Love Affair Arc {Part 8}
(Part 8)
"Dear girl, you look a lot like your father." Karima's soft comment gave Louise a cause of surprise as both women sat in the living area, the young man of the house taking it upon himself to clean up the house right while he was around.
"You knew my father?" Louise asked, eyes alight.
"When Kyrano's father and I were still young and dating, I was introduced to Master Luca. Kyrone only thought it was fair for Master Luca to be introduced to the woman who would share the love of the stupid little butler. I remember your father laughing when Kyrone professed his love for the both of us, then saying something about me getting jealous of a man when Kyrone's sexuality was supposed to be iron-rod-straight." The laughing, easy reply came and Louise saw a woman who, despite having a husband who was absent for most days of the year, loved the man she knew as the Head Butler of Crawford.
Still, Louise could not help but hang a rueful smile on her lips.
"I find it hard to imagine." Louise answered. "Though I can imagine Kyrone's straight face when he professed his love for the both of you."
It would probably be the same face as Kyrano's. Now that the young man was grown up, she began to see more and more likeness of the young man to his father –particularly in his mannerisms.
"The man you knew as Head Butler –he was very different in those days. When your father passed on, Kyrone changed very much as well. I was never jealous of Luca, because I only loved the man who could make my Kyrone the man he was. Serving under Oscar made him change." Karima's tone seemed to take a hint of sadness for the slightest moment before she caught herself, laughing lightly as if in efforts to dispel the sombre air. "Look at me, being sad and all. Do excuse me."
"It's fine." Louise smiled to show that she wasn't offended at all. "I like to hear stories about my father and Kyrone. It's interesting to find out more about Kyrone's life when he was younger."
"I would say; his growing up years is very much like Little Kyrano's. Have you met Kyrano's grandfather Kiran yet?"
Louise took a short while to place a face to the name, nodding shortly when the face of a stern old man with a straight back despite his years appeared. Louise had met Kiran when she was twelve –when the elderly man had visited the Crawford residence to talk to her uncle about appointing a new Head Butler in the household. From what she gathered from Kyrano at the time, the young man's grandfather had wanted to come out of retirement to serve the family once more, but Oscar had refused it.
"Well, Kiran brought Kyrone to the Crawford House when he was five to meet Luca; same as when how Kyrano was brought to meet you. Both father and son went to the Imperial Butler Academy, and both of them earned their golden coat of arms, and went in to serve the household. Kyrone and I met when he was on an errand in town, and I was attracted to this stupid man who knew nothing except serving the man he had devoted his life to. Kyrone was terribly inept at social skills when I met him." Karima continued, definitely a talkative woman. But Louise enjoyed the gossip, for she had not truly met someone who could talk to her so easily without reservations about her family reputation.
"Mother, are you gossiping about Father in his younger years again?" Kyrano's intrusion later in the storytelling session broke the women out of an amusing story of how twenty-year-old Karima had to bring Kyrone to an amusement park during a date to teach him how to have fun.
"Of course, my dear." Karima turned to see her son finally rolling down the sleeves of his shirt, looking clean and neat as always. Was this the Butler Kyrano that she recognised, or her son Kyrano? Karima didn't care, because she loved both side of this son of hers. "It is always so uplifting to remember these stupid moments of your father."
"You might ruin Miss Louise's impression of him." Kyrano reminded, but Karima's motherly side showed immediately when she waved his suggestion away.
"Nonsense. In this household, there is no Butler Kyrone or Butler Kyrano. In this household, you are my son, and he was my husband. Now come and listen to when your father hadn't even sat on a roller coaster before."
"I would love to, Mother, but I'll be in Kyra's room for a short while."
"Do remember not to mess her things up, dear." Karima called as Kyrano made once more for the stairs at the back of the cottage. "She is a growing girl, so respect her privacy."
Louise took her chance and moment to admire the domesticity of this family that she was witnessing. Was this the same Kyrano that she knew? He had been doing the same household chores, but he had seemed so much happier, so much easier. Even his speech was different, his polite deferential tone simply gone as he addressed his mother with tease and mischievousness at times.
"Does Kyrano serve well as a butler to you, Miss Louse?" Karima said suddenly, the jovial woman suddenly gone in a blink.
"He serves me very well." Louise answered honestly. "Why do you ask?"
"My son is a very nice young man –and I hope that I do not sound as if I am bragging. He is very obedient and filial. But the only problem is that he is fond of carrying loads on his shoulders without letting anyone know. He might be smiling or putting on a mask, but inside he could be suffering very badly. Kyrone had a little of that when he served Master Oscar, but Kyrano has it worse." Karima's voice had lowered to a secretive whisper, and Louise got the signal that the worried mother was trying to reach out to her.
"I know." Louise answered honestly. "He is very duteous, but he doesn't know how to say it when he is pressured too much."
"He always does this when he comes back home. This place is where they can revive and regain their souls. They laugh and joke with me, but I see the suffering in their eyes. I can only watch them suffer inside, and try to make them feel better while they are here. After Kyrone passed on, Kyrano's suffering has only increased. I am sick, and his sister is attending school. He has so much pressure to support the family, but still he forces me to stay at home. Every month, he sends home his whole pay to pay for my medical bills and his sister's school fees. He must be suffering so much on his own, and still he doesn't show us." Karima explained, expression crossed between guilt and gratitude. "I could not have asked for a better son."
"Don't you worry, Mrs Reyes." Louise leaned forward, placing her hand over the elderly woman's to show her strength and solidarity. "I will help you watch over your son."
"It will be hard for you, Miss Louise." Karima smiled faintly at the sight of the beautiful angel of the Crawford family, doing her best in everything. Kyrano was just like that as well. "It will be much harder when you have a fiancé. But please remain happy, Miss Louise, because my son's happiness is yours."
Louise smiled ruefully. Like mother, like son. The Reyes family seemed to hold on faithfully to the belief that the happiness of a butler was the happiness of his mistress.
"I will stay happy for your son, then." Louise answered.
The problem was that Karima was right. Staying happy turned out to be the hardest thing to do.
"Tell Kyra that I'm very sorry to not have been able to see her, Mother." Kyrano instructed, taking his mother into another warm hug once more. The sun was beginning to set, and it was almost time for the two of them to return back to the Academy. Much as Kyrano had wanted to spend dinner with his family once more, his duties prevailed, and he needed to help his mistress get ready for dinner. The Rose of the Academy had to appear at formal dinner every weekend, and if Louise were to disappear without prior notice, the academy might be thrown into quite some panic.
"Make it up by coming back as often as you can." Karima answered with a bright smile, knowing from experience that partings like this should not be spent in heartbreak and tears. If she cried or showed any sadness, then her son would feel doubly guilty for leaving, which would stress her dutiful Kyrano even more than he already was. "And try to drop a warning before you come again. My weak heart might not be able to take more shocks."
Kyrano laughed lightly at his mother's distasteful tone, squeezing her tight once more before letting go and stepping back. It was simply his mother's cheerfulness that always made his departure easier, and this time was no different. Kyrano had already made dinner for his mother and sister to be heated when young Kyra came back from school.
"I'll try to remember to make an announcement prior to my arrival then." Kyrano rode along the tease with a grin.
"Make sure you do. When my little Kyrano comes back, I want the whole countryside to gather and see you." His mother's casual reply was almost instructive, but both of them knew better.
"Miss Louise," Karima turned her attention to the quiet woman who was watching the whole scene with a smile of amusement. It was almost hard to believe that this man talking to his mother was the same butler that followed her around in school, tending to her every needs. "I'm so glad to finally have seen you. You're beautiful, and I'm sure Kyrano loves serving someone as pretty as you are."
"Mother!" Kyrano's exclamation of surprise made Louise chuckle lightly. "What is this you are telling Miss Louise?"
"Oh, Kyrano, don't pretend that you don't have eyes. You might be eye-patched in one eye, but you don't need both to see this angel here. Take care of her well, or I'll hold you responsible." Karima instructed once more.
"Of course. She is my mistress." Kyrano's answer was quick, but Karima turned back to her quickly, taking her hand lightly.
"Don't take things too hard. I know you're lined up to be heir to Crawford, and that your world is very much different from ours. But you have my son with you, and he will protect you from anything that can harm you. You are an heir, but before you that you are a woman. So if you feel alone anytime, you can just come here and we can have our girl talk anytime you want. Our doors are always open for you."
"Thank you." The honest, beautiful smile that came from Louise made Kyrano's heart warmer than it already was. The sight was simply amazing –a sight that he had never dreamt would happen. He had never expected for his mistress to want to meet his family, and had never expected his mother to be so glad and happy to meet his mistress.
Thinking back, he realized that he probably should not have tried to dissuade his mistress's visit.
"We must leave now, or we will be late." Kyrano announced regrettably, and a round of farewell once more came by before the two once more walked down the path away from the small homey cottage.
"We might have to walk a little further up to get a cab, Miss Louise." Kyrano said. "If you feel tired, we can stop for a break anytime."
"Its fine, I can walk." Louise answered easily, regretful that she had to leave. She had wanted to stay to talk further with Karima, and meet the young sister Kyra that her butler definitely loved. But her duties as a Crawford, and as the Rose of the Academy was bringing her further and further away from this little piece of haven that she somehow found.
"Were we too rude in welcoming a guest to the family? I apologise; I only act this way whenever I'm with my mother." Kyrano asked, a little uncertain. His mother had always been carefree and easy-going in the household. Parental authority was not something Karima exercised often, which made Kyrano utterly comfortable making a fool of himself before his mother. But perhaps his mistress had not desired to see this foolish side of him?
"No, you've allowed me to see the real side of you and I thank you for that. Your mother is lovely –I can see why you are working so hard to support them."
"Yes, they, along with you, are my reasons to live and exist. All I want is for Mother to stay happy and healthy, for Kyra to grow up to be a beautiful young woman and find herself a loving husband." Kyrano answered simply, but Louise was beginning to see a more obvious change happening before her. The easy-going Kyrano was slowly seeping away with every step, and his animated expressions were slowly fading away.
"If your mother will have it, we can visit her often." Louise suggested to test out her silent theory.
"Miss Louise, you are often busy with your student council duties and studies. Please do not try to overwork yourself to draw out time to visit my mother." Kyrano advised, and Louise sighed quietly –not at the reply that she had long expected. For the first time, Louise sighed at the return of her Butler Kyrano. The Kyrano that had emerged for the past few hours was gone now and back was her dutiful, polite and deferential Kyrano.
"Yes, I will come only when I am free. Come, Kyrano. Let's not dally any longer." Louise figured that there was no helping the situation. The real Kyrano had hidden himself beneath the surface, but it was better like that. The real Kyrano would not even be able to survive one second in the cold corporate world that Louise grew up in. It was for the best that the real Kyrano hid behind the mask, because Butler Kyrano was terribly skilled at surviving.
"As you wish, Miss Louise." Kyrano answered deferentially, following a half-step behind his mistress in politeness.
Louise understood the need for Butler Kyrano to reappear once more.
But it didn't mean that she couldn't feel sad for the departure of the real Kyrano.
The two men watched from behind a particularly large oak tree that stood a short distance away from the gravel path that snaked towards the town. The lady of Crawford and her butler were making their way back to town, their silence occasionally broken with business-like conversation. The previous smiles and easiness in the air was replaced with something harder and rigid.
The man in a casual button-down shirt and jeans had watched the change happen –almost like magic. He knew that the corporate world made people develop split-personality, but he never really expected it to be so bad with those two. He, after all, had existed in the same world, but had grown up another way around.
"Young Master, we should go before someone spots us." His butler spoke up from behind him, keeping eyes on the walking pair as well.
"You look a lot like him, don't you think?" The young master of the dignified family turned around to look at his butler, dressed in casual clothes. He remembered briefly of how long -2 whole hours –he had taken to convince, coerce, then force his butler to remove his butler clothing to wear simple casual clothes. They were, after all, taking a stroll in the countryside. Who in the right mind would be wearing their butler garbs to the countryside?
Apparently Kyrano Reyes would, for the young man walking beside his mistress was still in his black coat, long black slacks and even wearing his gloves.
"We will be able to meet them soon, Young Master." His butler answered, the perfect answer that he knew would come. But that was the problem with his butler –and he was sure that Louise had the exact same problem with Kyrano as well. His butler tended to evade giving the true answer with vague ones.
"It's okay to get angry, you know."
There was a long pause in which he knew that his butler was boiling and nurturing his rage.
"It would be terribly rude of me to play a tantrum here."
He laughed, and turned to look at the cottage that was a little ways down the road.
"We grew up together. Haven't I seen you through a million tantrums when you were younger?"
"That was before the idea of me being your butler set in, Young Master."
"Well, now you are a man before being my butler. You are someone's son before you are a butler." He answered his servile butler, pointing at the cottage that Kyrano and Louise had spent the last few hours in. "Are you sure you don't want to go home for the first time in your life?"
"My home is with you at the Main House, Young Master."
"Are you very sure about that? Don't you even want to try seeing your mother? I'm sure she has words for you."
"I am very certain about my feelings." His butler answered. "Even if I desired to go there and meet her, I would not do it while on duty."
"Ever my protective little bunny, aren't we?"
"Young Master, I am not-"
"You're just like a little bunny. You're angry, but you don't dare to go back, skittering around your feelings. You know I won't get angry even if you returned home. I'll be happy for you, even." The young master interrupted his butler's hot protest
"But I won't be." His butler's tone was final now, and he sighed loudly and obviously to let his butler know that he was exasperated to death.
"Whatever you say. Come, let us go and settle the paper works. The faster we finish, the faster we meet those two formally. You can finally get closure, and I can finally be free of you and your crying face."
"Young Master, I don't-"
"'Boohoo, Brandon bullied me! Boohoo, Brandon pushed me to the ground!' You always cried your lungs out but no one except me cared about you."
"That's because you were a bully when you were younger."
"I haven't changed at all, have I?" Brandon grinned at his helpless butler.
"Not one bit." His butler's agreed, but there was a soft smile.
Brandon liked that rueful smile on his butler's face. And though he was the one pushing for his butler to find and be reunited with his real family again, he decided that he would really miss this guy when his butler stopped serving him.
But then again, it wouldn't make much of a difference to him.
After all, his next butler was going to be Kyrano Reyes.
Give one; take one.
There wasn't going to be much of a difference at all.
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