VII - Finding the Batcave (2/2)


I AM SO SORRY ;-; Its been so long since I last updated.

The sad part, I really have no excuse to give. I was sick all last week but I wasn't too sick that I couldn't have updated.

The support this book has is amazing, all of you are amazing! Thank you so much! We've reached over 3K READS!

Again I apologize for keeping you waiting.

So without further ado~

se bucura~! (Enjoy)

"Tim e un mincinos ..." (Tim's a liar...), Dick whispered to himself. His half-lidded eyes gazed into the lit fire place, its warmly colored flames producing even warmer heat, keeping Dick warm as he curled up into a rather large chair, facing the fireplace.

The robe he wore was much too big for him, so much so it dragged on the floor behind him when he walked, making him appear even tinier.

Though his whisper reached no ears but his own, it still hung in the air. Tim should have been home hours ago, there for the promised bedtime story. But he wasn't. Dick knew he should have been in his room, sleeping peacefully in his bed, what Alfred and Jason thought he was doing.

So there he was, sitting alone and half asleep. However, just before his long lashes dusted his cheeks, his eyes could closed and he could slip into sleep, a sound made him jump slightly.

It was a shifting noise, confirming that something was moving. Dick peered over the chair's arm, eyes growing wide as he watched the old grandfather clock move, a pair of silver doors opening. Tim walked in, hair still wet from an obvious shower. He was tired, that was evident in his deep blue eyes. Dick noticed a scratch traveled from his temple to cheek that had not been there before.

Tim took the towel that has been limp over his shoulders and rubbed it against his head drying his dark locks. Dick hid behind the chair further, away from his brothers line of sight. Careful to not move so suddenly making the chair squeak or groan under the movement.

Tim sauntered out of the room just as the doors closed and the clock shifted back into its rightful place. Dick's mouth had been open wide the entire time, and when he was sure Tim was out of the room wiggles out of the chair and scampered over to the towering grandfather clock.

He pushed on it from the side, hoping to open it and reveal the doors, but it wouldn't budge. Not that it couldn't, he was just to small to move it. He could kick it over, but it would make a crash that the others would hear. He would be busted. So Dick stood for moment, contemplating his options, carefully inspecting the clock. It was just a normal clock, beside the whole hiding the door thing. There must be a way. Perhaps a secret lever? Like a secret lever in a book shelf?

He ran his fingers over the golden numbers, while using the bottom of the clock as leverage. He moved over the hands, then moved them around with a clicking noise with ease. The hand made a ding noise and Dick jumped back, just as the clock moved and the doors were revealed. A bat symbol lit up for a moment and the doors opened, an elevator.

Dick licked his lips nervously, then stepped inside. The doors closed shut and it began to descend, Dick's eyes were as wide as platters. Just when he thought they couldn't get any bigger, the doors open and he was blasted by the cool air of a cave.

After a few stunned moments, Dick hesitantly stepped out, eyes roaming the walls and the tech the cave held. Dick approached the rail and took a sharp intake of breath. The cave went deeper. Much deeper. Dick counted three floors, and he stood at the top. Dick grew giddy with excitement, instantly running down the long winding ramp, scanning the second floor where many cool gadgets and random things like a giant metal dinosaur.

"Cum au ajuns toate astea aici?" (How did all of this get down here?) Dick whispered in awe. Once getting an eye full of the different objects on the second floor he continued down to the third floor.

A large mat took up a lot of the floor, to the left was a computer, giving off a light blue glow. Above the computer was a high rise were glass show cases. Two cases had suits in them, one had a red helmet and black armor decorated with a red bird across the chest and beige jacket. The other suit was mostly a striking red, with a black mask just above it, a cross belt that went across the chest contrasting against the bright red, a yellow bird also adorned the chest. The last two were empty, still lit with warm white light.

Dick placed his hands against the glass, he knew these suits. Eyes wide with realization he stepped back and wildly looked around the room. "Batman! Bruce este Batman!" (Batsman! Bruce is Batman!) Dick voiced his realization. He stood frozen, letting his thoughts go wild  but before he could figure what to do next the roar of an engine got his attention. Dick waited, sucking in a breath. It was growing louder. Someone was coming!

Dick quickly hid, just as the Bat mobile glided into the cave from a long narrow tunnel. The engine cut off and sure enough, out came the Batman. Dick clasped a hand over his mouth to keep himself quiet. However his heart was racing and thumping loudly, he was sure Batman could hear it.

He waited.







Dick let out a breath of relief, did Batman not sense him? Was he safe? Once he calmed down, he peaked around the corner of the rock he was hiding behind.

Big mistake.

Batman stood, mouth slightly ajar. "Dickie?" Bruce questioned softly, Dick didn't move, obviously still afraid. Sensing the boy's fear Bruce removed his cowl revealing himself as the billionaire and adoptive father. "E în regulă Dickie, sunt doar eu." (It's alright Dickie, it's just me.)Bruce cooed softly, something not many have seen the big bad Bat do. Dick, hesitantly stepped forward then a huge grin came to his face. "Y-Your Batman!" He all my screamed.

Recognized Nightwing B01

The computer announced before Bruce could even spit a reply. Bruce turned around to face the newest occupant of the room, Dick peeking out from behind his cape. He had suddenly got close.

"I'm back- What the, Grayson? What are you doing down here?" Nightwing's masked eyes widened once they laid on the tiny boy. Then he looked back at Bruce. "Dami? You're Nightwing?!Atât de cool!" (So cool!) Dick gushed running up to his brother them running around him in a full loop, inspecting his hero get up. "Uh thanks...? Father, when did you tell him?" Damian picked Dick up placing him on his hip, then turned a raised brow in Bruce's direction.

"I didn't. I returned from patrol and he was down here." Bruce frowned and furrowed his eyebrows in thought. Then he took Dick from Damian's arms and started up the ramp fallowed by Damian hot on his heels. "Right now lets wake Tim and Jason. So we can explain as a whole and not repeat the explanation in the morning." Bruce said, pressing the button to the elevator.

Bruce, with Dick still in his arms, and Damian stepped out of the elevator just as Tim ran up to them frantically, Jason hot on his heels looking around. "Dad we can't find-Dick?" Tim stopped, eyes landing on the boy in Bruce's arms. Dick grinned and waved.

Then Tim noticed that both Damian and Bruce were still in uniform. "Oh. He found the cave?" Tim deduced. "Sharp as usual." Bruce nodded. Jason whistled and raised his eyebrows impressed. "Took me almost twice as long to find it, heh, even beat out your time replacement." He elbowed Tim, getting a glare in return. "R-Replacement?" Dick repeated tilting his head in confusion then he pointed at Tim. "No. Tim." He said. "It's jut a nickname." Jason tried to explain. "One that isn't very nice, master Jason." Alfred had entered the room, and smiled in relief upon seeing the boy. "I am glad Master Dick has been found." He nodded.
Alfred quickly and quietly assessed the situation, then turned on his heel. "I shall make tea as you all get started, and Master Bruce I'll assume you'll want coffee?" Alfred ask turning partially waiting for the man's answer. "Yes, that'll be fine Alfred. Thank you." Alfred nodded and proceeded to leave the room.

Bruce sat down, placing Dick on his lap. Jason and Tim took a seat on the couch and Damian on the other chair. "So Dick... You've discovered the Batcave, and by effect, finding out I'm Batman." Bruce started, and Dick nodded, baby blue eyes gleaming with wonder.

"And, that Damian is Nightwing." He turned his gaze towards his eldest, who peeled his mask off revealing his own green eyes. Dick nodded following. "And as for Jason and Tim, they are RedRobin and RedHood." Dick didn't seem all that fazed, like he was expecting it but still looked rather confused. Not that anyone was surprised by his confusion.

"Now I know all this is confusing and maybe a little exciting but you have to promise me not to tell anyone, okay?" Bruce didn't smile this time, showing Dick just how serious he was. Dick nodded, a little too enthusiastically. Bruce's smile returned, "Atta' boy chum." Bruce ruffled Dick's onyx hair. "B-Bruce? W-Why you Batman?" Dick asked, per usual tripping on his English. Nonetheless Bruce inwardly applauded the boy for his attempt.

"A long time ago, when I was just a little older then you, my parents died at the hands of a murder. He was just a thief, wanting my mothers purse and jewelry." Bruce started, expression going grim. The other boys in the room fidgeted uncomfortably. Everyone in the room currently had their own scars, their own traumas that rand deep. That pushed them to become what they are today. "My father rushed him, hoping to subdue him, but was shot instead. Then the man shot my mother too. He ran, leaving me alive and I swore to dedicate my life to Justice, so I could save others from the pain that I suffered through." Bruce finished, Dick nodded solemnly, then gave Bruce a hug. "Dickie?" Bruce questioned. Dick pulled away with a sad smile, "Mama and Tati always gave me h-hugs when I upset. It m-made me better." Dick said innocently, Bruce was momentarily in awe of the boy. He was so innocent and young.

//// Timeskip of explanations that aren't really necessary \\\\

"Sorry about missing our story time, Dick. I know I promised but-" Tim placed a nervous hand on the back of his neck, an apologetic frown on his face. The family were all drinking their specific warm drinks that Alfred had brought. Dick's happened to be warm chocolate milk. Dick shook his head while licking his milk mustache off. "Nu vă faceți griji! inteleg! Tim este un super-erou!"(Don't worry! i understand! Tim's a superhero!) Tim smiled earnestly happy that his younger brother wasn't upset with him anymore.

"Alright Dickie-bird, you are up way past your bedtime, let's get you back to bed." Bruce picked the practically already asleep child, holding him close. Dick's chin resting on his shoulder. A yawn escaping his mouth wafting out with the smell of chocolate milk. "Goodnight." Dick yawned to his brothers and they all replied with their own good nights.

Bruce carried Dick up the stairs, into his room and flicking the bed-side lamp on then set the boy on his own bed. Dick shimmied into the covers and cuddled into his pillow. Bruce picked peanut, Dick's purple stuffed elephant, off the floor and handed him to Dick. Bruce piled the covers up to Dick's chest.

"Bruce?" Dick asked, voice soft from being half-asleep. "Yes baby bird?" Bruce paused from turning the light off. "Pot fi și eu un super-erou?" (Can I be a superhero too?) Bruce paused, a small frown hidden beneath a barely seeable smile. Becoming a vigilante is something that could ruin innocence. The things his sons and himself see on a weekly basis could ruin the average man. His enemies would have a field day with his baby bird.

"Bruce?" Dick questioned again. Bruce turned the light off, and tried to keep his voice uplifted. "Maybe one day baby bird." Bruce wanted to grimace at the own uncertainty in his voice.

"Mkay. Goodnight, Daddy." Bruce smiled, a warm feeling spreading through his chest. "Goodnight." He whispered and shut the door.
I also just wanted to bring to everyone's attention that this book is NOT edited. I am aware this book has many errors in grammar and spelling and I'll edited and proofread the book when I finish it.

With that said, Hope you enjoyed :)

Word count: 2212

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Until Next Time~

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