Tainted Love: Part Two

Author's note: I'm posting today because Valentine's Day is just around the corner and I had a comment about how Kylo and Rey were fighting when it's almost Valentine's Day! So I felt bad about that and decided to try and do a Reylo chapter for Valentine's Day. Well, it's Reylo for sure but not a typical romance scene. I searched these characters for a romantic connection yet their pain is too deep rooted for a typical romance. Nevertheless I gave it my best and am posting this for Valentine's Day! Thanks for reading!


I set my bag onto Kylo's bed and shove two pairs of extra clothes into it, from the drawer where I'd found the others. My fingers feel numb as I do it.

I want to be mad. I want to hate Kylo, but the emotion keeps slipping away, leaving only pain, a pain so familiar that I can almost see the Jakku sunset across the desert, they way it looked when I'd sit outside to eat before nighttime set in. The time of day I felt the loneliest. I can still feel the metal piece in my hand, the one I used for scratching a mark onto the wall inside the AT-AT, where I marked all the days gone by. Today feels like one of those days that need to be marked on my wall.

  Mom, dad, where did you go? Why did you leave?

I walk over to the control panel and try to access the ship's computer. 'Access denied' flashes across the screen.

I look back at the bag on the bed. Should I leave my stuff here and share a room with Kylo? Should I tell him I'll join him after all? But I'm not sure I know what that even means to him. Plus, he said I'd already had my chance. He seemed quite sure this time.

I pick up the bag from the bed and set it onto my shoulder, then remember the beacon. I'd almost forgotten it! I put it over my neck. Finn, where are you? I miss you. I smile, remembering Finn's Porg 'Hanso.' Only Finn would think to befriend with a Porg. He's so easy to be friends with, open and honest. You're a lucky girl, Rose.

Suddenly I wonder if they're in trouble. I'll tell General Leia I want to fly to the Otomok system tomorrow. It's been too long without contact. I have to make sure they're okay.

I shift the bag on my shoulder and head out of the room. Deciding to go looking for Finn and Rose is already making me feel better.

I walk aimlessly down a few halls, my mind distracted, then realize I have no specific destination. I just wanted to get out of Kylo's room. Where was the Command Center again? I take a left turn and recognize the row of windows. Yes, this way. I remember Poe's smile during our walk down this corridor just this morning, and suddenly I really want to see him.

I hurry my steps. Maybe he'll be in the Command Center. He mentioned he'd be doing a meeting with the pilots today.

When I reach the Command Center it is empty, except for General Leia and another First Order General, a tall man with red hair, perfectly combed back.

"The Space Stations are not heavily guarded," General Leia says. "Which is a surprise."

"There might be some other security measures we're not aware of," the other general says. "Like a long-range weapon set on a base planet nearby, aimed at the space station. We should send in scouts first to have a look."

"What if they can detect our cloaking shields? How advanced do you suppose their patrol systems are at these stations?"

"We'd have to assume they have the best technology, since they're taking over all technological systems."

General Leia sighs. "If they can see us, we have no chance."

"They're robots," the red headed General says with a smirk. "They aren't able to deduce when a human is lying. We'll pretend to surrender and say we're joining them, just to get inside. It may have to be a suicide mission for a few pilots, to transport a bomb in, perhaps, but well worth it."

"I don't know if I like the sounds of that... Rey!" General Leia looks up and so does the First Order General. His smirk deepens. 

"Come join us," General Leia continues, waving me over. "You can give us some insight on how to approach this."

"I can't stay," I lie. "I have to go..." Where do I have to go?

"Any news from Finn and Rose?"

"There's been a response on the beacon. But it's still out of range for audio transmission."

"We're sending a fleet into the Otomok system tomorrow-"

"Can I join that fleet?" I ask quickly. "Please?" I hold my breath, hoping she'll say yes. I'll go either way, but it would be easier if it was approved.

"Poe's fleet is going elsewhere," she says.

I'm confused by this response, then realize that she must think I want to go to the Otomok system because I'd thought Poe was going. "That's fine. I want to help Finn and Rose, if they need it. They should have been back by now."

General Leia glances at the man beside her. "I don't see why not. General Hux?"

I clutch my shoulder bag tighter. So this is General Hux. He's less scary than I imagined, and more clean-cut, almost reasonable looking. He appears to be the exact opposite of Kylo. I try to imagine them ruling together but can't fathom it. He gives a curt not but doesn't say anything.

"Come by my quarters later to discuss it," General Leia says to me. "I'm in C-17"

"Thank you." I nod and then turn to leave. Seeing the two generals working together makes me both happy and sad at the same time, but I'm not sure why.

I get in the next elevator and push the second last button for the maintenance staff area. When I step out, I smell cooked food with lots of flavoring. The hallway floors aren't lined with carpet here and the doors on either side of the hall are not the sliding kind, but regular doors with handles. The sound of laughter and fast-talking drift out into the hall as I walk by an open door. The hum of the ship's engine is louder down here and it's quite warm too, likely because this floor is closer to the ship's engine.

I pass by an area full of clothes washing equipment. The smell of laundry cleaning soaps wafts out. This is the cleaning crew wing, not the maintenance staff area. I didn't realize their rooms would be right next to their work area.

Two girls walk out of the laundry room holding folded towels. When they see me they quickly stop talking.

"Hello miss," the older one says, with a thick accent. "Are you needing special laundry?"

"No, no," I say.

"Is there a problem, that we have made?"

I shake my head.

They exchange a look then nod to me and hurry away. A moment later they start whispering to each other. My heart feels heavy as I watch them walk off, leaning in close as they whisper. Then suddenly they both burst into laughter at the same time. It makes me think of Finn and Rose.

All of a sudden two children, who look like they're Cantonian peasants, race down the hall, almost knocking me over. They yell and keep going, running around me as though I'm a pillar which just happened to be in their way.

I shift my bag on my shoulder. The smell of food makes my stomach growl.

I'll go up and eat first, then find a place to settle in.

Up in the mess hall, the air is cooler and I take my time eating, watching crew members come in and out. They come in pairs or groups. Not one comes in alone. Pilots, Commanders, Officers and Medics.

When I'm done eating I head for room C-17, General Leia's quarters, yet I somehow end up near the launch bay area instead. I'd gotten off on the wrong floor with the other pilots that were in the elevator with me. They hurry ahead of me and I hear Poe's voice amplified and drifting down the hall. I follow its sound to an open area filled with hundreds of pilots.

I see Poe sitting on a fighter plane with a little boy beside him. The sight makes me catch my breath. I can suddenly see Poe as an amazing father. He's addressing the crowd from an elevated post so they can see him better. Our eyes meet and he stops in the middle of his sentence and smiles. A few heads turn my way. My cheeks heat up. Poe seems to have lost his train of thought, then a pilot puts up their hand and he nods to them. The pilot asks a question and the meeting continues.

The little boy smiles and my heart clenches. This must be Temiri. Even though I know he's not related to me, it still feels like seeing family. He's part of Luke's heritage. He is this generation's new hope, for a Skywalker to lead again, destined from birth to greatness. My eyes fill with tears and I turn to leave.

When I finally get to room G-17 I press the call button but no one answers the door. The General must still be at her meeting with General Hux.

I return to the elevator and set my bag down for a moment, not sure which button to press now. I could use a shower, before heading out tomorrow to the Otomok system. Suddenly I realize that I'd left the extra undergarments, which I discovered in a drawer in the washroom, back at Kylo's quarters. I'll need one if I plan to take a shower.

I punch the button for the Command Crew quarters wing.

Kylo's room is not locked when I get there, so I walk right in.

"It's generally understood to use the call button before walking into someone's quarters," Kylo says. I gasp when I see him. He's standing by his bed, in just a towel. For a moment I can't make a coherent thought.

"Oh... I didn't think you'd be in here."

He walks over to the wall and pushes it lightly. A drawer opens and he takes out some clothes. "You didn't think I'd be in my own quarters?" Before I can come up with any sort of answer to that, he continues. "I plan to be up quite early, before the pilots leave. Hux will be making a speech."

I swallow hard, not sure what to do. I don't want to say 'I've come to pick up extra undergarments,' and Kylo hasn't asked me why I'm here yet.

There is a moment of awkward silence as we stand there, me with my bag on my shoulder and Kylo with clothes in his hands. I should leave now. Kylo is only wearing a towel. I should obviously just leave.

"No room for you in the maintenance wing?" he asks.

I turn to leave.

"Wait," Kylo says.

I stop.

"Why are you here?"

Tears escape down my cheeks and I have no idea why. I can't turn around now, or Kylo will see them.

"I'm not sure," I say. My stomach clenches. Is he suddenly giving me another chance? I swallow down my pride and shut my eyes tight. "I came to say yes, to your question, when you asked me to join you." My heart beats so wildly that I'm sure Kylo must hear it.

"And I told you, you had your chance."

My tears stop and I quickly wipe the leftovers away. 

I hate him. 

I hurry to the door and it slides open, but then slides closed again before I can step through, almost hitting me in the nose. I push the button, but the door doesn't open.

I look behind me and see Kylo holding out his hand, palm forward, keeping the door closed so I can't leave.

I take in an angry breath, which ends up sounding shaky from the recent crying. "Let me out," I say, between clenched teeth. "Please."

Kylo walks over to me without a word and I stiffen. He reaches up and removes my bag from my shoulder, then sets it down on the floor. He's so close I can smell the warmth of his skin, the cool scent of his wet hair.

He walks away and heads into the washroom.

I stand there, the heaviness in my chest heavier now than it's every been. Tears start to flow again. Why am I crying? Stop it.

Just then, the lights switch to off-hours lighting and the room grows dim. 

My shoulders relax. I walk over to a box of tissues by the lounging chairs and wipe my face. My legs feel weak and unsteady as I walk. I take in another shaky breath and throw the tissues in the waste dispenser. I'm okay. I'm fine.

The door to the washroom slides open again and Kylo steps out, wearing black pants, but still no shirt.

I chuckle, despite myself.

Kylo frowns and it only makes me laugh more. "You're still shirtless," I say, sniffling but smiling now.

He looks down, as though he hadn't realized. "The pants are for your benefit. I usually sleep naked."

My smile instantly fades and this time Kylo smiles.

I turn away, feeling my cheeks heat up. "I'm not tired enough to sleep yet."

"Neither am I."

My heart hammers in my chest. Kylo walks up to me and stands beside me. He sets his large hand on my shoulder and I know he can see my red eyes now and decipher that I'd been crying. But I don't care. I keep his gaze.

"You throw commands at me, like I'm your subordinate," I say, the words tumbling out before I can stop them. "That's not exactly a partnership."

"It's what I'm used to doing," Kylo replies. His hand grows warm on my shoulder through my jacket.

"That's not how a friendship works."

"This isn't a friendship."

"It could be." 

He frowns. Despite everything, I hate that I've put that frown on his face.

"You've told me many times that you hate me," he says.

"I want to be friends."

"I don't have friends."

I search his eyes for something, some indication of what he truly wants.

"So you want a partnership that isn't a friendship?" I ask.

"All my partnerships are that way. Hux hates me and so does most of my crew."

Did I misunderstand his invitation? Was it really just about the power after all, since he isn't interested in a friendship?

"I should go," I say.

Kylo's grasp on my shoulder tightens. He grabs both my shoulders, then slides my jacket off.

"You said you don't want a friendship," I say, my breathing becoming faster. I shiver, my shoulders now bare.

"I don't."

Kylo gets down on one knee, then begins to remove my boots. Part of me wants to object and run away and cry somewhere, alone, but another part of me won't leave. I need to leave.

When he's done removing my boots, he takes my arm and ushers me to the bed, then lifts me off the ground and sets me onto the edge.

"Rey," he says, looking down. "Will you join me?"

I swallow hard, knowing I can't hesitate this time.

"Yes." My tears start again, falling silently like I have no control over them. Kylo tilts my chin up and leans in. My breath catches at the expectation of feeling his lips on mine, but he stops.

"Yes... what?" he whispers.

My shoulders slump. "Yes, Your Supreme Leadership."

Kylo's fingers brush the back of my neck and his palm rests against my cheek. He's so close I can feel his breath on my lips.

"I won't ask you to call me that again," he says. "But this partnership, will be on my terms."

He runs his thumb lightly over my bottom lip, then replaces it with his mouth. His kiss is tender but only for a fleeting moment, as though I'd only imagined the caress, then it turns hungry. I let out an involuntary whimper of surprise at his urgency. His hands travel to my waist and he pulls my shirt up, breaking our kiss just long enough to pull the shirt over my head, then returning his lips to mine. I let my tongue join his this time and he sets a cool hand against my bare back to pull me against him. I push back, against his chest, my head spinning. He stops to look at me and I quickly wipe my tears with my sleeve bands, which is the only thing I'm wearing above the waist now.

"Why are you crying?" Kylo whispers.

Because I want more than just this. Because I want a friendship, someone to love. Because I want you to let me in.

But I don't say any of those things. I don't want to hear Kylo's answer. He's already told me his answer.

He lifts my legs up onto the bed and climbs up overtop of me, settling onto his side next to me. He pulls me into his arms, pushing my chest against his. I let out a small gasp at the unexpected contact of skin on skin. He kisses my shoulder, warm, then cool; soft lips, cool tongue. I don't move. I don't protest. His kisses move to my collar bone, then my neck and chest. I look out the window at the stars and the colorful gasses of space. It's okay, I tell myself. You'll be okay.

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