Chapter 2
I lounge back on my lawn chair and pull my sun hat down over my eyes. Although the second day of the trip is proving itself better than the first, I still can't seem to drown out my friends' voices screaming from the lake. I don't have to be psychic to predict a headache in my near future.
"Elettra! Get your ass in the water before you die of heat stroke!" Xavier wails at me. I ignore him and pull my hat even farther over my face.
One thing about me: I don't swim. One near death experience at my seventh birthday party had assured that. I shudder at the memory of being pushed under, water rushing into my lungs, being dragged to shore, my distraught family huddling around me.
For a second, looking at my friends having such a blast in the water causes a regretful twinge in my stomach. I'd missed out on every pool party, beach trip and now I'm missing out on this. Even Ally, who doesn't like to get her hair wet, seems to be enjoying herself. She screeches as Zain picks her up over his head and tosses her back into the water like a fish.
"I'll pass on that, I need to work on my tan anyways," I grumble. If Xavier hears me, he doesn't seem to care anymore. He's currently too busy in a splashing contest with Jonah to glance in my direction. I sigh and go back to reading my special edition copy of Frankenstein.
It's not long before my head begins pounding from my friends' shrieking, making it feel as though a moth is trapped in my skull.
I decide to step away and check out the boat house off to the side of the docks. It looks more like a shack than a boat house and slightly gives me the creeps. Despite this, anything seems better than feeling like a rain cloud hovering over everyone's vacation. As Xavier always says, no one likes a mood killer.
Upon entering, I realize the outside of the shack is a bit deceiving. Aside from the occasional spider web and field mouse, the inside is pretty well-organized. There's a desk, a bed and even a small bathroom with a shower. A few canoes and oars hang on the wall to the left, so clean and tidy they look like décor. It feels too cozy, too lived-in to be just a regular boat shed.
On the desk I find what seems like a collection of everything from wishing stones, flowers, snail shells, glass bottles and fresh water pearls. My eyes catch on an antique silver hair brush and hand mirror. I momentarily allow the tips of my fingers to trace over my reflection.
I jolt when I hear a thud from outside. I feel a heavy sense of dread as I realize, I feel like I'm being watched.
My eyes scan the room, catching on the boarded up window. I notice movement between the cracks in the boards. A creaking noise comes from that same area, confirming my sickening suspicion. Telling myself that it's the wind doesn't make this seem any less like a scene from a horror movie. I strain my eyes to get a better look at what's outside.
A pair of violet eyes peer at me through the crack in the window. My mouth goes dry and my shock is like icicles to the chest.
On closer inspection, the set of eyes are quite eerie, yet captivating. Doe eyes, come to sharp points at the corners, rimmed with extensive lashes and what appears to be colorful eyeliner. No one in my entourage wears makeup like that. Or has purple eyes.
Momentarily, I feel as if something is pushing me to walk closer. I don't want to look, but I can't look away either. A feeling I'm not quite used to blossoms in my chest- desire? Before I can ask myself exactly what it is that I'm desiring, I feel myself getting closer to the window.
As if sleepwalking, my feet seem to move of their own accord. I know this feeling isn't natural, isn't right but I can't seem to control my movements. I'm under a spell.
The second I realize this, the trance is broken and the eyes are gone.
"You can't hide away in this shack the whole trip, you have to swim eventually," Xavier's voice startles me, making me wince.
"I can still party, it's not the end of the world if I don't swim," I argue, a hard edge to my voice.
"I know what happened to you was traumatic, Letra but as your best friend it's my job to help you conquer your fears," he replies tentatively.
"I can conquer my fears somewhere else, not here in front of everyone," I explain, willing him to understand with my eyes.
"Who goes to a lake house for vacation and doesn't even swim in the lake?" He scoffs.
"I do, I guess," I answer lamely.
"Not for long, you're-" I'm flooded with relief when the discussion is cut short when our friend's laughter transforms into hair-raising screams coming from the docks. My relief quickly turns into alarm.
Before I can register anything that's happening, Xavier is out the door ahead of me and we're sprinting to the docks.
Author's note: I know this chapter is pretty short, but the next chapter is almost complete and will be coming very soon. I'm so happy to be writing this book and so honored to have you reading it. Editing still needs to be done- so much editing but I feel inspired with this story. I'm excited to see where it leads!!<333
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