Chapitre Quatre: Le Hôtellerie en Clermont

  Maybe we can turn back time, do it all over again,
Tomorrow we could press rewind, we're staying at the Lotus Inn.
¶Why Don't We––Lotus Inn¶

    N̤̈Ï̤G̤̈Ḧ̤T̤̈ had already dawned when the Queen and her entourage arrived at 'Le Clermont Hôtellerie'. All of them were saddle-sore and their countenances betrayed they were sleep deprived. Rafael was all for showing what he was feeling; was never one to hide his emotions that one. So, he threw the reigns to the stable boy that had came up and marched away to the inn, seeking some good night sleep.

   Estelle looked at him and slightly shook her head. She knew of what he was going to be met with upon his entrance, hence the way she made no hurry to go inside. Soon enough, she caught up to him and being the gentleman he was despite his grumpiness at the time, he opened the door; but before Estelle could walk in, the noise inside the inn blasted their ear drums. He was forced to shut the door to salvage the rest of his hearing senses. When he turned to Estelle, he saw that she was trying to hide a chuckle.

   Well that is a first, he thought, but forced himself to think about what he originally wanted to say

   "I thought you said that we were going to stay at a peaceful place, not this brothel!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air in utter frustration.

   "Aye, we were, but you insisted that we just rest at whichever place we found first. And, mind you, this is not a brothel, 'tis my cousin's inn. They just have a little habit of playing music up to the wee hours of the night, that is all." With that, she opened the door and the sound blended into the silent night, drowning it with its loud music. Having no choice, Rafael was forced to follow after her.

   Violins, drums, guitars, a pianoforte; they had an entire band on the raised platform and people were in each others arms, twirling and twirling to the tune. To Rafael, it was all utter chaos. Sure, back in Zejardo, this was the kind of place in which he thrived in; but, not at that moment. He was sleepy and he had an incessant, unrelenting migraine. Bringing his hands up to his ears, he tried blocking the sound but to no avail.

   "Estelle!" a shrill voice rang through their ear drums making them wince at the way the sound reverberated in their ears.

   A tiny figure ushered them to a tiny parlour to the side and they dutifully complied seeking solace for their dear ears. It was a complete wonder to them as to how the people inside were able to tolerate all that noise.

   The figure threw herself to a prepared Estelle who nimbly caught her in her arms. Rafael felt completely ignored; the girl didn't even acknowledge his presence and it was hard for him to swallow that since he was always the centre of everyone's attention in a room.

   "Oh, Estelle, how I have missed you so. It has been three years since we last met and you have grown so beautiful!" she said with adoring eyes, lovingly stroking her jet-black hair.

   "Thank you, Giselle. You have grown into a beautiful young woman as well. Now stop treating me akin to a babe. We both know that I am not one," she said with a chirpy tone, making Rafael wonder as to who this person really was to put Estelle in such a happy disposition. To him, when she was in a good mood, she would speak normally, but alas! when she was angry, her sentence length would be reduced to only few words and they would be said with such coldness that one would wish to crawl under a surface.

   At long last, Giselle turned around and faced a very grumpy Rafael; it seemed to be his general mood that evening. Her grey eyes brightened up when a smile plastered her lips, stretching from ear to ear beautifully. Seeing so, Rafael cheered up, noticing that she wasn't so rude as to not be courteous. Bowing down, he took her hand into his own and brushed his lips against her knuckles.

   "Enchante, mademoiselle. You are unmarried, non?" he asked, giving her one of his lopsided half-smiles that could knock the breath out of any sane woman.

   "You don't see any ring on my finger, do you?" she countered with the same tone that he had used with her, making Rafael smile all the more. Estelle cleared her throat to catch their attention for they had been locked in each others gazes with Giselle staring at Rafael with big, doe eyes.

   "Giselle, I would like you to meet Crown Prince Rafael Ortega Hernando of Zejardo, otherwise known as my betrothed," she said with the same apathy she used when she was disinterested in things. Hearing so, Giselle snapped her eyes away from Rafael's and looked at Estelle worriedly, seeking to see if she was mad or not.

   "Rafael, meet Giselle Bourn, my overly-flirtatious cousin," she went on, looking at the both of them disapprovingly in semblance to a mother lecturing her children.

   "Oh, Estelle, I am so sorry, I was not aware that this handsome, Zejardian man," she said, throwing Rafael a sideways glance, then turning back to imploring Estelle saying: "Was your betrothed. Will you ever forgive me for my ignorance?" she beseeched her, looking at her with huge puppy dog eyes. Estelle glanced at her once and released a sigh.

   "I could not care any less, honestly." The way she said it so indifferently made Rafael feel a sudden pang of pain. He had half expected her to burst out with anger or something of that sort; it was the main reason he had done so after all. Sighing in resignation, he opened the door to the parlour only to be hit by the sudden wave of noise that hailed in the adjoining room. Quickly, he closed the door and leaned on it. He was so tired and all he could wish for at the time was to just sleep.

   Is it too much to ask, goodness?! He thought while rolling his eyes.

   "Well then, I am going upstairs to get some forty winks," Estelle said, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hands whilst letting out a long yawn of sleepiness coupled with exhaustion.

   "Sleep? Sleep now? How can you sleep when the night is still young?" Giselle asked with a befuddled look upon her countenance, a certain mischief lingering in the depths of her eyes.

   "Giselle, my men and I are saddle-sore and have only slept a wink the previous night. All we could ask for at the moment is a warm bed to lie on," she said exasperatedly.

   "Which you will most surely be given after you perform," she replied matter-of-factly, tilting her head to the side. Estelle's eyes flew wide open in horror. She had almost forgotten about her cousin's singing obsession. Sure, the moments brought memories that could be remembered with a smile, but she was extremely exhausted at the time and she knew exactly the frustration that Rafael was harbouring at the moment.

   "My vocal cords are not prepared to perform. I can not even recall when was the last time I sang, Giselle," Estelle said, letting out another yawn that made Rafael chuckle. Her face had contorted to one akin to that of a child, her lips pouting and her tone childish. However, the shock was still there, she can sing? He thought while looking on at the argument they had going on.

   "For old times' sake, Estelle?" Giselle implored, leaving Estelle no choice. Now that she could actually think about it, every time that her cousin would beg something of her, she would always succumb to her demands in the end. It was rare to see Giselle sad, and she tended to keep it that way, even if it was at the cost of her treasured sleep. With that, Giselle jumped in excitement and squealed, making Rafael wince once more that evening. Still in her jolly mood, she went outside the parlour to do Lord-knows-what.

   "I never knew you had relatives," he said, drawing back Estelle from her momentary reverie. Studying her face, he looked for any trace of uncomfortableness but found none. Meaning it was a topic that was safe to venture into.

   "She is the only one I have left. I haven't gotten the time to visit her ever since my parents funeral, being caught up in royal affairs and the like. I rarely even got time for myself. She was always this little bubble of energy that could bring a smile to your face whether you approve of it or not. We used to spend the holiday together back when we were young since she was one to get seasick when on a boat, just like I was. So during the holidays, it was just me and her, performing here at the inn at the night. She's basically my entire childhood wrapped up in one person." A wistful look was upon her countenance as she recalled the old days that seemed like ages go when she thought of them at the moment.

   "No wonder she can get you to do what I can't.

   "Which is?"

   "Force a bona fide laugh out of you," he said with a half smile that didn't carry as much of his regular naughtiness or charisma, it was more of a hurt one. Before she could reply, the door flew open and with it came the noise from the contiguous room.

   "Come on, the people are waiting for you," Giselle shouted, motioning for her to follow where she went. Even though the invitation wasn't extended to him, Rafael went after her, into the not-so-loud room then. Everything had gone reposeful as they made their way across the room to a tiny stage at the front.

   "Everyone, we have with us very important guests. With one being Crown Prince Rafael of Zejardo, otherwise known as my cousins betrothed and our future King," she said, waving her hand towards Rafael who had bowed dutifully and flashed the rest of the room his blinding smile.

   "And our very own, Queen Devereux of Troyes, otherwise known as my dear cousin," she said, motioning to Estelle who had by then mustered a ghost of a smile on her visage.

   "For those of you who have been here for ages, you are well aware of the little tradition that me and my cousin have carried on for some time. The song is still the same and it still holds the same meaning it had before." With that, the pianist began pressing a light key, one following the other consistently, all together forming a wonderful melody.

"Through thick and thin,

We have been through it all,

Our bond tighter than before,

Just me and you,

Standing here together,

Professing, the sisterly love we share."

   Estelle began, her smooth voice flowing through the quiescent room, leaving everyone in awe. Once more, the piano keys lilting tune carried itself across the room as Giselle waited for the tune to pick up.

"Nothing, oh nothing,

Could ever tear me away from you,

No matter the season,

For whatever reason,

I know at the end of it all,

Youll be here standing tall,

Waiting for us to reunite,

Letting the fire ignite,

Oh, the fire we call our love."

   After Giselle's part, the violinist played her instrument with eloquence, the lulling tone pleasing to the ears. When the awaited part commenced, the both of them drew in their breaths, preparing for the last part.

"So, dear sister,

Let us never part,

Remain strong and grow stronger,

Like the phoenix when we fight,

From the fire, we'll arise,

With our bond stronger,

Stronger than before."

   Estelle drew out a breath, blood pulsing through her veins in a drumming way that brought about a euphoric feeling in her. How she had forgotten of the joy that she gained from singing, a form of expressing herself in a way that not only pleased her, but everyone around her as well. With a light smile gracing her features, she peered above the crowd to find everyone else smiling along; it might have been her best performance yet.

   Glancing behind the drapes, she saw Rafael leaning on the wall with an air of nonchalance and a lopsided grin on his lips. When he caught her staring at him, he mouthed the words, 'I can most probably do much better.' In response, Estelle made an unladylike snort that drew the attention of many. Strutting towards the centre of the stage, she gently pushed aside Giselle and cleared her throat, making herself the centre of one and all's attention.

   "Merci, merci. I had almost forgotten how much I've missed this place so. Now, my betrothed would like to perform a piece as well." That statement had Rafael choking up on his own saliva in utter shock. Throwing a wary glance to the expectant onlookers who had caught him silently trying to sneak away, he cleared his throat and gathered up his courage.

   He swaggered his way to the stage, but upon laying his eyes on a handmade Zejardian guitar, a thought flitted through his mind and he went with the whim. With a curt nod to the guitarist, he took the guitar and sat on the stool that had been set up for him.

   "Well, I have to admit that this is my first time performing in front of such a large crowd. So, if I make a mishap or do something that is unacceptable in your culture, I'd really appreciate it if we could just laugh it off," he said, with his fingers fiddling with the neck of the guitar and occasionally running a hand through his already tousled hair. A natural smile was plastered on his lips as he played a string.

   "Oh, and I would like to inform you all that the song that I'm going to perform is a tad different from what you are used to." To that he added a wink and began to play the first chord, the sound bouncing on the walls and bringing back a wave of anticipation to the listeners.

"Buenas noches, mucho gusto, eras una chica más

Después de cinco minutos, ya eras alguien especial

Sin hablarme, sin tocarme, algo dentro se encendió

En tus ojos se hacía tarde y me olvidaba del reloj

Estos días a tu lado me enseñaron que en verdad

No hay tiempo determinado para comenzar a amar

Siento algo tan profundo que no tiene explicación

No hay razón ni lógica en mi corazón

Entra en mi vida, te abro la puerta

Sé que en tus brazos ya no habrá noches desiertas

Entra en mi vida, yo te lo ruego

Te comencé por extrañar, pero empecé a necesitarte luego

Aah, aah ah

Buenas noches, mucho gusto, ya no existe nadie más

Después de este tiempo juntos, no puedo volver atrás

Tú me hablaste, me tocaste y te volviste mi ilusión

Quiero que seas dueña de mi corazón

Entra en mi vida, te abro la puerta

Sé que en tus brazos ya no habrá noches desiertas

Entra en mi vida, yo te lo ruego

Te comencé por extrañar, pero empecé a necesitarte luego

Entra en mis horas, sálvame ahora

Abre tus brazos fuerte y déjame entrar

Entra en mi vida, te abro la puerta

Sé que en tus brazos ya no habrá noches desiertas

Entra en mi vida, yo te lo ruego

Te comencé por extrañar, pero empecé a necesitarte luego

Aaah ah

Te comencé por extrañar, pero empecé a necesitarte luego."

   At first, the Troyan onlookers were filled with confusion as he sang a foreign language that was new to their ears. But afterwards, as the song went on and the melody lilted in the air, they came to the conclusion that music knew no bounds and that it would always remain the same: music. His soothing baritone––at times occasionally switching to falsetto––echoed in the quiescent room as the people swayed from side to side, their eyes closed and a smile on their visage.

   However, the crowd failed to take note of the way the singer did not maintain eye contact with them––as they closed their eyes, taking in the way the melody soothed their heart––rather, his eyes never left Estelle's; the only one in the room who knew and understood what he was singing. The song itself without understanding the lyrics carried unspoken feelings, but, when you understood everything, the song spoke volumes about the person he really was in the inside. A truly earnest smile, spread ear to ear on her soft and delicate features, lighting up not only her countenance, but also her entire being.

   "Thank you, thank you. I'd like to mention that the song was dedicated to my most lovely betrothed. Though I wager that she was the only wiser and knew from the beginning that it was meant for her. Once more, thank you for lending me your ears." With that, he got up from the stool and a round of applause followed him as he made his way down the raised surface to meet his betrothed at the foot of the stairs with a blinding smile that left the younger female onlookers in awe.

   "So, do you agree that I am better than you, or nay?" That same dashing smile was on his lips once more with a teasing touch to it. That alone forced Estelle to smile.

   "Nay, you are not better than me. However, I'll give it to you that you are a marvellous singer," she said walking over to a lone table at the corner of the room.

   "I agree, your voice is as sweet as that of a nightingale; pleasing to the ears and soothing to the heart." Estelle rolled her eyes at the flattery. A yawn escaped her lips, forcing a laugh out of Rafael. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment, but it wasn't that easily recognizable because of the dim candlelight.

   "When is your cousin finally going to give us a room to rest our heads on? I am exhausted and drained. It was a performance that she sought and, it was what she received. Now can we go to sleep?" he complained, his lower lip forming a pout. The loud music that had once occupied the room upon their entrance began once more, making them groan out of frustration.

   "What are you two doing here, all tired-looking and bored? Get up and dance. You won't be a youth twice, cousin. That is why I live every night of mine to the fullest. Now stop sending me those fear-instilling glares of yours and get your arses up," she said, eyeing the pair with a sort-of commanding look and they had no choice but to do as they were told. They stood there for some moments, staring at the dance-floor with hatred as if its very existence was the cause of their current suffering.

   "Oh mon Dieu! You two are betrothed, are you not? Get on the dance-floor and dance romantically or something of that sort. Don't be sending it daggers," Giselle said, throwing her arms up in the air in frustration.

   They acquiesced and trudged to the dance floor and, to the great luck they could owe to that evening, a slow song came on, forcing them to waltz close to each other, farther intensifying their uncomfortableness. However, to their relief, the song did not last long as an upbeat one, much like Zejardian tango came up making Estelle stumble one or two times due to her unfamiliarity. Rafael, being well acquainted with the dances, spun her round and hauled her back in to his person, closer than they had been before and arched her back as per the dance.

   "I know you are not well versed with Zejardian dances, but, no need to fear. Just follow my lead," said he as he lifted her up and yanked her close to him once more to whisper in her ear, "mi amor."

   Estelle was not used to such closeness, but, unlike earlier when they had met, she no longer felt uncomfortable, rather, a feeling in her lower abdomen awoke, sending jolts all around it as her cheeks flamed.

   The songs kept changing along with the dances, adrenaline coursed through their veins and their foreheads were beaded with sweat. But through it all, Estelle relived the days of the inn before her family's demise.

  Times when she was happy, free and not bound to a kingdom that was on the verge of war. Tonight, she vowed to herself to let loose all the ties that she had towards her monarchy. So at the middle of the dance, she pried herself loose from Rafael's warm embrace and made her way towards the drinks table to serve herself a goblet of Clermont's best wine. After a single of swig of it, she relinquished the feel of the sweet liquid making its way down her oesophagus and the bitter-sweet taste that lingered on her tongue. Sooner than later, Rafael joined her and gulped the glass in one swig. Afterwards, he let out a laugh that bubbled from his throat.

   They eyed each other as they took goblet after goblet of wine and soon, it became a sport, competing to see which one would drink the most. However, it did not take long for them to get sick of the taste. As time trickled, evening turned into late night and Rafael threw caution to the wind and seized Estelle by the waist to spin her round and round on the dance-floor. Together, they laughed and danced to their hearts delight.

   The air in the dance room grew humid and sickened the Royals; so they headed out to go and take a breath of fresh air. Outside, the stars were twinkling and the moon shone bright, providing some sort of illumination to the area. Estelle led Rafael towards the roof patio that she always went to whenever she had visited her cousin at the Inn. With a huff, she sat down and looked at the sky as her thoughts wandered to and fro, swinging her legs as she sat on the balustrade.

   "Tonight sure was . . . eventful," said Rafael, his tone slurry and the breaths he drew were filled with the scent of wine. His breath lingered in the air for a couple of moments as it slowly merged with the night wind; the same wind that threw the lapels of his shirt apart, exposing just a fragment of his chest. At the sight of that, Estelle looked away as her cheeks flamed a brighter shade that she already had on because of the alcohol running in her veins.

   "I concede," Estelle replied, turning over to look at Rafael once more.

   "Estrella, has someone . . . ever told you . . . how beautiful you are?" said Rafael as a burp escaped his lips. That alone forced a laugh out of Estelle and her heart thumped at the way he used the Zejardian variation of her name.

   "Aye, multiple times." Rafael rolled his eyes at her reply and both let out chuckles.

   "I reckon . . . that I will never stop telling you this . . . I am happy," said he, his gaze boring into Estelle's with an intensity that added yet another blush onto her already flushed face.

   "Why?" she asked, staring into his hazel eyes as if daring him to stop looking at hers with such fervor; but, he did not back down and cower.

   "I made you laugh," he said innocently with a dopey smile on his lips. It wasn't one of those blinding, lop-sided grins of his; it was earnest. Among the very few that he betrayed from time to time. "Ugh, mi corazon, I fear that I am developing some feelings for you," he went on, not once shying away from her concentrated gaze and never once bothering with the lapels of his shirt.
   "Are you, now?" she queried and was answered by a brief nod of his head. She was at a loss for words, what was she to say when a person she only met about three days ago confessed that he harboured feelings for her? One thing that she was sure of was that she couldnt say that she felt the same way, as harsh as that might have sounded in her mind.

   "Well, Rafael, you have succeeded in making me uncomfortable." Estelle blamed the wine for the way she spoke. She sounded nothing like the way she usually did; poised, calm, unperturbed, she felt none of that at the time. All she felt was nervousness that she might speak carelessly since she became overly-truthful when inebriated. Rafael laughed at her words, more than he was even supposed to. Once he was done, he rubbed away the tiny drops of tears that collected at the corner of his eyes as a result of laughing and a sombre look dawned on his countenance.

   "Do you not feel the same way?" asked he, and Estelle could have sworn she saw his eyes glistening.

   "Not necessarily. But, I do find you handsome." After conferring that, she clamped her mouth with her hands and her eyes flew wide open. Throwing nervous glances at Rafael, she saw a dopey smile stretch on his lips––again––as he slowly edged closer.

   "Do you, now?" he asked, reaching over to shrug a loose strand of hair behind her ear and the corners of his mouth lifted into a satisfactory smile when her ears changed to a colourful hue of magenta.

   "Like any normal teenage girl would. People keep forgetting that even though I am a Queen, it doesn't change the fact that I am what I am: a teenager who can swoon over handsome men or even blush when in close proximity with them and grow uncomfortable when they get too close," said she, giving him a pointed look which he promptly understood and scooched back.

   "I guess I like you that way," said he, giving her his signature blinding smile as his wine breath splashed on her face making her heart flutter for a moment.

   After that, Rafael cleared the uneasiness he created by changing the subject and talking about Zejardo and how he missed his home already. Estelle did not mean to be rude but, her eyes fluttered shut after some time and her senses went numb as she slinked back on the wall. When Rafael spotted that, he smiled and with utmost gentleness, he carried her in his arms and made his descent to the still-crowded dance room where he bumped into a drunken Giselle who ushered him to their rooms.

   Pushing the door to Estelle's chambers with his foot, he stepped in and laid her carefully on the bed so as to not rouse her from her slumber. One thing that he noted was that she was a heavy sleeper despite her awareness in the daytime. With one last glance on her calm and relaxed features and a light kiss on her forehead, Rafael blew out the candles and exited the room to retire to bed as well.

   Tonight is one to remember, he thought with a smile.

*Chapter Four: The Inn at Clermont.*

A\N: It has been long, hasn't it? You most probably even gave up on me, no? Anyway, I had been suffering from procrastination, but, not to worry. I am back and will be on a writing blitz that will hopefully not expire soon. Have a nice day :)

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