X - Slovakian Siblings

Warning, this chapter implies but does not detail, rape. If the subject is sensitive to you please do not read. It is not a focus of the chapter. With that said, please enjoy.

[April 13th 9:00 am -  Location: ??? Roughly 6 hours since the abduction]

"Kenny! Kenny man! Wake up!" Ant pleaded pressing against the bars, his voice frantic as he stared at the boy.

"Kenny! Please Kenny! Dammit if yous' die on me I'll- I'll kill yous'! Again!" Ant frantically threatened. He sounded like a corned dog, and something in his voice struck fear in Dick's heart, not for fear of Ant himself, but the pain Ant would go through if this boy, Kenny, died.

A groan came from the heap of boy. "Shut it Ant! Damn you're so loud!" Kenny growled painstakingly pulled himself up. He was wearing a grey wife beater tank, and a thin red plaid button up shirt unbuttoned and barely hanging onto his shoulders. Dick furrowed his eyebrows noticing his lack of pants. The boy's eyes were an unsettling dull blue, his body was trembling slightly despite the boy's attempt to mask it. When he sat up all the way, he yelped and collapsed in on himself.

"Kenny!" Ant called at his collapse. "I'm alright! Shutta up before you call the bastard back!" Kenny growled but didn't attempt to get back up. "Kenny yous' OK?" Ant asked, his grip on the bars tightening. Kenny nodded tiredly, "My back hurts, and I have a lot of bruises, but I'll be OK." his face was hidden by the angle and his shoulders. Ant relaxed slightly and sat back. Dick tugged on Ant's sleeve. "Why like that?" Dick furrowed his eyebrows gesturing to Kenny. Ant, shook his head. "You ain't a normal street kid is yous' Richie? Well if your not from a group, you new to Gotham or somethin?" Ant asked. Dick thought a moment, should he tell them about his family? Would they still be willing to help him, be so friendly to him still if they new he was took in by one of Gotham's elites? By THE Bruce Wayne?

Dick nodded. It was best to keep his family a secret for now. "S'alright, when we get outta here yous' can come with us." Ant jabbed his thumb towards himself and grinned, the continued. "We ain't the biggest group of street kids, but we take cares of each other, ya know?" Ant explained, then turned to Kenny. Dick wanted to protest, that he needed to get home, but before he could Ant turned away and was back yelling at the other kid again.

"Kenny man, did you get'em?" Ant asked hopeful. Kenny groaned sitting up again, the he dug around in his shirt pocket pulling out a silvery object. "Couldn't get the keys, he woulda noticed, but I snagged a few paper clips. I can get us outta here." Kenny said tossing the few paper clips in his hand around. Ant grew excited, "Then let's get outta' here!" He demanded. Kenny shook his head, closing closing slightly. "You haven't seen this place. It's guarded heavily. Our kids napper, I don't even think he's the main honcho 'round here. Think he's just a hired hand with a sick hobby. Even if we got outta this room, we couldn't get out of the building. It's a club, I think. We'll have to wait for the right moment." Kenny leaned again the bars of the cage, he was taller then both Ant and Dick, so much so his head rubbed against the top of the cage despite his slouched position.

Dick thought about what he said, this place was a club, probably run by a mob boss something? He strained his ears and sure enough he heard the very faint sound of music, more so the base then the actual tune. As the room grew quiet(cause Ant finally quit jabbering) his thoughts wandered to how his family was doing. Was Tim alright? All the blood. He'd be fine though right? Bruce would take care of him.

Everything was going to be okay. Right?

////// \\\\\\

[April 13th 12:38am -  Location: roughly 9 hours since the abduction]

Batman crouched staring at the BlackLeather Nightclub entrance through a binoculars, the voice of Jaxon Hues feeding through his comm. He had left a hidden bug when he and Tim had last "visited". Now he could hear every conversation Hues had made in his office since the last visit.

"Double it. The Bat came he for a reason, and now that we injured his sidekick, he'll be back, with a vengeance." Hues said trying to hide his spooked tone with anger then would probably been well covered up if not for Bruce's well trained ears. One of his many henchmen, one higher in rank, had come in to report collateral damage and report improvements the security detail. "Yes sir!" The man replied, running off.

A woman sporting a black leotard and long blonde hair approached Hues, a black mask veiling half her face, hiding her identity. She leaned against Hues desk and began to whisper to him, just low enough that the big couldn't make out her words.

"Batman, what the fuck are we doing? Shouldn't we be storming the place!" RedHood growled into the comm over the audio. The Batman rises his hand up to his own comm. "We're waiting. Hues will lead us to the children. We can't risk storming the place and him never telling us where they are." Batman's voice gruff as usual, with a little more edge to it, responded. "We also do not know how security had been altered. Before they weren't expecting us, now they are." Tim added from his end. Tim had been forced to stay home. A long argument that ended in a shouting match between Bruce and himself. Tim needed to heal but he so badly wanted to save Dick. It ended when Tim eventually gave up his side of the argument and decided to be their "eyes in the sky." As he put it.

"So what if they're expecting? Do they really think the can handle all 4 of us? We've dealt with worse." RedHood insisted, patience growing thin. "I agree. We can handle this. Even if he does have metahuman body guards. Not like we haven't dealt with metas before. We took the god damn super man down for god's sake." Nightwing gave his input. He was on the other side of the building watching the back entrance to the building.

The building itself was quiet. The club was closed and wouldn't open to later on that night. There were some workers cleaning the place but not even the chefs had arrived to start cooking. However just because the club wasn't open doesn't mean they weren't any less guards.

"We wait until Hues goes to the kids." Batman growled leaving no room for argument much to his two elder sons annoyance.

Another hour went by with little actual movement from Hues, or the other employs besides their usual club prep activities. "-and your sure The Bat won't get through?" Hues glared at the lackey, making the man shrink slightly. "Y-Yes sir!" He replied. "Fine. Dismissed. Leave us." Hues waved off the lackey and the other men in the room. Leaving him just with the blonde woman. "InkWhisper, where was the big oaf during the first attack? I didn't pay you two to disappear during fights!" Hues growled at the girl.

"RedRobin-", "On it. I'll see what I can dig up on her." Tim cut him off and began to open up another computer window to start his research. "Babiká was, playing. He did not returns'for a few hours after the 'uttack." The woman spoke with a heavy accent that was definitely not common in the United States. "What language is that?" Batgirl asked, speaking for the first time since their stake-out.

"It's Slovak. Atrament šepot, is Slovakian for Ink Whisper. She and her partner, Babiká, are Slovakian assassins with a blood trail behind them nearly the length of the Pacific Ocean. Not only are they partners but they're siblings too. They originated in Slovakia, but have taken jobs all around the world. Suspected involvement with The Light." Tim informed. He had collected different info on the name and pulled it all together. "What does Babiká translate as?" Batman asked.

"Doll." Nightwing growled into his comm. it was silent on all ends as Tim went to confirm it. "He's correct." Tim's lips pursed. Batman's fists clenched. "Are you fucking kidding me? We had the wrong guy the entire time?!" RedHood resisted the urge to yell, doing so would only give away his position and the others. "Right place, but wrong guy. Move." Batman ordered putting away his binoculars in his belt and jumping from his perch. He dove using his cape as a glider he dove boot-first into the window of Hues' office. The action had made Hues' dive for cover and stun the assassin. He turned to face Hues but the Slovakian woman, had quickly recovered and had pulled a gun. "Do not move Man of bats. That iz, if you do not wish to have a bullet through your hlava." The woman threatened, the lenses to Batman's cowl shrunk slightly, a glare aimed at her in full force. The woman's hands shook slightly, but she regained her composure almost as quickly as she had lost it.

A combat boot suddenly connected with her jaw with enough force to send her flying a few feet back with a grunt. The gun coming loose  and falling out of her grasp. "Sorry bitch but he isn't alone." RedHood spat his own gun loaded and pointed. With rubber bullets of course, but they didn't need to know that. He cuffed the unconscious woman's hands and kicked her gun away, then patting her down removed any other weapons on her. Which happened to be A LOT. 

Batman quickly walked over to Hues, who had been cowering behind his desk. He grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and lifted him, feet coming off the floor. "Where. Are. They." Batman growled, glare intensifying. The rat shook under his intense gaze and strong hold, little beady eyes glancing anywhere but the Bat's cowled face. "I-I don't know! Please just, don't kill me! I'm sorry, I'll leave Gotham! Ok?! Promise I'll never come back! That's what you want, right?!" The rat groveled legs kicking wildly. Batman growled, slamming his back against the wall. "Where. Are. The. Kids." He asked again. "Kids? Wha-? I don't know what your talking about!" Confusion came over Hues' face.

Foot steps pounded the floor as people raced to get to the office, having heard the noise. A pathetic attempt at courage came over his face, trying to hide his fear. "Y-You hear that?! My men are coming and your so dead-!" RedHood aimed his gun ready to hold off the lackeys. However the door burst open to reveal Batgirl, and Nightwing right behind her. Batman glanced over his shoulder, RedHood smirked lowering his aimed gun. "You were saying?". "Wha? Where are my men! There were easily 35 well trained men down there! How could you take them all?!" Hues asked wide eyed. "Only 35? You mock us." Nightwing glared. Batman didn't fail to notice the blood on his cheek, it wasn't his blood however. Nightwing, sensing his gaze, rolled his eyes. "Don't worry it just some from some guy's broken nose." He waved him off, then stalked closer.

"Get anything from him?" Nightwing asked. Batman turned back to Hues, glare returning. Hues gulped. "Ok. You said you're looking for kids right? I haven't done anything to no kids, but my body guards, the guy Babiká has a 'hobby' as his sister calls it. As long as I let him do what he wants and I'd pay 'em they'd work for me." Hues explained. "We already know that. Where is he." Batman's tone lowered even more so(if that was even possible). "Downstairs! We have two basements! One for the club's necessities and the other Babiká commandeered for himself and his sister. That's all I know! I swear!" Hues frantically spit out. Batman derived a quick, yet fierce, punch to his face enjoying the cracking feeling as his nose gave from the pressure. Hues was out cold and Batman dropped him, handcuffing him to his own desk. The he turned on his heel, the other vigilantes fallowing him.

"Let's go get him back."

///// \\\\\

"You guys hear that?" Kenny asked, head slightly tilted upwards as he listened intently. "No? It's quiet." Ant asked confused. "Exactly. The music's stopped." Kenny sat up. Then they heard the unforgettable sound of gunfire. "Somethin's goin on. This is our chance to get out of here." Kenny quickly fumbled with the paper clips and began to pick the lock to his cage. A few tense minutes went by when the clank of the lock hitting the concrete ground confirmed he had been successful. He kicked the heavy cage door open and crawled out. He ran over to the other cage holding Ant and Dick. Repeating the same steps he had unlocked his own cage with. It too fell to the floor after a couple minutes, slightly faster then the previous. Probably because he didn't have to work backwards.

Ant crawled out and so did Dick. Ant stretched to his full height, grinning with relief to not be crammed in a small space. Dick watched as Kenny ran over to a stack of boxes, ontop different assortments of clothes. He held up a strange pair of pants that looked like something from history. "This guy has some really weird taste." Kenny mumbled slipping them on, but he was glad he wasn't half naked anymore. Then he turned to the two smaller boys. "Alright lets go." Kenny waved them on and ran over to the door. He heaved on the bar handle, hoping the door would budge, but it didn't even make a sound at his tugging. "Crap! It's locked from the outside." Kenny said, arms falling to his side. Just as Kenny was about to suggest something else the door opened.

The three boys took uneasy steps back as the large man stepped in.

"What are you doing out of the klietky?! How dare you! You spratci!" Dick recognized that language. It's was Slovakian, he also recognized the giant man as their kidnapper.

It all happened so fast. Kenny charged the goliath, anger and hate consuming him. The man went to grab him, probably by his neck, but Kenny slid just avoiding the sausage hands and sliding between his legs, quickly turning and jumping on his back, his small are wrapping around his melon sized neck. (This guy is huge. Like really big. Barely fit in the door big.) Ant charged next while the man was distracted with Kenny, kneeing the kidnapped where the sun don't shine. The goliath roared in anger and threw Kenny off him, and grabbed Ant by his throat, lifting him off the floor.

Kenny was back up in an instance, charging again and kicking the guy where his spin met the back of his skull. The inspecting giant's grip loosened and Ant fell to the floor in a coughing mess. Dick ran forward, "eşti în regulă?!(Are you ok?!)" he asked worriedly, helping he boy stand. Ant, with a hand rubbing where the giant had gripped his neck wheezed for air. He nodded hesitantly and stood, only guessing what Dick had said. The kick to the back of his head was strong enough to stun him for a few seconds, shaking his head he shook off his dizziness. Kenny made his was over to the other two boys and stood in front of them.

The giant's face was red with anger, he glared at the three boys. Then he charged, Dick kept forward, using the unsuspecting Kenny as a spring board launching him high into the air. The giant went wide eyed as Dick landed on his shoulder. His legs wrapping around his neck and shifting his weight, using the momentum to his advantage and bringing the colossal down on its head with a sickening thud.

He didn't get up and the other two boys stared with eyes wide and mouth ajar. This tiny little boy just took out a giant man with one attack?! Dick unwrapped his legs from the giants neck and went to stand, yelling and falling when he felt pain in his leg. The two awe-struck boys were snapped out of their amazement by his yelp and ran to him. "Where's it hurt?" He asked and Dick cradled his ankle. Kenny gently removed Dick's hand and looked at the ankle. It was already beginning to swell and a dark purple bruise hard formed. Kenny winced slightly. "Okay bud, can you wiggle your toes for me?" Kenny asked and Dick nodded, but frowned when he realized he couldn't.

He had broken his ankle with the fall, the man's weight was enough to crush his leg and he didn't leans properly. The only reason he knew to try that move anyway was because he had seen Tim practicing the move in the Bat cave. He hadn't performed it properly and this was the consequence, at least I did it some what right enough to bring him down. Dick thought.

"Yikes, Looks' bad Richie." Ant said voicing what Kenny was thinking. "It's ok. We can get someone to look at it. We need to get out of here first. Ant can you help him onto my back?" Kenny said crouching down so Ant could place Dick on his back. Ant lifted the small boy onto Kenny's back and Kenny stood careful to touch Dick's hurt ankle. "We'll have someone look at your throat too Ant, for now try not to talk a lot, Ok?." Ant nodded. Kenny smiled reassuringly then began to run for the door, Ant fallowing closely behind.

They ran up the stairs, and out to the main club floor. Kenny stopped momentarily to stare in awe at the unconscious men all over the floor. Someone had done a lot of damage. He didn't stop long though, and used the lack of guards to their advantage to slip into the kitchen and finally out the back door.

Missing the group of Vigilantes running towards the basement.



Dick's alive. So is Kenny and Ant. So. That's good.

Sorry I meant to update Yesterday but I had to finish a commission I owed. (Fun fact I'm an artist 😂)

As per usual this book is not edited so please excuse the lack of correct grammar and spelling.

With that said, Hope you enjoyed :)

Word count: 3148

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Until Next Time~

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