Chapter 27 - Why To Be Good?
The flock of birds was on their way to find food. As always Sid was late, he was hurriedly walking towards his way to the college so that he can attend the first lecture. In the middle of the road, he ran into one of his classmates.
As both of them came close to the college campus, Sid caught sight of Sara and Pratik standing very close to each other, holding hands. Why the hell she's with him?
Pratik pecked her on the lips, and she ran away to attend the first lecture. Sid was taken aback by this; he couldn't believe his eyes that Sara fell for Pratik's tricks. Just a week or so Pratik himself admitted that he just wants to have her on the bed. Sara, who he knows can't commit such gross mistake and she really deserves a better guy than Pratik. Why in the world did she choose him of all the people?
"You know," the classmate mumbled, "Pratik had visited Sara's home, and on the terrace, they kissed. A friend of mine told me this."
Sid's mouth became dry, and his eyes were like hot marbles; maybe this classmate doesn't know that Sara is a good friend of Sid.
Pratik pulled out a cigarette from a Marlboro deck, lit it up and started smoking. Sid thought it's better to stride away as if no one exists around him. But Pratik stopped him. A scowl made its way up on Sid's face as he turned around to face him. The classmate moved on.
"You were saying that Sara doesn't give a shit to a guy like me. But I proved you wrong," Pratik exclaimed, his eyes glittered. A victorious smile spread across his face as if he deserves a Nobel prize.
"Every dog has its day," the latter replied with a tight-lipped smile.
Hard to say if Pratik was offended by that. Just after that, Pratik began to pull Sid's leg for his philosophical attitude since he got to know about it during the end meeting of NSS camp.
"What on earth you get by being good? Just look at me. I can make out with any girl I want. I'm bad, and girls choose bad boys over good." Pratik boasted proudly and stomped his fist on his chest.
"No, I don't categorize myself as good. In fact, good and bad is just a mental conception in this world." Sid leaned a bit forward and glared at Pratik, "I just love to slam people against the reality, and make them realize how shallow and bleak this world is."
Sid's words sent a shiver crackling down Pratik's spine; he spoke whatever that came to his mind, "But you have locked up yourself in this weird thinking of yours. But I'm not bound by anything; I can enjoy my life the way I want."
Sid let a chuckle escape his lips. He caught sight of one street dog barking at someone. A funny question gleamed in his mind. He began, "You see my thinking is not weird, it's just ahead of the curve. Look!"—He pointed his index finger at that street dog—"You mate, he also mates. You eat, he also eats. You defend, he also defends. He sleeps, you also sleep. So, what's the difference between you and him?"
Pratik felt a surge of anger, boiling him, he retorted. "You also do the same things."
"No! There's one major difference between me and an animal. For instance, when animals are lined up before slaughterhouse one by one, rest of the animals busied themselves in grazing. Now imagine if there is a slaughterhouse of human, would we keep quiet and let ourselves to get slaughter one by one? So this means a human can inquire about the fundamental questions of life. Now, tell me, have you ever introspected on your lifestyle?" Sid fixated his eyes on Pratik's face, which held an expression of bewilderment.
"I—I don't, I just live my life and don't worry about the past or future." Pratik was stunned with Sid's way of putting words, and he found it hard to come up with a tangible answer.
"It means you're like that animal who is happy in grazing but ignores the fact that next is your turn to get slaughter," Sid snapped back. A grin stretched across his lips. "You really wanna see how shallow and bleak this world is? Alright, lemme ask you three questions. First, do you remember the last time when you were extremely happy? Two, how many seconds, minutes, hours, or days your that happiness lasted? And third, can you still be happy without having that source of happiness?"
Confusion struck Pratik like a ball when he fathomed catch-22 side of these three questions. Firstly, he didn't remember precisely when he was extremely happy because happiness is flickering in this world. Then he thought to say, making out with girls. But it lasts only for few minutes and he can't be happy without that. Then he thought about smoking cigarettes, but that also lasts for few minutes, and he can't even let a day go without cigarettes.
He found himself cornered with the tricky design of those three questions. In the end, he was compelled to come to this conclusion: whatever sources of happiness he claimed to have is flickering and illusory. Indeed Sid made him realize this world is shallow and bleak. Pratik stood silent, which inferred he was defeated.
Sid smiled at the disquietude that danced inside Pratik's head. "As I said, I love to slam people against the reality. Think about all the possibilities regarding those three questions and then tell me." His smile turned into a grin, and then he made a move.
Pratik never felt insulted like this; his ego was crushed. He thought no one can ever catch him on the wrong foot. But here he was embarrassed and speechless. I will get back to you, Sid, very soon, he made up his mind.
Someone hastily rushed towards Sid from behind without his knowing, and blindfolded him with her palms. Sid grabbed those hands and tried to sensed who it was. It seemed to be a girl. With the touch of hands, he recognized it was Nehali. The latter pulled her in front of him. Both of them burst out in the laughter and sat on campus bench.
Meanwhile, Sid discloses his worry about Sara. "You know. I worry if Sara and Pratik get together."
Nehali heaved a sigh. She placed her elbow on Sid's shoulder and would often twirl her fingers into his hair. As he was about to say something, she interrupted, "I think, you shouldn't make a mountain out of a molehill."
Sid widened his eyes in surprise. "Do I? I just didn't know that."
"Hey! It's not that all girls fall for bad guys." Nehali winked, indicating her affection towards him.
Sid pressed his lips together in a thin line, because of shyness. He wrapped his arm around Nehali's waist and pulled her closer to him. On the other hand, Nehali stared at him and came close to caress her lips on his, but Sid warded his face off. "Let us not be the talk of the town here."
Nehali felt a wave of anger hit her heart, she stood up and pulled him by his hand. "You always points out bad things about this world, right? But if you're with me, then you can experience that the world is not that bad." She put a smile on her face while maintaining her grasp on Sid's wrist.
He stood up and said smilingly, "What if? Only bad comes in our way?"
"Everything will be alright If you take me in your arms, baby."
A pleasant smile slowly manifested on Sid's face. Suddenly something struck him. Nehali just called him "baby" in the end.
"You called me baby?" he queried with narrowed eyes as if he'd heard something else.
Nehali burst out into laughter; she winked and ran away from there, which made him follow her slowly from behind.
Both of them decided to go to the beach. There was a place known as the rocks; it got that name because there were so many boulders of rock set up naturally. Mostly you'd see couples hanging around at this spot. They arrived at the location; Sid helped Nehali to climb the rocks by lending her support of his hand. On a big rock almost twenty feet above, they settled down there. Sid wrapped a hand around Nehali's waist; she took the other hand in hers. Both of them keep staring at each other as if eyes were the only medium of their romance.
Nehali already closed her eyes, even Sid did. As he moved closer towards her to kiss her, in between, he playfully decided to open his eyes to see if Nehali's eyes are still close or not. Her eyes close a smile were spread across her lips. Then a surge of mischief controlled him like a robot.
Half a minute, Nehali waited patiently to be kissed, her lips were wanted to be touched. But her shy would-be boyfriend took more than enough time. Yeah, yeah, I know it's your first time, however, how in the world could you not kiss a girl like me?
She pulled his eyes open and her eyes doubled in size to see she has been just waiting alone. The boy disappeared!
Anger pulsed her temples, she felt a flush of rage itched her hand. Bang! In the face. There was no one else on the beach expect her. She climbed down, leaping over the rock boulders. Her heart flooded with fear to see not even a single person on the beach. She yelled at the top of lungs, "Sid! It's not funny, I won't—" She turned around in breakneck speed but found no one.
"I'm sorry, I know I ruined this moment." A voiced fell on her ears. Her eyes darted to the source, the boy was on the top rock of this boulders mountain. The sun behind him made his body look like a divine being landed on earth. Her eyes went blank to take sun rays right in the eyes, her hands shield her eyes. "I hate you!" She burst out.
Sid climbed down, jumping over the boulders like an athlete.
"I'm not talking to you at least for two days." Nehali's nose twitched in anger, she turned around and folded her arms across her chest. "You, ugh, you're going to be the worst boyfriend ever. You're such a scaredy-cat, who else run away like this, huh?" Nehali burst out in weepy tone. "I was just waiting and waiting, like, now you gonna kiss me, now you gonna kiss me." She repeated the last sentence to squeeze out her anger.
Sid became conscious of his mistake; he waved his hands to calm her down. "Wait, hold on. Maybe we can try it now."
Not interested in listening to his excuse. Nehali made a move with heavy steps.
"You know when you get angry you look beautiful." Sid's smile stretched into a grin, but it was no time for compliment, his words enraged her more.
She turned back to respond but not a single word get past her mouth except trembling of lips. She stomped her feet twice on the sand like a grumpy child to reveal her anger, and kept on walking.
Sid's grin transformed into a laughter. Man, I messed up really bad this time, his hands reached to scratch his head.
A/N: I'm sure you've loved this turn of romance into Sid's life. Get ready for next chapter.
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