Chapter 3, Part 2
Suddenly, the room turned dark and six different colours appeared in front of us; standing out in the monochromatic area. It was like our hearts were trapped in a white box. Flowey smiled at us; staring at each of the hearts in front of us. Weirdly, these hearts hovered over each of us and represent one of six colours. Dan had the purple heart, Mark is orange, Séan is yellow, Justin is blue, Wade is green, and I had cyan. ¨Woah, this is so cool!¨ Mark gawked as he poked at the heart in front of him. I looked at my heart and took it in. It seemed to pulsate like a regular heart but with some weird energy. The question is whay energy? Why are each of our hearts different colours? Do they represent our auras or are they just random? So many questions yet waiting is required. Maybe Flowey will say something about our hearts.
¨See those hearts? Those are your SOULs, the very culmination of your being!¨ he responded with a smile.
I decided to move around and the heart followed me like we were leashed together. ¨It looks like the souls are some type of connection between our mind and our body.¨ Dan observed.
¨Whatever it is, maybe it judges character of some sort? I mean, why the different colours???¨ Séan questioned; playing with the gun. My thoughts exactly.
¨Guys, maybe we should just put this aside and listen to Flowey. He has been awfully nice to explain things for us and maybe he can answer your questions later!¨ Yami suggested, gesturing towards the smiling flower. Without a moments notice, we tuned Flowey's directions into our brains.
¨Your SOUL starts off weak, but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV.¨
¨Doesn't LV represent Level??¨ Justin questioned.
¨No, silly! It's LOVE, of course! You want some LOVE, don't you?¨ the flower responded, eagerly. In my adult mind, it sounds super creepy and something that would send a parent's mind into a frenzy of questions and accusations. But, honestly, it sounds like a child's game. Innocent and joyful. I was about to respond with a 'yes' but was interrupted by the others acceptance. 'Guess I was too slow' I mumbled to myself, awaiting Flowey's direction.
¨Don't worry, I'll share some with you!¨ What a nice flower! At that he winked and stuck his tongue out while small pellets appeared behind him like an army. They were white and shaped like sunflower seeds. It almost made me hungry for some. ¨Down here, LOVE is shared through......Little white....'friendliness pellets.'¨ he explained, looking slightly nervous. I tilted my head in confusion at how Flowey looked. Why was he so nervous? Was this his first time helping somebody out? Was he a bad person before and just trying to be a Good Samaritan?
¨Psst. Don't go towards them.¨ Séan whispered towards me. I frowned at his advice.
¨Just trust me, ok?¨
Trust. Could I trust Séan? What am I thinking, of course I can trust him! there something wrong? Instead of asking anymore questions, I nodded and was brought back to reality by Flowey. He smiled cheekily and flopped his head to the side. ¨Ready?¨
¨Yes.¨ We said in unison. I looked towards my friends and saw that they seemed ready to go. The Irish probably told them what they should do. I was worried that something might go wrong or that Flowey would be mad at us. But, I trusted my friends more. More than a stranger. So, I nodded and took a few deep breaths. The pellets started to dart towards us and, with a swift nod at each other, avoided them. However, I hear a loud thump and I looked towards my right. Wade was on the floor and bleeding! His shoulder was bleeding profusely and all he could do was cry out in pain. My eyes turned into dinner plates as I ran towards my friend in need. Yet, just as quick as lightning, I was hit by a pellet and fell to the ground. My stomach was bleeding and I felt my mind start to blurr; my body shaking from the amount of pain I was in.
I was able to catch a glimpse at my side and saw a health meter, which is now at 1/20. What just happened?! In hopelessness, I watched as the others stopped and were also hit by the bullets. They laid collapsed on the floor with wounds and bruises all over their bodies. I snapped my head towards Flowey and what I saw scared me. His lively eyes turned dead, cold, and insane. His lips curled to a large, more sinister grin as he looked upon us. As he spoke, his voice changed as well. The once care-free tone he had before vanished as it was replaced by a high-pitched, mad voice. Sort of like AntiSepticEye; Séan's evil persona.
¨Y o u i d i o t s. I n t h i s w o r l d, i t ' s k i l l o r B E k i l l e d.¨
¨Why would ANYONE pass an opportunity like this?!¨ he cackled as more bullets surrounded us. This time, it was not for a boost. It was for our demise. I looked at Séan and saw a knowing look cross his features. ¨I-I told you.¨ he chuckled with a hint of sorrow in his tone. A single tear slipped down my cheek as I felt more pain that imaginable. I was to die down here. All I've done is be considerate to Flowey and let him teach us. But.....he tricked us. Then, with one shrill shriek, the pellets got closer a lot more quickly.
He cackled and cackled as the bullets sped closer to our forms.
We huddled away from the bullets until all that we could do is crowd around each other as they came ever closer.
I was sobbing and cradling Wade in my arms.
Mark and Séan were hugging each other; bracing for impact.
Dan was shaking like a leaf and was watching the bullets with fearful eyes.
Justin was hugging me and comforting me; although a single tear fell down his cheek.
We were dead.
We were going to die.
Know one will know about this.
We won't have a proper funeral.
Never see our loved ones again.
They were beyond our reach.
Like something beyond a void of darkness.
Like chasing time.
Touching space.
It was nothing.
We were nothing.
Well, we are going to be nothing.
Suddenly, I heard a loud bell ring and the cackling stopped. I wiped my face as Flowey looked towards us in irritation. My body was no longer bleeding and the same could be said for the others. They looked at each other in bewilderment but were cut off by the appearance of a giant fireball. It glowed and bloomed like the most beautiful flower. A Fire Flower. Then, it flew towards the evi flower and hit him; causing Flowey to shriek in pain as he was cast somewhere in the dark.
¨What a terrible creature, torturing such poor, innocent youths.....¨ a female voice responded irritatingly. I looked up and felt some sort of joy as I saw the figure. She had the features of a goat but walked, talked, and acted like a human. Her white, fluffy ears hug down over her shoulders and cradled her face. Her horns were small and harmless along with her fangs and claws. Her ruby red eyes complimented her white complexion and she wore a purple dress with a symbol on it. The same one that was on the doorway we went through. She looked towards us and smiled; offering her hands.
¨Do not be afraid, my children.
caretaker of the RUINS.¨
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