai then says, "Are you crazy Ako?! We barley lasted five seconds against those guys!"

I turn to Pai and say, "That's why we are going to train together, all of us."

Yashin nods her head in agreement and she says, "She's right, we need to be ready for these guys and the best way to do that, is to train with Ako."

I then tell them the regulations of our training, "If we do this, we do this for one year and we must push ourselves, to the absolute limit. The two nodded and we went into a deep part of the woods, to begin training.

[Yashin's POV]

As we headed deep into the woods, I told Ako that I knew a place where we could be safe. I led the way and we stumble upon an abandoned dojo, near a waterfall.

"Is this an old dojo of the Sapphire Sun ninja clan?" asks Ako.

"Yes, we can train here." I reply.

"Well, we had better get inside. I have a feeling that there are scouts looking for us." says Pai. We get inside and we prepare to rest.

"Pai, you're hurt!" I exclaim.

"Don't worry, I'll survive." says Pai. Pai then collapses, due to her injuries.

"Yashin, can't you heal him?" Ako asks me.

"I'm trying, but Yayan's injuries are too great." I reply.

"Let me help..." says Ako. Ako then places her hand on Yayan's chest and she starts chanting, in a mysterious language. Seconds later, Yayan's injuries are fully healed.

"How did you do that?" I asked Ako.

"I'll show you how, tomorrow. Make sure you all get plenty of rest, because come tomorrow... Your training begins." says Ako.

I always wondered how did we get here, a moment ago we were just bandits, minding our own business and not having a care in the world. Now, we are aiding a Kunoichi, in her quest for vengeance. Nevertheless, we are going to see this through, to the end.

[Pai's POV]

I was sparring with Ako and she defeats me easily. Her strength is something I have never encountered before. It's purely unreal.

"Your speed, your ferocity, your technique, it's all there but you are missing one key element... serenity. Your anger gives you great power, but if you let it consume you, it will incinerate your soul." Ako says to me.

"In order to let go of your anger, you must calm your mind." she says. I then sit down with Ako, in meditation and I try to calm my mind, but I fail.

"You still have a long way to go." I sat in meditation for days, trying to purge my anger, but I always fall short of success.

"You know, I think I need to see what is triggering your anger." Ako places her fingers on my forehead and she looks inside my mind. After 30 seconds of looking inside my mind, she sheds a small tear.

"What the hell did you just do to me?" I ask her.

"I saw what happened earlier in your life to make you this angry. Your family was the part of the royal guard of China. Your father was the emperor of China, am I correct?" asks Ako.

"Yes, my adopted father, but my father nonetheless." I reply.

"They were killed by the Hidden Lotus, even your father fell to them." says Ako.

"That was a long time ago..." I say bluntly.

Ako says to me, "Losing your family, that pain never ceases... It still resides in you, like a vise. But if you use that pain and morph it into your most greatest weapon, you will possess a power no ninja can match, not even me."

I nod and I meditate with Ako again, only this time, my aura changed and my power increased exponentially.

"Brilliant! Now remember, your emotions give you power. Control them, don't let them control you." says Ako. I then continue to be in deep meditation, developing my progress further with each passing day.

[Yashin's POV]

I focus on my training, with my sword in hand and I start swinging at my shadow. It was not long however, until I saw Ako standing by a tree.

"You are getting stronger I see. Keep Practicing." she says.

I then ask her, "It must have took you many years to gain power like that, why do you train so much?"

Ako then says to me, "I train, so that I can maintain my power. Even the strongest of ninja train constantly, that's what separates us from most people."

I ask her, "So you think by doing what I am doing now, I can get stronger?"

"You speak as if, you can defeat me Yashin." Ako replies.

I clarify myself by saying, "Oh no, I don't think I can beat you. I think I can hold my own against you."

Ako challenges me by saying, "Okay young one, show me!" I charge at Ako and we engage in a hand to hand struggle. I hold my own for most of the fight, but Ako manages to knock me down, by hitting me with a roundhouse kick, to the side of my face.

"You are a great fighter Yashin, but you are not aiming to get stronger. You're settling. You fear your own power and strength, you must break that barrier, in order to be a more efficient ninja." I nod and I ask Ako if we can fight again, she nods and we spar again.

For days, I feel my strength growing exceedingly by the second. I have always fought to survive, but now, I have a purpose to fight. I fight to increase my power and speed. I fight to aid my friends in our quest. I fight to destroy the Hidden Lotus clan!

[Ako's POV]

Day in and day out, we train... We improve our strength and our abilities for one purpose, the elimination of the Hidden Lotus clan. I know that the Shogun may not approve of my doing of this, but if she only knew about the atrocities that the Hidden Lotus committed.

Orocshon will pay for murdering my family and taking away my home! I shall respond in kind, by destroying his entire division of ninjas. And then, I will make him feel every punch, every kick, every slash, every single attack that I land... And I shall end his life, without remorse, mercy or honor. He will feel my pain, he will suffer my wrath and he will... Cry out in pain, from the merciless, unforgiving power of the sun!

[Orocshon's POV]

My network of ninja have yet to find a trace, of the Rising Sun ninja and her accomplices. No matter though, they will come to us and once she does, I will take pleasure in ending the young Kunochi's life, just like I ended her pathetic father's. She will join her precious family and clan and rot with them, in the afterlife.

After she dies, there will be nothing left of the wretched and Inferior, Rising Sun ninja clan and we, the Hidden Lotus clan, will be the most revered clan in Japan. No one will stand in our way. NO ONE!

[Ako's POV]

Night time falls, I sit and meditate inside of a ring of fire. I then stand up and move my arms around in front of me, in a circular motion. The flames then cover my body and moments later, I release them and I slash at the sparks that were left behind. I feel my body overflowing with power. With the help of my new friends and my newfound strength, I will avenge my clans death and I will rebuild the Rising Sun from the ashes!

Hey there guys! What did you think of this chapter? Comment and let me know!

Thank you for reading and I will see you soon!

Peace and Love

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