Separation Arc {Part 13}

(Part 13)

"Louise!" Brandon shouted after the woman who had flung herself out of the cab even before it could stop completely. Chasing the lady who had picked herself to her feet immediately after her fall, Brandon left the cab fare to Keyron's dealing as he took the stairs two by two.

The dead silence of the air against the early morning light, doused in the morning dew was horrifying.

The paparazzi had yet to appear, but Brandon knew that it was only a matter of time. But before the press came, Brandon needed to know exactly what the butler had done in the name of his mistress.

"Miss Louise!" Someone cried, and Brandon watched as a maidservant, with her dress haphazard, dirty and bloodied run down the stairs to meet the young mistress of the household. "Miss Louise, catastrophe has happened!"

Louise didn't wait a moment more as she grabbed the shoulders of the bewildered and panicked maidservant.

"Where is he?!?" Louise demanded in the same tone that had been given to him earlier in the morning, Brandon catching up to them quickly and hearing Keyron following as well.

"T-T-The M-M-Master's O-Office... Most of the staff that were spared had already gone running... I-I h-have no family, and n-no place to r-run..." The maidservant was obviously in a bad state, but Brandon scanned the poor young woman quickly, glad that none of the blood that was on her apron, legs and hands belonged to the woman herself.

"What happened?" Brandon could not help but lag behind even as Louise let go of the maidservant, continuing her charge straight to the Master's Office. Keyron silently obeyed the unspoken order and went after the lady, taking the role of her protector now.

"I... I'm not very s-s-sure as we-well... It was all s-s-so sc-scary." The maidservant was still trembling badly, and Brandon could quite literally hear her teeth chattering.

"Relax," He advised once more, holding the young servant firmly by her shoulders and giving them a reassuring squeeze. "Breathe properly, and tell me all that you know."

"O-O-Okay..." The servant seemed clear-headed enough to follow the firm orders given and Brandon waited the precious seconds for her to calm down. "I am a garden maid, so I was outside tending to the hedges when it happened. The car came in and dropped off Butler Kyrano. With him were a few other cars of men that had guns and swords. I was unsure about their presence, so I didn't stop them as they walked into the house... Then the alarms rang. I panicked. Head Chef called me into the kitchen and told me to hide with the other girls. I didn't know what to do, so I did. They hid us in a room in the basement, but the men –the gardeners, the chef and the servants all got their weapons. We could hear the gunshots and the screaming. I was the last to go into the room, so I was closest to the door. I could see everything through the slit of the door."

The maidservant buried her face in her hands.

"Butler Kyrano was there as well. He only killed some of the servants. I didn't understand why. He told the men with guns and swords that had come with him to kill only some. The rest, he let them go and told them to run away. They came into our room and killed some of our girls as well. I was so scared when Butler Kyrano looked at me. I thought he was going to kill me, but he said my name and shook his head. He told me to hide, because he knew that I didn't have a place to run to. He told me to find a corner, face the wall and cover my ears until everything stopped. I thought he was going to kill me if I didn't do as he said, so I did. I kept on hearing screams and gunshots upstairs. And then finally it stopped. I waited for awhile longer, then I walked outside."

"You called Louise immediately?"

"I... I'm not sure why I didn't call for help earlier... I'm not sure why I didn't call Miss Louise earlier... Everyone else was either dead or had run away, but I suddenly thought about Master Oscar. I ran to the Master's Office..."

The maidservant's face turned a little green, and Brandon patted her back soothingly, clearly seeing that she was in no shape to continue.

"It was real brave of you to have done what you did. Sit outside here and calm down. Then when you're feeling fine, call the authorities. Close the gate and locked the door of the security post... The security guard is dead as well. Don't let anyone in unless they are here to clear up, okay? Don't be afraid, because Miss Louise and I are here." Brandon instructed, knowing that it probably wasn't the best choice to make to have the terrified woman deal with so many things while she was still traumatised. But he did not have much options left.

Making sure that the unstable maidservant had found her seat on the stairs, Brandon turned and charged up the stairs into the Crawford mansion.

The smell of blood, metal, burnt things and stink was horrible.

Brandon kept his bile down by force as he paced through the corridors, horrified at the violence that had torn into the entire mansion. Men and women of all varying ages littered the hallways, slumped or simply fallen. Some were slain while others were filled with bulletholes. Terrified expressions hung on most of the corpses, and as Brandon dashed through the gruesome scenes, he spotted a few bigger-sized men that had been taken by retaliation of the Crawford's staff. A kitchen knife sprouted from the chest of one man whose arms still cradled his semi-automatic gun.

Not trusting his lips to be tight enough to keep himself from throwing up, Brandon slapped his hand over his mouth, forcing it in as he stepped over corpses and bodies, trying his best to remember the layout of the mansion since the last time he had visited.

Not a single room or corridor had been spared from the bloodshed all the way to the Master's Office, and Brandon knew that he had reached his destination when he spotted a pile of bodies outside the open double doors.

He could hear the screams.

Slowing down as he turned into the room, he couldn't believe what he saw.

The room was turned upside down, but there were only three bodies in the entire room.

Slumped against a fallen bookshelf, with his innards spilled out and his right leg cut off, Brandon distantly recognised the dead face of Butler Maiko.

Impaled on the desk table by a sword through his chest, Oscar Crawford's glass eyes had glared up at his murderer before the life had drained away from him.

And in the middle of the room, a pool of blood sat. Within the pool of blood sat a screaming woman as she hugged the lifeless form of a man that she had loved. Brandon's butler had fallen to his knees beside the both of them as well, his face bowed as the tears fells teadily from Keyron's eyes.

There was no inch of Kyrano that was not touched by blood. Even from where he stood in the doorway, Brandon could easily see the multitude of wounds that the lifeless butler sported. The uniform that Kyrano had worn so well when they bade farewell was now torn and sliced to hanging bits and pieces. Underneath the lapels of a suave butler's coat, Kyrano's white shirt was soaked crimson with blood.

His face held an expression of peace.

Wordlessly, taken in utter shock, Brandon stepped into the room, one foot in front of another until he reached the pool of blood. Going slowly to his knees, Brandon reached forwards.

He put both of his arms around his own butler, put his face against Keyron's strong back, and cried.


It did not rain the same way it had during Kyra's funeral. The sky was still overcast this time, bringing gusts of cold, chilling wind, but this time there was no back-beating rain. Brandon followed wordlessly beside his butler, who held the picture of his twin brother balanced between both his hands.

Karima Reyes was absent this time. The fragile heart of a mother who had lost two of her children within the same year could not withstand the sight of her loyal son's coffin lowered into the ground, and Brandon could not blame her. In fact, Brandon was glad that Karima could not come, because he was sure that the distraught mother would cry herself exhausted if she followed. For the moment, Brandon had enlisted the help of his family in taking care of the mother of his butler, and they had all understood the painful circumstance as they took in Karima the same way they had taken in Keyron.

Karima was not the only person the Greaves family had taken in.

Brandon could not thank his mother enough for being loving enough to take in a broken Louise Crawford in, caring for her and watching over her every need. While he busied himself watching over Keyron and cleaning up the mess, Brandon had heard of how Louise needed to be put on drugs to suppress her emotions, and even then, she had suffered a few panic attacks that had his mother almost calling the ambulance.

Louise was holding up terribly in light of the events that had happened, and Brandon's heavy heart broke to know that he could not be there for her at the moment. After he cleaned up the last of things, Brandon promised both himself and the dead butler that he would devote all of his heart and life to saving Louise from the darkness that she had slipped into.

The funeral of Kyrano Reyes was an affair that would have been relatively quiet if not for the constant flashes of cameras at him. Brandon and his father had already made sure that a perimeter be kept around the Reyes' graves so that no one would disturb the sanctity of Kyrano's funeral, but that did not mean that the paparazzi had given up. They had simply pressed against the perimeter set up, letting their cameras and video recorders loose as Brandon, Keyron and a select few undertakers followed the coffin. The ladies of the Rose Academy had been banned from attending regardless of how much they had wanted to.

Like how Kyrano had gotten himself dirty to throw the dirt upon his sister's coffin, Keyron handed the photo of his twin brother to Brandon silently before rolling up his sleeves. Wordlessly, Keyron took over the job from one of the men and tossed shovel after shovel of earth onto the polished wood. The tears trickled steadily from his eyes, but he blinked them out, allowing tears to mix with dirt as they landed on Kyrano's coffin.

The affair was over in a blink, and Brandon stayed close to his butler as Keyron knelt down before his brother's grave, praying fervently.

A third grave had been erected for the Reyes family. Kyra's tombstone was still relatively new and clean, and now her big brother had come to join her.

Brandon bit his bottom lip and refused to let the tears slip from his eyes. He glared at the tombstone, because he knew that if he did anything otherwise, the tears would escape.

A butler, brother, son and lover honoured, admired and loved, Kyrano Reyes.

The words written on Kyrano's tombstone had been chosen by Keyron himself, and Brandon found it hauntingly apt for the man who had once lived inside the grave.

Keyron stood up as soon as he was done with his final prayer of farewell, the tears still streaking steadily down his eyes. Brandon was almost relieved to find that at least Keyron was crying. He wouldn't know what to do if Keyron ran away again. He definitely wouldn't know what he would do if Keyron didn't cry, but instead became emotionless to deal with the pain.

"Let's go if you're done, Brandon." Keyron's voice was hoarse from all the crying, but his master didn't blame him the littlest bit. Brandon had slept the past few nights to the sound of Keyron sobbing himself to sleep.

Brandon nodded, and even though he was supposed to be the master between the both of them, he followed behind his own butler as Keyron lead the way back to the awaiting car that would bring them back home, where they would stay and comfort Louise and Karima until they were emotionally stable again.

Brandon endured the paparazzi that pressed against the side of his car, the flashing lights that struggled to take a picture of him and his butler through the black-tinted windows. Keyron made no reaction to them at all as the car eventually cleared its way through the sea of reporters that shouted their questions at them.

Brandon waited all the way until they were clear of any spying cameras, until they were on their steady ride back to the Greaves mansion where the both of them had grown up in.

"Keyron." He said to take his butler's attention, feeling his butler stir slowly beside him. He had been debating with himself for the past few days, waiting for the best time to do it. When it had been given to him, he had been assured that he would know when the 'right time' was.

Brandon had constantly fretted about when exactly was the right time, but he assumed that it was now.

Drawing out the envelope that Kyrano had passed to him, he wordlessly passed the one with Keyron's name over to the new owner of the letter, watching as his butler's eyes widened at the handwriting.

Keyron wasted no niceties or manners to tear the envelope open.

And then the tears started again.



Words fail me when I think of you, my brother. I have never expected myself to have a twin, have never had a need for a twin, but still you have shown me the enjoyment of having you by my side. I apologise greatly for all that I have done, as well as all that I have not done as your elder brother. I am honestly sorry that I have been a completely impossible brother, and wish that I might have met you earlier on in my life, before I was completely ruined by the painful realities of our master and mistress's life.

If you have received this letter, by any means of delivery, then it must be my last words for you. I do not know how much time have already passed since my passing by the time you read this, but pray let me explain myself clearly once and for all to solve any unsolved mysteries of the mess that I must have created.

Twelve years ago, when I woke up one-eye blind and found Father dead, I searched for the real reason behind the attack on Miss Louise's life. I could not believe the news about how Father had died from some businessman's attack. I searched out for the truth, and I expect you and Mr Brandon know the truth as clearly as I have. Oscar Crawford had been responsible for the deaths of his own brother and our father.

It was then that I began to realize that the enemy standing beside you was the much scarier one as compared to the ones outside of the family. I grew up immediately, and if you really have to chart the moment of the growth of what they call the Demon Butler Kyrano, or the Butler in Black Kyrano, that was my start. Taking the excuse of pushing away my grief over Father, I studied hard on the illegal nature of business dealings. I contacted various businessmen through anonymous contacts and used the information that I overheard from Oscar's office to gain their trust. Amassning a wide array of connections became increasingly easier with the information that I was offering. I devoted myself to studying the underside of the business world, and learnt the dirty methods and ways to survive.

Think of me as the financial analyst for my business partners, except for the fact that I was anonymous and treated like a stranger that everyone trusted.

I needed to sow my seeds within the family, and thus I did with these business partners that I had made for myself. With more advice that lead them to success, it was soon that I had these companies eating out of my hand, and thus when I proposed for them to stand themselves with Crawford, none of them rejected it. It simply continued all the way even as we grew up.

The war that I had the Greaves starting with Crawfords was one where the success had been decided even before it started. Oscar immediately began to buy over and takeover the companies that belonged to the Greaves, but it was never by his own money. He directed the companies in alliance to the family to takeover –and those at the same ones that I controlled.

I told them, who have learnt to rely on me unfalteringly, to obey Oscar. The takeovers continued –as you must have seen reported on the news in the days after the declaration of war. However, once these companies were taken over, they were released almost immediately as well along with an increased sum of money for investment. I am sure Master Henry is able to tell you that he has suffered nothing at the end of this business war.

A few days before I went back to the Main House, I met with the businessmen that I controlled. They were understandably shocked, but immediately understood that I was out to overthrow a tyrant sitting on the Crawford seat. Thanks to Miss Louise's perfection and grace, she had gained herself silent supporters and approved of my means. I received endorsements from these men, and if you must confirm, you may ask Master Henry of the names of the businesses that have affiliated themselves with the Greaves conglomerate right after I toppled the Crawford name.

I am aware that I have destroyed the very family that I have sworn to protect. But I have no fear, because a butler's role is always to serve and protect his mistress and master. I might have destroyed the prestige of the Crawford name, but I have protected Miss Louise. Still, I am unable to continue on this path I have been walking any further.

You are the only man worthy of taking over from where I have left of in the Crawford Household, Keyron. A Reyes man must serve the Crawford, and I pray that it be no different for you. No matter how destroyed the Crawford reputation is, always be proud that you are a Reyes, and that you serve a mistress as perfect as Miss Louise. I have no doubts that once Miss Louise recovers, she will build upon the ashes of what I have wrought and bring Crawford soaring once more.

You must be the butler to serve her and her husband Brandon. Stay with them for as long as they will live and protect them with your life. The combined household of Greaves and Crawford will only invite even more dangers.

Before I go, please remember some things that I have picked up in the years of serving Miss Louise, and apply them well.

Miss Louise is afraid of the thunder on particularly stormy days. Wrap her up in a blanket and pass her a cup of soothing tea when it happens.

Miss Louise has had a history of gastrics. Make sure that she does not miss her meals no matter how busy she might be. If she has gastrics, make sure that she lies down for a rest. Miss Louise will pretend that she is fine, but when there is tension in her movements and her face is pale, please do not wait to ask her. She tends to hold back the pain and refuse to admit it until I insist upon her rest.

Miss Louise prefers an occasional splurge in meals once in a while. I often provide a fuller meal every fortnight in reward for her hard work.

Miss Louise cannot sleep without drinking a cup of warm milk every night.

When she is on her period, she tends to sleep earlier and is much weaker than normal. She will take her steps smaller than normal. Please do prepare some iron pills for her just in case, as she might appear a little too pale at times. During those periods, prepare more green leafy vegetables for her meals. Similarly, warm her bath by a few degrees higher so that she might be at ease more.

Miss Louise is fond of lavender, and thus I do my best to purchase her care products with that scent. In terms of flowers, however, she is a lady at heart and appreciates roses.

Miss Louise is fond of keeping her hair down, so avoid tying it up unless she is attending any formal occasions. If the occasion allows, you may give soft curls to her hair from her shoulder onwards to create a soft look and refrain from tying it up as well.

Please insist upon her rest when she is unwell and be unafraid of speaking up and taking away her work, because she will work herself to death unless someone steps in.

Miss Louise is not fond of dolls.

Miss Louise prefers blue, but red outfits bring out the brightness of her eyes.

Miss Louise used to bite her lip in thought when she was younger. She might have grown out of it now, but do remind her of the unlady-like movement when you spot her doing so.

Finally, Miss Louise grew up without love since her father's death. She had never had a mother figure, and her whole life was surrounded by men. I am not asking for you to become a woman for her sake, Keyron, but the butler serving her must treat her with sensitivity. She is not trusting of newcomers easily, and sometimes appear stand-offish. That is only her mechanism of protecting herself in the world. It had done her well in protecting herself from her uncle's lies. I understand that the world that we live in is cold and loveless, but I believe that you and Brandon will be able to provide her with the sensitivities and love that she needs as woman in the future.

Keyron, I am truly and utterly grateful to be able to call you my brother. Regardless of what may have come between us, or what may have happened since my departure, know that my heart in dealing with you, Miss Louise and Mr Brandon have always been true. I might have kept secrets and lies, but I have never ever acted with a bad heart towards any of you. Even if the world might brand me as a horrible butler who has gone and murdered his own master in the mansion, even if I might forever be the Demon Butler who toppled an entire Crawford conglomerate by himself, I pray that you do not view your brother as such. I only want the three of you to understand the true meaning behind my actions. I do not need any one else to understand my motivations except for the three of you.

If I have not said this to you yet, then let me say it once.

I love you, Keyron. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being my brother.

Thank you for having cared for me.

Thank you for serving your master, for growing up with Brandon like the cheerful man that you have been.

Please take care of Miss Louise in my stead. You might not be the Butler Kyrano, but I believe that you will make your own name as the best butler in the world.

Your father, sister and I will be waiting for you when you finish your duty.

Kyrano Reyes


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