Chapitre Sept: L'Abrutissant Salon

   Ë̤S̤̈T̤̈Ë̤L̤̈L̤̈Ë̤, Rafael and their entourage spent a fortnight in Valliere before they left to go off to different duchies.

  Sometimes they stopped and camped, much to Rafael's chagrin, but, in order to pay up for it, Estelle would always spend the night with Rafael so as to assure him that there weren't any animals lingering behind the bushes. Other times she would keep him relaxed by regaling tales of her childhood or the times she went to visit Giselle when her family travelled to see their grandmother in Gael. Other times, Rafael would tell her about his childhood and how he survived a house of five girls and told him a bit about his introverted little brother.

   That way, the days and the nights became tolerable as they went duchy after duchy, opening schools and libraries for the commoners. Though they were few who had dared to mention that their Queen wore breeches, they had soon been silenced by their fellows and clamped their mouths shut as they enjoyed the ongoing festivities.

   Estelle and Rafael's trust towards each other built and became stronger––never again did Estelle question Rafael's trustworthiness. After the two months that they spent with each other, they became the best of friends and relied on each other for anything at all. Rafael even got to know that deep down, very deep down, Estelle was sarcastic, funny and caring. If someone would have told him that two months ago, he would have laughed in their face and called them insane.

   "Refute it as you might, Star, but all the sane woman scattered all round the realm find me to be charming," said Rafael proudly, smirking as he looked at Estelle scrunching her nose.

   "Until hell freezes over will I admit something like that," she proclaimed and giving him a challenging look to further mean that she meant what she was saying. After that, they lapsed into a silence only occupied by the trotting of the horses.

   "Where is our next stop?" asked Rafael, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled as they rode calmly on their horses. In response, Estelle looked up to the sky and let out a groan of frustration.

   "Clervaux," said she, letting out another groan. Rafael still did not understand why she seemed so against that duchy. She had been nothing but happy when they had visited different places thus far because of the change of scenery, however, now she seemed like she could change direction and head back to Rhône-Alpes and stay another fortnight.

   "Whatsoever is wrong with Clervaux that would make you groan like a scorned grizzly bear?" asked he and he looked at her just in time to catch the death-glare she sent his way.

   "'Tis the duché under Reginald's supervision. Reginald, oh how I loathe that man." That explained her reluctance. Rafael remembered the first time he had met Reginald; he had punched him and left him with a threat.

   Well, I can be rest assured that he would be all but delighted to receive me, he thought as he scratched the back of his head.

   "If that man spouts just one sexist thing to my face, I swear on my ancestors' graves that I will send him down to keep them company," she gritted out as she clenched her teeth. "How? How on the marvellous Realm am I supposed to spend a bloody fortnight in that man's company without strangling him?" said she, and then went on to say even more maledictions, alternating between Troyent and Nayish. To Rafael, she seemed rather cute, promising death to a man she detested, recounting all the times that he had said something ignoble to her.

   "Calm down, Estrella. Wait until he says anything horrid then assault him with words and fists as you please. We aren't even there yet," said he, bringing his horse closer to hers so as to a place a comforting hand on her forearm. She did not look at him but instead looked ahead and he could feel her arm tensing and saw her jaw ticking.

   "You can say that again. Look ahead," said she, jerking her chin forward. When Rafael raised his head and looked down the hill they were standing atop, he could see a . . . it didn't even deserve to be called a manor. It was a fortress. With a large, fifteen-foot-wall surrounding the castle-like building inside, furnished with parapets and watch towers in every corner. Men, no, soldiers dressed in red uniform stood at the bottom of the wall and at the top, switching positions every two minutes, hands on the hilt of their swords at all times.

   "Is that a moat?" asked Rafael, astonishment sketched all over his features as he looked at the castle down the valley.

   "Aye, it is. Come on, let us head down." And that they did. They rode down the hill and as they neared the 'Clervaux Manor', the big, Goliath-sized doors opened to reveal a house, no, a castle thrice bigger than the Queen's Castle.

  The courtyard was lined with a horde of servants from one end of the castle to the other and at the sight of their Queen and her retinue, they all sank into reverences in perfect synchronization. Rafael was incapable of righting his jaw, incapable of keeping his head from snapping to all directions, taking in all the grandeur of the fortress.

   "How and why is this place bigger than your castle?" asked Rafael, leaning over to Estelle who had instead occupied her jaw with ticking and her teeth to grinding.

   "Back in the Days of Conquering, this used to be the center of Troyes. As in, this was the main lair of what was an up-and-coming Troyes, all military troupes reported here and the progenitors of our country rested here. Hence, it was completely understandable for it to be so heavily-guarded because of the safety of the Conquerors of the time. For a time, this had been the capital of Troyes until it was relocated to Paris since it was more of a Central Duchy than Clervaux which is located towards the coast," she hastily explained as she hopped down from the horse and handed the reins to a stable hand. Her comitatus did the same thing and in the meantime, Reginald and a woman came up to them both sinking into reverences as well.

   "Your Majesty, we are delighted to host you in our humble abode. Two Royal guests at once? Never in my wildest dreams had I ever thought this possible," the woman said with a wide smile on her countenance.

   "Is it me, or did this woman just call this fortress a 'humble abode'?" asked Rafael, sidling up to Estelle and whispering in her ear.

   "Pardon my wife, Majesty. She tends to forget that introductions are mandatory before people start to converse," said Reginald, giving his wife a side-glare.

   "Translation: 'I am not delighted to have you here'," said Rafael and in response, Estelle nodded her head sagely, making it appear as if she was concurring to what Reginald had said.

   "Your Majesty, I would like to introduce you to my beloved wife, Lady Clarice," said Reginald dutifully and his wife sank into another curtsey. "Clarice, this is Her Majesty, Queen Devereux." Both women rolled their eyes at that statement. As if none of them was aware of that. "And her betrothed, Crown Prince Rafael Hernando of Zejardo." Reginald's wife sank into another curtsey and appraised Rafael with new interest. Under the spotlight, Rafael smiled and performed a perfect bow then proceeded to take the lady's hand in his own and placed a chaste kiss on her knuckles.

   "Pleasure to meet you, Madame," said Rafael flashing her his signature blinding smile.

    "Oh, what a charming young man, is he not, Majesty?" asked Lady Clarice, smiling at Estelle. Estelle's eye twitched at the question and she looked at Rafael just in time to catch the self-satisfied smirk spreading across his face. Oh, how she wished she could wipe the smarmy look off his countenance. Swallowing any qualms she might have had to the statement made, she opened her mouth and answered.

   "Quite so, Your Grace. Quite so," she forced out between clenched teeth. Once more, Rafael sidled up to her and leaned over her ear to say:

   "Lo and behold, hell hath frozen over," said he in a mock-professional tone. With Reginald and his wife too wrapped up in showing them as much of the castle as they could, they didn't notice the elbow that Estelle jabbed into Rafael's ribs, making him let out a soft breath from deep in his lungs.

   "That will teach you to make sport of me," she whispered and strode on ahead, leaving Rafael writhing in pain.

   "Oh, be rest assured it will," he murmured and made haste to catch up to their hosts.


   Rafael was standing in front of Estelle's door, waiting for her so that they could head down for dinner together. Shortly after, the door creaked open and she strode out in a lovely cerulean number that flattered her svelte figure. Shaking his head, Rafael bowed and kissed her hand, as was custom, and linking arms, they went down the staircase and a corridor.

   They emerged in the dining room and found that it was only occupied by a few barons and marquesses and other vassals of the Duke. Upon their entrance, all got out of their feet and sunk into reverences as Rafael led Estelle to a seat and pulled it out for her. As she sat and gathered her skirts, Rafael had already settled into his seat and the rest of the diners were already seated, waiting for her to start first. Nodding head in acknowledgment to the people gathered, she picked up her fork and knife and neatly cut a piece of bread, dipped it into delicious-smelling soup and took a bite.

   The silence that had pervaded the room lifted and the noise of the usage of crockery filled the space as little conversation was made.

  "Oh, Majesty. We simply must hold a ball in your honour. I sent out the invitations early so that upon your arrival they would have already reached the recipients. Some of the guests have already started arriving," said the duchess excitedly and the mention of a ball drew Estelle out of the ongoing conversation with Rafael and turned to look at her.

   "Though I do appreciate your efforts, I think that a ball is just too much and-"

   "Oh, nonsense," said the duchess as she waved her hand in dismissal. Estelle's eye twitched and Rafael beside her choked on his food, the table fell silent watching her, waiting for her reaction.

   Did she just cut me off, saying that what I was saying was nonsense? Nonsense? she thought indignantly as her eye twitched rapidly, unconsciously, more so when she realized that Rafael was in fact trying to conceal a chuckle.

   "What my wife means to say is that she insists. Not that what you might say was nonsense, Majesty," Reginald clarified and shot his wife yet another side-glare that Estelle now saw was a regular thing that he did.

   "Actually, I had-"

   "And I side with Her Majesty. A ball is simply frivolous and unnecessary," Reginald went on, cutting off whatever input his wife might have wanted to make.

   "Oh, Regy. Don't be such a skinflint," said the duchess, swatting her husband's upper arm playfully. Reginald's head snapped to his wife and a blush covered his cheekbones. Estelle stuffed her mouth with food so as to avoid emitting any sound or dare she say, laughing in front of the men in her service. Rafael, on the other hand, had contained his laughter, though at the cost of his facial muscles simply not complying to his will. To Estelle, he looked like . . .

   "Highness, are you alright? You look like you're suffering from week-long constipation," said the duchess, concern etched all over countenance. Now, it was Estelle's turn to try and will her facial musculature to seize making her lips slide upwards into a smile or laughing all the more. The duchess had described the look on Rafael's face very well, she had to hand it to her.

   "Thank you, Your Grace for the concern of whether I am able to empty my bowels or not." In return, the duchess simply smiled at Rafael. "But, no. I am quite right Your Grace," Rafael managed to get out. On his left, his betrothed was pinching her thigh and her cheeks had turned pink. He knew the reason why. She was trying to stop the laughter bubbling up in her and Rafael's nose scrunched up.

   "Which reminds me, Majesty. The Ladies that have arrived wished to have tea with you tomorrow." Estelle raised her brow in question and the duchess simply smiled and nodded her head.

   She can't be serious. She wants me to have tea with a bunch of ladies filled with gossip? Does she want me to strangle all of them?

   "I sincerely apologize, but I am engaged tomorrow and will not be able to spend the day with you. I have to be present for the opening of the Clervaux Learning Room." Again, the duchess flicked her hand dismissively once more and Estelle felt her eye twitch.

   "Leave men's work to the men, Majesty. You should enjoy some time to yourself," the duchess imparted her knowledge on Estelle. Estelle could feel her eyebrow twitch faster.

   "Oh, I apologize if the governing of my own lands is what a Queen Regnant should do instead of clustering herself in a salon and waste her day away spewing gossip. I am a Queen and I am going to make sure that my people are satisfied with the service that the Crown has rendered to them," she answered sharply, her tone edged with annoyance, just the littlest bit that no one seemed to detect. Except for Rafael who reached out and placed a hand on top of hers to calm her down. And she did. She breathed out and reeled in her temper.

   "We can go another day, Majesty," said Reginald, giving Estelle a side-look. Her head slowly turned towards him, a stern expression morphing her features. He cannot be serious, she thought, her eyes narrowing to slits.

   "I second that," Rafael spoke from beside her. Once again, she turned towards him and saw the impish smile on his face.

   This little imp is setting me up! she thought furiously. She pinched Rafael's leg and was satisfied with the little squeak he let out.

   "I. Am. Going," she gritted out. And once more the duchess flicked her hand at her. Her eye twitched again and to Estelle, the woman was either very brave or very, very foolish. The latter seemed more like it to her. How she wished she could break off that little duchess' hand.

   "Aren't the ladies your people? Why should you neglect them? It won't even take the whole day, Majesty." Estelle didn't know how to answer that. So, she inhaled and exhaled and she did something she thought she would never have to do in her life: accepted defeat.

   "For just the morning. More than that, I will not accept," she acquiesced and the duchess clapped her hands in excitement.

   "Delightful!" she exclaimed.

   "My dear little star doesn't agree," Rafael teased, leaning towards Estelle so that no one else would hear. His answer was a kick in the shins. How she managed to kick his shins while sitting beside him, would forever be a mystery to him.


   "Oh and, did you hear that Lord Timothée is hosting a season? My daughter must attend. I heard that he is quite handsome and is to inherit his grandfather's land," said Lady Claire, wife to the marquess of Auvergne, opening her pink, lace fan and whipping it in front of her face.

   "My daughter will be wed to Lord Raymond. They are to have a spring wedding. Oh, trust me, ladies. It will be a grand affair and all of you are invited," said Lady Claribel.

   Estelle could not count the number of times her eye twitched. These women were . . . infuriating and their conversations were mind-numbing. She looked out of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the salon with longing. She could have been out there, opening the new learning room, feasting with her people, with Rafael . . .

   With Rafael? Why did I even think of him, she thought, her brows furrowing.

   You think about him a lot these days, a little voice in her head said and the thought made her cheeks feel hot. Was she blushing because she was thinking of Rafael? Rafael, her handsome, manly, caring, funny, lovely betrothed. Oh-

   "Did you hear about what happened to Alain? Poor man. Amélie is worried sick about him. She says that he closes himself up in his office and doesn't get out, eats his meals up there. Poor, poor man," said duchess Clarice. After that, the little bevy of women went silent, slowly shaking their heads.

   Estelle hadn't thought about how the news would hit Alain. He was accused of assassination by a powerful Emperor for goodness' sake! Of course he would like to lock himself up in his office. She wondered about his people and the state of his duché. However, what she worried about most is the reaction of the people when her, Rafael and her comitatus arrived.

   "On another less depressing note, Lord Osée has annulled his marriage and is looking for another bride," said Lady Avril and the rest of the ladies piped up, taking quick sips of their tea.

  Dread washed over Estelle again as she heard the change of subject. No, not men again, she despaired. Throwing a look at the pendulum clock, she noticed it was already one in the afternoon.

   "Ladies, my apologies, but, I fear that it is about time I left to deal with other matters," said she, gathering her skirts so that she could stand up. Out of nowhere, Lady Avril and Lady Clarice showed up at her sides and took hold of each of her arms, keeping her in place. Panicky, Estelle looked at them only to see saccharine smiles on their faces.

   "Oh, Majesty. What's the rush? Stay a little while longer. Just a little while," the duchess said, holding her arm tighter than was necessary.

   "Aye, Majesty. Just a little while longer," Lady Avril said, also tightening her hold on her. When Estelle looked around the salon, she saw everyone had that same wicked, saccharine smile. This, what they were doing, reminded her back when she used to attend the salon with her mother and whenever she wanted to slip away, her mother would flash her that same vile smile. Huffing and resigning to her fate, she took another sip of her citrus-flavoured tea. There was no hope of leaving anytime soon, that she knew.


   "Rafa, never again, never. If you abandon me like that again, I think we will need to spar again so that I can teach you a valuable lesson," said Estelle, throwing Rafael a glare from across the little tea table they were seated in. He had invited her over for some evening tea when all she had been doing the whole day was drinking gallons of the substance. In response, Rafael let out a nervous chuckle and rubbed the back of his neck.

   "You don't have to do that, mi corazón. I vow to you that I will not ever abandon you so again. I will coming galloping on a white horse as your Knight in shining armour to rescue you from those treacherous furies from hell," said he, reaching for Estelle's hand but, she swatted it away, angrily sipping on her tea.

   "By God, their conversations were mind-numbing. All they talked about was men, and men, and men. Oh they occasionally talked about Alain, then they would talk about men for hours on end," she went on, "and when I would try to get out, those furies would beleaguer me and block off all my escape routes. I never want to go to a ladies' salon ever again. That right there, was pure torture," said she, huffing and deflating in her seat. Her back was sore from sitting ram-rod straight for hours.

   "Don't worry, on the morrow, we will ride out to the village and open that new learning room that you were so excited about," he offered and that brought a smile to Estelle's countenance.

   "I cannot wait," said she, looking at Rafael who was mirroring her excited smile. How he understood her priorities.

   "And then we have to come back to prepare for the ball," he added and Estelle let out a groan. She hated this place.


Bonjour! I hope you had a great day. Another update for you lovelies *throws kisses*.

Hmm, a ball. I wonder what will go right there or what might go wrong . . . (insert evil author cackle). *rubs hands in devious preparation*.

How do you like the way Estelle and Rafael are so playful with each other now?

I'm now at my grandma's house and this county is so cold, by God. I'm a born coasterian who is used to warm temperatures throughout the year (26°C and above) and then I come to this place where the temperatures are below 18°C on average. With all that is holy, I am FREEZING here.

When I step out of the house I have to put on my shirt, a sweater, another sweater, a jacket and a trenchcoat and gloves. Anyway, on the bright side, my grandma is glad to see me and so am I.

I was also wondering whether I should add music quotes at the beginning of the chapter, leave your opinions here →→→→


Le Abrutissant Salon: The Mind-numbing Salon.

∆|•Tatyanna•|∆ 😙

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