Chapter 9. Doomsday
It was a new day, I woke up next to Chase. He was still sleeping so I snuck off and went back over to my house. I was still in disbelief over what Chase did last night. I quickly unlocked the front door and went upstairs. Luckily my parents never saw me come in. When I got to my room I showered before changing into my outfit.
I then brushed my hair before doing my makeup.
I picked my school bag up and went downstairs. My parents were gone, at least I didn't have to have a talk about where I was last night. I drove myself to school before getting out my car and walking onto the school grounds. I saw Chase being surrounded by the lacrosse team. I saw the others and I walked over to them.
"He speaks the truth." Nico said while standing next to them, I didn't know what was said.
"Nico's right, he does speak the truth." I said trying to join in with the conversation. Chase saw us and started walking over to us.
"And I'm leaving." Alex said, he turned to leave but Karolina grabbed his arm.
"Stay. Let's talk through this." Karolina said to him.
"I've got a busted laptop that says we're past the point of polite conversation." Alex said while looking at Karolina, if they didn't start getting along again, we could kiss goodbye to our plan.
"Wilder, I said I was sorry." Chase said as he stopped in front of us, he smiled at me quickly.
"Are you Sorry, Chase? Tell me, what does that change, exactly? Thanks to you, we don't know what our next move is, or if we even have one. We can't win, not anymore." Alex said to him, we couldn't win. We no longer had the evidence.
"My dad says he has a plan." Karolina said to us.
"So there is still something we could do." I said while looking at Alex, I saw Gert roll her eyes back.
"So, what are you suggesting? That we all break up? Again?" Nico asked us, I looked at her and shook my head. She'd still have me, I wouldn't let Chase get between us.
"No. No, we can't disband the group. We never even gave ourselves a cool nickname." Gert said, we didn't need a nickname.
"No one wants this group to be remembered by a nickname. I mean I only get remembered by a few nicknames around here." I said while looking at her. One of my nickname's was 'weed tits' but I think that's pretty self explanatory.
"How about the Runaways? For all the kids we couldn't save or avenge." Alex said, we shook our heads.
"Too dark." Karolina said to him.
"Even for me." Nico said to us.
"Why don't we just go nickname-less?" Gert asked rhetorically.
"Best idea you've had in a long time." I said before walking away. Me and Chase held hands.
"Where were you this morning? I woke up and you were gone." He said to me with a smile.
"Well, I had to go home before your mom noticed and I also had to change and shower." I said to him with a smile.
"Last chance to get your tickets before the dance tonight!" I heard Eiffel call out. We walked past where she was but she stopped us. "Chase, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. You know, sometimes a bad thing has to happen for something good to come out of it. How about a free ticket?" She said while waving a ticket in front of his face. "I'll even save you a dance." She added, did she not see our hands or was she just trying to get him to cheat.
"Um, I'm not sure we're going." Chase said while look back at the others before looking at me.
"Chase, we can go if you want. It could be a distraction." I said before kissing his cheek. I was hoping that Effiel would see this and back off.
"You want one? The water polo team will be there. In case you're looking to diversify." Eiffel said, I rolled my eyes as far back as they would go.
"We'll take six tickets, you hateful bitch. We're all going together. If there's nothing left for us to do, then let's dance." Gert said, I smiled maybe I was wrong about her. We got our tickets and walked to class.
"I can't wait to see what you wear to the dance." Chase said to me with a smile.
"But I'm going to look ugly because I'll be in a dress." I said to him as we got to the classroom door.
"You will look beautiful. Mainly because you already are." He said to me before kissing me on the lips. I kissed him back before we entered the classroom and sat at our desks. I sat next to Nico. I wonder what our parents were up to.
"What were you and Chase talking about?" She asked me in a whisper. Once class was over I walking with Karolina when I saw Molly. She was hugging Gert.
"Oh, my God, are you alone?" Alex asked her.
"Molly." I said while walking over to her, we quickly hugged each other.
"How's your new house?" Nico asked her.
"How did you get here?" Karolina asked her.
"What's your cousin like?" I asked her with a smile, I needed to know that she was being treated right.
"You missed some real shit last night." Chase said to her, a lot of it was Chase.
"What are you doing here?" Gert asked her curiously.
"Listen, Graciela's probably already calling around looking for me. I don't have a lot of time." Molly said to us, so I'm guessing Graciela was an ok person.
"Which is why you decided to do a show-and-tell on retrotech." Alex said to her, she was holding a VHS tape in her had.
"It's from my parents, and I need you to help me." Molly said to us, I looked at Alex.
"Okay, well, uh, when I was in AV club, we had an old VHS machine that we used to stash in the closet of the library. Maybe it's still there." Alex said to us, we all looked at each other and tried not to laugh. "What? It used to be a cool club." He said while looking at us all.
"I believe you." I said while patting his shoulder.
"No, yeah." Nico said to him.
"Definitely." Karolina said to him, the three of us looked at each other.
"It's literally the club they use in every teen movie to show how uncool someone is." Gert said to him, I'd never watched a teen movie that was based in a high school or whatever so I wouldn't know.
"Guys, come on, don't take away his one thing." Chase said with a smirk.
"You're all assholes." He said to us with a smile.
"And don't we know it." I said as we walked away. We went to the library and found the machine out. Molly put the tape in.
"This was left specifically for me, something important." She said while standing with us, we were all crowded around together. Chase wrapped one of his arms around me and I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Hi, baby." Mrs. Hernandez said on the tape.
"Molly, those are your..." Gert said before stopping her sentence.
"Yeah." Molly replied quickly.
"Molly, since before you were born, we've been part of an organization called PRIDE." Mr. Hernandez said, so they were also apart of it which would make sense.
"PRODE does a lot of good for the city, but it's not the group's reasoning for being." Mrs. Hernandez said, I gave Molly a reassuring smile. This tape might be useful to us.
"They're planning on digging something up, something buried deep beneath the city." Molly's dad said, was it on the site of the school that they were planning on building?
"We were told that it was a renewable energy source, that would do good for the planet." Her mom said. What sort of source was it? I had so many questions.
"But now we're not so sure." Her dad said, so I'm guessing the fire wasn't an accident.
"Doesn't sound like this story has a happy ending." Alex said to us.
"No shit." I said to him sarcastically.
"And you're surprised?" Nico asked him.
"Shh." Molly said to us and we went silent.
"And even if what's down there is good..." Mrs. Hernandez said before stopping.
"There's a blind fault you can't see from the surface, and if we disturb it, it will cause a series of seismic events." Mr. Hernandez said, I swallowed a hard lump in my throat.
"Catastrophic earthquake." Mrs. Hernandez said, we couldn't let this happen.
"Hydrocarbons causing explosions and massive fires." He said, so we could all potentially die. Well it looks like I'll be meeting Satan soon.
"Not to mention we found some really weird stuff in these rock samples, and we don't know if it's caused by a virus or a fungus..." She said trailing off, what rock samples were they?
"It doesn' doesn't matter. The point is, if you're watching this, we failed to stop it." He said, my eyes started tearing up. Usually the only thing that makes me cry is season 11 episode 21 of Grey's Anatomy but something about this made me want to cry. Maybe it was the fact that they tried to stop it, like how we're trying to stop our parents. I looked at Nico, Gert and Karolina.
"Baby, we love you so, so much...and there's so much more we wanna tell you. But please know that we are right beside you...always. You are our greatest joy." Mrs. Hernandez said, I looked at Molly, she was crying.
"And we are so, so sorry." Mr. Hernandez said before ending the tape. This didn't make sense.
"This...this makes zero sense." Nico said to us, we'd put the VHS machine back.
"There's no logically way that this makes any sense." I said while putting my hand to my head.
"Maybe our parents don't know what that dig will do." Karolina said with her hands on her hips, of course they do.
"Come on, of course they do." Alex said to her. They knew what it would be but they don't care.
"They just went from serial killers to genocidal maniacs." Gert said with a little laugh, at least they didn't abuse animals, and if they did I would honestly seriously hurt them.
"I was hoping my parents weren't a part of this, but I guess they're as bad as the rest." Molly said to us, but they were different. They didn't want to go through with this.
"No, your parents thought that they were doing something good, and when they realized they weren't they tried to warn you. Maybe they tried to warn the others." Karolina said to her, I ran my hand through my hair.
"Maybe that's why...they died." Nico said to us.
"At the end of the day, they wanted to warn you. They were good people unlike our parents." I said to her, it was true. They wanted out.
"Forget turning our parents in. We have to stop them." Alex said, I nodded. Screw turning them in, we needed to stop them before a lot more chaos was released.
"Stop them from what? What are they even doing, digging a hole?" Chase asked confusedly.
"The school. They're using its construction as a cover." Alex said, so maybe my initial thought was right.
"The PRIDE meetings, the gala? It's all been a front." Karolina said, we'd been lied to our whole lives. What was even the truth anymore?
"Basically our whole lives, they've been planning on how to end the world." Chase said to us.
"Getting did of anyone who stood in their way." Molly said to us.
"Which could include us next." Nico said I looked at her.
"It doesn't push it past them to kill their own kids." I said while shrugging.
"Anyone interested in doing a semester abroad?" Nico asked us, I raised my arm slightly. I'll willingly go to South Korea. I put it down quickly after I realized I was the only one with my hand up.
"Oh, so you're both cool with letting California just drop into the Pacific?" Chase asked us, of course not but I didn't want to die.
"Exploding hydrogen! Mutant fungus!" Gert said to us in a raised voice.
"No, we...but..." Nico trailed off.
"Maybe we should just slow down and ask for some help. Things are always changing. It has been ten years." Karolina told us, I hated asking for help. It was a sign of weakness.
"What if nothing's changed?" Molly asked her, I don't thing anything had.
"Alex is right. We have to do something. Maybe we're in way over our heads but I think our parents are, too. Mine definitely are." Chase said while nodding. I think mine were as well but it was hard to tell.
"As much as it pains me to say it, Chase is also right. We have to stop this. No one else will." Alex said to all of us.
"You make a valid point, both of you do." I said while nodding.
"I guess that means we're not going to the dance. Probably would've had a better chance at a refund if I hadn't called Eiffel a hateful bitch." Gert said, well that was all on her.
"Oh, no, the dance is still on. It's the perfect cover." Alex said to us, I sighed I was hoping that I could get out of it.
"Then I regret nothing." Gert said while looking at all of us.
"Let's meet there tonight." Chase said to us.
"Drive separately, dress nice. Lie to your parents. Good?" Alex said to us I nodded.
"Good." We all said to him.
"I'm sure I have another nice black dress and if my parents ask I can just tell them that I'm going out for dinner at some nice restaurant." I said while nodding. I'd used that as an excuse to leave the house before and they believe me every time. We all talked for a little bit longer before continuing our school day. When it was time to head home I changed into my dress.
Before wiping my makeup off and doing another look.
I curled my hair a little before walking downstairs.
"Wow, is that really my daughter?" Mom asked me with a smile.
"It truly is." I said to her. "I'm off to the dance, my Lyft is waiting." I said to them while nodding.
"But tell us who your date is." Dad said to me with a smile.
"It's Chase, we're sorta dating." I said before walking to the front door.
"Stop, let me get a picture of you." Mom said before talking a picture of me.
"I'm leaving now." I said before getting into the Lyft, Chase was waiting for me. I opened up the car door and sat next to Chase. "I'm sorry my parents wanted to have a quick talk." I said apologizing.
"It's fine." Chase said while kissing my lips with a soft peck. When we got to the dance we talked. When I heard King Charles by Yungblud play I started smiling. "Why are you smiling?" Chase asked me with a smile.
"Stop being a twatty, brap. Happy. Be fooking happy." I said before dancing, Chase smirked at my happiness.
"What song even is this?" He asked me. I stopped, crossed my arms and glared at him.
"It's King Charles by Yungblud." I said before singing the song. Chase just smiled at me. When they started playing May I Have This Dance, Chase offered his hand and I took it. We walked over to the staircase and we just looked down at the crowd.
"So what do you want to do?" He asked me, with a smile.
"You. I want to do you." I said before putting my hand over my mouth, I wanted to say that in my head. "I did not mean to say that out loud." I said to him while blushing, he just laughed at me.
"Well at least I know what you want to do. And if this is our last dance on Earth, we should." He said to me with a smile. I heard Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish come on. I grabbed his hand and led him into an empty room.
"Let's have a little privacy." I said to him, he shut the door behind us. I propped a chair on the door so no one would be able to open it. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held onto me tightly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we slowly danced. The room looked liked it had been done up for a Bar Mitzvah. I rested my head on his chest before kissing him, the kiss led onto something else and I think you knew what we did. The others probably knew what we were doing seeming as we were taking such a long time. Once we had finished, we quickly got ready before leaving the room, my hair was a little messy but that was acceptable. Karolina and Nico we're together, they were standing a little close. I think they kissed, finally. I quickly sorted out my dress.
"We should go." Chase said to them. It was a little awkward.
"Mm-Hmm." We all hummed before walking away. I quickly brushed my hair with my hand. That was the most awkward thing of all time, especially since Nico was one of the people that came. I'm pretty sure that everyone knew as soon as we got in the car. They all looked at me and Chase. We headed towards the construction site. It was finally time to stop our parents. Once we arrived we all exited the car.
"All right, everyone double-check that your phone's off so our parents can't find us using WizKidTracker." Alex said to us.
"I turned mine off as soon as I got out the front door." I said while nodding, I hated that tracker.
"The invention of which we can add to the long list of evil things my mom has done." Nico said to us, I let out a light chuckle.
"We're a long way from Brentwood." Karolina said while doing something with her hair.
"Hey, it's okay, we got this. Chase fistigons?" Alex said to him.
"Got 'em." Chase said while patting his bag.
"Staff?" He asked Nico.
"Done." She said to him.
"How do you feel?" He asked Karolina.
"Ready." She said after tying her hair up,
"Molly?" He asked her.
"I'm so good." She said to him.
"Y/n?" He asked me.
"I'm feeling fresh, so I'm ready." I said while smiling and nodding.
"What about my secret weapon?" Gert asked him, there was no way it was coming with us.
"Um, she stays in the car. For now." Alex said while looking back before looking at Gert.
"Crack the Windows, though. This is LA. If anybody sees an animal in the car, they'll call the cops, even if it is a dinosaur." Karolina said to us, but that would be hilarious to see.
"And what are you bringing to the party, Alex?" Nico asked him, he thought of his answer for a second.
"Access. Stolen from my dad. Now, once we get in there, we destroy as much as we can as fast as we can, then we get out. All right, I'm sure that there's plenty of security. Gonna need some help with that. Best case scenario, we don't get caught, we don't have to fight." Alex said to us, I smirked at the thought of breaking the security cameras.
"When was the last time any of us experienced a best case scenario?" Chase asked him, Alex looked around at us.
"Chase is right, everything seems to go wrong. And if it doesn't go wrong, we get lucky." I said while looking at Alex.
"Look, I know that it's been a shitty couple of weeks." Alex said to us, understatement of the year.
"Understatement." Molly said to him, making me smile.
"But we're friends again, and I didn't think we ever would be. I wouldn't wanna save the world with any crew. Let's go." Alex said to us, I rolled my eyes at the sappy moment we had. We walked over to the gate and Alex started to unlock it.
"Hey, excuse me! Stop right there!" A security guard shouted at us, we all turned around.
"Um, hi, I'm Alex. I think you, uh, know my dad, Geoffrey Wilder. This, Uh, is his site." Alex said to him, I was hoping that we'd be allowed to continue on with our night.
"Wilder Construction's not in charge anymore. This site's being run by the Church of Gibborim now." He said to us, Karolina stood forwards.
"Oh, maybe you should call my dad and have him authorize it." Karolina said while standing in front of him.
"Oh." He exclaimed while looking at her.
"We have a school photography project. He said it would be okay." Karolina said to him with a fake smile, that was a good lie.
"Karolina, uh, Miss. Dean. This is a nice surprise." He said to her, could this conversation please hurry up.
"What's your name?" Karolina asked him.
"Carl." He said, of course it was Carl.
"Ah, Well it is a pleasure to meet you, Carl, but if you just hurry, we have a lot of work to do." Karolina said to him, dropping a hint to hurry up and unlock the gate.
"Yeah." Alex said to him.
"Waited to the last minute, huh? I was like that." Carl said to us, I didn't care for his backstory.
"Mm-hmm. Do you need his number?" Karolina said to him with a fake laugh.
"No, I have it." He said before getting his phone out and calling Frank Dean. I got cold and I felt someone place something on me. It was Chase's jacket. I slipped it on and wrapped it around me.
"Thanks." I said to him with a smile.
"Hate to bother you, Mr. Dean, but this is Carl down at the construction site. Your daughter is here, and she said something about a school project? Wants to get into the site. I'm sure it's okay, but, uh, I just felt like I should check. She has a bunch of friends with her." Carl said to him, I didn't hear what Frank said to him. "Happy to do it." Carl said before the call ended, I was just glad that we were allowed in. "You're good. Let's go." Carl said to us, I was just thankful that Frank Dean pulled through. He unlocked the gate for us and we went inside. We ran to where they were digging the hole. One of my skills has always been running in heels.
"Woah." Me and Gert said, it was pretty deep already.
"This is gonna be tougher than I thought." Alex said to us, it was already a long way down.
"One step at a time. Let's find a way to shut this down for good." Gert said to us, I'm starting to think I have a fear of heights.
"My dad created this thing. Maybe I can find the controls." Chase said while looking down.
"Molly, Y/n, Karolina, let's see if we can move one of these trucks." Alex said to us, that was easy. I could do that in my sleep.
"To where?" Molly asked.
"Exactly you can't tell us to move something and then not tell us what you want us to move it to." I said to while looking at the truck.
"There!" Karolina said while pointing to the inside of the tunnel.
"On top of the drill." Alex said to us, I crossed my arms and smirked.
"I'll keep watch, shield you guys if something goes wrong." Nick said to us, I smiled at her.
"Let's go." Chase said to us, we all separated and ran off.
"Over here!" Alex shouted. I fixated my eyes onto the truck. It started shifting.
"Guys, I can't move this alone." I said, Molly started helping. It started moving a bit quicker.
"There you go." Alex told us.
"Come on, Y/n and Molly." Karolina said while clapping. We continued to move the truck.
"Molly, Y/n, you can do it!" Gert shouted at us. I was groaning in pain, this felt like too much for me but I worked through the pain. Molly was grunting. "Molly, Y/n, come on, you got this!" Gert shouted at us.
"Come on, Molly and Y/n, here we go!" Alex shouted at us. When it was near the edge I started screaming. "Come on, keep pushing!" He added, we both screamed. Molly almost fell over the edge, so I snapped out of my focus on the truck and focused on her instead. "Wow, that is one deep-ass hole." Alex said to us while looking down, I nodded.
"Where are the guards?" Gert asked, I felt exhausted.
"Y/n, it's your eyes. There not turning back to there naturally color. They're still Purple and Green." Chase said to me, great I may have just made myself a freak-show. I need contacts now.
"That's fine, I'll just get contacts." I said while nodding.
"Fill the hole!" Nico said to her staff, there was strong wind like thing whooshing round. My hair was going crazy and it felt nice. The staff was pulled out of Nico's hand, we turned round and saw our parents walking over to us.
"Stuck around for more lessons, I would've shown you how to do that." Mrs. Minoru said to us.
"And it's good to know that the serum that we made only killed one of our kids and not the other." My mom said to us, I was filled with anger, they killed JJ, my best friend.
"It's time to come home, son." Mr. Wilder said to Alex, I looked at him.
"I'm not going anywhere with you!" Alex shouted at them, we walked towards them.
"Alex, please." Mrs. Wilder said to him.
"We know you have a lot of questions." Mrs. Dean said to us, I had one thing to say to them.
"Go to hell!" I shouted at them, I was meant to say that in my head.
"You mean like how could you murder 15 kids?" Karolina asked them.
"We promise you everything we've done, we've done for you." Mrs. Dean said to us, that was a load of bullshit.
"How can you even say that!" Nico shouted at them.
"Because it's true." Mr. Minoru said to us, that wasn't the truth.
"We love you." Mrs. Stein said to us.
"You guys don't get it. We're not on the same side anymore." Chase said to them.
"Sides? There aren't any sides." Mr. Yorke said to us.
"We're a family." Mrs. Yorke told us.
"We are a family." Gert said to them.
"We don't believe any of your lies anymore because everything each and everyone of you say is freaking bullshit!" I shouted at them with anger.
"And we'll fight you if we have to!" Molly said to them. They all backed away. I managed to get ahold of a barrier and made it fly in their direction before slowly making it fall behind them. I saw that Karolina had taken her bracelet off, face it we were too powerful for them.
"Holy..." Mrs. Dean started.
"...Shit." Mr. Yorke said finishing off her sentence.
"Did you know about this?" Mr. Wilder asked her.
"No." She shortly replied. "But it's what I was afraid of." She added. Let's look at the facts we were stronger then them, and besides if my parents made these powers and injected me with them, probably when we were sleeping, they would know how powerful I was.
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