Questions unanswered

'Bheem, did you find another Asuran?' Asked Akileshwar as his tribe, the Mathakas moved to the forest, Akileshwar in lead.

'Better, Kali herself stands in the camp. Oblivious to the fact that we got rid of her troops' grinned Bheem.

Akileshwar nodded. The mask on his face still there.

It had been 2 years since Lord Rudra's death. While people who respected him but never knew him, mourned, The rest who heard his words did not. For he would tell them. Remember how I lived. Don't remember how I died.

His way with words swayed the country. But one thing he had done made the people scratch their heads. A thing the Mathakas sought to correct. After the battle with the Asurans, everyone expected Lord Rudra to rejoice, instead, he had never been the same. Rumors were spread that he cursed and tortured himself when he was alone. 

The Mathakas believed his mistake was saving the remaining Asurans. Demons who were enemies of the Devas, the demi-gods.

As a result, The Mathakas now sought to destroy every single Asuran. 

'stop' said Bheem. Akileshwar too sensed movement in front of them.

They hid behind bushes that were placed on the edge of a clearing in the forest. A perfect place for a camp. 

'There, Bheem?' Asked Akileshwar. Bheem nodded and Akileshwar ordered one of the men to get a better view. There was possibilities that the Asurans could escape and report the Mathakas were breaking Lord Rudra's law. The consequences for that were grave.

The law that Lord Rudra had imposed was that none of the Asurans were to be harmed. Akileshwar knew nobody cared about the law, but he still had to be cautious. Followers of Rudra were around who would punish the Mathakas for breaking the law. 

'Lord. It is true. Kali and around 12 Asurans stand there, doing nothing but staring at a campfire' The scouts reported.

Akileshwar nodded. He signaled for his troop to fan out the circle of the clearing. The troops nodded and did as they were told.

Akileshwar grabbed an arrow in the pack strapped on his back. He took his bow slung on his shoulder and knocked and arrow. The plan was to cause disruption and provoke the Asurans into war. Akileshwar knew that this was a bad move. Making it seem like as though they were making the Asurans seem evil. A true warrior would never try to make the enemy seem evil and then destroy them. But Akileshwar knew the Asurans' true intentions. 

He plucked the string of the bow and it was strung with a perfect twang.

He reduced his crouching but not too much. Finding the perfect height, he armed the bow with the arrow. He squinted and placed his elbow correctly to the level of his shoulder and just in the edge of his back. Not pulling too hard, he held the string softly. Too rough, and the string will break. Finally, he found the perfect posture and let the arrow fly. It hit one of the Asurans on the head, a clean kill.

Immediately, as expected, the Asurans yelled out and grabbed their weapons lying on the floor. They looked around, ready to fight. But did not see the Mathakas.

Surprisingly, Kali, the queen of the Asurans did not move. She did not grab her weapon, she did not even glance around to see who shot the arrow. She just continued to stare at the fire. Which surprised Akileshwar.

Regardless, he signaled for his troops to move in. They swarmed and cornered the Asurans with mightier swords, easily overpowering the Asurans who were not battle ready.

Akileshwar moved through the battle and sought Kali. But she continued to stare at the fire. Her black hair tied in a neat bun. Akileshwar never saw as to why people called them "demons" For their body never had any demon like features. 

A random warrior in Akileshwar's tribe ran to Kali and swung his sword, attempting to behead her. But Akileshwar yelled 'WAIT!' 

Immediately, the battle stopped. though there were only a few more Asurans and Kali left. Surprisingly, the remaining Asurans did not attempt to kill the Mathakas during the pause.

Upon stopping the battle, Kali finally looked away from the fire and into Akileshwar's eyes. He expected rage and anger present in them. But, Kali's face replicated the mask on Akileshwar's face. Which now fell upon seeing hers.

Maybe there was a reason to why Lord Rudra had saved the Asurans.

'Akil! Kill her!' Said Bheem. He sought absolute vengeance after the Asurans. His parents had been killed in the war, fighting alongside Lord Rudra.

Akileshwar did not respond. He continued to stare at Kali. who stared right back.

Then, she turned and walked away. Not meeting anyone's eyes. The remaining two Asurans followed her pursuit.

Bheem jumped in front of them and pointed his sword at Kali's neck and looked at Akileshwar. But he continued to stare into space. Bheem, loyal to his leader, made way upon getting no answer from Akileshwar.

Kali and the remaining Asurans walked away as Akilehwar tore his eyes from the fire. He stared at Kali's retreating figure and wondered.

Are the Asurans really bad?

It was an odd thought, one Akileshwar had never contemplated in his life. But when Kali had ot reacted, it was as though she accepted her fate, knowing that denying it was certain doom. It was unjust to kill for the wrong reason.

He heard the sound of an arrow knocking onto a bow and glanced around his troops in shock. Upon finding the man pointing an arrow at Kali's retreating figure. He ran and jumped to stop but it was too late. Best he could do was make the arrow pierce the shoulder.

Kali felt a shot of pain in her shoulder and saw the arrow. She glanced back and saw Akileshwar putting the bow down and the man who had shot the arrow.

She fell to her knees, dazed due to the loss of blood. Akileshwar ran to her and shouted for his troops to cure her. But they just stood there. Many thought he was mad, trying to save the enemy their tribe was born to kill. But it was as though another aspect of Akileshwar had been born.

'DAMN YOU! GET SOME HELP HERE!' He shouted but they remained immobilized. Rage boiled with him, fueled with something he couldn't recognize. He glanced at Kali's limp body, the color draining from her face.

The remaining Asurans dragged Kali by her arms and started walking deeper in the forest.

'where are you going?' Asked Akileshwar as he rose up, glancing at them somewhat longingly.

They were about to tell when they glanced at the Mathakas. Knowing that if they would tell they would be hunted by them.

Knowing this, Akileshwar took out his Rakhi tied to his wrist. The Mathakas' oath thread. He took out his knife from it's scabbard and, hesitating slightly, cut it. Leaving the Mathakas. It was the worst decision he had ever made in his life, but the truth was entering into him, showing him Dharma.

Seeing this, the remaining Mathakas glanced in shock at Akileshwar. Who wasn't meeting anyone's eye.

Sighing contently, he turned and followed the Asurans.

'Akil! Wait!' A shout rang from behind him and he glanced behind, hesitating. Bheem had a slight sad expression on his face yet a smile was present.

'Bheem' Said Akileshwar, not meeting Bheem's eye. 'I instate you as the leader of the Mathakas. I trust you will do your job for the right reason'

Then, without another word, he continued following the Asurans, embarking the start of his journey.

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