A Girl's Love Arc {Part 2}

(Part 2)

"Alright, alright. There's nothing to see here." Keyron spoke lamely as he waved his hands, fancying himself a crowd-control guard. He wasn't sure how his job as a butler had turned to become a security guard, but the notion was shared with his master when he watched Brandon doing the same.

"It's fine. Little Girl is going to go home. She's totally fine. End of movie. Roll credits." Brandon was saying, sounding like a director at the end of a long-drawn movie. The both of them were clearing out the crowd before a too-big ruckus drew the attention of the teachers at the academy.

Neither of them had heard much of what was said between the now-awakened young girl and Kyrano, but took to understanding that the young girl knew the butler well, given the way the both of them were hugging each other tightly, and Kyrano smiling.

"But-" One of the ladies remained reluctantly worried, but Brandon flashed her his most charming smile.

"We will take good care of her; don't you worry your pretty head about it." Brandon shamelessly flirted his way through. Keyron gave his friend and master an incredulous look the choice of action taken, but it was quickly becoming clear that a little more charm was needed for the crowd to clear.

"Kyra, what are you doing here?" Kyrano asked as they drew out of each other's embrace, watching his sister's brilliant smile. He had missed his sister the last time he went home with his mistress, and Kyra definitely had grown up so much since the last time he saw her. Puberty had definitely hit the little lady of the Reyes family, and Kyrano admired the beginnings of the beautiful lady that he knew his sister was going to grow up to become.

"I'm here to see you!" She declared happily, but a flash of a frown took her face shortly afterwards. "But you were cold to me early in the morning. You said you didn't know me, and you called me little girl, Big Brother."

Kyrano paused for a short while. "Um... about that..."

"Kyrano, this isn't the place to be catching up." Louise's word interrupted the heart-warming reunion. The surprise had yet to wear of at seeing Kyrano's brilliant smile once more, paired with the little girl's bright one. It was easy to see the resemblance of the pair of brothers and sisters in the way they smiled so beautifully, but out in the open was no place to discuss family matters, particularly when there was a crowd still refusing to move.

"My apologies, Miss Louise." Kyrano stood up immediately, offering a bow. "You have to attend your lessons."

"Miss Louise?" Kyra jumped up to her feet as well, looking rather short beside her brother. Still, the young girl looked up at the dignified Crawford lady with glittering eyes of wonder and admiration, still smiling away with the vulnerable happiness that only children could manage. "You are Kyrano's mistress! I apologize greatly for disturbing you at your school, Miss Louise!"

The butler blood was definitely in Kyra Reyes as well as the young girl bowed low at the waist, keeping her back almost as straight as her brother. Louise noted down the marked similarities of the young girl and her brother, hiding her smile.

"Come to the student council room with us, Kyra." Louise leaned forwards gently, drawing the young girl's small hand in hers. It was almost hard to remember a time when Louise was Kyra's age, still so small. "We can talk there."

"But Miss Louise, your lessons are due to start soon." Kyrano protested, though already carrying his sister's bag. Kyra's small baby blue bag looked sorely out of place on Kyrano's back, but the elder brother had no care about being judged.

"The lesson is something I can do without at the moment." Louise answered firmly. "Besides, I do want to know what this is all about as well."

"Miss Louise, you cannot miss a lesson. You are the Rose-"

"Brandon will send Keyron down to the classroom later to inform the homeroom teacher of our absence. There is little to fret about missing lessons, particularly if we are absent to deal with the situations concerning our family."

"Kyra is not of the Crawfords, Miss Louise."

"Kyra is a Reyes, and you Reyes members are tied with Crawford. Your family matters will be mine, Kyrano. Take that in heed, and follow me." Louise answered in her standard no-nonsense tone, and Kyrano knew that there was no point in arguing any further as he could only keep his words in, following after his mistress who had now made ahead, dragging the poor confused Kyra along.

It was soon that Louise and Kyra sat on the comfortable couch in the student council room, Kyrano preparing some tea for the ladies, bearing Kyra's gushes about the beauty, capability and general ability of the woman that was Kyrano's mistress. Louise herself was taking in the compliments with a genuine smile, glad that the young Reyes girl had taken after her mother in her fearlessness of their difference in social class.

"Kyra, remember that you are Reyes, and Miss Louise is of the Crawford family." Kyrano warned gently as he poured the ladies their tea. "Speak politely."

"It is fine, Kyrano." Louise was the one to reply first, smiling beautifully at being able to share a comfortable –albeit a little childish –conversation with the young girl. "Kyra is just ten. She has years in front of her. Besides, she has no future to work for as a butler or maid in the Crawfords."

"You can't say it like that, Miss Louise!" Kyra piped up brightly, offering her brother's mistress her cup of tea respectfully, waiting for Louise to accept before Kyra picked up her own cup. "Big brother is right. I am still a Reyes, and you are Crawford. I must apologise beforehand if I say something awfully rude, Miss Louise. Big Brother always says I like to speak before I think."

"Aren't you one and the same with Kyrano?" Louise smiled faintly as she took a sip of tea, watching as Kyrano wiped the corner of his sister's lip gently to clear her face off any residual tea from the first sip.

"Take a seat, Kyrano. Talk to your sister instead of busying yourself around the room." Louise instructed as she watched her butler make his move towards his usual table, answering instincts as a butler to clear up the table.

As if surprised that he had been moving away from the couch, Kyrano stopped himself before he could step further away, taking a seat nearest to him in a bid for him to resist his instincts.

"Kyra, will you tell us why you are here all of a sudden and without a warning?" He started at the deep end of the pool, but the childish girl immediately folded her arms across her chest, pouting and shaking her head in adamant refusal.

"No, because you will kick me out and send me back home. I want to talk to you more, Big Brother. I want to know what you've been doing, how you've been doing. I want to catch up, because we haven't talked in so long, and I have missed you badly." Kyra pointed out intelligently, and Louise recognised that though Kyra had still yet to let go of her childish side, the young girl was still a smart cookie in the way she knew exactly what her brother was thinking.

"But, Kyra, you can't just intrude on Miss Louise's life all of a sudden just because you want to talk to me. You could have just called me."

"You said that the last time I met you, Big Brother." Kyra pouted deeper now, frown lines creasing a cute baby face. "But you never turned your phone on, and even if you picked it up, you always said you were busy."

"That's because I am busy. You must understand that while I'm on duty, I cannot entertain you, Kyra. Be obedient." Kyrano's authority as an elder brother was showing, which surprised Louise quite a little bit. She had never truly seen her powerful butler exert his authority before.

"I have been obedient for so long!" Kyra protested, angrily throwing the tea in her cup down her throat, then choking. The stern Kyrano disappeared immediately when the elder brother jumped out of his seat, running to his sister's side and thumping her back worriedly.

"Why can't I come to find you because I miss you?" Kyra managed after the bout of heavy coughing to get the tea out from the wrong place. "Is it really so wrong for me to come to you if you can't come to me, Big Brother?"

Kyrano's strong argument lost themselves from his lips when he looked down at the small hands that were clutching hold of his forearms tightly, the brown eyes looking up at him with tears crowding and threatening to overflow. There was simply no way that Kyrano would win his sister's tears when they came, and Kyrano sank heavily into the couch beside his sister, pulling her into a tight hug and hiding her in his chest.

"I'm sorry, Kyra..." Kyrano's apology wrote on his face as well as he met Louise's eyes over his sister's head. The lady simply shook her head with a face full of understanding, telling him that it was fine for him to display a little weakness before her, particularly when his weakness was such a lovely and cute little girl. "I'm sorry that Big Brother didn't have the time to come home to find you. You have been very obedient, and I am very happy to see you. I missed you a lot as well, and I am so sorry that I couldn't stay around longer the last time I went home to see you."

Kyrano closed his eyes briefly, pressing a soft kiss on his sister's head as he stroked her hair over and over again to calm her down.

"Kyra," Louise scooted closer towards the pair, putting a soft and gentle hand on Kyra's head as well. "If you miss your brother so much, then how about you stay with us for a week?"

"Miss Louise, you can't-" Kyrano's protest was cut off quickly when Louise gave a warning glance.

"Would you like that, Kyra?"

Slowly, the little girl withdrew herself from her brother's embrace, turning around to look at the lady with teary, worried eyes.

"Miss Louise..." Kyra spoke weakly, wiping her tears desperately as if trying her best to not show the weakness. "I shouldn't be disturbing you here at the Academy..."

"But do you want to stay with your brother? If you want to, Kyra, I can arrange for things to happen."

"I would like to, but..."

"Then it's done." An interruption of the conversation gave cause for all three of them to turn towards the door to find Keyron standing there. "I'll tell Brandon to put in a word to the Director about Kyra's stay. No sense in using the Crawfords' power when Brandon is already using the Greaves'."

"But, Kyra is taking care of our mother. If she stays for a week, then-"

"Brandon will send someone down to take care of Mother." Keyron interrupted quickly, smiling encouragingly.

"This is not the way a butler should act, Keyron." Kyrano frowned at his twin brother, disapproving of the way Keyron was thinking of ways to use his master's family power through his own master.

"I am not acting on my own accord." Keyron answered easily. "I am merely acting according to what I feel my master would ask of me. Brandon wouldn't let go of this easily as well, particularly when he has seen how cute of a sister I have. He is too much a paedophile to want to send Kyra back home so quickly."

"Is that how you speak of your master?" Kyrano pursed his lips.

"B-Big brother?" Kyra's fearful tones made Kyrano turn around to look at his sister in alarm, finding her eyes pegged on the butler that remained by the door. "W-Who is that? Why does he look and sound like you?"

"You haven't introduced me yet, Brother?" Keyron asked in reply with a grin, coming in easily despite the lack of an open invitation.

"There wasn't a real need." Kyrano answered in dismissal.

"No need?" Keyron asked incredulously. "How can you just conveniently neglect to tell our cute little sister that I'm her brother?"

"'Her brother'? What is this all about, Big Brother?" Kyra demanded again.

"Kyra, it's like how you imagine this." Louise was the one to speak now, knowing that neither of the men in the room would do a good job at explaining this. "Keyron is Kyrano's twin brother, and is your second brother."

"What? How come I never knew of him before? Where did he come from? How come Mother and Father never mentioned him before?"

"It is a long story, Kyra." Louise answered, a little glad that the young girl was smart enough to sidestep the denial stage. It was much easier to answer questions than trying to convince Kyra that she had another brother that she knew nothing about. "But Keyron was given to the Greaves family when he was young by your parents to protect him. He grew up with the Greaves, and now serves as the butler to the young master of the Greaves family."

"But those of the Reyes family are only supposed to serve the House of Crawford..." Kyra spoke softly, reciting the words that had been taught to her and her brother ever since they were born. Even before they knew simple vocabulary, both children of the Reyes household were taught that the family existed to serve the House of Crawford.

"I didn't grow up with the Reyes. In fact, I didn't even know that I was a Reyes until a few months ago." Keyron was the one to answer this time, coming closer, but knowing enough to stay a safe distance away. "And for all that's worth, I am really sorry for leaving you alone at the gate in the morning. I had no idea that you were my sister, and I was seriously late in waking up my master. I was tried to look for you afterwards, but you were missing –apparently sleeping on the bench."

Kyra blinked in blank surprise. "So you were the one I met at the gate?"

"I know you thought it was Kyrano. But nope, that was me. I'm sorry."

"Thank goodness it was you!" Kyra's reaction was a surprise to both brothers as the little girl jumped up to her feet, wiping the last of the tears from her face. "I thought Big Brother hated me!"

"I could never, Kyra. You are my precious little sister. You and Mother are all that I have left as my family." Kyrano declared quickly in hopes to assure his sister once more.

"You're forgetting one more brother here." Keyron reminded lamely, but was cleverly ignored.

"Then you will let me stay here for a week?" Kyra asked, turning around to give her brother puppy eyes.

Kyrano took a short moment to consider about a million things, but there was no denying his own feelings towards his sister. It was definitely much harder to be a butler when Kyra was around. It was harder to hold on to the emotionless duty as his lady's butler when Kyra was the one asking.

Kyrano sighed. "You can stay."

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