XIV- Meeting the team part 1

Hello lovely readers! This Chapter is dedicated to @Sapphire_Blue_star

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(My arm is all healed and I'm ready to go :D plz don't break it cause I didn't update ;-;)

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Recognized: Red Robin B17 , Nightwing B01

RedRobin and Nightwing entered mount justice, in shock to find the innermost of it in ruin. Instantly on alert, the two pulled their preferred weapons out and slowly entered, poised for an ambush. They had been informed by the league that an intruder had entered the mountain, but they didn't expect to find it in ruin.

Nightwing entered the kitchen and lounge area, RedRobin watching their back, to find it too was in ruin. The couches were over turned, the stove looked like a bomb had gone off over it, and the TV now had a big gaping hole in it. One of the setting lights flickered on and off in an eerie way you'd usually find in a back alley street lamp.

A groan of pain came from the other end of the room, drawing their attention. "Kid Flash!" RedRobin ran over to the fallen speedster, Nightwing on his tail. Red scanned over the speedster with sharp eyes, looking for an serious wounds, only to find the speedster looked totally fine, besides a deep purple bruise blooming on his cheek bone and temple area.

As Kidflash open his emerald green eyes and regained consciousness, Red Robin helped him sit up. "Kid Flash what has happened here?" Nightwing asked.

"A demon and a hellhound."

(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Line Break ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

"Ace, I throw. Ai prins, bine?" (You catch, ok?) Dick adjusted the red rubber ball in his hand, laughing as Ace barked excitedly, spinning around in a circle and getting into play stances, the force of his wagging tail throwing his butt form side to side.

"Aici merge!" (Here goes!) Dick released the ball, throwing it across the bat cave near the Batcomputer, where Damian just happened to be sitting. Ace rushed after it, like a bulldozer mowing down and pushing anything out of his path to the ball. Unfortunately for Damian that also meant the chair to the bat computer.

"Dami!" Dick yelled running over to help his older brother off the floor. "-tt! Grayson! If you wish to play catch with Ace, don't do it in the cave." Damian scolded, dusting himself off and putting the chair right-side-up. "S-Sorry..." Dick said timidly letting his gaze drop to the floor. Damian looked at his brother, then sighed. He looked around the cave for the other members of their family, when he knew the coast was clear he kneeled down to Dick's eye level, "I'm sorry Ok? Just, be more careful, Dick." Damian said ruffling Dick's hair.

Dick lit up, hearing Damian call him by his name, instead of his last name, it was something Damian didn't do often. For anyone really. Dick grinned from ear to ear and quickly delivered a hug to the unsuspecting Damian. Wrapping his small arms around Damian's next. "Love Dami!" Dick giggled.

Wide eyed Damian froze, then slowly brought his arms up and wrapped them around Dick, returning the hug. The first hug Damian had accepted since he was a child, and the whole court of owls fiasco went down back when he first came to stay with his father and join his crusade.

Hearing the sound of the elevator open above them, Damian quickly ended the exchange. Just managing to slip back into the revolving chair of the Bat computer just as Tim made it down to the floor with the bat computer. "Hey Dickie." Tim smiled, ruffling Dick's hair as he passed. "Ready to head to the mountain?" Tim asked Damian slipping his mask over his eyes. "oh, and Kaldur commed, Black Canary is on a mission and can't train today, she wants you to take over." Tim quickly added, taking his collapsed bow staff and clasped it to his belt.

"-tt. I really didn't want to deal with the speedsters today." Damian stood, eyes rolling under his mask. Tim chuckled. "They're not all that bad." He added. "No they really are." Damian insisted.

Just before they said their goodbyes to Dick and stepped in to be zeta'd away, the Bat computer lit up with a notification. They glanced at each other, then Tim padded over to look at the screen. He sighed dramatically. "Ivy's out of Arkham. B could probably handle it, right?" Tim asked looking over his shoulder as Damian approached. "No, he's on monitor duty in the tower. Where's Jason at?" He asked. "Mmm, he's with the outlaws today." Tim said trying to recall where Jason had said he'd be off to today. "Then that leaves just us. Lets go." Damian headed for the Batmobil. "Can I drive?" Tim asked, Damian shot him a glare. "Absolutely not."

"Aww why not? I'm not that bad a driver!" Tim whined buckling in to the passenger seat. Damian started the ignition and the bat mobile roared to life and idled with a deep purr. "You ran over the Joker.", Damian said as the roof of the Batmobile began to close. "Its not like I killed him." And with that last comment Dick heard the Batmobile burnout and take off down the ramp, through the parted waterfall and out the long tunnel. Dick looked after it with a wide amazed grin. Watching his brothers in hero mode was always fun. It made him long to join them, to fight alongside them.

Ace's bark tore Dick's longing gaze away from the tunnel the Batmobile had disappeared down. Ace nuzzled his muzzle(haha that rhymed) in Dick's palm and Dick smiled, taking the rubber red ball from his slobbery mouth. He cringed upon feeling the lubricant covering the ball. "Gross!" Dick cried before trying to throw the ball across the cave again, only for it to slip in his grasp just as it left his fingers. Dick watched horrified as it bounced violently around the area. Smashing into expensive looking technology the Dick new he was going to be scolded for breaking. Ace's deep bark resounded as he chased after the ball. "No Ace!" Dick called running after the dog, hoping to prevent further damage. "De ce nu l-am ascultat pe Dami ?!" Dick cried(Why didn't I listen to Dami?!), his bare feet slapping on the cave floor as he attempted to catch the long-legged dog. Unfortunately Ace had already slammed into more expensive looking technology, just as the ball was bounced to a different place. Ace quickly, pivoted and over turned falling on his side and sliding a bit. But he wasn't down long, he was up quicker then he went down, bolting after the ball. Dick paused only momentarily to cringe at the inflicted damage, then continued his chase. Crying out "Ace!" A few more times only to realize the dog was NOT going to listen to him. He was still a puppy, after all. Well, a big puppy.

When Dick finally caught up to Ace, the ball had hit a high tech computer looking device, making the computer spit out, "Authorization complete, Guest ID 01, confirmed." Then a round looking machine next to the compete began to whirl awake. However, Dick hadn't noticed a thing until, both the ball and Ace disappeared through the circular device in a white light. Dick slowed to stop but it was too late and he fell face first into the light.

(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Line Break ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

[Location: Mount Justice]

Wally, dressed in his KidFlash outfit walked into the training room. "Alright let's get this training started shall we?" Wally boomed before even looking at the room's occupants enthusiastically. Much to the said occupants, annoyance. "We can't. Nightwing and RedRobin aren't here yet." M'gann explained, chuckling slightly at Wally's enthusiasm. Wally raised an eyebrow, "They're not here yet? Black Canary sent them a message nearly half an hour ago." Wally said, a concerned frown evident on his face.

Bart, dressed in his Impulse costume sped up behind his cousin, "Ah don't worry about it, they're bats, they can handle themselves, and if not they'll message us." He crosses his arms over his chest with a grin. Most of the other team members, mostly made up the younger heros waiting for their training session. The older members present, Wally, M'gann and Conner, didn't look convinced.

Just as M'gann was going to suggest they try and reach the missing heros, Artemis and Kaldur appeared in the door way. "Nightwing and Robin are taking care of an Arkham escapee, you guys are off the hook until they get back." Artemis informed with a thumbs up. The younger heroes whooped, happy to skip training, and ran out of the room. Meanwhile the older hero's stayed behind to talk.

"Think they need help?" M'gann asked once she was sure the younger hero's had left the room. With the exception of La'gaan, who had decided to stay behind. Much to everyone but M'gann's annoyance. "Nah, the bats handle this kinda stuff all the time, besides even if we tried they would just kick us out of their city." Wally imputed. The other nodded agreeing with the statement.

Meanwhile back in the other room, the younger hero's had just reached the living room and kitchen area, each parting to do their own tasks of their each desire. Impulse, took his glasses and mask off, becoming the well known, Bart Allen.

After grabbing a bag of his chips (cough cough, blue beetles chips, cough cough) he stretched across the couch, taking up the whole length of it. He sighed contently, until Blue retrieved his chips in a swift swipe, sending the two into a heated argument.

Meanwhile Beast boy raided the fridge, listening with a smirk as the duo argued. Blue claiming that they were his chips, and Bart insisting that he share his stash.

Guardian and Bumblebee has decided to head home early, but promised to return when the bats did.

Wondergirl and Aquagirl took a seat at the bar, finding one of Artemis' stash of Teen magazines, each cooing over human culture that the magazines featured.

Recognized Guest: AO -00 -warning- error

All movement stopped, each head shooting up in alarm. It didn't take long for everyone to be on their feet and dashing for the Zeta room. Bart shouted a- "I'll get the others!", the others barely acknowledged.

Skidding to a halt, what the group of teens did not expect-was a dog.
Glancing between each other and the dog, they barely had time to react to the light of the zeta beam activating, yet again.

Recognized Guest AO - 00 -Warning- Error

A small boy stared wide eyed as he looked around. Wide eyed, and terrified. However once he spotted the dog relief flooded his features and he dashed to the dog's side.

The dog chewed happily on a rubber ball, but once he spotted the unfamiliar people he stood, dropping the ball and sniffing the crowd. The boy cling to his side shaking.

Not a moment later did the older hero's enter the room in a rush.
"What the-",

"A kid,",


"Aww he's so cute-!"

Words were suddenly thrown into Dick's face. He shrunk further into the dog's side. Artemis took a step further, only to receive a vicious snarl from the animal between them and the boy. Artemis' quickly retreated back to her friends and teammates sides.

"Woah." Impulse whistled then added, "That's a big dog." He promptly received a jab from Blue beetles' elbow. "Ow!" Said speedster cried indignantly.

"What do we do..?" Cassie commented smiling softly, so badly wanting to coo and snuggle the little boy. Her only deterrent currently being the big dog and Tula holding an arm out.

"We don't know this kid. What if it's a disguise? What normal little kid could get into the cave so expertly buoy by the justice league, and a security system built by the Bats?" Artemis glared coldly(although it hurt her to do so, he's just so cute!)

The silent stand of last another moment longer, then Aqualad turned to the team. "For now, our main goal is to secure the zeta beams, and check the security systems to ensure no more.." he paused, looking over his shoulder, "...Entities, can enter. We'll figure out what to do next after we confirm the safety of the cave." He paused, looking for a word for the two bite size intruders. "Right!" The team responded, getting as serious as they could in this outrageous situation.

"M'ag-Miss Martian, Superboy please check the security. Kid Flash, Impulse, BeastBoy and Blue Beetle. Span the base for any physical breeches, please be thorough." Aqualad hesitated, and decided it best they use hero names for this situation. "The rest of us will stay here till we confirm and assess the situation."

"Right!" And with a synced response, everyone hustled off to their assigned roles. Meanwhile those left being Aqualad, Artemis, Wondergirl, Tula, and Lagoon boy. Aqualad turned staring at the boy, and decided to analyze him. He was small, that much was clear. Probably around 4 or so? Perhaps 5. His hair was a rich raven black, and even seemed to have a shine similar to a raven's feathers. Little tuffs of it sticking up in places, but otherwise seemed to have been combined or brushed recently. His skin was slightly golden tinted, and contrasted with his round, sharp baby blue eyes. Which on closer inspection were full of tears ready to spill. He was dressed in a simple tan colored pair of pants, and a solid red, but with a white Bat symbol, shirt.

He honestly seemed like a normal little kid. However, with everything they had gone through, it wasn't worth the risk of viewing him as such.

Kid flash was the first to return from the scouting team, followed by Impulse. "Outter area and docking zone is clear, we even checked it twice." Kid Flash reported. Miss Martian and Superboy also returned mid report. "The Zeta beams have been locked down, but there wasn't any signs of an over ride or hack, at least none the bat's early warning system could detect. The only problem the system seemed to have was an actual name and number for these two. No data was provided before they were beamed here." The Martian explained, confusion clear on her features.

"Anything else?" Aqualad, noticing her confusion. "Well, it says it was an approved beam from a disclosed location. I tried to get an exact location, but it was Bat-locked." She explained further. Beast boy, in the shape of a hawk, and blue beetle returned a minute later to the team quietly talking to each other. "Nothing I'm the inner corridors, we didn't go into the locked rooms, but we figured not to go into probate rooms." Beast boy shrugged standing next to Miss Martian.

"It's strange don't you think? No signs of an attack Physically or cybernetic? If this isn't an attack, then what is it?" Tula imputed.

"Only one way to find out. We ask him." Superboy marches up to the boy, completely ignoring the dog's growls and Aqualad's orders to stand down.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" He demanded. The boy let out a surprised squeak at being addressed to so aggressively. He shook with fear as he looked up at the much larger man before him. Once he made eye contact that was the snap.

The tiny boy's body shook with tremors and quiet sobs left his mouth.

"Way to go idiot you made him cry!"
"Aww how could you!"
Different insults were thrown at his stunned form. He didn't expect to make the kid cry. He just wanted answers, and of course Superboy being Superboy, having to social interaction with little kids, identified the small human as a villain, therefore treating him as one in the only way he knew how. Anger.

This girls flung themselves forward, shushing and comforting the boy. The dog, opting to ignore them and instead biting super boy's pant leg. "Dude not cool." Impulse shook his head watching as Superboy shook his leg trying to get the dog off his pants. (Not aggressively, he had already mad that mistake.)

"tătic!(daddy!)" The boy continued to sob, much too heart wrenching for the girls to handle. Even Artemis, shifted and frowned from her place. "He's freezing! Let's move him to the living room!" M'gann said as Cassie picked the child up, placing him on her hip and just like that she carried him passed her dumbfounded male team members.

Only after they had left the room, did Aqualad deadpan and fallow after them. The other boys watched amused as Superboy tried to take the dog attached to his pant leg off.

Dick was set down gently on the couch by Cassie as Tula fetched a soft blue blanket someone was using to nap on earlier that day, to cover him with. Sitting on the cold stone floor had sucked the warmth out of him. He wiped away fat tear drops off his face and sniffed and hiccuped.

At first the tall man had reminded him of Mr.Kent. The nice man his family had let into their home. A man obviously trusted if he was one of the view people allowed into their secret filled home. However when that loud baritone voice yelled at him, it scared him out of the hope he had of getting home. That was not that nice man.

He looked up through his blurry tears to see a blonde haired blue eyed woman smiling softly at him. "Hey there kiddo, it's okay. Warmer now?" She patted the soft blanket on his arm. He nodded with a hiccup. "I'll get him some water!" Tula clapped softly, and disappeared out of Dick's view. Then reappeared about a minute or so later, handing the cup to Dick. "You can drink it all by yourself right? Sorry we don't have any sippy cups." She said laughing softly. Dick nodded sipping the water gratefully.

"Blow your nose for me buddy." Artemis held a tissue out for the child. Dick have his water back to Tula, and took the tissue from the blonde woman, blowing his nose. Satisfied Artemis grinned and threw the tissue away. "Feel better?" Cassie asked. He nodded. "T-Thank you." He whispered.

"Kaldur I think he's calmed down enough to answer some questions now." Artemis beckoned the Atlantan over. Dick stiffened when the man walked over, but Kaldur was relaxed and calm. No threatening posture or booming voice. Unlike someone.

"Hey there. Do you know where you are?" He asked, wearily. He decided it best if he kept his distance. The kid would be more comfortable that way. Dick took the opportunity to look around. This was obviously a living room, the manor had a few of these. Turning his head, he looked at the kitchen behind them. Nope, nothing familiar. He shook his head 'no' at Kaldur.

"I see. Do you know how you got here?" Kaldur asked the burning question that everyone wanted the question to.

Dick thought for a moment. How did he get here? One moment he was playing with Ace, the next he was swallowed up by white light. Given he ran into it though. "L-am urmat pe Ace în lumină.(I followed Ace into the light.)." Dick surprised them with his native tongue. "You don't speak English?" Kaldur's eye brows furrowed. Perhaps he came from even further then he had originally thought. What if he wasn't from the U.S? It would be even harder to et him home. "I can translate, but I would have to read his thoughts. I promise to not go through memories without your permission though, okay?" M'gann promised the small boy who looked nervously at her, a foreign fraise to him. He nodded though.

"He was playing with Ace, his dog. He said he followed him into a light." She retold. "That means he managed to find a beam all by himself, activate it, and run through." Artemis said in a suspicious tone. "It is a little far fetched I agree, but he's not lying." The martian promised.

"This is gonna be a long day isn't it?" Bart groaned from the door way, having overheard the mild interrogation.

"Yes, yes it is."

Welp there it is completely done. The first part anyway. This is the start of a new arc.
Wow look at that I'm alive and so are you people :D you guys STILL continue to give amazing support for this book and I don't even understand how. Not that I'm not greatful!

Again thank you for all the amazing support.


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧  36K READS ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

Holy crap didn't even know that was fricking possible!!!

As per usual THIS BOOK IS NOT EDITED so please excuse the lack of correct grammar and spelling.

With that said, Hope you enjoyed :)

Word count: 3551

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