Chapter 6 ~ Gadgets

The team had already packed their stuff ready for an adventure that awaits them.

"Alright guys, do not worry. We got this. Red here has got your back. And your front and your sides."

"And my flo?" Jay asked.

"Yeah, even your cute little flo." Red patted his fluff on his head.

"Looks like you're gonna be okay!"

"So are you 100% sure we shouldn't evacuate?" Matilda worriedly asked.

"Oh, Red is gonna take care of us right, Red?" Pinky said.

"Yes. Everybody, please just stay calm."

All the birds cheered saying that they love Red. Red thanked them and that it means a lot to him. Very.

"They're not the only one that love you." you said smiling.

"I know. But I love you even more."

Red kissed Y/N on the cheek. Y/N kissed him back but on the lips which made Red blush and smile. Leonard growled quietly feeling jealous that Red gets to have you, but he is going to impress you to show you that he's the man you deserve better.

"Okay, Leonard. So where's our ride?"

The small submarine was popped out of the water by the pier.

"Aw! It's so cute!" Bomb cooed.

"Wow. Okay. And how are we all supposed to fit in?" Red said sarcastically.

"Yeah. I don't think anything is going to impress me.." Y/N deadpanned.

"Oh, I think we'll manage. Boop!" Leonard pressed the button revealing the real submarine.

It was ginormous that is much bigger like the entire island. The birds gaped at the sight with their mouth and their eyes wide opened. Y/N couldn't help but gasp feeling already impressed and fainted. Luckily someone caught her before she could fall. Leonard was the one that caught her and Red glared at him as he give the bird the truimphant smirk. Points for both of them as the game had already begun. Silver could feel the tension between them as their heads struck lightning. She even noticed that they're fighting over Y/N as Leonard held you close. Silver took notes to figure out the problem.

"All aboard!" shouted the pig who got out halfway of the submarine.

Everyone were now leaving, walking towards the submarine. You stop to see Courtney having a hard time carrying a huge stack of briefcases. Courtney tried to ask them to at least carry some of their bags. But no one gave her attention. Lazy punks..

"Here let me help you with that." you insisted carrying half of the briefcases.

"Thank you." Courtney sighed in relief making you give her the closed eye smile.

Leonard smiled at the scene as you helped Courtney out. As you all went inside, you noticed Red was looking back at the birds with worry as he took a deep breath.

"Red? You okay?"

"Oh, yeah. Lets go."

Red then went inside and closed the top keeping it shut and tight as he twisted the wheel. Their adventure have now begun.


In the dark cold water the submarine swam in a mile. Inside all the birds are sitting on the chair sleeping or singing. They're all waiting for Leonard and Courtney to show up. Y/N who is sitting right next to her dad tried to cover her ears from hearing Chuck, Bomb, and Silver singing the Opera song. Thankfully, Leonard came to the rescue and called the team.

"Ladies and gentlemen! I like to introduce to our master of gadget trait..."

"Garry!" Leonard and Courtney introduced the pig with glasses and a coat.

Everyone cheered for him.

"This is it?" Garry asked.

The cheer died down to see him unimpressed.

"This is the amazing team I have been working around the clock for?"

"He he.. We're doing what we've got." Leonard nervously replied.

"Well, that's just disappointing." Garry said taking a sip of his coffee and walked away.

"This is the part where you follow me!"

Everyone then followed him inside behind the curtain to see a hige lab filled with gadgets in the glass as the pigs were working on it, testing to see if it works.

"Welcome to my Piggy Gadget Land! Everywhere you look you'll see inventions being tested in my team of guinea pig."

"Wow.." Y/N gasped never knew that the pigs would be smart.

"I know, right?" Leonard smirked making her blush.

"All the gadgets have been designed specifically with your currents mission in mind. The first being Invisa-Spray!" Garry explained showing the bottle spray.

"Need to go undetected in plain sight. Invisa-Spray does exactly that!"

Garry sprayed the pig with glasses on him making him invisible with nothing but his glasses on.

"Wow! I'm invisible!"


"Woah, indeed."

"That's amazing!" Silver exclaimed.

"How long does the invisibility last for?" Red asked.

".....Forever." Garry replied.

"Wait, what?!... Tina? We're not gonna be able to see each other tonight.." the invisible pig whimpered on the phone.

"And what does the next gadget do? Like bury us alive?"

"What?! That would be ridiculous!" he nervously denied as he quietly told the pigs to put away the shovel.

Y/N who noticed it gave him the glare making Garry feel nervous remembering Leonard's warning about her.

"M-Moving right along! Hey! What are you guys doing?!" Garry shrieked.

The group turned to see Chuck and Bomb spreading some green stuff all over their body.

"Oh ho! So squishy! What is this stuff?" Bomb asked enjoying it.

"Oh! Well, that is the special type I like to call Pig Snot."

Now that gross them out. That is until Bomb decided to taste it and slowly licked it making it more gross. Y/N wanted to barf right now.

"Yeah! Lick it!" Courtney smiled.

Garry quickly changed the subject as he showed them the special gadget. He told them that the metal device can detect an eagle anywhere on 104 radius. Lights brighten up out of nowhere until it disappeared. Red asked on how does it work as Garry happily answered by pushing the button to show them. Everyone grew excited of what's gonna happen and by the time it activated. It was something they never expected.

"There's an eagle nearby! There's an eagle nearby! There's an eagle nearby!"

Everyone were left confused and irritated with that noise.

"Yes! Clearly there is!" Garry said pointing at Mighty Eagle.

"Okay. You got me guys." he nervously said raising his hands up in surrender.

Red and Y/N grew irritated as Red asked how long will it stop. Unfortunately he told them that it will stop at 1 hour until there are no more eagles being detected. Red snatched it about to break it when Silver stopped him as she wired it to stop the sound. Red hesitantly thanked her and Y/N thought that, that could work.

"Okay, guys these gadgets are terr-"

"Hey! Hey! Red, can we talk for a sec?" Silver told him.

She explained to him that Red could at least be grateful and that everyone is a team now.

"She's right. It's not always gonna be about you. It's about us as family." Y/N added making him sigh.

Red 'praised' Garry for his awesome gadgets that they could use.


They turned again to find Bomb in the tank of the same green stuff swimming while eating them. He stopped and apologized for his behavior. Y/N quickly covered her mouth to keep herself fron barfing.

"Speaking of gadgets. I have something for you, Miss Y/N." Garry said.

"Huh? Really? What is it?"

"Follow me. Leonard had told me all about you and your skills. And I gotta say I am impressed with your fighting ability. He even told me you had injured one pig that tried to capture you."

Garry showed the pig who was all bandaged up and he shrieked to see you as he hid behind the pillar.

"She did that?" Mighty Eagle asked.

"Wow. Charming.."

They stopped to the briefcase with something inside. He opened it to reveal the bird claw gloves.

"These claws can help you catch your prey and use as general holdfasts and protection for the tip of the digits."


"Go ahead. Try it on."

Y/N happily did as she put it on and flew up swinging her new talons in the air.

"So cool!"

"Indeed it is. I hope you like it."

"I love it!"

"Well, it is yours to keep." Garry smiled.


Garry nodded as you happily flew off loving the gadget. You then flew down to Leonard giving him the kiss on the cheek again.

"I actually have to admit. You and your pigs are pretty smart." you shyly said.

Leonard blushed and thanked her. Red shook in anger as he glare at his rival. 2 points for Leonard and 1 point for Red.

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