Love Affair Arc {Part 3}

(Part 3)

Kyrano didn't think that his mistress had noticed anything wrong. Yet, apparently it was not true, for Louise paused in the middle of a wide corridor that led towards the field and, beyond that, the archery range. A little relieved at the pause in their silent walk, Kyrano left his baggage on the floor as lightly as he possibly make it, for he didn't want to cause any damage.

"Is there something wrong, Miss Louise?" He asked softly, looking at the half-turned lady. She had dressed herself in a hunting attire, her long hair tied up in a perfect ponytail. The clean-cut look was stunning on her own, and Kyrano distantly remembered how many compliments and remarks about her looking very different his mistress had received in the walk to the field.

"Let me carry the bow." She ordered, then backtracked to reach him.

"It is my duty to carry the bow, Miss Louise. A lady shouldn't be..." Kyrano's protest was quickly silenced by the woman's hard, demanding look.

"I'm not doing this for you, Kyrano." Louise said in her no-nonsense manner, as if she wanted to imply that she knew better than to argue with him. "But I need a little warmup. I don't want to get cramps from carrying the bow later."

It was a good enough reason for Kyrano to release his hands from the handle of the box, stepping back politely so as to allow his lady some space to carry the rather bulky box. He wasn't surprised at all when his mistress was able to lift the bow easily without much strain, turning around and making down the corridor with the same comfortable pace.

"How is your shoulder?" Louise asked conversationally as they stepped out onto the field to see a few ladies having picnic on the greenery.

"It is healing well." Kyrano answered vaguely, but his mistress –like always –knew better.

"You have been carrying some heavy things." Louise replied in a statement so that there was no space for ambiguity. "Even when I told you explicitly not to."

"My apologies, Miss Louise." Kyrano hung his head. "But it is my duty as your butler to aid you in carrying the heavier loads. My injury is no excuse for me to ignore my job."

"Do you truly desire for me to send you back in confinement at Main House until you are recovered, Kyrano?" Louise's tone was hard and unforgiving, and Kyrano hesitated for a short moment, carefully picking out his words before vocalising them.

"My desire is to stay by your side to serve you, Miss Louise." Kyrano answered honestly. "I will try my best to heed your advice, at least until I am confident of the state of my shoulder."

"Good." The apology was conveyed quickly as the duo made their leisure walk across the field to the archery range. It was a day of perfect weather –it was not too sunny or windy. The air was still and peaceful, and the sun provided enough light without being too glaring.

"Tell me about your family, Kyrano."

The sudden order made Kyrano start for a moment, but he regained his wits quickly, wondering what had inspired such a question from his mistress. Louise had never shown much interest in his personal life –not that a lady was supposed to be. After all, Louise had known Kyrano for most of his life; it was safe to say that she had watched him grow up the same way he had done her.

"You know of my father, Kyrone, Miss Louise. While he worked, Mother would be the one caring for the household."

"Any siblings?"

"I have a little sister. She is 10 this year, studying in St. Luna Private Academy."

There was a sound of mild surprise. "Is St. Luna not a prestigious school in academics and curriculum?"

"Yes. My father desired for Kyra to be a well-mannered lady when she grew up."

"Is the tuition fee not expensive?"

"It is quite a sum." Kyrano admitted. "But it was my father's wish for her, and we wish to fulfil his last wishes."

"Does your mother work to support her?"

"No, Miss Louise. My mother has been bed-ridden with illness since the passing of my father. She cannot work, for she requires medical attention. My sister takes care of her after school."

"Then who supports them?"

"I do, Miss Louise." Kyrano answered honestly. "It is only natural that I do it, for I am now the man of the household."

"But the income you gain as a butler –is it enough to pay your mother's medical bills and your sister's tuition fee?" Louise asked, and Kyrano knew immediately that his mistress must have overheard his conversation with Miss Amelia a few days ago. He had wished that his mistress would not know about his financial situation, but he could not lie to Louise.

"I am able to get by." Kyrano tried his best to answer vaguely, but his mistress immediately understood the connotation. Louise, after all, had grown up along with Kyrano. She knew that when Kyrano wanted to do his best to keep something from his mistress, he would answer vaguely or answer her question indirectly. He would not lie unless it was of dire circumstance. Still, Louise offered no words about it, because she knew her butler very well. If she even tried to offer a single bit of help, he would refuse like his life depended on it. No matter what excuse she could try to come up with; he would definitely refuse. And even if she somehow found a way to win the argument, she knew that her faithful butler would only end up feeling guilty for a long time to come. Guilty looks was something that Louise did not look forward to see on her butler's face.

It was soon that the duo reached the archery range, and Louise chose a spot that felt comfortable to her. Kyrano stood in a respectable distance away as his mistress silently went to work assembling her bow. The gentleness seeping through delicate fingers as the string was pulled taut and looped through the arms of the bow almost made Kyrano embarrassed at his barbaric fingers. It was only expected of his mistress to make every movement seem effortlessly elegant and royal.

But anyone on the outside had not seen how his mistress had suffered learning to be elegant. No one would ever be born gentle after all, and his mistress had been no different. Kyrano had watched with suppressed protests when he was younger as his mistress was given strict training to be a lady, to be gentle and elegant while looking effortless. Kyrano had stood silently at the side when his mistress tried her best and worked her hardest. Kyrano had even been there when Louise almost gave up one day. But, for some reason, the young twelve year old had only turned around to take a look at him –who had recently recovered from the shock of the death of his father and the loss of sight in one eye –and renewed determination had appeared on her face.

Both of them had taken this path for so long, and Kyrano could still see a long road in front of his mistress. Louise had been groomed to be the perfect woman, and she was on a one-way track to success. She was popular in school, capable and smart. She was resistant to anything any malicious lady could throw at her, and she was next in line for the Crawford inheritance. There were little things that could throw her off her stride now.

"Your sister's name is Kyra?" Louise asked all of a sudden, and Kyrano briefly remembered dropping his sibling's name in the previous conversation. Wondering why his mistress suddenly seemed so interested in his family, Kyrano answered honestly.

"What kind of a girl is she like?"

"The perfect sunflower of the family." Kyrano answered almost immediately, then blushed slightly when he realised that he had spoken too soon. "Pardon me, Miss Louise, I was too hasty in my reply."

"No," Louise's reply was warm, and Kyrano spotted the hint of a warm, sincere smile hanging on the lips of his mistress, "do continue to tell me what your sister is like. I would like to know how it is like to have a sibling."

Recognising quickly that his mistress might be feeling the loneliness of being the only child, and relieved that he was fortunate enough to have enough experience with a sibling to share with her, Kyrano thought back quickly on the sunflower of his family.

"Kyra is my very cute little sister. She smiles every moment that she is awake, and looking at her makes anyone feel like smiling as well. Whenever she cries, it feels like the world will fall apart. She is fearless and enthusiastic. When you tell her something new, she will pester anyone she knows to understand more. She was even unafraid to ask strangers about things. She is very lively, and from what I hear, she has made many close friends in her academy." Kyrano rattled eagerly, almost missing the fact that he had almost lost his respectful tone, giving way to a more emotional, excited one.

Once more, the blush rose hot from his neck as he bowed apologetically. "My deepest apologies, Miss Louise. Hear me; I sound so childish being so eager to speak about my sister."

What surprised Kyrano was the fact that he was replied with his mistress's giggle instead. It was a sound that he had missed in a long time. His lady was not often amused even as a child, and particularly after coming to the academy and becoming the Rose, his mistress had not laughed much. Blinking in surprise at the smile of amusement she flashed him before she covered her mouth to hide her giggle, Kyrano's blush seemed to intensify as he felt the boiling heat rising quickly past her neck.

"No, no, there's no need to apologise." Louise waved, unable to hide her uncontrollable bright smile when her other hand was holding on to her assembled bow. "You looked so cute when you were talking about your sister. She must be lovely."

Kyrano didn't think it was possible, but he felt almost as if his ears would burn off from the blush of embarrassment.

"Miss Louise, I... I am not 'cute'!" Kyrano could not resist but protest, but that somehow elicited more giggles instead.

"Make that face more, Kyrano, and I fear I might faint from laughter." Louise laughed softly, turning away to face the ground as if she could not bear to see more of his embarrassed expression. It must really be the first time Louise had ever allowed herself to let loose –also the first time her butler had made such an innocent, embarrassed and indignant face. It was the most humane expression that Louise had seen on her calm butler, and she revelled in the ability to make him lose his words.

"M-Miss Louise!" Kyrano pleaded, turning red quickly. "Please do not tease me!"

"I had no intention of doing such, Kyrano." Louise eventually continued as she calmed down, composing herself back to her usual self. "But thank you for telling me what you think of your sister. I do envy you; to have a sister to grow up with."

"She and I are constantly separated since she was born after I came into the Crawford house to serve you, but I'm glad that she still remembers and loves me whenever I manage the time to go back home." Kyrano admitted. Seeing his sister and mother again was always the highlight whenever Kyrano was given a week or two's break from the Crawford household yearly.

"It is really a pity that Mother died giving birth to me..." Louise's reply was mellow, and Kyrano composed himself quickly, sliding back to his butler persona quickly. Louise was almost sorry to see the human side of Kyrano be taken over, but it was nothing she could do.

"Please do not say that, Miss Louise. While you might not have had siblings, but did we not grow up together? I overstep my boundaries to say this, for I am only your butler, but we were together as we grew up. It is akin to us being childhood friends, which many others akin to being almost like siblings."

"Then I am more like a sister to you?" The question was spoken with a slight frown, and Kyrano raised both his hands in quick denial.

"Miss Louise, I cannot say it as such, because you are my mistress. I am forever and always Miss Louise's butler and nothing else."

Kyrano did not notice it, but the hand gripping the bow clenched hard until knuckles were white as Louise turned around, bending down to get her arrows.

"If you see it as such, then I have nothing else to say." The cold reply took Kyrano by shock.

"Step back, Kyrano." Louise did not offer her butler any chance to reply. "I want to practice."

Something was wrong; Kyrano knew it. These days, his mistress hadn't been sleeping very well, and had been mumbling in her troubled sleep. Her mood swings were getting worse by the day, but what was there that he, as a butler, could do?


Kyrano stepped back and watched his lady draw the arrow.

There was nothing that he could do.


The last arrow hit the outer circle of the target board, and it did not take an amateur to know that it was bad hit. The arrow had even hit the border of the black circle, almost hitting out of target. Once more, Kyrano's calm mistress lowered her bow and stared at the target board –and her results –in long silence.

"Enough of this." Louise finally declared, turning to her box as she began the dismantling process of her bow. Kyrano acted immediately as he strode forwards in brisk pace, fetching the arrows that had been pierced through board. His initial worry and confusion faded away quickly as he stood by the board, observing the holes made on the target sheet.

He had initially been worried that whatever that was affecting his mistress's thoughts was affecting her performance on her practice. But it appeared otherwise, as Kyrano remained in his thoughts, running back to his mistress's side to return the arrows. No words were exchanged as his mistress packed her bow up.

Kyrano's quick protest about his mistress carrying the bow was once more met with a silent deadly glare that he didn't understand the cause of. Still, he knew better than to trip his mistress up more as he bowed apologetically, then followed after Louise as she made back for the school building.

It was not a surprise when they met the lady Amelia and her butler carrying her bow on the field.

What was the surprise was the fact that Amelia had not spied them yet, and Kyrano spotted the expression in her eyes when the lady turned around to look at her butler who seemed to be fiddling with her bow. Still, Kyrano remained in his composed, silent self as he trailed behind his mistress. Louise's obvious intention to walk past the duo was spoilt when Amelia looked up and finally caught sight of them.

"My, my." Amelia's shrill voice rose, "Looks like someone has been to target practice."

Still, Louise remained walking adamantly, a straight set of shoulders.

"Dear me, look at those holes, my dear Jet!" The mocking tone was grating on Kyrano's ears, but knowledge of something deeper forced him to settle his temper back down. "Don't we look forward to the day of the duel? It seems like winning for a certain lady isn't going to be a viable option."

This time, Louise did stop, but refused to turn around to acknowledge the woman's presence.

"Yes, I do agree. Do remember to tear down all research about Kyrano you have done after the duel, Amelia. I would so regret to have you expelled out of school for turning your back on the wager after your lost duel." The tone of heavy sarcasm must have been contributed by Louise's strange mood at the moment, for even Kyrano was shocked at his mistress. His lady must be feeling very weird, for Kyrano had seen his woman when she was angry, and she hadn't even acted as such before.

"Look at the results of your target practice!" Amelia screeched, horrified as she spun around to glare. "You're foolish if you think you're keeping Kyrano."

"Keep your hands and eyes off my property, because you will not win him."

"You cannot deny my love, Louise. If you know what is best for him, you will lose quietly and let him come to me. I can help him and I can make him happy. Can you? You're just a sour lady who can't even show any emotions. Don't you know that your butler is a human too? Don't you know that all humans need emotions from the people around them?"

"And what would you know about your shallow emotions?" The vicious words spilt forth from Louise's lips as Kyrano stepped forth, ready to intercede for fear of his mistress making a big mistake. Yet, there was little need, because something flashed in his mistress's eyes. "Forget it. I am wasting my breath talking to you who does not even understand what your desire."

"Then what about you, Louise?" Amelia shouted as Kyrano watched his mistress pick up pace again. "Do you even know what you want?"

Thought Kyrano knew that he should be chasing after his mistress at a time like this, he lagged behind on the field, a safe distance away from Amelia and Jet as he turned to face them. With a customary polite bow, Kyrano straightened to make sharp eye contact with the silent butler who was still holding on to his mistress's bow.

Then cold, hard eyes moved to Amelia, who immediately felt a chill flash through her.

"Miss Amelia," The low voice was not the usual Kyrano, and neither was the faraway eyes that pierced through the lady. "I will politely ask of you to not disturb my mistress. Call off this duel if you are not sure of what you want. I am honoured that you have harboured such feelings for me, but I am Louise's butler and nothing will change this fact. If you want to use this duel to understand exactly what you want, then you will do better if you bring it to someone else. My mistress has no time for you, and neither will I to entertain your childish feelings."

"Butler Kyrano." The man who had remained silent all this while spoke, stepping forth with something protective in his eyes. "Watch your words to the lady."

"Butler Jet." Kyrano answered in an equally hard tone, ignorant of the fact that he was addressing someone 8 years older than he. "If you do not wish to lose your lady, you understand what to do. Do not use me to your will, because you implicate my lady. I will not care if you use me only, but if you must involve my mistress, then I will react. Do not make me react."

"Is that a threat, Butler Kyrano?"

It happened in a moment. The usually friendly and gentle butler peeled off entirely to show the demon beneath the Butler in Black. The aura of utter danger rose behind soulless eyes that chilled the elder man right to the bones. Amelia unconsciously held on to her butler in fear, the tears crowding the corners of her eyes.

"Do not make me react." The being that was supposed to be Kyrano repeated. "Because you might not understand what you receive if I react."

Like a switch, it turned off as the Butler in Black bowed once more. When he straightened, the mask was back in place as a polite expression of apology returned.

"My apologies for the insolent words, Miss Amelia, Butler Jet. I must leave now. Please excuse me." Kyrano offered with almost a polite smile before he turned to chase after his mistress.

Like a plug had been pulled around them, Amelia fell to the floor, her eyes of fear tagging on the back of broad shoulders. The coattails of Kyrano's fluttered in the wind as the butler ran in chase of his mistress, and try as she might, she saw no demon.

"D-Did... you see that, Jet?"

"Yes, Miss Amelia." Jet's reply was short, and though he sounded calm, he understood something immediately as he watched the disappearance of the famed Butler in Black. They must be the first people in the Academy to have seen this side of the butler who was loved and revered by all ladies.

"Was that really..."

"Yes, Miss Amelia."


"I know, Miss Amelia. I saw it too." Jet answered the unspoken question, resting the equipment on the floor beside him before he bent forth to collect his mistress in his arms. "You have received a bad scare. It would be best if you did not practice today."

"What was that, Jet? Weren't you threatened?" Amelia clutched at the front of her butler's vest, fingers trembling while he held her in steady arms. How could her butler still remain so calm after seeing the same thing that she had seen? How could her butler still walk when her legs had turned jellied?

"I believe I was." Jet answered honestly with a gentle smile. "But it is alright, Miss Amelia. I can brave anything if it means to protect you."

"But he was..."

"I will brave anything for you, Miss Amelia. Even a demon like him."

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